Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 44 Morning Tea yyds

Chapter 44 Morning Tea yyds
".Did you catch one today?"

Lin Yuqing said in silence for a while, then turned her head and looked into the trunk.

"Dad, didn't you come back with another bucket of water?"

Father Lin smiled awkwardly, and said with experience: "No, your mother won't let you carry it home, and it will stink if left in the car for a long time."

"Hey, the fisherman will never be in the air force, I understand."

Zhao Hanya said with a smile.

Li Rui sat upright on the co-pilot of the BMW, not daring to move his feet on the soft cushions on the ground.

Father Lin saw that Li Rui was a little cautious, so he took the initiative to talk to him.

"Where do you live at home?"

"What month?"

"The young man looks very handsome."

"Are you doing well?"

The gentle voice made Li Rui unknowingly open the chatter box, and gradually chatted with Lin's father.

Before I knew it, I arrived at Wanda.

"I'm here, goodbye."

Li Rui opened the car door, waved to several people, got out of the car, and closed the door.

"Be careful."

Father Lin opened the car window and started the car after giving some instructions.

"Li Rui is a good kid, but he looks a little shy. Who asked him to play with him?"

Father Lin was looking for information.

Lin Yuqing decisively sold out her teammates: "It's Yaya."

Zhao Hanya secretly pinched Lin Yuqing in the back row, causing Lin Yuqing to scream in pain.

Father Lin said with a smile: "In the future, you can often call me over to have fun, and have something to eat at home."

From the reactions of the two girls, Dad Lin also understood something.

It can be said that Zhao Hanya grew up under the supervision of Lin's father, because of the long-term relationship between the two girls, and the relationship between the two parents is also good, and they occasionally go out for picnics together.

What Lin's father meant was that he could often call him over to have a meal and have fun at his house, and Yang's mother was also happy to have someone as a guest.

For Papa Lin, puppy love is not scary.

They used to have spring hearts at this age, let alone children now.

Therefore, it is useless to blindly block and suppress, and it will be counterproductive.

Therefore, in his opinion, the most important thing for parents is to guide and let the children develop freely where they can observe, so that there will be no major disturbances or family disputes.

As for how the children are willing to share with their parents and develop freely where the parents can observe, this is about the education that Papa Lin has always given.

He never asks Lin Yuqing what he can't do, he can try whatever he wants, he has the capital to let Lin Yuqing try and make mistakes.

No matter what he wanted to learn, what he wanted to play when he was a child, or even wanting to join a tour group to travel abroad alone when he broke out in the second grade in the sixth grade, he was satisfied.

He personally reported to the travel agency for her, selected a group of reliable employees under his command, and gave them vacations, both men and women.

I formed a group of tour groups all of my own people, and went to several European countries for a tour.

At that time, Lin Yuqing thought that these uncles and aunts who enthusiastically took care of her were strangers. In fact, she had already regretted her outrageous thoughts since she got on the plane.

But the special plane has already taken off, and there is no way to turn back.

So Lin Yuqing spent a week of traveling abroad in this way, crying and calling Yang's mother to miss home every night.

Then a big sister from a tour group will come to play with her and sleep with her.

When Lin Yuqing came back from traveling, she also experienced the free life she had imagined before, but she finally understood how good the family is. Even if there are so many caring strangers taking care of her along the way, she still misses Papa Lin and Yang very much. mom.

From then on, she would share any outrageous ideas with Lin's father and Yang's mother. Anyway, they would not scold themselves for it, but would seriously discuss the feasibility of these outrageous ideas together.

Is there anything more outrageous than letting a sixth grader travel abroad alone?
She now admires her former self.

This educational concept also affected Zhao Hanya and her parents. When the two parents met, her mother would often complain why Dad Lin didn't take Zhao Hanya out with her.

It is normal for children to have many inexplicable and bizarre ideas when they grow up. If you study and explore with them, a virtuous circle will be formed, and the so-called generation gap will no longer exist.

"By the way, Yaya, your aunt said that she made a lot of delicious refreshments at night, do you want to have dinner together?"

Father Lin extended an invitation to Zhao Hanya.

Lin Yuqing was a little puzzled: "What refreshment?"

"It's like pork ribs with chicken feet and pork ribs."

Ribs, chicken feet?
Fang Lin's ears perked up, this food is delicious.

It sounds like this is something like southern morning tea. He used to be a northerner, but he also tried to eat it in the store.

But there is no such thing as morning tea and dinner at home.

Zhao Hanya was also a little greedy: "Okay, Uncle Lin, please call my mother."

"no problem."

The car was temporarily quiet, and Fang Lin also calmed down to think about the situation in the park just now.

It seems that for a period of time, he has been suppressing the restlessness in his heart, wanting to be a Buddhist extraordinary Erha.

The peaceful life during this period was indeed as he had imagined, and the roar that shook the sky when he absorbed the spiritual power for the first time seemed to be an illusion.

However, since I met the man in the windbreaker today, all this seems to be irrepressible.

After his body gave him a warning, his spirit also cooperated, causing his whole body to be completely mobilized.

Although the result is good, the body has been tempered ahead of time, and it is possible to find a shortcut to temper the body, which may be used when the body can be further tempered in the future.

But that restlessness could not be suppressed again.

After being provoked by the man in the hat, a strong desire surged in my heart, just to fight and tear him apart, even if he was just an ordinary person.

Fang Lin could feel that this power was like the will in his blood instinct, which could help him quickly adapt to the cruel battlefield and become the most brutal existence in the meat grinder.

It's like the fighting instinct of those beasts in the novel.

But the problem is that now is not the kind of environment in the chaos of war. Human life is not worthless. In the Dragon Kingdom Federation, human life is more important than Mount Tai.

He had to find a way to reasonably control this will, this will that kept calling him to fight and kill.

It is usually hidden, but it can be taken out instantly when needed in the future.

Fang Lin actually had some clues.

Lin Yuqing's anxious call made him clear-headed in an instant, maybe he already thought she was some kind of fetter in his heart?
Can a warm family lock a restless heart like a chain?

This needs to be tried, and maybe there is a way to vent it. It can’t be blocked all the time, like a spring that is pressed harder and bounces higher. If there is no way to unblock it, it may cause some unsustainable consequences one day.

Take your time, Fang Lin felt a little tired, and the dog's head lay on Lin Yuqing's lap and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he was attracted by the scent.

This is different from the aroma of hot pot or barbecue full of seasoning charcoal fire, more like the faint fragrance of the food itself.

Fang Lin opened his eyes and found himself lying on the sofa.

Lin Yuqing, Zhao Hanya and Xiaojie were sitting next to them watching cartoons. Fang Lin took a closer look and it seemed that it was Qin Shimingyue?

"Kaka woke up!"

Mama Yang poked her head out from the kitchen and said with a smile, "It seems that I'm really tired from playing, you guys pack up and get ready for dinner."

Xiaojie came over to touch Fang Lin and said, "My sister told us that you are really good today."

Then he said to Lin Yuqing: "I said a long time ago that Kaka jumps very high, and she will open the door by herself!"

Fang Lin cast a glance at him, jumped off the sofa and stretched his buttocks.

This sleep was really comfortable. It is estimated that Father Lin carried him back, and I didn't feel it at all.

Fang Lin was walking along the living room, Xiaojie and Zhao Hanya were arguing about which character was the most powerful; Lin's father was helping Yang's mother to carry out small steamers; Xueqiu was also attracted by the fragrance, wagging his tail and followed Be a follower behind Mama Yang's ass.


Snowball saw Fang Lin and greeted him.


There is something delicious today~


After the exchange, Xueqiu followed Mama Yang again.

Finally, after turning around and almost stepping on her, Mama Yang took out a cage of ribs and put them on the ground and fed them to her.

Xueqiu turned his head to look at Fang Lin triumphantly, and stepped on an elegant catwalk to the side of the ribs, ready to enjoy the delicious food he had won.

Fang Lin grinned and smiled.

This kind of atmosphere really made the dog relax, and the strong will disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

"Come on! Let's eat!"

Yang's mother has already put all the prepared food on the table, and all kinds of small steamers are piled high.

Fang Lin and the three children were all in their seats.

"This is Crystal Shrimp Dumpling King."

"This is red rice noodle roll."

"This is the black gold quicksand bag."

"This is steamed chicken wings with Cordyceps flower."

"This is a barbecued pork bun."

"This is steamed chicken feet in abalone sauce."

"This is bean drum ribs."

“This is Black Pepper Beef”

"This is the crab roe bun."

"This is egg tart."

Mama Yang introduced the delicacies she had prepared all afternoon to everyone like a country with her fingertips.

In addition, there are turtle jelly and some porridge.

Fang Lin felt that his saliva was about to flow down.


"Don't worry, I have prepared one for you."

Soon, large and small steamers were placed in front of Fang Lin, and there was no need for other things.

Is this the Crystal Shrimp Dumpling Emperor?
From the outside, it looks like a bun with a thin skin that is almost transparent. After biting it open, Fang Lin found three crystal clear shrimps wrapped in the thin skin.

He didn't hesitate to swallow it in one gulp, smack it, it tastes really good, the shrimps are very fresh.

Yang's mother put a cage for him, and there were three such shrimp dumplings in it, and Fang Lin swallowed them all in one bite.

Then Fang Lin turned his attention to the chicken wings. The chicken wings look very strange, not the whole wings, but small pieces, maybe for the taste?
In the small dish there are tiny filaments like carrots, what kind of Cordyceps flower is this?

Around Fang Lin's tongue, two small pieces of chicken wings and some Cordyceps flowers entered his mouth.

Crackling, the chicken bones were crunchy from Fang Lin's bites, but the Cordyceps flower didn't taste anything.

The chicken wings are also sweet, very bland, and should have a little soy sauce to enhance the freshness.

Not bad.

Fang Lin tasted the dishes one by one, feeling like the nobles once ate a full banquet.

Let's eat the ribs first.

The snow-white pork ribs taste very delicious, and the occasional brittle bones are chewed and swallowed by Fang Lin. In addition to the pork ribs, there is also soft taro that tastes like potatoes.

Next, Fang Lin tasted steamed chicken feet in abalone sauce, black pepper beef, crab roe buns and red rice rolls.

He didn't taste the steamed chicken feet with abalone juice, and he didn't know what the abalone juice tasted like.

It feels like there is a soy sauce-like taste to enhance the freshness, and the chicken feet are very soft and rotten, and they are chewed and swallowed with the bones.

The black pepper beef is almost the same as usual. This black pepper beef should be the only one in all the dishes that is not sweet and light.

Fang Lin liked the crab roe buns made by Yang Ma very much. After swallowing it, the juice burst in his mouth. The full crab roe and meat paste made the taste buds delicious.

The red rice noodle roll was covered with a red skin, and the inside was crunchy. Fang Lin swallowed it without looking at it, as if he had tasted like chicken popcorn.

"Not bad, your mother's craft is getting better and better."

Dad Lin was full of praise when he ate it. He is a southerner and has eaten this kind of tea since he was a child. He feels that Mama Yang makes it very authentic.

Yang Ma said cheerfully: "Of course, after eating in that restaurant that day, I went to learn it, but it's really troublesome to make, it's better to go to the restaurant to eat ready-made."

"Splendid Cantonese cuisine?"

"Well, I thought it was good at the time, didn't I charge [-] yuan for the card? They gave away a king crab, and they said that a new one arrived tomorrow so I can try it, so I will go with Liu Jing, anyway, you are going to work."

".I want to eat, too."

Papa Lin suddenly felt that the barbecued pork buns in his hand were no longer fragrant.

"Hey, just eat enough. The main reason is that pets are not allowed in the restaurant, and Kaka can't eat it. I will make it for him today, and he will stay at home by himself tomorrow." Mama Yang glanced at Papa Lin and said : "It's good to eat what you have, eat it quickly."

What?King crab? ! !
The black gold quicksand bag in Fang Lin's mouth fell off and hit the small plate with a loud sound.

Lin Yuqing was amused by Fang Lin's reaction, while Yang Ma comforted him and said, "It's okay, I'll bring you a leg back when the time comes."


Yang Ma yyds.

It's okay to bring a leg, and finally I can taste the legendary king crab.

Papa Lin's face turned dark, and he kept picking and pulling the ribs in the steamer with his chopsticks, making the chopping sound of the chopsticks and the small plates.

Seeing Father Lin playing with a childish temper, Mama Yang said to him, "Can I miss yours? Liu Jing and I have some other refreshments. I'll keep them for you and bring them back, right?"

Father Lin smiled with satisfaction.

The children were no longer surprised, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya chatted on their own, Xiaojie ate hard, and the two adults came here once when they had nothing to do, to show their affection once, which made them seem like an accident.

 Please recommend and ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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