Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 45 The Opened Bag

Chapter 45 The Opened Bag

The guests and the host had a good meal, Zhao Hanya sat on the chair and felt her round belly and exclaimed that she couldn't walk anymore.

So after dinner, I sat on the sofa in the living room with Lin Yuqing Xiaojie and continued watching cartoons.

Fang Lin was a little puzzled, why didn't Xiaojie go to yo-yo practice? Isn't he going to have a showdown with that Ultraman chubby tomorrow Monday?
But looking at Xiaojie's fascinated look, it is probably a mess.

You can put it on, and I will do it too.

As soon as he got home, he thought about Buddhism. Fang Lin crawled into his bed, watched cartoons casually, while digesting silently, and fell asleep with his ears drooping after a while.

Zhao Hanya played at Fang Lin's house until after nine o'clock before Father Lin sent her back.

At 47:[-] p.m., next door to Fang Lin's house.


There was the sound of the door opening.

Liu Jing sat on the sofa and swiped her phone boredly, while a variety show was playing on the TV.

When she heard the door opening, she stood up in surprise and went to meet her.

"I'm home?"


Ren Da entered the house reeking of alcohol, took off his coat and threw it to Liu Jing, took off his shoes casually, put on slippers and went upstairs.

"Hey, have you eaten? The refreshments I learned from Qianqian in the evening, do you want to try it?"

"No, I've eaten."

"Dong dong dong."

The man went upstairs.


The door of the room opened and closed again.

"Hey, I didn't even talk about making a phone call when I went out to eat."

Liu Jing pouted and muttered to herself, reached out and tapped the clothes on her hand lightly.

But soon hummed a light tune and put away the scattered shoes on the ground.

Seeing that the clothes were wrinkled, she took the clothes and walked to the corner of the living room where the ironing rack was placed to help the man prepare to iron the clothes.

Since Ren Da returned home, Liu Jing's mood has improved, even if he still ate out.

It's normal to have a lot of entertainment, and Liu Jing thinks she can understand it.

She didn't think she was as humble as Yang Nianqian said, she just did what she thought she should do.

Is this wrong?

Ren Da didn't want her to go out and get involved in the business, so she could just do what she should do at home.

"I want to hold your hand like this and not let go~"

"Can love be simple and harmless~"

"You lean on my shoulder~"

"You fell asleep on my chest~"

"Life like this~"

"I love you~you love me~"

Liu Jing hummed the songs she liked when she was young, and the beautiful singing voice echoed in the quiet room.

The iron had already begun to steam upwards with white mist, she shook her body slightly, stopped in satisfaction after humming a small orgasm, and reached for her pocket.


Liu Jing took out an opened condom package from Ren Da's pocket.

She stopped and stared blankly at the bag in her hand, wondering what was going on in her mind.

a long time.

Nearly 30 years old, she is still as beautiful and innocent as a girl, with a subtle curve on the corner of her mouth, and a chuckle.

Liu Jing put away the packing bag and continued to iron the clothes calmly.

In Sioux City at night, Wanjia is dimly lit and bustling.

But the cold and bright moonlight always shines into those equally cold and silent rooms.


Fang Lin woke up with a moan, feeling refreshed.

another beautiful day!
The room was still relatively dark, and the sunlight from the early working sun was tightly blocked by the curtains.

Snowball, who was sleeping in Lin Yuqing's arms, seemed to sense the movement, turned over unconsciously, and covered Lin Yuqing's side-lying face with her snow-white paws.

Lin Yuqing's mouth and nose were attacked by the little claws, and she frowned while she was asleep, stretched out her hand and pulled the claws on her face into her arms and confiscated them.

One person and one cat quieted down again and continued to sleep.


The door opened on time, Fang Lin jumped off the bed and followed Mama Yang out the door.

It's morning routine.

Walking out of the elevator, Fang Lin, who was eager to try, suddenly saw Liu Jing waiting downstairs in her sportswear.

"Are you really up? I thought you were joking last night."

Yang's mother was a little surprised. Liu Jing also mentioned that she would do morning exercises with her before, but Liu Jing likes to sleep in, and she really got up too early.

Unexpectedly, she really came down today.

I don't know if the sunshine in the morning is a psychological effect, but I always feel a sense of vitality.

Liu Jing's smiling face glowed with a different kind of charm in the sun.

"Of course, do what you say hehe."

The three quickly ran along the road.

Because Liu Jing came out to exercise for the first time, Yang's mother took care of her and slowed down so that she could keep up.

However, Fang Lin felt a little awkward, and it was too slow.

Morning exercise is a rare time for him to relax, and he doesn't bother to come out at other times.

"Aw~ woo"

Fang Lin signaled to Yang Ma, and then he spread his legs and ran.

"Eh Kakata?"

"It's okay, maybe I want to move, let's just run slowly."

Hoo, hoo hoo.


Boom, boom, boom.


The flying claws kicked up a trail of dust on the road in the morning.

Fang Lin felt the wind whistling past his ears, and the blood in his body began to burn.

Without Yang Ma taking the lead, Fang Lin ran faster and faster, his shiny hair flying along the path of the wind.

The faster you run, the better you run.

Fang Lin entered the state, and the spiritual power in his tempered body was mobilized, forming along with the mysterious trajectory.


Fang Lin's speed increased to an unbelievable level, even causing afterimages.

"Fuck? What happened just now?"

The young security guard who got up early to patrol had just yawned when he felt something running over quickly, and then a gust of wind was blown on him.

"Is that a husky? Can it run so fast?"

The security guard's 1.5 eyesight allowed him to see Fang Lin who was slowing down, and after recognizing him, he ignored him.


Fang Lin was deeply attracted by the feeling of speed and speed.

However, he still has a semblance of reason. After all, this is a community and not a deep mountain forest. Although he can be faster, let's forget it.

Fang Lin set his speed to the normal standard and continued to run.

"Eh? Kakaka? Are you running so fast?"

Putting her hands on Man's waist, Liu Jing, who was out of breath, saw Fang Lin who was catching up from behind.

The majestic and violent exercise that the sportswear can't cover, fine beads of sweat flow down and gather on Yufeng.

Yang's mother was also a little surprised. As a frequent runner, she felt that this pace seemed a little abnormal, but she didn't think about it, and turned her head and said helplessly to Liu Jing: "Jing, you are too empty, right? Not exercising?"

 there will be more

(End of this chapter)

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