Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 46 No one is home, I will take off directly

Chapter 46 No one is home, I will take off directly

Yang Ma looked at Liu Jing, who was dripping with sweat, and shook her head.

The hair on both sides of Liu Jing's cheeks was soaked, and her face was flushed after exercise.

Although the summer morning is not so hot, it is the best time to sweat for those who do not exercise regularly.

It is normal for some weak people to sweat after two steps. As long as they continue to run, they will lose weight quickly in such a unique climate.

Every summer is the best time to lose weight and exercise.

Liu Jing calmed down and said, "I'm fine, continue."

Yang Ma nodded and continued to lead the way ahead, Liu Jing tried her best to follow closely behind Yang Ma, trying her best to adapt to Yang Ma's pace of the entire Pacific Ocean.

Fang Lin, who had just had a good time, followed the two women around in circles.

It's like you have a supercar that can go 300 yards, and then you drive it on the highway and step on the gas pedal, and you have a hard time.

But you also have concerns about being caught in a speeding photo, and you can only run at the original speed reluctantly after you feel good.

Although this speed makes you feel a little boring and far from the passion just now.

Fang Lin tried his best to adjust his mentality and told himself that there would always be a chance in the future, so he saw Liu Jing's joke.

Fang Lin ran in front of the two of them for a while and circled around them, and then ran behind Liu Jing, yelling.

"Slow to death! Slow to die!"

"A dog can run faster than you!"

Liu Jing thought that Fang Lin was cheering him up, but when she gritted her teeth and persisted, she had no strength to speak, so she could only give him a thumbs up.

Finally, the half-hour morning exercise was over, and Liu Jing stopped in relief, panting while holding her legs.

She doesn't exercise often, she insisted on running behind Yang Ma for 30 minutes without stopping.

At the end of the run, there was only one thought in her mind, which was to run, to keep running.

Although Yang's mother is always paying attention to her state and constantly slowing down, this kind of willpower is already very good.

It is difficult for people without exercise habits to insist on running continuously for three to 10 minutes, even if the running speed is slower than walking in the end.

Most people may not be able to stand it for 10 minutes and stop.

Liu Jing felt that her legs were no longer her own. It was uncomfortable standing, walking, and sitting on the ground.

Yang Ma pulled her up, helped her walk a few steps, and finally recovered.

"What do you feel?"

Mama Yang looked at her and asked.

Liu Jing thought about it seriously and said: "It was really painful at the beginning, and I thought in my heart that I must persevere. At the end, I felt a sense of accomplishment and felt very comfortable. I still want to run tomorrow."

Yang Ma said with a smile: "Normal, running will be addictive."

The two of them went back to take a bath together.

For breakfast, there were some refreshments left over from last night, and each person added an egg and milk.

Everyone eats the same food, but everyone's mood and expression are different.

As we all know, Monday is a very special day.

If Friday is an exciting charge, then Monday is like a death knell that silences and breaks defenses, especially for the student party and migrant workers.

Lin Yuqing rested her head on her left hand and stared blankly at the milk in front of her.

You were still playing yesterday, why are you going to school today?

The most outrageous thing is that the first period this morning is still math class!

She thought of the homework she messed up last night, and her little face wrinkled into a ball.

Xiaojie's expression is somewhat solemn and serious. He has no burden of homework or anything. He finishes it every day before going home, and the same goes for weekend homework.

But today, in the big recess after the second period, he will have a duel with Liu Chao.

Huolishaonianwang's BGM seemed to ring in his heart again.

Dad Lin looked relaxed and indifferent. Up to his current position, the company has been on the right track and there is nothing to worry about.

A good leader is definitely not worried about everything. Didn’t you see that Zhu Yuanzhang abolished the prime minister and worked hard at everything. He once reviewed 1660 memorials and handled 3391 state affairs in eight days.

Although the results were quite fruitful, they could not escape the end of overwork.

Moreover, what the Dragon Kingdom Federation lacks most now is talents, as long as the right people are allowed to do the right things.

Father Lin goes to work on time every day now. He fumbles around in the independent office by himself, and occasionally goes out for a walk to encourage and encourage the employees, and it's time to get off work.

Then get off work and go home on time, and never stay longer, unless there is an urgent project that requires overnight overtime, he will reluctantly accompany his subordinates to work overtime for a while.

So it's hard for you to see the dissatisfaction with Monday from Dad Lin's face.

And Yang's mother was much happier. After sending her two children to school, she could have a dinner date with Liu Jing.

First go for a casual stroll, then go to the restaurant for morning tea at 10:30, chat while eating, and come back to sleep after eating, perfect.

Fang Lin was thinking about what he was doing today, and he was the only one left at home. This kind of opportunity doesn't happen often.

He first accompanied Mama Yang to send the two children to school, and then "reluctantly" watched the elated Mama Yang go out with the weary Liu Jing on her arm.


The door is closed.


Fang Lin happily ran around the living room quickly, and then went upstairs to Xiaojie's bedroom after thinking about it.


At the gate of Fang Lin's community, in a black SUV.

Wearing sunglasses, Yang Zhen pressed the electronic handbrake and turned to everyone in the car, saying, "This task is the first task that Lao Deng assigned us to the Suzhou Special Affairs Bureau. It must be completed."

The co-pilot sat the cool Yi Fei who was wearing sunglasses, and there were three Lin Shaohua and others who were also wearing sunglasses in the back row.

Yang Zhen wore his newly bought sunglasses, looked at the few people who were also wearing sunglasses, and suddenly felt that the newly bought sunglasses were not good.

Yesterday, Lao Deng called to inform him of this task. He went to the mall overnight to pick out sunglasses.

But he was also embarrassed to ask a few people to take off the sunglasses, let alone take off the sunglasses by himself.

Wouldn't it be less handsome if you didn't wear it yourself?
Yi Fei noticed his thoughts and couldn't hold back a chuckle.

Before Yang Zhen broke through, she took him with him for a whole year. Why did Yang Zhen think that she didn't know?
When Yang Zhen saw Yi Fei who was laughing out loud, his teeth were itchy.

"The boundless sky is my love~"

The phone rang, and Yang Zhen answered the call.

Feng Dong, who had a round face, suddenly couldn't help himself when he heard the ringtone.


He couldn't help laughing for a while, and quickly reached out to cover his mouth.

Yang Zhen gave him a hard look, and then said, "Hey, it's Team Deng, what instructions do you have?"

"Oh oh oh."

"Good good."

"Are you still worried about me?"

A vague voice came from the phone: "It's because of you that I'm worried!"

Yang Zhen secretly pressed the volume button on the phone to lower the volume.

 Do you think it is better to post 4000 words in one chapter, or in two chapters?
  There is no way to update the new book issue, everyone must follow up~

(End of this chapter)

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