Chapter 47

After a conversation, Yang Zhen hung up the phone.

Yi Fei leaned on the seat, pulled the sunglasses to the tip of her nose, revealed a pair of lazy eyes and asked him with a slanted head, "What did you say?"

"I explained this mission again, and then said that he will come to Sucheng in the next few days."

Lin Shaohua quickly asked: "Team Deng is coming?" His tone was a little excited.


Yang Zhen responded, then turned his head to ask him strangely after turning off the car, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I can see Team Deng is a little nervous."

Hearing this answer, Yang Zhen looked at the other two subordinates who were also a little excited and cursed with a smile: "Look at how promising you are."

However, he also understands their thinking. There can be countless special affairs sub-bureau chiefs in the entire southern province, but there can only be one Deng team.

This team is called the Southern Province Special Affairs Rapid Response Team.

All the official awakeners above C-level in Southern Province are among them, and of course there are no unofficial C-level awakeners now.

Deng Jiefu, director of the Southern Provincial Bureau of Special Affairs, also serves as the team leader.

Although Lin Shaohua and the others were dispatched by the headquarters, it was difficult for them to see Deng Jiefu.

"Ju Yang, that's the Heaven Zhanjian."

Yang Zhen touched his nose, and the shocking sword that seemed to be sent from the sky appeared in his mind. It was so majestic, and when he looked up, it seemed that the entire sky was torn apart.

He waved his hand and said to several people: "There will be more opportunities to meet each other in the future, let's go and get off."

So five people wearing black sunglasses came to the gate of Yunting Community.

Yang Zhen took off his sunglasses and greeted the security guard at the door, who was the one who let them in that morning.

He looked at Yang Zhen with some dissatisfaction. Although the Federal Police finally confirmed their identities that day, they were indeed members of the special department.

However, this still cannot change the situation of being scolded by the security captain at that time.

Who hasn't been a veteran?You are still members of the Federation, so you are not afraid of you, are you?

"Why are you here again?"

Seeing this, Yang Zhen said angrily, "I'm going to perform the task, so let me show you the certificate again?"

As a gesture, he was about to take out the former federal police card.

The security guard rolled his eyes and turned on the walkie-talkie: "Captain, that man and woman came again that morning and brought three more people with them, saying they were on a mission."

Soon a voice came from the intercom: "Let them in."

The security guard walked out of the security room and opened the electronic door to let them go.

Fang Lin was a little bored.

The screen after clearing the game and scrolling subtitles are being displayed on the monitor screen.

Fang Lin threw the ps5 controller on the bed, and he rolled over on the bed, lying on his back.

Just now he has cleared Xiaojie's Call of Duty archive. This kind of pve stand-alone game (in which players challenge the NPC controlled by the game program) is too simple for him.

After the pve stand-alone game is cleared, his lifespan will end, and basically he will not touch it again.

Still, pvp games like lol csgo are interesting, and the battle between players is hard to get tired of.

Because even if you play the same hero and the same map in each game, your opponents are different.

Maybe you were brutally abused by your opponent with this hero last time, but this time the two sides are still the same hero, and you abused the opponent.

The battle of wits and courage between players is naturally more interesting than fighting against a bunch of program codes.

It's a pity that he has claws and no fingers now, so he can't play with Xiaojie's computer. The configuration of this computer looks good.

Fang Lin turned over and manipulated the handle to delete the file after clearing the level just now.

broken!At the beginning, I forgot to save an extra copy.

Fang Lin turned off the ps5 with a guilty conscience. If Xiaojie came back and found that the save file was gone, he would think it was a bug, right?
Fang Lin checked the time just after clearing the customs, it was ten twenty in the morning.

He was too lazy to continue playing other single machines, so he walked out of the room and went downstairs.


Xueqiu greeted him while lying on the cat climbing frame. Fang Lin responded and went to the balcony to drink water.

He hasn't had any water since he finished his meal in the morning, and his throat is a bit dry.

Fang Lin, who stood in front of the water purifier and drank several times, was finally full, and walked slowly into the living room.


You are here again.


This time Fang Lin ignored her, looked around, and locked his eyes on the cabinet in the corner of the restaurant.

The cabinet was about one meter high, and some snacks such as beef cubes were scattered on it.

This cabinet is basically filled with Fang Lin and Xueqiu's food, but it is usually locked, mainly because I am afraid that Xueqiu will eat it secretly and then not eat, only some snacks that are taken out are placed on the cabinet.

Fang Lin was suddenly greedy. He walked to the cabinet and mobilized his spiritual power to jump, and his whole body jumped onto the cabinet lightly and steadily.

He picked out a pack of original beef cubes and jumped down again to enjoy it.

Xueqiu's eyes were straightened, and he quickly jumped off the cat climbing frame and ran to Fang Lin's side to look at him.


What are you doing?

to eat.


Fang Lin turned his head to look at the cabinet. Although the cat's jumping ability was relatively good, the height was still beyond Xueqiu's ability.

Well, Fang Lin tore open the beef cubes in his mouth and pushed them to Xueqiu, ready to jump up to get another pack by himself.

Who made her a younger sister?

That's not it.


Don't eat beef cubes?

Fang Lin looked at Xueqiu with some doubts.

She stood up straight, raised her head slightly, and licked her tongue as if she was eating something.

Fang Lin: .
This is to eat cat strips ah?What about this non-physical performance?
Xueqiu imitated the way Mama Yang usually feeds her cat sticks.

After a while, she looked at Fang Lin, wondering if he understood what she meant.

Fang Lin jumped onto the cabinet again helplessly, and picked up a cat strip.


Fang Lin threw the cat stick down, and after Snowball caught it quickly, he lowered his head and bit the bag to pieces, and started to eat it with his paws.

But Xueqiu's cat's claws were not very flexible, more than half of the entire cat's strip was squeezed out, but some were still stuck inside and couldn't get out.

After trying for a long time, she finally gave up and ran back to the cat climbing frame on catwalks.

Fang Lin looked at the mess on the ground, with a black line on his forehead.

Next time I will show you that I am a dog.

But it can't be left alone, because Xueqiu's intelligence level can only understand some simple meanings, so it's impossible for her to clean up.

Fang Lin threw the packaging bag into the trash can, and took a wet wipe from the coffee table to clean up the cat strips that had been rubbed on the floor.

It's very good, it's clean, and Mama Yang won't be angry even if she finds out about stealing food.

By the way, ice cream.

Fang Lin hurried to the refrigerator, opened the cabinet below with his claws, and picked out a chocolate-flavored one.

After closing the refrigerator, he chewed the box and leaned over to the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the scenery and eating ice cream.

What a treat.

The summer sky is sometimes like a transparent silk handkerchief, and some fine clouds stay on the blue and high sky, like flowers embroidered on the silk scarf.

Looking up at such a sky in a quiet room, you will feel that the sky is like a vast and quiet sea, extremely blue, extremely quiet, and extremely wide.

Fang Lin felt that he suddenly understood what it was like to be relaxed and happy.

Fang Lin was attracted by a leaf slowly blown by the wind outside the window. The green leaf swayed away from the branch, whirled in the air and floated into the distance.


I also want to go out for a walk.

Once this idea popped up, I couldn't suppress it.

He has always been taken out by others, this time there is no one at home, it is a great opportunity.

Fang Lin felt his body became agitated, and he couldn't restrain the impulse.

calm down.

How come back?I don't have a key myself.

Or leave the door ajar, anyway, the security in the community is very good, no strangers can come in, and I can come back after I have had enough fun in the community.

Just do what he said, Fang Lin ran to the door, jumped up and opened the door handle, and then went out.

Slowly closing the door ajar, the dog grinned and was about to take the elevator.

As a result, he found that the door was squeezed open, and a hairy head poked out from inside.

Fuck Snowball.


Get back!
Snowball was taken aback, and walked back to the door, but still stood by the door without going far, looking at Fang Lin through the slit.


You are not allowed to come out, do you understand?

He almost forgot that there was Snowball, don't leave the door open like this, and then she ran out and got lost.

Fang Lin turned his head step by step, and Xueqiu stayed where he was.


go back!

Fang Lin stopped turning his head and continued walking this time.

After walking about six or seven steps, I suddenly looked back.

Sure enough, Snowball squeezed out from the crack of the door again, with one leg already outside!

Fang Lin was about to collapse, how could there be such a stupid cat?

Are you that curious?
Want to run out when you see a crack?

Fang Lin's plan directly declared a failure, he drove Xueqiu back angrily, and walked back and closed the door himself.

I'm so bored!
Fang Lin squatted at the door and looked at Xueqiu. If he really left just now, this stupid cat would definitely sneak out.

It's not like he can't take her out with him.

The cat's proud agility was nothing to him now, but he didn't want to.

He suddenly felt that this situation was a bit like his cousin living in his house before, and he wanted to sneak out to play in a black Internet cafe, but his cousin insisted on following him, and if he didn't take him there, he would sue.

Really annoying.

Staring at Xueqiu with more and more calm eyes, Xueqiu ran back to the cat climbing frame with a little hair.

But Fang Lin still wanted to go out, so he glanced at Xueqiu bitterly, opened the door and kicked it shut with his back foot.



Fang Lin stood at the door and looked at the closed door. Anyway, his own people had already come out.

Mama Yang should be back soon after going out for morning tea, right?

Morning tea, in Fang Lin's understanding, should be similar to breakfast.

So just play outside for a while, wait for Mama Yang to come back and follow her home without delaying lunch.

At most, I will expose the fact that I can open the door, but is there a problem with opening the door?
There are too many cats and dogs that can open the door on Douyin. As long as I don’t run around after going out, I can honestly play downstairs.

After more times, Mama Yang will definitely get used to it.

If I perform a few more times and call the door when I go home, I guess I will be able to come out to play when I have nothing to do.

People are creatures of habit. If a person is with monsters and ghosts every day, he will probably get used to it, and even want to laugh when he encounters strange ghosts that want to scare him.

It will be fine if Mama Yang gets used to it.

Fang Lin finished his mental preparation, jumped up happily and pressed the elevator.


With the sound of the elevator shaking, the elevator began to slowly descend.

This is free air.

Although he is still in the community, he came out by himself, which is different in terms of subjective initiative, so the mood is also different.

It's like doing homework on your own initiative, and being asked to do homework, the mood is different.

Fang Lin sat on a seat in a small pavilion, and there was a very narrow "stream" around the pavilion.

This was recently repaired by the property of the community. It went around the community and gathered in a small lake.

"Did Team Deng say why they came here?"

"Maybe it's because of the mission."

Yi Fei walked beside Yang Zhen, and the two were talking.

Hearing Yang Zhen's answer, Yi Fei was a little puzzled: "Does he still need to come here in person for this task?"

Because the previous aura fluctuations were locked near the Yunting community, the scientists of the Federation concluded that it is very likely that the next channel will open in the Yunting community, just like Xiaoliu Village half a year ago.

And this time it was still in a high-end residential area, surrounded by urban areas, which was completely different from the countryside of Xiaoliu Village.

Therefore, several people in Yangzhen need to investigate the situation around Yunting Community in detail, give research opinions, and finally write a plan and submit it together, and finally the headquarters will give the final opinion.

For example, if the channel is opened, how much area needs to be closed, how many troops need to be dispatched, and if the situation is unclear, whether to abandon the surrounding area.

However, this kind of thing is not enough for Team Deng to come here. As one of the highest combat powers of human beings, there is a reason to participate in the preliminary research?

Yang Zhen scratched his head and said, "Oh yes, there is one more thing. The intelligence shows that a D-level awakened person from the Japanese pirate country has lurked into Sucheng. It is not ruled out that there are other accomplices. It may be because of this incident."


Several people were a little shocked.

You must know that D-class was considered inhuman in ancient times, invulnerable to swords and guns, coming and going freely, no different from the heroes in those novels, if they are determined to make trouble, there will be a lot of trouble.

Yang Zhen waved his hand and said, "Don't worry so much, the entire D-level Japanese pirate country is just that small, and he himself is terrified of his life, so there must be some special mission."

"Besides, there is pressure from the spiritual world, and he also knows that he will not do excessive things. According to the practice of our Dragon Kingdom Federation, he will not be harassed."

Yang Zhen pushed his sunglasses and continued: "I guess Lao Deng."

Yi Fei interrupted him: "I suggest you change your name to Team Deng from now on, don't talk about it when he comes over, do you want to go back and rebuild?"


Yang Zhen was a little speechless, and the three members of the action team were also holding back their laughter.

They also knew that Yang Zhen and Team Deng had a very close relationship, which meant that they were both master and father.

Yang Zhen really wanted to express himself forcefully, so what did I call?
But Yi Fei's words were too lethal, so she remade her.
Yang Zhen couldn't help shivering.

  Thank you for the 100 starting coins rewarded by Starry Sky Singing~ Boss is in good health~
(End of this chapter)

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