Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 48 Yang Zhen is someone who can handle it.

Chapter 48 Yang Zhen is someone who can handle it.

If you join the army in the Dragon Kingdom Federation, the hardest and most tiring time is in the new barracks, and it will be a little easier after you are assigned to each company.

And if they are assigned to logistics such as cooking classes, then basically physical training is basically based on self-awareness.

If you are selected for some special forces, you will also experience a more brutal training.

The Bureau of Special Affairs is a special force among special forces, and the department that takes personal might as the main promotion criterion naturally inherits this fine tradition very smoothly.

That kind of super-intensive training, both physically and psychologically, is simply a nightmare.

As long as this set of training is completed, even if they are not awakened from the military background, they will basically become members of the Special Affairs Bureau who obey the command of the Federation, can win battles, and have a good style.

"I'll change it if I do, I guess Team Deng will sit down in person to prevent him from jumping over the wall in a hurry."

Yang Zhen smiled and said: "And most of them are eyeing the baby on that D-class. The Japanese pirates tried their best to send a D-class to infiltrate. It is definitely not for the delivery of express delivery, and there must be something that can escape our layers of investigation. Baby who hides his breath."

Lin Shaohua said with some doubts: "Then why didn't you just send Class C? This treasure should be very precious, right?"

Yang Zhen and Yi Fei looked at each other, and said with a smile: "If you are a C-rank pirate with high status and authority, how could you possibly travel across the ocean to give away your head?"

Yi Fei added: "What's more, this thing can hide D-level aura fluctuations, but it may not be able to hide C-level ones."

You must know that there are only ten B-level awakened people in the world, and each of them is a nuclear bomb-level deterrent, with quick actions and amazing lethality.

Although the C-level cannot resonate with the heavens and the earth like the B-level, it is also a fierce man who can release aura and split the tank with a single sword.

In many countries, the C-level is the top-level existence, and has secretly participated in the political power, trying to control the power.

The Dragon Kingdom Federation doesn't really want to take care of these undercurrents in the dark. After all, this is the internal affairs of other countries, and it's normal for the awakened to be a little ambitious, anyway, it's not their own country.

However, due to the pressure from the spirit world, the Dragon Nation Federation, as an international power that has confronted the spirit world several times, absolutely does not allow anyone to announce it in advance without the Dragon Nation itself being prepared.

Ah, I'm an awakener, I'm C-rank.

Then, under the eyes of the whole world, show your extraordinary side to gain admiration or power, or cooperate with terrorist organizations and so on.

These actions will seriously cause international turmoil and threaten the peace and stability of the Dragon Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom is not used to it at all.

It wasn't that there were no fools who did this before. The Dragon Kingdom Federation directly dispatched a B-level and two C-level lineups, parachuted to the C-level through the global strategic deployment network, and brought him back to the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology.

This kind of stupid person rarely appeared after this incident. Except for those scientists in Longguo who have a fanatical spirit of exploring aura, no one wants this kind of simple-minded but powerful person to appear.

Your C-level secretly grasps power through the transfer of power in your own country, and then abides by the rules of the game, so the Dragon Kingdom doesn't bother to care about you.

Just one sentence, I don't want to announce it, anyone who dares to announce it will arrest them.

The Internet all over the world is blocking the news, and there are too few people with spiritual talent, so this news has been hidden from the public's view after several years.

Lin Shaohua nodded.

"By the way, how much is your first aura core filled?"

"It's only about [-]% in three years. If you practice martial arts in the bureau, it will take a long time to recover from exhaustion."

"When Team Deng comes, you can ask him for advice. Don't waste this opportunity."

In the pavilion, Fang Lin's ears perked up.

It's them again?Did I make a lot of noise before?Why are you bothering me?
The first aura core?Do you mean the empty slot in your body?

Fang Lin felt that it was almost the same. It turned out that this was called the spiritual core, which was good, and it sounded better than the empty slot.

Will [-]% of the aura core need to recover for most of the day?Why did I get full in no time?

Fang Lin felt the aura core that was almost full in his body, and laughed secretly.

It turns out that I am a genius dog.

The man in the hat I met in the park before should be the D-rank Japanese pirate they mentioned. Hmph, dare to scare me, and I will trouble you when I break through.

Fang Lin wagged his tail and continued to listen attentively to the conversation.

He is a savage, although his body can instinctively accomplish many things in cultivation, but he still has a lot of common sense in his eyes.

Talk more. Talk more.

Especially Yang Zhen, Fang Lin felt that this person seemed to have nothing to say, maybe he could hear some secrets again.

The people in Yang Zhen had no idea that what they were talking about was heard clearly by a dog not far away.

"Hey, it's that dog from that day."

Several people from Yang Zhen happened to pass by this pavilion, and with his sharp eyes, he saw Fang Lin lying quietly under the pavilion at a glance.


The three of Lin Shaohua were quite puzzled, and they didn't understand why the director was suddenly interested in a dog.

Yi Fei was about to speak, but was interrupted by Yang Zhen: "Well, we did a mission here before and met this dog."

He pointed to Fang Lin with great interest and said, "Look, this husky is a race-level dog with pure blood. Its coat is shiny and its body proportions are perfect. The most important thing is, have you seen what's under his hair?"

Several people shook their heads.

"It's muscles, tsk tsk, what a perfect dog, but it seems that Husky's IQ is not very good, otherwise he is a good seed."

Yang Zhen's face was full of regret.

Lin Shaohua and the others: "."

Yi Fei was somewhat immune to his intermittent occupational diseases, but Lin Shaohua and the others hadn't adapted yet.

It stands to reason that military dog ​​breeders are not in a very high position in the army's contempt chain.

Generally, special forces are at the top of the chain of contempt, just like the theoretical subjects of mathematics and physics in the scientific world.

In fact, keeping a dog
But I don't know why Yang Zhen always doesn't mind and is even willing to mention his previous occupation and spread knowledge with relish.

Moreover, Yi Fei felt that after being trained by the devil, Yang Zhen became even more paranoid about it.

Fang Lin was speechless. He had listened well at first, but then this person suddenly stopped telling what he wanted to hear.

Start to judge yourself, and then say that your head is not working.

When I break through, you will also be beaten.

It feels like it's only been two days, and the speed of my cultivation is getting faster and faster, maybe it's because the concentration of spiritual energy in the world is getting higher and higher.

But the Captain Deng he mentioned before is coming, so forget it and let him go.

What if Captain Deng is also a dog maniac?It's not good to be targeted.

Yang Zhen touched his chin and said in a low voice: "Let me think about it, um, yes, Kaka, his name is Kaka."

Then he yelled to Fang Lin who was smiling a few steps ago: "Kaka~come here~"


Fang Lin looked at him like a fool, and at the same time felt a little nervous.

This person actually checked his own information? !
Can you even find out what your name is?How come?

Oh yes, when I went to the pet house to take a bath, I revealed that my name is Kaka.

Reported, someone is using public property for private use!Investigating information about innocent dogs, is there anyone in charge?
Fang Lin always felt that this person looked at him in the wrong way, and he didn't want to talk to him at all.

Yi Fei saw the contemptuous look on Fang Lingou's face, and inexplicably hit her smile, and chuckled lightly.

Feng Dong said with a grin: "Ju Yang, it doesn't seem to be very useful? Did you check the name wrong?"

His professional field was questioned, and Yang Zhen felt a little uncomfortable.

Wrong name?That's impossible.

How could the Secret Service's intelligence network go wrong?Even if the sun rises from the west tomorrow morning, the information from the Special Affairs Bureau will not be wrong.

Feng Dong was more clever and began to pass the steps to Yang Zhen.

"Well, maybe he is more introverted."

Yang Zhen waved his hand and said, "Go and observe the surrounding area, be careful, gather here at twelve o'clock."


After hearing the order, several people responded neatly and went to investigate.


Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen who was approaching him with a gentle smile on his face, and couldn't hold back anymore.

What's the meaning?Want to have a world with yourself?

what do you wantYou don't want to come here?
Fang Lin immediately wanted to stand up and slip away.

As a result, Yang Zhen saw Fang Lin get up, and immediately speeded up. In a short time, he accelerated to the speed of a [-]-meter sprint, sat in front of Fang Lin, and grabbed his two front paws.


Yang Zhen let out a triumphant laugh.


Did you use your spiritual power just now?You must have used your spiritual power just now, right?

Fang Lin felt that his paw was caught and his whole body was not well.

But he could feel that Yang Zhen didn't have any malice, it seemed to be his own talent, just like the man in the windbreaker he had sensed before.

And it seemed that he could ignore some kind of treasure on that man's body and see through his spiritual power fluctuations.

Fang Lin felt the strength on his paws, struggled a bit and then gave up.

Forget it, let's see what you want to do.

I may not be able to beat him now, it is not good to expose too much at this time.

Yang Zhen looked at Fang Lin calmly and saw that he no longer wanted to run away, so he patted Fang Lin's head and said, "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Then Fang Lin let go.

Yang Zhen wanted to touch his head, but Fang Lin actually refused in his heart, but with both paws being held by one hand, there was really no way.

Seeing Yang Zhen let go of himself, he looked at himself with a very strange look, which had a trace of nostalgia, longing, and concern.

Fang Lin moved back a little and stared at him, wondering what else he wanted to do.

Yang Zhen looked into Fang Lin's eyes, his eyes lost for a moment, and then he said softly: "I used to have a dog too, which looks a lot like you."

Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen who seemed to be lost in memory, and curled his lips.

People are such a strange thing. If you don't want to share with those close to you, it's easy to chat with strangers or pets you just met.

"Like you, he has a low IQ."


Fang Lin didn't know what to say, why Yang Zhen felt that he was not smart, and Huskies were not smart?This is discrimination, right?
"He is also like you, very vigorous and brave."

Speaking of this, Yang Zhen's lips moved, wanting to continue to say something, but finally gave up, he sighed, looked up at the bottom of the pavilion in a daze for a while, and then patted Fang Lin's head.

Yang Zhen stared at Fang Lin for a while, and just when Fang Lin was about to get hairy again, he took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket.

There was a trace of pain on his face, but he opened the bottle anyway, poured out a black pill-shaped object in the palm of his hand, and stretched it out in front of Fang Lin.

Fang Lin was a little puzzled. There seemed to be something wrong with this person. He muttered to himself for a long time, dazed and sighing, and then took out a small black pill to give himself.

However, an impulse appeared in Fang Lin's heart, as if he was urging himself to swallow the pill immediately.

Fang Lin looked up at Yang Zhen, who was in pain, and hesitated for a moment.

This is indeed a good thing, he can feel it.

But are you sure you want to give it to me?No regrets?
Seeing that Fang Lin was staring at him without eating, Yang Zhen frowned, and knocked on Fang Lin's forehead with the other hand: "Why are you hesitating? You don't know how big an opportunity is in front of you, what a stupid dog." .”

Nima, you actually hit me?
I was kind and courteous for fear that you would regret it, so you called me stupid?

I will eat now.

Fang Lin stretched out his head and swallowed the medicine in one gulp.

A look of relief appeared on Yang Zhen's face, as if he had figured out something.

Don't you feel anything?
Fang Lin, who had just had this idea, suddenly felt a fire rising from his abdomen, and the spiritual energy in his whole body moved along a mysterious trajectory.

Itch, tickle tickle tickle.

It hurts, it hurts.

The whole body seems to be burning, but under this itchy and painful feeling, there is also a sense of relief.

In addition, a compressed aura cluster slowly split in Fang Lin's body, and the aura core in his body absorbed it frantically.

90 percent, 92 percent, 98 percent, [-] percent.

The suddenly filled core seemed to be activated, emitting a crystal light in Fang Lin's body, as if it was the first spiritual baptism.

The light of the core is getting brighter and brighter. Accompanied by a burst of intense shaking, the core's brightness suddenly rises a few times, and then slowly dims down.

If the nine empty slots in Fang Lin's body were like nine unlit lamps, now the first aura core has been lit.

The glowing core is slowly turning, and the aura that Fang Lin absorbed into his body is swallowed by it, and fine and obscure lines appear on the core. The spiritual energy nourished Fang Lin's body silently as before.

Fang Lin couldn't help being overjoyed, did he make a breakthrough?And can the body continue to strengthen?
Before he could think, the first aura core lit up with a line connecting to the second core, and at the same time the aura inhaled in his body began to slowly fill the second core.

Well, this should be the next stage of cultivation, right?
But why does this core look bigger than the first one?

Fang Lin had a headache. He didn't observe carefully before, but now he found that each of the nine cores was bigger than one.

How long does it take to practice this?

But soon, Fang Lin became happy again.

Yang Zhen is a good guy, he can deal with him, and he is really generous in his shots. He has already broken through to the D level ahead of schedule.

Breaking through to D-level, there are many changes in the body, but because Yang Zhen is next to him, he opened his eyes without careful study.

Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen with a smile, and his affection for him doubled in his heart.

What I ate just now should be something like the elixir in the novel, right?What does cultivation depend on?French couple's wealth.

Aren't the cultivation resources the money?This Yang Zhen is a fat sheep?You have to get along well with him, maybe you can give yourself some if you are generous that day.

How slow is this self-cultivation?Still on drugs.

Although Fang Lin didn't know how many people would be envious of his cultivation speed, but he had tasted the quick taste, of course he couldn't refuse this kind of happiness.


Do you still have it?

Yang Zhen frowned when he saw Fang Lin opened his eyes and yelled at himself.

"Are you done?"

 4300 words.

  Today's chapter is a bit late, mainly because I have stayed up late in the past two days.

  My friend insisted on playing among us, which is a space werewolf killing game. I didn't want to play it at first, but it turned out to be really delicious.

  I didn't go to bed until five o'clock in the morning for two consecutive days, and I couldn't stand it anymore.

  The main thing is that it is not on the shelves, otherwise I will directly update the code word 24 hours a day, hehe.

  Ask for a monthly ticket for follow-up reading, brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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