Chapter 49

"Are you done?"

Yang Zhen was a little puzzled, this pill was not easy to come by, Deng Jiefu also reminded him when he gave it to him, the medicine might be a bit strong, so take good care of it.

Why does this feel like eating candy, closing your eyes for a while and then opening them?
Hearing Yang Zhen's words, Fang Lin secretly guessed whether ordinary people or dogs would have some special reactions after taking this medicine?

It's broken, can't this be exposed?

Fang Lin secretly thought that something was wrong, and urgently recalled in his mind the situation of the protagonist in the novel after taking the panacea.

Marrow washing pill?Detox all over?But I have washed my spiritual energy before, and I didn't discharge anything.

While Fang Lin was thinking wildly, Yang Zhen continued to speak.

He Mosuo stared at Fang Lin with puzzled eyes, and muttered, "Didn't you say it would itch?"

Fang Lin quickly scratched his stomach with his hind paws.

Do you think this will work?

"No, it should be painful and itchy."

Fang Lin rolled from the chair to the ground, rolling and scratching, his body squirmed, and screamed in his mouth, what an image that life would be worse than death.


Yang Zhen looked at Fang Lin who was performing on the ground with a black thread on his hair, and said, "I heard that he really wants to bite people."

Well, bite.

Fang Lin nimbly rolled over from the ground and stood up, then rushed towards Yang Zhen, and bit his calf.

"Wow! Woo!"

Fang Lin bit Yang Zhen's calf with his head sideways, but he didn't use any force. He made a threatening sound in his throat, and looked at Yang Zhen fiercely.

".It's okay, okay, stop acting, you really can't bite you."

Yang Zhen saw that Fang Lin was acting, nodded in satisfaction and continued: "It seems that the effect of this Qiling Pill is really good. It is indeed the treasure I got from Lao Deng for half a year."

"Hiss, but although I can understand human speech, why do I feel that my intelligence is still not very high?"

You seem to have trouble with intelligence, don't you?

Still can't bite, believe it or not, I'll bite you through in one bite?
Humph, mortals.

Seeing that Yang Zhen had come to his senses, Fang Lin stopped teasing him. He wagged his tail, jumped onto the seat in the pavilion and lay down.

In fact, it wasn't that Fang Lin deliberately wanted to expose his IQ or something. It was mainly because when he took that enlightenment pill just now, he did feel a force acting on his brain, which made him feel refreshed.

It's like being shocked by the cold wind when going out, but it's only limited to that.

Coupled with the name of the pill that Yang Zhen mentioned just now, Enlightenment Pill, Fang Lin felt that this was a pill specially designed for beasts to open up their spiritual intelligence?Then let them have the aptitude for aura cultivation?

However, perhaps because Fang Lin's own cultivation aptitude is too excellent, and he also possesses wisdom, the effect of this elixir is somewhat weak.

Fang Lin felt that his aura talent seemed to have indeed been enhanced by a little bit.

But the value of this pill cannot be denied because of Fang Lin's special situation.

It is very difficult and arduous to create anything from scratch, especially this pill can also improve the wisdom of beasts, which is really amazing.

But why is such a precious pill given to animals?
Just now those few people were saying that their aura talent is not enough, why not produce it for human use?You must know that the Dragon Kingdom Federation has always been people-oriented. Maybe the medicine to enhance people is more expensive or the technology is more difficult?

Seeing Fang Lin sitting on the seat, Yang Zhen turned his body sideways with his hands behind his back, and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, feeling a sense of vicissitudes.

"You just had the biggest opportunity of your life."

Yang Zhen paused for a while and turned to look at Fang Lin, then turned sideways again.

"From that moment on, you are no longer an ordinary husky. In the days to come, you will gradually discover the gap between yourself and other pets."

"You'll find yourself stronger, smarter, and you'll even see things you couldn't see before."

"If you can see dots of light, like stars in the sky, oh sorry, you may not know what stars are, those lights that shine when you look up at the sky at night brat."

"If you can see such light spots floating around you sporadically, congratulations, you have the opportunity to embark on an extraordinary path, and such an opportunity is extremely precious at present."

"Try hard to absorb them. Although I don't have the suitable exercises for you, you must find a way to absorb them."

"Oh, by the way, I can see that you are very happy in your current family. I hope you can learn to hide your differences, and spend this life plainly but happily."

Yang Zhen's voice was low and full of emotion, as if giving a speech.

Fang Lin was a little speechless. He really wanted to tell him that he was also a D-rank, and after he was promoted to a D-rank, he had a feeling that Yang Zhen didn't seem to pose too much threat to him.

Just like the name of a highly threatening target in the game will be blood red, he can also feel that he does not seem to be a very ordinary D-level, but this is also normal, Fang Lin has always used the beast to benchmark himself, strong and invincible is normal.

After listening for a while, Fang Lin felt that Yang Zhen seemed to continue talking, and he felt a little hungry after breaking through, and it was almost noon, and Yang's mother should be going home soon.

So he looked at Yang Zhen, whose back was facing him, mobilized his aura to hide his steps and breath and sneaked away.

"You may not understand why I gave you such a precious Spiritual Enlightenment Pill. There is only one such pill in the entire Southern Province, and I managed to get it through hard work."

"You may not know how big Nan Province is, but it's just big anyway, much bigger than you imagined."

Yang Zhen sighed and laughed at himself: "It's far away, do you know why I gave you this elixir?"

"Because you are so similar to her, the kind of blank eyes when you look at me, and the same strong body."

"I grew up with her since she was just able to walk. At the beginning, she would stumble while running. Slowly, I taught her to sit, shake hands, and tactical moves."

"She is not very smart, but she is all in my eyes, and I am all in her eyes. I have no parents since I was a child. I think they are my relatives and a gift from God."

"In the end, she grew into a qualified warrior, a heroic German shepherd. At the border, she protected me, and I protected her."

"But on one mission, she bit a grenade thrown at me."

"At that moment, I suddenly realized that she was not stupid. Really, she understood everything. When she jumped out of the window with a grenade in her mouth, I saw her eyes looking at me."

"I have been awakened since then. Fortunately, the strongest awakener in the southern province is my master. He has made great contributions in the confrontation against the spirit world. The Federal Research Institute gave him a Qiling Pill that the research institute painstakingly developed. It may be to let him try to cultivate a battle pet."

"But he doesn't need it. He finally gave me this pill. He knows my story."

"Until I met you."

"But I don't want you to become a pet of war. The situation will become more and more complicated soon, and the situation I will face will become more and more dangerous. I don't want to lose my most precious thing again."

"Hehe, the first time I spoke my heart, I didn't expect it to be with a dog. No, you are not an ordinary dog ​​now, and I didn't mean to mock you."

"Having said so much, I hope you can live in peace, you."

Yang Zhen turned his head with relief on his face, but was shocked to find that Fang Lin had long since disappeared behind him.

"fuck me"

Yang Zhen couldn't describe how he was feeling now, he didn't know when Fang Lin left, but thinking of standing here and blaring loudly into the air, he was almost moved to tears, and he felt like a lump in his throat.

Thank goodness no one saw it otherwise.
Yang Zhen shook his head and walked out of the pavilion. If no one heard it, then no one heard it. Sometimes some words were not meant for others to hear, but they were actually meant for himself.


"What are you doing squatting here! Shock me!"

Just a few steps after Yang Zhen walked out of the pavilion, he saw four people squatting neatly beside the green belt with dense trees.

The four people listened here for a long time and suddenly found that there was no movement, but they didn't dare to look up, so they could only squat here stiffly. Who knew that Yang Zhen came over when they were nervous, which shocked Feng Dong.

Feng Dong said with some embarrassment: "The director's cultivation base is really good, and he can't make a sound when he walks."

"What are you talking about! When did you come here to listen?"

The four of them looked at each other without daring to speak.

Yang Zhen took a look at the green belt here. He must have been covered by trees when the four of them walked over, and he didn’t notice it when he said he was looking up at the sky. He squatted behind the one-meter-high green belt to eavesdrop. .

It's over, the image is gone.

Yang Zhen became a little annoyed, as if his unwashed underwear was discovered by a female classmate who came to play at home.

He paused and wanted to say something but couldn't open his mouth. He snorted coldly and walked out. He only had one thought now and that was to get out of here.

Yi Fei who was behind looked at Yang Zhen who was leaving quickly in front, with a different light in her eyes.

The black off-road vehicle outside Yunting District catapulted away, while Fang Lin squatted at the door of his house, not knowing what to do.

He just took an elevator and came up. It was an upstairs resident, a middle-aged woman with short hair and well-dressed clothes. There was also a ruling party emblem of the Dragon Kingdom Federation hanging on her chest.

She knew Fang Lin. After all, Fang Lin had been here for a long time. Seeing Fang Lin squatting obediently in the corner of the elevator, she greeted him and pressed the elevator for him to go home.

Although the process of arriving at the door of the house was very smooth, the next step was numb.

He is hungry.

The body after the breakthrough was nourished by the aura during the breakthrough, and the whole body made a leap, but this was also accompanied by energy consumption.

In addition, it was almost twelve o'clock to eat, so he was really hungry.

Fang Lin stood in front of the house and lingered very painfully. Who would have thought of this?
Didn't Mama Yang have morning tea?Does it take so long to have a morning tea?

When Yang's mother left, she left food for him at home. Usually, Fang Lin would not eat when he was full, so Yang's mother was not worried that Fang Lin would be overwhelmed by leaving dog food in advance.

But Yang's mother didn't expect Fang Lin to open the door and run out to play, Fang Lin himself didn't expect Yang's mother to stay home until twelve o'clock, and he didn't expect that he would break through.

The hunger was getting heavier, and Fang Lin's body was protesting frantically to him.

No, how could you have no food if you can light up the aura core?

Go hunting!Hurry up, if you want something to eat, give it away.

Fang Lin's stomach seemed to be protesting frantically to him.

Fang Lin felt that he was so hungry that he was delirious. He resisted the urge to smash the door and ran to the opposite door to ask Liu Jing for help.


Just as he yelled twice, he suddenly remembered that Mama Yang went out to eat with Liu Jing.

Zhuo!How silly!
Nima himself won't be the first D-class to starve to death, right?


Did you come back?


Fang Lin rushed to the door of the house frantically, and slammed into the door because he didn't stop the car.

Sensing the scent of Snowball behind the door, Fang Lin staggered back in fright. She was leaning against the door just now.

After the breakthrough, the five senses became more sensitive, and the radar in his mind became more accurate, but this was still consuming Fang Lin's energy.

"Aww! Aww ow~"

Open the door Snowball, open the door for me.


Zhuo, stupid, didn't even know to open the door.

"Aww! Aww, aww~"

Just like when I came out, you jump up and grab that doorknob.


What are you doing jumping up?
Fang Lin sensed that the snowball at the door jumped in place, and then looked up at the door in a daze.


You look up and see the handle on the door, the horizontal thing.


Snowball jumped up and tugged, but didn't hold on tight, the doorknob just shook.

Sensing all this, Fang Lin was a little anxious. He was getting hungry and wanted to break in.

"Aw~ ow ow"

Try again and hang you up.

In the image in Fang Lin's mind, Xueqiu stared at the doorknob and jumped forward. Her firm eyes reflected her determination, and her vigorous figure seemed to announce the ending of victory.


The door opened.


With a strange cry, Fang Lin opened the door and rushed in, closing the door behind him in the air.

"Suck Suck Suck"

Fang Lin licked Xueqiu's furry head fiercely a few times to express his gratitude, and then rushed to his rice bowl.


Xueqiu felt that the fur he had just cleaned was messed up again, and his mentality almost collapsed, so he quickly jumped to the cat climbing frame to lick the fur.

Fang Lin is like those pet dogs who are in a hurry to cook in the short video. He doesn't care if the basin is knocked over, and eats what is in the basin and eats what is on the ground.

The full dog food was finished, but Fang Lin was still not satisfied. He ran to the refrigerator and opened the refrigerator above, pushed a stool over and stepped on it to choose.

Hey big trotters!And chicken stew!
Fang Lin took out the plastic box in which they were stored and opened it, and ate hungrily.

The pig's trotters were huge, several circles bigger than Xueqiu's head, there were two in total, and Fang Lin crushed them all with the bones and swallowed them.

The chicken looked like a native chicken, and it was also very big. Fang Lin ate all of it except the butt.

After eating these, Fang Lin finally felt alive, and his stomach and intestines were slowly digesting the food to provide energy.

Because the body has sufficient energy, the aura core began to slowly breathe out the aura to improve the body. Fang Lin felt his whole body warm. He had a feeling that completing this step was the only way to complete the breakthrough process.

Fang Lin now feels like soaking in a bathtub with a suitable temperature, feeling that his whole body is about to ascend to heaven, followed by some turbulent sleepiness.

Fang Linqiang walked to his bed with his eyelids open, and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

The last thought in my mind is that the pig's trotters and local chicken are too bland, as if they have been boiled in water without any seasoning.
 Come on, let's start to test the waters and push the brothers, everyone must keep reading.

  I know it's painful to chase 4000 words a day, but it will be fine after it's on the shelves. Now I can complete the task by writing for more than two hours a day, understand what I mean?

  Let’s hold another event, I will invite the monthly ticket holders displayed in the system at the end of this month to have a cup of milk tea, warm up in winter, and you can discount 20.
  The gift is very light, but the friendship is very heavy~ I will create a post in the comment area when the time comes~
(End of this chapter)

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