Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 50 The most important task at this stage is to learn

Chapter 50 The most important task at this stage is to learn

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is a little lazy.

Xueqiu just got off the cat climbing frame and ate the cat food in his rice bowl, no, it should be called rice bowl.

Different from Fang Lin's big bowl, Xueqiu's rice bowl is a cute little white bowl with strawberry imprints, which Lin Yuqing personally picked.

Yang's mother is already considering upgrading Fang Lin to a bigger bowl, because Fang Lin's appetite is getting better, and if he doesn't expand the foundation, he can't satisfy Fang Lin's stomach by simply stacking high dog food.

The room was quiet, sunlight poured into the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Snowball circled the living room, only Fang Lin coiled in the kennel, his body rising and falling with his breathing.

Xueqiu walked to Fang Lin's side and looked at the sleeping Fang Lin. He felt a little bored. Yang's mother and the woman who often came to visit were not at home. Fang Lin was asleep again, and there was no bright screen to watch.

She pouted her buttocks and stretched her waist, her two small snow-white front paws that were usually tucked in comfortably spread out, her big tail flicked, and Xueqiu ran to the small courtyard on the balcony to drink water.

Yang's mother also gave Xueqiu a small pink water purifier next to Fang Lin's drinking fountain, but Xueqiu never used it, and kept rubbing against Fang Lin's water purifier.

Xueqiu, who was full of food and water, lay on the deck chair on the balcony for a while, probably because he felt uncomfortable, so he ran to Fang Lin's den on catwalks.

Xueqiu stepped into Fang Lin's nest, looked at the sleeping Fang Lin, and gently pressed his paws on Fang Lin's body.

But under the influence of aura, Fang Lin slept soundly, as if returning to his mother's arms, which was extremely sweet.


After Xueqiu waited for a while, Lin still didn't move, so she squeezed into a corner next to Fang Lin and lay down.

Fang Lin's body is very warm for Xueqiu, Xueqiu likes warm places, and the kennel is also very soft, and Fang Lin also has a smell that makes her feel good, so she plans to squeeze in Fang Lin at noon today. A squeeze.

But Xueqiu is also a big cat, and his body is gradually developing. Although he bought a large kennel from the beginning, the kennel already occupied by Fang Lin doesn't have much space anymore.

Xueqiutuan felt that the place was a little small, so he squeezed under Fang Lin, trying to squeeze himself in.

Arch, arch, arch.

Fang Lin, who was sleeping, suddenly moved. He raised his front legs and pulled Xueqiu under his body, and then wrapped his paws tightly around Xueqiu's neck.


The attacked Snowball was struggling, and she felt that Fang Lin's arm was a bit heavy.

But soon she found that she couldn't break free from Fang Lin's arm, so she had to continue to squeeze in and down.

There was no way to seal the position above, so he could only squeeze further down. Xueqiu finally found a comfortable position and closed his eyes.

The room fell into silence again, and the light and shadow cast by the sun in the living room slowly flowed with the passage of time.

Two in the afternoon.


The door opened.

"I was exhausted and finally got home."

Yang Ma opened the door and walked in with a relaxed face. Behind her, Liu Jing also walked in carrying a large refrigerated box. It was like a basket with a black box underneath and a lifter on top. handle.

"I'm so sleepy. I almost fell asleep on the way just now. I was really sleepy after morning tea."

After Liu Jing came in, she put the box on the ground, supported her slender waist with her hands, raised her head and stretched her chest, her proud figure was undoubtedly revealed.

Seeing Liu Jing put the box on the ground, Mama Yang urged, "Hey, don't put it on the floor, put it in the kitchen."

Liu Jing pouted with a bitter face, "I know, I know."

While Yang Ma turned her back and stuck out her tongue at her, she still sighed and walked towards the dining room while holding the handle of the box.

"Ah! Qian, come here!"

Liu Jing walked to the dining room and found that the refrigerator was open, and there were two greasy open plastic boxes on the floor.

Yang's mother heard the sound and came over and saw the open refrigerator, went to check it, then looked at the box on the floor and said dumbfoundingly: "The pig's trotters and chicken I put in the refrigerator are gone."

Yang's mother shook her head and put the chair in front of the refrigerator back to its original position, "He probably pushed the chair over and stepped on the chair to get it. The key is that I just cooked the pig's trotters and native chicken and didn't process them. I plan to eat them at night." Yes, so tired of Kaka, can you eat it all?"

She looked at the box on the ground and said, "There is no bone left."

Fang Lin was very hungry at the time, and suddenly felt sleepy after eating, and forgot to deal with the scene.

At this time, Liu Jing saw Xueqiu sleeping in Fang Lin's arms in the nest by the sofa. The cat and dog were sleeping soundly and sweetly, so she hurriedly stopped Yang's mother from packing the box.

"Aren't you going to shoot a video? What a great material?"

Hearing this, Mama Yang was stunned and said: "That's right, that's fine, let's record it, it's been a long time since I posted a video."

Mama Yang's video has indeed been discontinued for a while, and every day, many people private message Mama Yang to remind her to update.

It's just that the targets of the reminders are now replaced by Kaka and Xueqiu, urging Yun to raise dogs and cats every day.

Liu Jing happily put back the chair that Mama Yang had removed, then picked up the cooler box and dragged Mama Yang to the door.

"What are you doing?"

It's fine to just take back the chair she just restored to its original position, why do you want to leave the house now?

Liu Jing said as a matter of course: "To record a video, there must be a plot, let's go, let's go to the other side, I will shoot!"

Liu Jing, who volunteered, took her mobile phone and went out of the house with Yang Ma again.

Standing outside the door, Liu Jing turned on the video recording function of her mobile phone, patted the cooler in her hand and said, "Hey, I went to the restaurant for dinner and the restaurant gave away a king crab. Let me show you when I go home."

Then the camera pointed at Mama Yang, motioning for her to open the door.

Liu Jing waited for a while and found that Mama Yang didn't open the door, and was still holding back a smile and looking at her, her cheeks flushed.

She was a little puzzled: "What's the matter? Open the door?"

Mama Yang couldn't bear it anymore and said: "No, Jing, isn't it a bit too much for us to be like this?"

Yang's mother usually makes videos casually, and cuts whatever is recorded. She has never experienced it like making a movie like she is doing now.

"Hey, those short videos are all based on the script, why are you shy, do it all over again."

"Okay, okay, come on."

Liu Jing brewed her emotions for a while, and prepared to speak seriously.


Yang Ma couldn't hold back her laughter again.


Liu Jing sighed and said, "Forget it, just open the door and cut it later."

Finally, the two entered the room smoothly. Liu Jing took her mobile phone and went to the kennel next to the sofa in the living room to take a close-up.

She lowered her voice and explained softly: "Look, Kaka and Xueqiu are sleeping, hehe, so cute."

Liu Jing put the box aside, stretched out a finger and gently scratched Xueqiu's little head hidden in Fang Lin's arms, and Xueqiu shrank in unconsciously.


Mama Yang was surprised.

Liu Jing took advantage of the situation and pointed the phone there, and Mama Yang said a little pompously: "The things I put~ in the refrigerator~ were stolen!"

The tone of voice is ups and downs, as if reciting aloud.

Liu Jing's expression drooped and she waved, "Forget it, we just came home and found that Kaka pushed a chair by the door of the refrigerator, and then opened the refrigerator to steal food."

"Look, it's these two boxes. They used to contain native chicken and pig's trotters, but now there's nothing left of them."

Liu Jing took a close shot of the two boxes.

"Originally we wanted to go out to the door and come back in while shooting a video, but it didn't seem to go well."

Liu Jing pointed the camera at Mama Yang, who was wearing a black dress. The elegant Mama Yang shrugged at the camera.

"That's it. When the time comes, record our reaction at the door, maybe it will have a miraculous effect."

Yang's mother picked up the box on the ground to find something to do. Seeing this, Liu Jing picked up her phone and took pictures beside her.

"Don't sleep! Who stole the food!"

A cat and a dog continued to sleep like dead pigs.

Mama Yang shook Fang Lin's body, but Fang Lin didn't wake up but woke Xueqiu up.

Snowball woke up frowning and wanted to move his body, only to find that he was restrained. He wanted to kick his legs a little anxiously, but it didn't work.



Yang's mother saw that Xueqiu wanted to come out, so she hurriedly lifted Fang Lin's paw, and Xueqiu took the opportunity to slip out.

However, Fang Lin still didn't wake up after such a big commotion, and Mama Yang couldn't help frowning.

If it weren't for Fang Lin's belly breathing up and down together, she really felt that something happened to Fang Lin.

Liu Jing thought of something and hurried home, then quickly brought over a portable speaker, and pointed the microphone at Fang Lin's mouth.

"Huh~huh, hum~~huh."

Regular snores came from the stereo.

"Haha, this one can be cut in."

After Liu Jing finished speaking, she yawned. She was really sleepy. She almost fell asleep on the road just now. It may be that the morning tea she had had a lot of starchy pasta, such as steamed dumplings.

The two also forgot what they were about to interrogate just now, and they both went back to sleep seeing that Fang Lin was indeed fine.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Lin finally woke up, and the strengthening of the body by the spiritual energy was over.

Fang Lin felt as if he had been asleep for a century. When he stood up and moved around, he felt a surge of strength all over his body, and his physical fitness had risen to a higher level than before.

In addition, he who was promoted to D rank also found the difference from before.

First of all, D-class can easily mobilize spiritual power to increase their own actions.

For example, if Fang Lin wants to run, punch, slap, etc., the aura in the aura core will be instantly mobilized to amplify this activity and improve the defense of the corresponding parts.

Fang Lin now understands a little bit why he feels that Yang Zhen doesn’t seem to be a threat anymore, because he can achieve such effects by relying on the strengthening of various parts of his body before the D level. up a notch.

And now the body can be further strengthened, the needle does not poke.

"Yo, you finally woke up? Just go and pick them up together."

Fang Lin put on a little vest and tied a rope, followed Mama Yang to the basement and got into the car.

Mama Yang went to pick up Lin Yuqing first, and when she saw Lin Yuqing waiting on the side of the road, Mama Yang parked the car beside her.

Lin Yuqing got into the car with a heavy face, sighed heavily as soon as he got in the car, and then collapsed on the back seat.

Mama Yang glanced at Lin Yuqing in the rearview mirror and shook her head.

She understands it all too well, it happens every Monday, and it's probably because she's frustrated in her study career again.

Lin Yuqing sighed heavily again, and secretly glanced at Yang's mother, but she found that Yang's mother still didn't ask her what was going on.

Lin Yuqing pouted and hugged Fang Lin to comfort him.

Fang Lin somewhat understood Lin Yuqing's thoughts, he just wanted Mama Yang to ask what was going on, and then she vomited bitterly, and Mama Yang comforted her in the end.

But Yang Ma didn't seem to be used to her, so she had to find Fang Lin, and Lin put his head in her arms to rest.

Because Xiaojie's school is nearby, Xiaojie was quickly picked up in the car.

The contrast between Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing was very strong, he happily opened the door, sat in and touched Fang Lin.

Seeing him so happy, Lin Yuqing couldn't help asking him: "Why are you so happy? Have you ever compared yo-yos?"

Xiaojie chuckled and said, "No comparison."

Yang Ma asked differently: "Why is there no comparison? Didn't you practice for two days?"

"We originally planned to compete during the big break, but when the dean came, he confiscated our yo-yos."

Xiaojie said that his face turned into a flower with a smile.

Fang Lin finally understood, good guy, this is the dean's rescue, and he just avoided embarrassing himself in front of Chenchen?No wonder so happy.

Yang's mother said, "Why is it confiscated? It's not dangerous, is it? Do you need me to call you to get it back? I heard from your dad that you bought it for more than 2000."

Xiaojie quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, no! Our most important task now is to study. Playing with the yo-yo will make you lose your mind. It's okay."


Lin Yuqing had a question mark on his face.

Yang Ma was overjoyed: "Your ideological consciousness is so high?"


Fang Lin ate the braised pig's trotter that Yang Ma was going to make, and there was no time, so Yang Ma fried steak for dinner.

Liu Jing also came to have dinner today. At the dinner table, Yang Ma asked her a little strangely: "Don't you need to go back and cook?"

Liu Jing smiled: "No, by the way, are you still going camping this weekend?"

If the family members have nothing special to do on weekends, going camping together is basically a fixed family activity.

Yang Ma nodded and said, "Go, the one I told you about last time didn't go. Lin Wenshao also wanted to go fishing there, but he couldn't catch fish in the reservoir."

Father Lin: "."

Liu Jing said happily: "Okay, then I will go with you this weekend, just to relax." After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and cut the steak.

Mama Yang and Papa Lin looked at each other and silently did not mention this matter again.

After eating, Liu Jing helped Mama Lin put the dishes and chopsticks in the dishwasher and cleaned them before returning home.

Fang Lin secretly felt that Liu Jing seemed to have changed, but he couldn't explain it. He said that after he was promoted to D-level, Fang Lin became more sensitive to some things, such as people's emotions. Fang Lin I can feel one or two now.

But Fang Lin didn't think about it too much. He was more happy to be promoted to D rank today, so he went upstairs to find Xiaojie to play games.

At nine thirty in the evening, Ren Da returned home late as usual, but this time he did not drink.


Ren Da opened the door.

In the empty living room, Liu Jing was watching the variety show on the screen, laughing, and didn't go to the door to greet him as usual.

"I am back."

Ren Da said something when he saw Liu Jing sitting there without responding, then he hung his clothes on the hanger and changed his shoes.

Liu Jing was still immersed in the TV program and ignored him.

Ren Da was a little strange, so he went to sit down beside Liu Jing and said, "I'm back." After speaking, he wanted to reach out and hug her.

Liu Jing moved aside and frowned and said, "Don't touch me, you'll be right back when you come back, what have you been shouting for?"

Ren Da was a little annoyed: "What's your attitude?"

Liu Jing looked at him calmly and didn't speak, Ren Da looked a little terrified with his cold eyes.

"Okay, okay, I know I'm coming back a bit late, but I really have something to do tonight. I haven't even had dinner and have been in a meeting."

Liu Jing glanced at him and silently turned up the volume of the TV.

Ren Da:.
 Thanks to the cat witch in Wutonglin for the reward of 1500 starting coins, and the wage earner Huang Ge for the reward of 100 starting coins, the boss is very healthy and the boss is healthy~
(End of this chapter)

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