Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 51 Dark Space

Chapter 51 Dark Space
Liu Jing's indifferent look is quite different from the past, which makes Ren Da uncomfortable.

His expression was a little puzzled and agitated, he glanced at Liu Jing, waved his hand and said, "Is there any dinner, I'm hungry."

Liu Jing didn't take her eyes off the TV and said, "You can do whatever you want, and don't bother me."

Ren Da was a little dumbfounded: "You are my wife, won't you cook for me?"

Liu Jing turned her head and stared at the man in front of her. The memory of cooking dinner at seven o'clock every night and waiting for him to go home came to mind.

I was happy to cook, but there was no phone call or message, until I came home drunk at [-]:[-] in the evening, and I reheated the meal by myself and ate it by myself.

And so on day after day.

Liu Jing suddenly felt that the man in front of her was a little strange, and she felt that she was also a little strange.

Why was it so stupid before?


"Not necessarily what?"

"It's not necessarily your wife."

Without waiting for Ren Da to speak, Liu Jing took out the opened condom bag that she found that day from under the coffee table. It was empty inside and put it on the table.

When Ren Da saw this thing, his mind went blank.

"this thing"

"I found it in your coat pocket last night, but don't worry, I ironed your coat for you yesterday."

Ren Da was at a loss: "Listen to my explanation"

Liu Jing interrupted him with a wave of her hand: "You don't need to explain, just let me calm down for a while."

"not me."

Ren Da was about to speak, but he saw Liu Jing's eyes, which were calm and scary.

He didn't say anything more, and went upstairs with a heavy heart.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the silver moon hangs in the gray sky, exuding a hazy glow.

It was supposed to be time for Lin Yuqing to sleep.

However, the atmosphere in Lin Yuqing's bedroom was very solemn.

Lin Yuqing was sitting on the head of the bed in a Winnie the Pooh pajamas. The golden bear ears on the pajamas hat were very cute.

Fang Lin and Xueqiu sat side by side at the end of the bed, looked at Lin Yuqing, and listened to her complaints.

"This question is too simple, so I won't talk about it."

"This question is a bit beyond the outline. I won't explain it even if you don't understand it."

"What kind of person is this! You don't talk about the easy ones, and you don't talk about the difficult ones, so why are you assigning these homework!"

Tears welled up in Lin Yuqing's eyes as he spoke.

"The most irritating thing is why you don't assign homework in class, you have to wait until you get home and assign it in the group, woo woo woo."



Fang Lin and Xueqiu looked at each other and responded to Lin Yuqing.

Fang Lin just thought it was a little funny. From the first time he saw Lin Yuqing, the first impression she gave her was that she was quiet.

The temperamental voice is telling him that this little girl is a very quiet and lovely girl, and she must be a well-educated and gentle woman when she grows up.

But now the math teacher has almost broken the defense.

Lin Yuqing came home at night and started watching variety shows after dinner. At nine o'clock, she snatched Fang Lin from Xiaojie to watch horror movies with her.

Shouting in fright, Fang Lin's neck was almost suffocated by her hug and had to mobilize his spiritual power.

As a result, when he was about to go to bed at ten o'clock, Lin Yuqing accidentally turned on his mobile phone and took a look at the class group that was usually hidden, so the scene just now appeared.

What is more sad than going to bed and finding out that the homework has not been written?

When Lin Yuqing was trying to hold back the tears, the screen of the mobile phone thrown on the bed turned on again.

Fang Lin quickly glanced at the message displayed on the floating window.

Zhao Hanya: Qingqing, how could the teacher not assign homework?
It’s over.

As soon as this idea came to Fang Lin's mind, Lin Yuqing picked up the phone and read the news with an aggrieved expression.


Lin Yuqing was silent.

She sat blankly for a while, got up from the bed, sat down at the desk, and took out the math book and homework book from her schoolbag.

Hey, I didn't cry.

Fang Lin was a little curious. He was on the verge of crying just now, but why did he keep quiet after seeing the news.


It was already ten o'clock, and Xueqiu began to feel sleepy. After she yelled twice and found that Lin Yuqing was really not going to sleep, she curled up beside the pillow and fell asleep.

Fang Lin lay bored at the end of the bed and channeled his aura.

After being promoted to D rank today, he felt that some of his senses had become more developed, and he had a hunch that he might be able to achieve the achievement of cultivating in his sleep tonight.

He began to concentrate on absorbing the spiritual energy, and at this moment he suddenly found that the core of the spiritual energy emitted a bright light.

In addition, he felt that the aura core was connected with some kind of existence, and Fang Lin quickly sensed it carefully.

Oh, that's the moon.

Even if Fang Lin is in a closed room, he can still feel the connection hanging in the sky 38 kilometers away from him.


Unparalleled intimacy.

This kind of intimacy seemed to span the distance of time and space, and the blue aura Galaxy in Fang Lin's senses around him also cheered.

In the bedroom, Lin Yuqing was grievously doing homework at the desk, while Xueqiu had already fallen asleep and fell asleep.

If someone noticed Fang Lin's eyes at this time, they would be able to see his sapphire-like eyes emitting a crystal light, as if there was a lamp shining behind the gem.

Fang Lin felt as if he had entered a certain place, it was dark and silent, there was no light, no sound, as if at this moment, time also lost its authority, and the concept of space disappeared.

In this seemingly eternal darkness, Fang Lin felt as if a long time had passed, and it seemed as if it was only a moment.

At this moment, something changed.

is aura.

Blue aura particles appeared in the darkness with a faint light.

Fang Lin was actually a little moved at this moment, one grain, two grains, countless grains, the light of aura dispelled the darkness, and the surrounding scene appeared in front of his eyes.

Here is a ruined wall, surrounded by damaged and collapsed buildings, but the grandeur of the past can still be vaguely seen.

As more and more aura light spots were suspended in the air, Fang Lin found himself stepping on the ground with four paws.

Is the touch so real?

He took two tentative steps, and the aura light spots seemed to be floating and swimming around him one by one with life. One of them landed on the tip of his nose. Fang Lin snorted and blew the light spots into the sky. .

He looked around, although he was in the endless ruins, there was still a relatively complete stone wall not far away.

The entire stone wall presents a pure black color, covered with fine cracks.

Fang Lin tried to explore outside, but after walking a few steps, he found that he seemed to hit an invisible wall.

Fang Lin took a few steps back to observe, and walked up again to stick out his claws. This time his claws really pressed against the invisible wall, like rubbing transparent glass in the void.

Is this an air wall? ? ?
Fang Lin has played various games before, including a lot of mmorpgs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games). Except for World of Warcraft, where the entire large map is connected together, there will be more or less others. Some air walls.

Fang Lin looked out through the invisible wall, and it was clearly visible dilapidation and traces of history.

It's strange, Fang Lin can even see the dust covering the ruined walls outside, is it so real that there is an air wall?
Fang Lin had no choice but to continue to explore horizontally, and finally Fang Lin concluded that his activity area was a 20x20m square centered on the black stone wall.

But there is nothing to pay attention to here except for the stone wall.

So Fang Lin walked up to the stone wall and looked at the stone wall. A voice from the bottom of his heart told Fang Lin to press his hand on it.

What Fang Lin is best at is being kind. He didn't hesitate, and pressed his white dog's paw on the stone wall.



Fang Lin quickly took off the paw. He felt something small like a needle stuck into the paw just now. He checked the pad of the paw himself, but found no wound.


The stone wall began to shake, and the whole space seemed to be trembling as well. Countless blue spiritual energy cheered and rushed into the stone wall, and dense light spots poured into the stone wall one after another like a waterfall.

With the crazy influx of spiritual energy, the surrounding space seemed to be dimmed a bit, but soon more spiritual energy light spots were produced, gradually restoring the previous brightness.

Finally, the stone wall stopped shaking and gradually glowed. Fang Lin hurriedly looked at the stone wall.

In the middle of the black stone wall, a silver wolf with blue fluorescent wings appeared on the stone wall.

This silver wolf is magnificent, with a pair of giant wings fluttering, the whole body is in an attacking posture, and its murderous eyes are staring fiercely at the void, as if seeing the enemy of life and death.

Looking at this scene, Fang Lin suddenly had an impulse in his heart, and he raised his head to the sky and screamed under the vibration of aura.


The high-pitched whistle echoed among the solemn ruins.

The picture on the stone wall slowly dissipated, and then a cloak pattern appeared in the lower left corner.

Fang Lin instantly understood that this referred to the talent of hiding the breath that he obtained when his aura was awakened.

Behind the cloak, a new pattern slowly formed, which was a full moon shining with light.

Information about the new talent slowly appeared in Fang Lin's heart.

This... is too strong, right?

As the pattern formed, there was a faint sense of rejection in the space. Before Fang Lin could react, he felt as if his butt was kicked, and he popped out of the space.


Fang Lin fell off the bed and fell sprawled on the floor.

This movement startled Lin Yuqing.

"Kaka? Are you okay?"

Lin Yuqing, who was originally full of sorrow and emotion brewing in her heart, was suddenly frightened into spirits.

She rushed over from the desk to help Fang Lin up.


Fang Lin got up from the ground and licked Lin Yuqing's face to indicate that he was fine.

His grandma, just now he really felt someone kicked his ass, and now his ass still hurts.

That day I let myself discover who had to kick back.


Xueqiu was also woken up, complaining that Fang Lin woke her up, because she was dreaming about eating dried fish.

"Be careful, how can you roll down by yourself while sleeping?"


Lin Yuqing patted Fang Lin's head, and sat down in front of the desk again, supporting his head with one hand and turning the pen with the other, continuing to calculate the topic just now in his mind.

As if he couldn't figure it out, he tapped his head with a pen.

Suddenly a word appeared in Fang Lin's mind, and the pig's brain was overloaded.

I'm sorry Qingqing, I really didn't mean to think that way.

Fang Lin studied the talent he had just acquired for a while, when there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"dong dong"

"come in."

"Qingqing, why haven't you slept yet?"

It turned out to be Father Lin. He passed the bedroom door and found a light under the crack of Lin Yuqing's door.

Lin Yuqing usually goes to bed very early, even if she is playing with her mobile phone or watching a tablet, she will not stay up late. What she likes most is sleeping time, so Dad Lin took the initiative to come in to check on the situation.

Lin's father's gentle voice and caring eyes instantly broke through Lin Yuqing's psychological defense.

Lin Yuqing's small mouth pouted and the tip of his nose became sour, and tears began to accumulate in his eyes.


Lin Yuqing Lihua cried to Dad Lin about her experience. During the day, she was in prison in math class, and at night she finally went home after school to rest. Before going to bed, she found that the teacher had assigned homework in the group.

Father Lin patted Lin Yuqing's head to comfort her: "It's okay, this is the teacher's problem, and some people will assign homework after returning home."

Lin Yuqing looked up at him with red and swollen eyes.

Father Lin continued: "Really, if I leave tasks for my subordinates after get off work, they will definitely pretend not to see it."

A smile appeared in Lin Yuqing's eyes.

"Go to sleep, let's stop writing. If the teacher calls you a parent or something tomorrow, just tell me. I won't tell your mother."



Father Lin said sincerely.

Lin Yuqing was caught in a tangle, she wanted to sleep so much, she never stayed up late.

In the end, she still sighed: "Forget it, I'll go to bed after I finish writing, Dad, you go to sleep, Kaka is with me."


Fang Lin raised his head and responded.

Father Lin came over and patted Fang Lin's head, nodded and went back.

After Lin's father's persuasion just now, although the fate of staying up late to make up homework still hasn't changed, Lin Yuqing is not so sad anymore.

She pumped her fists and continued to struggle with the math problem.

Fang Lin looked at this girl with a thin back, and actually admired her in his heart.

If it was him, he would definitely go to sleep straight away, and he would be a fart if Dad Lin guaranteed it.

However, Lin Yuqing chose to continue to complete the tasks she should complete, and did not choose to give up, which made Fang Lin admire her.

Perhaps it really is the embodiment of family education. Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie each have their own characteristics and persistence, which is great.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock that Lin Yuqing finally finished his math homework. Maybe he couldn't do it, maybe he was slow to calculate, but he did write everything he could.

"Good night Kaka."

After finishing her homework, Lin Yuqing felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart. She happily rubbed her head with Fang Lin and then rested with her arms around Snowball, who was already sleeping by the pillow.

In the dark, Fang Lin's bright eyes looked at the sleeping Lin Yuqing, and he made a decision in his heart.

Fang Lin mobilized his spiritual power, and the core of the spiritual energy in his body gradually glowed brightly, establishing a connection with the silver moon in the sky.

In the distant night sky, a steady stream of moonlight crossed the space and landed on the sleeping Lin Yuqing, and the snowball in her arms was also covered by a trace of moonlight.

 Come on come on.

  Thank you for the 666 starting coins rewarded by my awesome 100.

  Thanks to Nicholas Wang Fugui for his two monthly tickets as the new monthly ticket benefactor~

  The milk tea event at the end of the month reminds everyone again.

  Also, the investment goal of updating 30 words for 3000 consecutive days is almost reached, brothers who want to invest, speed up.

  Finally, at last, we are now in the stage of recommendation process, everyone must follow up
(End of this chapter)

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