Chapter 52

Fang Lin guided Yuehua while thinking about the space just now.

The ruined walls that could not be seen inside made him feel inexplicable panic and sadness when he was in the middle.

That stone slab can actually show the talent he acquired, and it is obvious that he has a deep connection with that space.

And that silver wolf with giant wings seemed to have the same origin as the howl he heard when he was baptized with spiritual energy.

Could it be that he has this kind of blood?He looks quite handsome, and judging from his long-term practice, his aptitude and talent are also very good.

Could it be that I am reincarnated like in the novel and bear some kind of fate?

Fang Lin had a guess that his consciousness seemed to be stuck in a certain place at the stage when he changed from a human to a dog.

Perhaps it was at that time that this kind of talent and blood was attached, and then it slowly appeared.

Otherwise, I was really an ordinary person more than 20 years ago, and now my body is just a husky.

Fang Lin thought about it for a while and stopped thinking about it. It was useless for him to keep thinking about it here, so he turned his head and started to look at his second talent.

The Yuehua he guided just now was Fang Lin's second innate ability.

First of all, in the place under the moonlight at night, Fang Lin's spiritual energy recovery speed will be directly increased, his physical fitness will also increase to a certain extent, and he will continue to recover energy.

Originally, Fang Lin felt that his aura recovery speed was already very fast, but now that he has this talent, he feels that he is almost the same as a plug-in with infinite blue.

But this is not the most important, this talent has a second ability, this ability is the most important.

That is, it can guide moonlight to creatures at night, thereby improving the aptitude of the target.

This ability is a bit too outrageous, like holding the key of nature in his hands.

From the reactions of the previous members of the Special Affairs Bureau, it can be seen how important aura talent is to them.

Flying into the sky, moving mountains and filling the sea, these abilities that once existed only in myths have now become reality, and the era that countless people dream of is coming.

And in this new world, the most important thing is qualifications.

Qualification, how fair these two words are.

Whether you are a billionaire or a powerful official, whether you are a homeless man or a migrant worker.

As long as you have good enough aura qualifications, then you will be able to take the lead on the road of aura cultivation.

But this is also cruel. If you don't have qualifications, you really don't have one.

At least so far, Fang Lin has never seen a method that can help humans increase their aptitude.

If others know that he has this ability, don't think too much about him, he will definitely become the target of public criticism.

With his current abilities, it is not yet time to directly expose these abilities, so he will not use them at will.

However, because of the existence of the first talent, he is not worried about being exposed when using it at home.

He has already discovered that the abilities that can be displayed on the slate are all extraordinary.

For example, the 3D radar that he thinks is very practical is the result of his extraordinary five senses, but it is still not displayed on the slate, probably not worthy of it?
And as long as there is a moon in the sky, Yuehua can be guided by him to appear across the space, and he can also play some role for himself as a middleman.

This talent is also beneficial to him. Although the current two talents are not supernatural abilities, he feels that this ability is very suitable for him.

Needless to say the first one, before he reaches B-level or even A-level and has the power to challenge the world's highest combat power, as an animal, he has no right to peacefully communicate with him.

Fang Lin was also a human being before, so he understands how humans think when they see extraordinary animals.

Isn't that all the pets in the major games?A strong man breaking his wrist is also a life of a war pet, not to mention cooking all kinds of spirit beast meat.

He doesn't want to pin his future on the conscience of human beings.

And the second talent is also very important, not to mention the increase in combat power at night, when he masters the aura ability with high consumption and high destructive power in the future, this increase is enough for him to remain invincible.

The energy bonus at night made him no longer need to sleep, but even if sleep had become a form, he would continue to sleep.

From the moment he came out of the space just now, he already felt that his whole body had engraved the cultivation guidance of spiritual energy into his memory. Anyway, he is now practicing automatically 24 hours a day, and he should sleep when he should.

Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu who stretched their brows under the light of the moon, and there was a touch of softness in his eyes.

The more socially afraid and self-enclosed the person, the easier it is to be moved by the sincerity of others.

This is a very strange phenomenon. For example, a very optimistic and outgoing person is very popular, and seems to be friends with everyone he meets.

But are these people really good friends in his heart?Or are you used to wearing the mask all the time?Like that song, your laugh is not real joy.

Maybe they will classify friends and family members in their hearts, but Fang Lin is not like that.

When he was the happiest when he was admitted to university at the age of 18, his parents passed away, and his life was also cast a shadow. He was defined by the people around him by staying in front of the computer all day in the house and dormitory, and not socializing.

And in the current family, he also set up the so-called intimacy at the beginning. Is this intimacy just an emotional progress?
In fact, this is also an excuse Fang Lin made for himself, an excuse for him to face a new life. People can't always live in the shadows, not to mention that his mentality has changed a lot after being reborn, and he also wants to live again. .

After getting along during this period, he subtly recognized Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie, Lin's father, Yang, mother, and Xiaojie, and he did not exclude himself from doing some "small" things for them.

Isn't it Yuehua who can improve her qualifications?It's a small thing to him, to someone who deserves it.

In the dark room with the curtains drawn tightly, Fang Lin was lying quietly at the end of the bed, and the glowing moonlight appeared above Lin Yuqing out of thin air, slowly spreading over her body, continuously.



As the time enters September, the sunrise time is getting later and later.

At six o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark. After a while, the sun showed its face from the horizon, and the clouds in the sky were instantly dyed pink. The sun's rays spread to the earth, and everything began to recover.

Fang Lin opened his eyes and went downstairs with the punctual Yang Ma, and Liu Jing was already waiting downstairs.

As soon as he got out of the corridor, Fang Lin breathed in the fresh air, and looked at the flaming sun in the sky, feeling a sense of vitality spontaneously.

This is the power of the morning sun, which revitalizes all early risers.Even if you stay up late to work and are in a bad mood, seeing the rising sun will give you a sense of hope from the bottom of your heart.

This is a gift of nature.

Seeing Fang Lin and Mama Yang come down, Liu Jing also had a lively smile on her face. She had the most relaxing day in a long time yesterday.

I live completely for myself, do morning exercises in the morning and then go to have morning tea with Yang Ma, come to Yang Ma's house for dinner at night, watch dramas at night, and sleep in a whole bed by myself.

All of this made her feel at ease.

"I woke up quite early, are your legs sore today after morning exercise?"

Liu Jing's big watery eyes turned into crescents with a smile: "Hehe, it's a bit sour, but you have to persevere. If you persist for a few days, you won't be sour."


Fang Lin was also infected by her bright smile and responded to her.

He found that Liu Jing had really changed from yesterday and today, and he could feel that her heart seemed to have become younger.

How curious.

"Kaka is getting more and more handsome, and has she grown so big?"

Hearing Liu Jing's words, Yang's mother also looked at Fang Lin: "It is true that he has grown up, and he has grown up so fast. It would be great if Xiaojie also grew up so fast."

Fang Lin has gone through a baptism and a promotion, and his figure and momentum are indeed constantly changing.

Usually when a husky grows up, his round eyes always give people a sense of stupidity, but Fang Lin's eyes now give people a sense of power when they are calm.

Coupled with his current figure, which is a circle smaller than that of an adult husky, it really gives people the feeling of a cold and handsome guy.

When Fang Lin heard this, he couldn't help thinking about his body. Huskies stopped growing in ten months, and he still has several months to grow, so don't grow into the size of a lion or tiger by then.

However, he should be able to control the size of his body at that time. Compared with the mythical beasts in the novel, they can be enlarged or reduced at will, so it is not a big problem not to panic.

The two chatted a few more words and did some warm-up exercises before starting the morning exercise.

Because of the fatigue accumulated in her body, Mama Yang's lead pace was lower today, but Liu Jing persisted, and she didn't want to say anything until the end.

Since she had talked to Ren Da yesterday, Liu Jing came to Yang's mother's house to help make breakfast immediately after taking a shower today.

Lin's father and Yang's mother are both bosses even though they are fishing at work, and the other is a woman who graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University and has read Zhen Huan's biography countless times.

Both of them had some experience in seeing people and emotional intelligence. Neither of them asked Liu Jing what was going on. After all, they were both adults. As good friends, they would talk when they wanted to.

On the contrary, Xiaojie was very happy when he went downstairs. He has a good feeling for Liu Jing. Liu Jing bought him a super cool Transformer for his birthday last year, and every time Liu Jing cooks in Yangma, it tastes better. .

After Lin Yuqing went downstairs, she also greeted Liu Jing in a good mood. She stayed up late yesterday and finished her homework, which gave her a sense of accomplishment.

She felt a little invincible, and even looked forward to today's math class.

Mama Yang did make a delicious porridge with preserved egg and lean meat this morning, and even fried shrimp balls.

But the shrimp balls were not very hungry, so Yang's mother fed Fang Lin five and didn't feed him any more. She just fried another piece of M9 steak for him. If she wanted to feed Fang Lin with shrimp balls, Yang's mother would be exhausted to death.

Xueqiu was also fed by Yang's mother, mainly because Xueqiu's appetite is not as good as Fang Lin's.

During this period of time, Fang Lin came to eat delicious food, and there was nothing left to eat, no matter how hard the bones were, they could be crushed and swallowed for you. Mama Yang didn't worry about his digestion ability at all.

But fried shrimp balls are after all coated with a layer of starch and deep-fried, just give Xueqiu a satisfying appetite.

Just as everyone in the family was enjoying their food, there was a knock on the door.

Mama Yang was a little surprised who would knock on the door at this time?So he gave Papa Lin a look and told him to open the door.

Papa Lin sighed and left the half-peeled tea egg to open the door.

"Yo, old Ren, come in quickly, you're looking for Liu Jing? What's your song?"

Father Lin opened the door and found that it was Ren Da who was a little surprised, and then found that he was holding a plate with fried eggs in his hand.

Ren Da said hello to Papa Lin in embarrassment, then walked to the dining table, and put fried eggs in front of Liu Jing.

Liu Jing glanced at the fried egg and said to Ren Da: "What does this mean?"

Ren Da touched his trousers with both hands and said: "I got up and saw that you no longer guessed that you should come here. I made you a fried egg for you to eat."

After speaking, he left directly.

Liu Jing shook her head, but didn't even look at the plate of fried eggs.

Too late, some bottom lines cannot be crossed.

Lin's father followed Ren Da away and returned to his seat and continued to peel the tea eggs. Yang's mother also drank her porridge without saying a word. They all understand the reason for giving others space. Liu Jing must not choose to come to them for breakfast. For their own gossip.

Xiaojie looked at the fried egg, licked his lips and said, "Auntie, why don't you eat it?"

He looked at the fried eggs sprinkled with green onion, which looked delicious.

"I won't eat it, you can eat it if you want."

"it is good."

Xiaojie happily took the plate over and started eating.


Fang Lin, who was enjoying the delicious food, frowned and looked, it turned out that Xiaojie spit out the egg he just took a big bite out of.

“So bland, not ripe”

Xiaojie pushed the plate away with a bitter face. Although some people like to eat soft-boiled eggs, he doesn't like it.

Fried eggs can also be made like this.

Fang Lin shook his head in his heart. He didn't know how many eggs he fried for himself when he lived alone. In his opinion, this is the simplest.

He glanced at Liu Jing who was eating next to Yang's mother, and felt that he had guessed something, there must be something wrong with their relationship.

The whole is very good.

He and Liu Jing are also very familiar. He likes Liu Jing, a woman who never brings negative energy to others, and she is also a beautiful young woman with outstanding appearance and body.

In addition to feeling that she was too humble, which reminded him of the feeling of watching TV dramas and made him angry, she was also a relatively perfect woman.

Hurry up.

Fang Lin complained in his heart.

Spirit world.

In a row of towering and cloud-shrouded mountains, the tallest and most magnificent peak has a majestic palace on the top.

"Emperor, there is still no news from His Highness."

Lei Yunhu, who was three meters tall with dark hair and surrounded by thunder patterns, said prostrately.

Surprisingly, opposite him was a black cat the size of a normal domestic cat, with a small white crescent on top of the black cat's head, lying lazily on a jade chair.

"Huh? Why haven't you found it after so long?"

The black cat opened its eyes, which were a pair of indifferent and cold eyes that seemed to have no emotion.

Lei Yunhu gritted his teeth, the two long canine teeth on the upper jaw seemed to be shaking: "She is carrying your Zhetian bell."


 Thanks to Song Shuhang of Little Squirrel for the reward of 1500 starting point coins, and book friend 2019038xxxx for the reward of 100 starting point coins~Thank you boss, boss is in good health~

  In addition, the writing style of this book will always be relaxed and pleasant, even if the spiritual energy is revived, it will not change anything. Don't worry about this, because comparative novels are used to relax.

  The novel is a parallel world, so don't ask questions that can be explained by the parallel world.

  Thank you for your monthly votes, continue to ask for votes~ Be sure to follow up~
(End of this chapter)

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