Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 53 Make money by yourself?

Chapter 53 Make money by yourself?

After Fang Lin and Yang's mother Liu Jing sent Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie to school together, they sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV dramas together.

Liu Jing felt a little bored watching it, so she took out her phone and turned on Douyin to watch it.

"Wow! You already have 200 million followers?"

Liu Jing yelled and said that after Fang Lin heard the voice, he moved to her side and looked at the phone screen together.

Yang's mother shrugged and continued to watch the TV series "Parents' Love" with relish, without much reaction.

For Yang Ma, posting a video is like posting a Moments, nothing more than getting more people to watch it.

Seeing Mama Yang's indifference, Liu Jing pouted. She thinks this thing is much more interesting. How nice it is to have so many interesting people comment and watch the video sharing life.

She put her arms around Fang Lin who came over, and together with him, she looked at the comments in the video that Yang Ma just posted yesterday, and kept showing silly smiles.

"There are king crabs in this black box? I don't believe it (dog head)"

"Oh my god! I'm so obsessed with Kaka and Snowball!"

"Hey, Kaka sleeps like a god, so I feel safe. I also want to sleep with him in my arms."

Fang Lin grinned when he saw this comment, "It's not bad, it seems that my brother's beauty can't be hidden."

"Is this really Erha? I looked at my Erha and became suspicious."

"If my husky was smart enough to stand on a chair and open the refrigerator, it would have been a mess. Kaka has already taken two boxes of food and is already a model in the dog world."

"Who is the photographer?"

"Sister Qian's outfit is too cute, can you give me a link?"

"More videos of Kaka and Xueqiu, it's been a long time since I updated a video!"

Liu Jing watched and liked it, and suddenly thought about this item.

Liu Jing turned her head to look at Fang Lin in her arm, leaned her head against him and swayed her body from side to side.

Why don't you read it?
What does it mean that Liu Jing suddenly put away her phone and swayed her arms around him?
Liu Jing shook her head for a while and said to Yang's mother in high spirits, "Qian, why don't you make a video about sending cards and snowballs?"


"In the comments, everyone likes Kaka and Xueqiu very much. I have been watching videos for so long and I have watched a lot of pet videos. Kaka and Xueqiu are very unique. If you update them diligently, you will have a chance to have tens of millions of fans."

Yang Ma struggled to look away from the TV series for a second: "Oh."

Soon she turned her head to watch the TV series again. An Xin was about to take her child to the island to reunite with Jiang Defu, and she didn't want to miss a second.

What are millions of fans?
More videos?How tiring is that?

If Liu Jing hadn't insisted on supervising her editing the video yesterday, how could she have exploded with such great potential and edited it in two hours.

Isn’t cutting a video the same as writing a book, playing with your phone after a while?
More videos, isn't it just editing videos every day? It's just a hobby like cooking. She doesn't want this to take up too much of her time.

Liu Jing saw Yang Ma's perfunctory, so she went to Yang Ma and shook her body: "Listen to me, Qianqianqianqian."

Shouting and shaking, Mama Yang was almost dizzy from the shaking, and helplessly paused the TV series: "Say what you say, I'm listening."

Liu Jing said happily: "Pet videos are very popular on Douyin. It will be more targeted to create a dedicated account to post more videos."

"But I'm lazy to cut so many videos."

Liu Jing finally saw it: "I can cut it, I can also record it, you create an account and I will help you manage it?"

Yang Ma was a little surprised.

Liu Jing continued: "I've been staying at home for the past few years and can't do anything. Now I want to change myself so that I won't be able to live alone."


Mama Yang is excited.

She didn't ask before, but now that Liu Jing mentioned it herself, it's fine.

"Wait a moment."

Yang Ma ran to the wine cabinet in the restaurant and brought over a bottle of red wine and two goblets.

Yang's mother pulled the stopper and poured a little for the two of them respectively, and then went to get a plate of snacks such as fried potato chips, and then signaled Liu Jing to start.


Liu Jing looked at Mama Yang's expression of talking and didn't hide anymore, and told Mama Yang about the recent events from beginning to end.

She has also suppressed it for a long time, and needs to communicate and vent, even if it is only this once.

a long time.

"Why did he treat me like this, woo woo woo."

Liu Jing buried her head in Yang's mother's chest and wept bitterly. Yang's mother kept handing her tissues and scolding Ren Da.

Fang Lin looked at Liu Jing who was crying into tears in Yang's mother's arms, and felt in his heart that what he was worried about before still happened.

When a person loses himself for others and sacrifices blindly, there is often no good end.

Take falling in love as an example, the best relationship is that there is enough tacit understanding between each other, everyone in life can live a lively life alone, and there is enough space.

If one person can live well without the other person, the relationship between this kind of couple is often very good.

If one party keeps yelling that I can't leave you, that I have nothing without you, it will be easier to break up.

But it's pretty good now, a sentence popped into Fang Lin's mind.

It is good to be able to cry, and crying is a sign of the beginning of healing.

No matter how you look at it, Liu Jing deserves better.

"I agreed."

"Really? Woohoo, that's great Qian, I will definitely do it well!"

Liu Jing was as happy as a child.

Yang Ma smiled and said, "You can just create an account by yourself, and you and Kaka will get fifty-fifty of any benefits."


Before Liu Jing could speak, Fang Lin was stunned.

what does this mean?Want to send money to yourself?

Means I'm going to start making money?

Want to get me a bank card?Is it the pupil membrane test, the voice line or the claw pattern?Can I buy a mobile phone?
But Fang Lin looked at the smiling Yang Ma, and suddenly a trace of panic flashed through his mind.

You don’t know how to earn what you eat in the future, do you?I broke the family down?
Thinking of the M9 steak I ate for breakfast, what level of Internet celebrity do I have to be to let myself have steak every day?

Not to mention the worried Fang Lin, Liu Jing immediately waved her hand when she heard Yang's mother wanted to give her money and said, "No, no, no, I don't need money."

She didn't think about money at all.When Mama Yang mentioned money suddenly, Liu Jing subconsciously resisted as if she heard something dirty.

Yang's mother frowned and knocked her on the head and said angrily, "Why are you so stupid? Do you think yourself a fool when you are a housewife? How can you do it alone without money?"

After saying this, Mama Yang looked at the aggrieved Liu Jing and sighed: "If you really decide to get a divorce after a while, I can help you find a lawyer. He cheated in marriage, so let him leave the house directly. "

Yang Ma revealed a trace of coldness in her last words, which made Fang Lin shiver.

That's right, how could Mama Yang be someone to be provoked?

Although she usually wakes up early to do morning exercises and cook, like everyone else, she will be angry because of her child's learning problems, but this can't change Yang Ma's social status.

How much is the car at home alone?If the little golden man parked next to him is also his own car, at least it will add up to more than 1000 w.

Will the family with so much money for the car only have the current house?Maybe it's just because it's close to the school.

That other house in the garage.
Some things cannot be thought about.

Will a woman who is a housewife in this kind of family be an ordinary housewife?At the very least, the things that wealth brought her into contact with were different.

In terms of social rules, it seems that Yang's mother can really handle Ren Da.

Fang Lin thought that his mouth was a little parched, did Yang Ma just mean that she really wanted to work part-time to earn food for herself?
Shouldn't it?Do normal people let dogs work for themselves to feed themselves?He is a dog now!
Although he is a D-class extraordinary dog ​​now, it is still difficult in his pocket!
When Fang Lin comforted herself, Liu Jing huddled together in pain when she heard Mama Yang's words: "I don't want his money."



Both Fang Lin and Yang's mother were a little shocked. How could there be such a big injustice?

"In that case, wouldn't there be a lawsuit? I don't want to go to court with him and let other people see our jokes. I can't even keep the last bit of decency."

Liu Jing's eyes were red again as she spoke, and Yang's mother hugged Liu Jing in her arms like a child and comforted her, "Okay, if you don't want it, then don't, there seems to be a family upstairs who wants to sell the house, when the time comes I'll buy it and rent it to you."

Fang Lin was a little numb. Mama Yang's words were so light, as if she was buying a bucket of instant noodles for you to eat.

He felt that his identity as an extraordinary dog ​​seemed useless at home?

When will the world change drastically like in the doomsday novels where money becomes worthless and it is too hard to wipe your ass?Then it's my turn to carry the whole family.

Forget it, I'm only D-level now, the world will change a lot, and he hasn't eaten enough m9 steaks, what if there is a shortage of supplies?
To be fair, the steak is tender and juicy in the mouth. He announced that his favorite food has changed from fried chicken to M9 beef.

If there is no status, there is no status. What status does a dog need? Eat well, drink well, and be the mastermind behind the scenes, woohoo~

Fang Lin didn't know what Liu Jing's original family was like, but he was very lucky to have a good friend like Mama Yang, and he could easily solve the difficult things you felt.

Liu Jing wiped away her tears, relieved her mood, turned her head to look at Fang Lin with big teary eyes and said, "Kaka, I will dress you up beautifully~"


How do you feel that something is wrong.

Sioux City, Bureau of Special Affairs.

"Team Deng!"

"Team Deng! I finally see you!"

In Yang Zhen's office, as soon as Deng Jiefu sat down, the three of Lin Shaohua rushed over upon hearing the news.

Standing beside Deng Jiefu, Yang Zhen frowned and said, "You are impetuous, what does it look like?"

The three hurriedly put on their clothes and stood at attention.

Sitting on Yang Zhen's chair, Deng Jiefu was a little funny: "Yang Zhen, when will I hear the word impetuous from your mouth?"

Yi Fei covered her mouth and sniggered, Yang Zhen felt helpless: "Captain Deng! Can you stop sitting in my seat in my office and tear me down."

Deng Jiefu smiled gently, his eyes were as deep as the sea.

"Go, go, go."

He turned his head and waved his hands to the three people who were standing upright, "Don't be so formal and relax."

The three of them relaxed a bit upon hearing this, but still maintained a relatively standard standing posture.

"I proposed Yang Zhen's coming to Sioux City for development. He has been with me for a long time. I think he is capable enough to take on this responsibility."

Having said this, he paused and continued: "I personally selected the three of you. Some of you are soldiers, and some of you are ordinary people. But you have all been trained by the Special Affairs Bureau. I think you all have Sufficient capacity and mental reserves."

"The burden on the five of you is heavy."

Yang Zhen was a little curious: "How to say?"

Deng Jiefu waved his hand, and a spiritual barrier was quietly formed, and the office became a completely enclosed space, no sound or radio waves could be transmitted, not even the telephone line.

"At three o'clock in the morning today, Sioux City detected another aura fluctuation, and this fluctuation is extremely similar to the previous Xiaoliu Village."

The plain words came out of Deng Jiefu's mouth, but the five people felt nothing less than a thunderclap in their hearts.

The Xiaoliu Village battle was the first battle between the southern province and the spirit world. If Deng Jiefu hadn't single-handedly killed a B-level monster in an instant, severely injuring both ends and intimidating the entire audience, it is estimated that the awakened people in the entire southern province would have collapsed there.

Yang Zhen said worriedly, "Where is the exact location?"

"Sioux City Federal Park."

Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay."

In the battle he had personally experienced, when they stepped into the passage, D-level and C-level monsters seemed to surround them endlessly. Surrounded by a more ferocious aura.

Moreover, ordinary bullets have no effect on monsters above C level. After all the dragons evacuated, the Dragon Kingdom Federation dropped tactical neutron bombs into the passage, and the passage was soon closed.

"Well, although it is still a temporary passage this time, we still have to make full preparations. The active forces from the southern province and the neighboring province will come, and the military will also be prepared and will intervene if necessary."

"Is there no one in Shanghai and the capital to support them?"

"No, their strength is also very tight. The capital will not move easily when it is not necessary. As you know, there is a passage in the magic city that has been maintained for a long time recently. They need to guard it day and night."

Liu Shaohua didn't know the situation and asked, "Are they guarding in the passage?"

Deng Jiefu was a little amused: "How is that possible? The other side of the passage is the spirit world. Within a certain range after entering the spirit world, it seems that monsters above level A in the spirit world cannot enter, but the number of monsters below level A in the spirit world is also far higher. For us, it’s very difficult to gain a foothold in it.”

Liu Shaohua was in a hurry: "Then what should they do when they call?"

Deng Jiefu coughed and said, "We are also very curious about this question, but they don't seem to be willing to enter the tunnel. At first, we also explored it out of curiosity because no creatures came over after the tunnel opened."

Yang Zhen thought for a while and said, "Can you confirm the specific time? We will block the federal park in advance. The area of ​​the park is still very large, and some troops can be deployed."

"What reason?"

"City assault exercise, anyway, Japanese pirates have been dancing a lot lately."

 I forgot to thank you just now, thank you book friend 20201027xxx for the 100 starting point coins rewarded.

  Finally, ask for a monthly ticket again ~ those great gods are not short of this, you vote for me after subscribing is perfect ~
(End of this chapter)

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