Chapter 54
After hearing this, Deng Jiefu couldn't deny it, leaned back on Yang Zhen's swivel boss chair and jokingly said, "Well, your chair is more comfortable than mine, what do you have for lunch?"

Yang Zhen was a little speechless, rolled his eyes and said, "This is the chair left by the Archives Bureau."

Then he beckoned to Lin Shaohua: "Go and call the braised chicken seller on the opposite side, and send six meals over."

Deng Jiefu was a little dissatisfied after hearing this: "Will you let me eat braised yellow chicken once I come here?"

"Otherwise, what kind of traffic is there around the place you picked? It would be nice to have braised chicken."

Deng Jiefu looked around and said: "It's really a bit deserted, but the intelligence team and logistics assigned to you will arrive soon, and there will be dozens of people to make it lively."

"Who did you send me, intelligence team leader?"

"Li Mei."

Hearing this name, Yang Zhen seemed to be happy to go out, but stepped on shit as soon as he went out, his face was full of bad luck.

Fang Lin's house.

Maybe it was because the plot was too exciting, and when it was time for dinner, Yang's mother was still concentrating on watching the TV series on the sofa, without the slightest intention of cooking.

Liu Jing sat next to her and frantically scanned the video with her mobile phone. According to her, this was the most important intelligence investigation in the early stage.

You're all doing well, but I'm hungry!

It was already twelve o'clock, and Fang Lin's stomach began to protest to him. Recently, his appetite and body size have been getting bigger and bigger.

A large bowl of steak was added to a full bowl of dog food that had been raised to the limit, which was very different from Xueqiu's cat food.

Seeing him wolfing down his meal now, Xueqiu might have been agitated and begged Mama Yang to pour more cat food.

However, she could eat a flat bowl from that small bowl and meowed continuously, and had to lie motionless in the sun for most of the day to digest.

Fang Lin jumped off the sofa and went to the dining table to find his rice bowl, then picked it up and threw it at Mama Yang's feet.


The rice bowl and the floor collided with a pleasant sound.

Fang Lin stuck out his tongue and stared at Mama Yang's reaction, but Mama Yang skillfully pretended not to see it after glancing at it out of the corner of her eye.


What do you mean, don't feed the dog?

"Aw! Aww!"

Fang Lin squatted in front of Mama Yang's legs and began to criticize her.

Finally, in the prediction in his mind, Mama Yang reacted, and her body was about to lean forward slightly.

Wuhu, cook!
However, in Fang Lin's staring eyes, Mama Yang just leaned forward and adjusted a comfortable sitting position to look more seriously.

Depend on!
Fang Lin refused to accept it, and started to hit Mama Yang's thigh with his head, and then stretched out his paws to shake it.

Mama Yang pushed Fang Lin's head away in a hurry and pointed at him and said, "I warn you not to make trouble. It's exciting now. I'll cook for you after reading this, or you'll eat dog food today." Bar!"


All right, all right, you are awesome.

My majestic and extraordinary dog ​​has been reduced to such a point!
But Fang Lin has nothing to do, he can't eat raw food by himself, can he?He didn't want to eat raw meat, and eating dog food alone was too cruel for him.

Although the dog food bought by Mama Yang is also a very expensive brand name, it is the food that other dogs dream of in terms of raw materials, nutrition, and taste, but as the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

He is used to the daily steak and snacks, and he can't go back.

His heart was already in the shape of a steak.

But fortunately, the goal has been achieved, at least Mama Yang will cook after reading this point, as long as she doesn't play like he used to.

Fang Lin jumped onto the sofa and lay down next to Liu Jing. He didn't dare to go next to Yang's mother now, for fear that she would spoil her.

Liu Jing has sharply raised her mobile phone to take pictures from just now, and now Fang Lin is still taking pictures when she is lying next to him.

Fang Lin was a little dissatisfied. Immediately, I am going to be the number one male, and you, the director, don't speak up for me?


Husky dirty words.

"Hey, don't howl!"

Yang's mother whispered softly.


Fang Lin's ears drooped, looking at Liu Jing who was still covering her mouth and giggling while filming, he opened his bloody mouth and bit her fleshy, smooth and white thigh.

Gritting her teeth, her sideways eyes warned her, speak for me, do you hear me?Then closed his mouth.

Who knew that Liu Jing wasn't afraid at all, and laughed even more happily.


What's the meaning?Erha has no deterrent power?
Fang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and adjusted his momentum to look at Liu Jing, then opened his mouth to show his sharp teeth.

Stupid mortals, fear. Ugh

Liu Jing suddenly struck out with her left hand and stuffed a finger into Fang Lin's mouth.

Fang Lin was a little confused with this finger in his mouth.
The sapphire-like eyes are a little puzzled, and the eyebrows above the eyes are raised and raised.

“Wuhu! Perfect!”

Liu Jing pulled out her finger, wiped it on the sports shorts she was wearing, and then admired the details she just captured.

Although the finger was out, Fang Lin still had a foreign body feeling in his mouth. He opened his mouth, curled his tongue, and jumped off the sofa.

He turned his head and looked at Liu Jing, who was holding her mobile phone and smirking, and shook his head in his heart. There is something wrong with this woman, I have to stay away from her.

Fang Lin went back to his nest and lay down, coiled his big fluffy tail around his body, suppressed the hunger in his stomach and closed his eyes.

When a creature is hungry, it will choose to reduce the activity of the body to resist hunger.

For example, people, the most poignant dialogue during the Great Famine is
"Mom, I'm hungry."

"Sleep for a while, you won't be hungry when you fall asleep."

Animals also have their own choices in the long-term evolution, such as hibernation. In the cold winter when everything is dead and food sources are almost zero, they choose to hibernate to allow themselves to spend the long cold winter night.

And Fang Lin felt that he seemed to have entered such a dazed situation, and it was also possible that he was starved.

After he was promoted to D-level, his physical fitness has made a qualitative leap, and he has continued to strengthen his body on the basis of the previous ones. His current physical strength can resist swords without using spiritual energy. The defensive power will be even more terrifying when the aura pattern in the body is invoked.

But he has not yet reached the point where he can drink the morning dew, eat the evening breeze at night, and feed on aura to feed on the grain. Therefore, this powerful physical fitness needs to replenish a lot of energy through eating.

Thanks to his greatly enhanced absorption ability, the food he eats can basically be completely absorbed. Otherwise, according to the intestinal absorption ability of ordinary organisms, his current food intake would have to be doubled several times.

But the problem was that he found that he couldn’t defecate anymore. In the past, Yang’s mother always carried a bag with her to deal with his poop. Today, after he discovered this, he went directly to squat in the greenery of the community for a while, and then Pretend to have gone to the toilet and go back.

So he was really hungry just now, otherwise he wouldn't bother Yang's mother to watch TV.

Fang Lin opened his eyes in a daze and found that it was already 12:30!
And Mama Yang still!exist!Look!Electricity!See!drama!

Is this "Parents Love" so good?Or has Mama Yang never seen it before?
Fang Lin was in a hurry, picked up the rice bowl next to him and rushed to Mama Yang's side.


Crackling, stepping on the rice bowl back and forth.

"Stop, stop, I'll do it now. Didn't I see you fell asleep just now? I'm afraid I'll disturb you."

Yang's mother couldn't stand Fang Lin's riot, so she quickly paused the TV series and got up and went to the kitchen.


"Aww, aww!"

Hearing Mama Yang's words, Fang Lin criticized wildly from behind.

Xueqiu, who was lying sprawled on the cushion by the French window basking in the sun, saw Yang's mother go to the kitchen, rolled around and off the cushion, then stood up and walked leisurely to the living room on catwalks.

Good guy, enjoy the fruit without fighting, right?I lick!
Fang Lin grabbed Xueqiu and licked the hair on her back for a while, and the neat hair that Xueqiu took care of was completely messed up.


"Not bad, not bad, really beautiful."

Liu Jing looked at the cat and dog in front of her happily with her hips crossed.

Fang Lin and Xueqiu squatted in front of a small white table, the height of which was just up to Fang Lin's neck, so there was a round low cotton chair under Xueqiu's buttocks.

Both Fang Lin and Xueqiu wore white napkins on their chests, as if they were about to eat a big meal.

Soon Yang's mother took Fang Lin's big rice bowl and poured it full of dog food, stacking it like a grain pile, while Xueqiu's cute little bowl was covered with a small layer of cat food. Few slices of chilled salmon.

Where's my steak?

Fang Lin looked at Mama Yang suspiciously, and sent her a few question marks.

Yang's mother saw his question and said angrily: "Where can you put your bowl? After eating these, let's talk."

"Look at the camera~"

Liu Jing pointed the camera at Fang Lin and Xueqiu, ready to film a cat and a dog eating and broadcasting.

For the first video of the new account, she decided to add the episode of Fang Lin urging Yang's mother to cook just now, and then think about other ideas after opening up the situation.

Snowball was already attracted by the salmon and cat food in front of her, and began to eat ladylike little by little, her pink and tender tongue cleaning the sides of her mouth from time to time.

"Let's eat~"

Hmph, let me show you what storm inhalation is.

Fang Lin opened his mouth and began to gobble it up. The high pile of dog food collapsed downward like a mountain hit by a meteorite.

The dog food was constantly swallowed by Fang Lin, and then crunched and swallowed sharply. The crisp and pleasant chewing sound could be heard in the video.

Xueqiu, who was eating slowly next to her, was shocked again. She looked curiously at the dog food scattered on the table, with some doubts in her little head, is this dog food so delicious?

Once a cat's curiosity arises, it's hard to extinguish.

So Xueqiu shifted her eyes from her basin to the scattered dog food on the table, stretched her head to eat a piece of dog food that rolled to her bowl.

Although Fang Lin's entire face was almost buried in the basin, he still caught Xueqiu wanting to eat his dog food out of the corner of his eye. A mouthful of Snowball's head.


Xueqiu felt aggrieved and squatted beside Fang Lin, looking at Fang Lin. She really wanted to try it.

So she meowed and negotiated with Fang Lin. Seeing that Fang Lin didn't respond for a long time, she tentatively raised her head and aimed at another scattered dog food.


Want to eat?Use your salmon instead.

Snowball's movements stopped, and he began to judge gains and losses in his head, getting into a tangle.

When Xueqiu was struggling, Fang Lin had already finished eating the dog food in the basin, and started to clean up the leftovers on the table, which was about to be eaten up.


Xueqiu was in a hurry, so he agreed to Fang Lin's replacement request.

So Fang Lin quickly put his head into the snowball bowl, took a piece of salmon and swallowed it.

Smashing, the taste is average.

Snowball hurriedly took a piece of dog food on the table and bit it into his mouth, but soon the cat wrinkled his face and spat out the dog food.




This is something you don't eat.

Fang Lin quickly cleaned up everything on the table and began to wait for Mama Yang to serve him steak.

Xueqiu squatted aside and fell into depression. Mama Yang put four slices of salmon in total for her, and she was reluctant to chomp on it, so it took a long time to eat one piece little by little.

But just now she actually exchanged a whole piece of delicious salmon for a piece of unpalatable dog food. She didn't know what it meant to be fried. She only knew that she was very sad, so she lowered her head and stared at her bowl in a daze. .

Liu Jing, who observed everything nearby, patted Fang Lin on the head and said angrily, "Bad dog."

Can this be my fault too?
Soon Mama Yang came over with a frying pan, and put the steak that was still sizzling after frying into Fang Lin's basin.

"Eat slowly and be careful of the heat. I'll make it up for you before I eat."

However, Fang Lin didn't care so much, he ate the steak with great mouthfuls as he circulated his spiritual power in his mouth.

He turned his head and glanced at Xueqiu next to him, still staring at her small bowl with strawberries in a daze, his body filled with sadness.

Fang Lin clicked his mouth twice and felt that he really seemed to be bullying Xueqiu a little bit, so he tore up a piece of steak and put it in Xueqiu's bowl.



Snowball smelled the aroma and took a tentative bite. It was a little hot, so she ate the steak bite by bite, and finally continued to eat the rice in the bowl.

Fang Lin finished eating early, went to the balcony to drink two sips of water, and lay down by the French window to digest.

He turned his head to look at the back of Xueqiu who was still eating, thinking about Yuehua who guided him last night.

Although the main target of his guidance was Lin Yuqing, because Lin Yuqing was holding Snowball in his arms, there would still be some moonlight sprinkled on Snowball to some extent.

But judging from today, there seems to be no special reaction?

But it's normal, if Snowball can respond obviously overnight after enjoying the leftovers, then this talent is too invincible.

Liu Jing insisted on filming the whole process of Xueqiu eating, and went to eat with Yang's mother, discussing the details of the first video with Yang's mother.

"I have to choose the background music carefully."

"Well, the subtitle special effects should also be more eye-catching."

"Snowball eats too slowly, so I have to double the speed in the end."

"Should I add a text to explain the interaction between Kaka and Snowball during the meal? It should be more effective if I play it myself."

Seeing that Liu Jing was very interested, Yang's mother had no choice but to seriously perfunctory her while eating.

"Will you teach me how to cut videos after dinner?"

"I'm going to take a nap!"

"Oh, then I'll sleep with you for an hour?"

"I snore."

"It doesn't affect."

"I like sleeping alone."

"My body is very soft and comfortable to hold, hehe."


 Thanks to book friends 20181201215 and book friends 2020102719 for the 100 starting point coins, and thank you that change is not the 2000 starting point coins rewarded by Chang'e! ! !Chinese New Year in Wuhu, wild consumption, the boss is generous and the boss is healthy~
  In the past two days, I have used the codes on my mobile phone for some things outside. From tomorrow until the shelf, if there is no accident, it will be updated on time at [-] o'clock every day~
  In addition, thank you very much for your monthly votes, please continue to ask for votes~
  See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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