Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 55 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth

Chapter 55 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth
In the end, Mama Yang walked into the bedroom with Liu Jing holding her arms.

She said she would sleep for an hour, but Liu Jing's thoughts were all on editing the video. This was the first time in a long time that she wanted to do something for herself, or it could be said to be her first career in so many years.

The so-called filth in the past is not enough to exaggerate, but now there is no limit to debauchery.

Lying on the bed, her mood was ups and downs like a raging river. All she thought about was how many people would watch, like and comment on the finished product if she cut it out early and released it.

Liu Jing tossed and turned next to Mama Yang, unable to fall asleep. After a while, she twisted and hugged Mama Yang who was lying flat, and pressed her thighs on her body, entangled Mama Yang like an octopus.

She couldn't sleep last night so she hugged the pillow to sleep.

Mama Yang was speechless, she opened her eyes and patted her big white legs and said, "Don't you know how heavy your legs are?"


Liu Jing stuck out her tongue and withdrew her legs, lying flat on her back and pretending to be asleep, with her hands stretched out as if she was lying down and standing in a military posture.

Mama Yang sat up, shook her head and said, "Forget it, I don't want to sleep today with you by my side, let's go and take you to edit the video."


Editing is easy to say and difficult to say.

It's hard to say because editing requires tools that are very, very unfamiliar to you, and you don't know anything about its interface, its modules, or its functions.

You even have to go through a lot of trouble to download the software for this clip, check the information fiercely and then fall into choice phobia, which software should I choose? .

In this case, if you want to start from scratch, from entry to mastery, you need to find a lot of videos by yourself, and learn slowly by yourself.

Not only in the field of video editing, but any learning barrier that requires you to check the information and learn by yourself is an obstacle that prevents many people from moving forward, which is daunting.

Therefore, those who are good at self-study and dare to learn by themselves, no matter what field you are engaged in, whether it is video editing or cs (computer science), will definitely shine.

Even though the current light may be a little weak and not so dazzling, it will definitely emit the most dazzling light in the end.

So why do you say editing is simple?

It is because editing is to use a tool to put it bluntly, and when self-study, you need to check the information by yourself to see how this thing is used.

And with Mama Yang by her side, the huge barriers to learning have been virtually eliminated.

"The first step is to do this first, then click here, understand?"

"And if you want to add background music, click here here."

"if you want."

Liu Jing doesn't need to understand the principle of this software, she just needs to memorize the steps that Yang's mother showed her, and her current extremely strong thirst for knowledge has brought her a very strong concentration, and she understands very quickly .

"You try it again, it's not right or if you forget, I'll tell you again."

Yang Ma got up from her chair and exchanged seats with Liu Jing.

"Woo, you're so kind, Qian, Trojan~"

Liu Jing slapped Mama Yang hard on the face.

For the next time, Liu Jing carefully manipulated the mouse with her eyes wide open, and if she suddenly forgot the next step, she would glance at Yang Ma next to her with some guilt.

Liu Jing was also a little annoyed, just now she understood every step that Mama Yang taught, and seemed to memorize it at the time, but Mama Yang taught her from beginning to end, and after it was her turn, she somehow forgot many things.

And Liu Jing, who is often forgetful, made Yang's mother a little manic. She taught it just now, and the knowledge was thrown behind Liu Jing's head before it was warmed up.

It's like teaching someone who knows how to drive to teach someone who can't drive to drive. It's still annoying when you understand everything when it's your turn.

Yang's mother looked at Liu Jing's two balls spread out on the table because she was clinging to the table, and really wanted to punch her to see if her brain had grown there.

Fang Lin lay down in his nest to digest food. In fact, he wanted to bask in the sun on the soft cushion by the floor-to-ceiling window, but the seat had already been taken by Xueqiu.

It may be that the sun is getting less and less harsh. Xueqiu likes to bask in the sun recently, especially on the soft cushion where Fang Lin usually lies on his stomach.

The cushion was not very big, and now Fang Lin's body was almost exactly full. If his tail was not coiled, he would have to put it on the floor, so it was impossible to lie on the cushion with Xueqiu.

Fang Lin looked at Xueqiu, who was lying on her side in the sun. The warm sunlight shone on her white and fluffy hair.

Perhaps because it was too relaxed and comfortable, Xueqiu, who was originally lying on her side with her belly exposed, turned over and lay on her back on the mat, her little paws still stretched out in the air.

This is the sleeping position she often uses in Lin Yuqing's bed at night, but now in the living room, in broad daylight, how can you, a girl, sleep like this?
Fang Lin looked at Xueqiu sleeping so comfortably, he had the urge to drive her down to bask in the sun by himself.

However, he remembered seeing a saying before that cats sleeping like this meant that they had a strong sense of security and were not worried about getting hurt at all.

Harm, forget it.

She also ate a piece of salmon at noon, so the mat was given to her.

Fang Lin got up and pushed his kennel to the French window, and lay down beside Xueqiu.

Xueqiu's eyes opened in a daze, and after discovering that it was Fang Lin, the big fluffy tail swayed slightly and continued to close his eyes.

Fang Lin looked at the city in the afternoon outside the window, thinking about a previous idea in his heart.

When I saw the man in the hat in the park before, the core of the spiritual energy that was not filled was overloaded for a moment, and the spiritual energy was pumped to all parts of the body, which had the effect of tempering the body.

Later, I always wanted to try it but never had the chance. Now that my body can be strengthened again, I can finally give this idea a try.

Fang Lin's physical enhancement has always been a bit special. It is easy to understand that the promotion of the aura core will strengthen his basic physical fitness.

The same is true for Yang Zhen and others. Filling a core will give a positive feedback to the body and strengthen the body's quality.

But this kind of strengthening is not very exaggerated. For example, Yang Zhen, after he was promoted to D rank, he had to mobilize his aura to resist the cutting of sharp swords, achieving the situation mentioned above that he was invulnerable to the battlefield.

As long as his spiritual energy is not exhausted, he can mobilize the spiritual energy to strengthen all parts of his body in a targeted manner, achieving the effect of a little superman with both offense and defense.

However, their own physical strength is far less than this high.

But Fang Lin is different. It may be because of the advantage of blood. In addition to the physical improvement brought about by the upgrade, he can also use the spiritual energy scattered in the body to strengthen his body as before, and he can mobilize it after tempering. Those complex aura patterns in the body pushed the body to the point of terror.

But this is also understandable, isn't that mythical beast rough-skinned and thick-skinned?

Fight a boss in the game. Dozens of people scrape at the boss together. It takes a long time to scrape carefully to kill the boss. If you accidentally eat an unknown AOE (area damage), you will die suddenly.

Now it's Fang Lin's turn to become the boss, which is really cool.

However, we still need to be more cautious. We can’t fully activate the aura core. When the core is full, it will be automatically compressed. His current aura is not at the same level as before, so don’t overwhelm yourself.

Fang Lin calmly and slowly searched for the feeling of facing an enemy before.

He held his breath and sank to his dantian, searched and searched, suppressed and suppressed, and his breath slowly fell silent.

On a calm but restless summer afternoon, the sun shines through the glass into the cool and suitable living room.

A dog and a cat by the floor-to-ceiling windows have different expressions. The white cat is lying on her back, her ups and downs belly and slightly dilated nostrils seem to indicate that she is sleeping soundly.

The husky, which alternated black and white, was lying in the nest with its eyes closed, its brows locked together, and its expression serious, as if it was going through some critical steps.



I farted when I was riding a horse!
Xueqiu, who was sleeping next to him, was startled and his whole body trembled. His eyes were opened with some doubts. What sound woke him up?
Fang Lin quickly stood still, cursing inwardly.

Fortunately, my digestion ability is very good and there are no impurities, and the gas emitted just now has no peculiar smell. I almost feel ashamed in front of Xueqiu. I am famous for a lifetime!

After Xueqiu wriggled a few times and found a comfortable angle to continue sleeping, Fang Lin relaxed and thought carefully.

This is not okay?

He had been thinking about recalling the nervousness before, and he was concentrating on thinking about it again, but why didn't it work at all?

Fang Lin felt a little irritable when he thought of the fart just now, and he almost made a fool of himself in front of Xueqiu!
Is it useful to sink the dantian?

What about Nima lying to the dog?
With the dissatisfaction in Fang Lin's heart, the spiritual energy in his body suddenly flowed a little.

Fang Lin suddenly realized.

It's restlessness!
He would recall that every spontaneous aura movement in his body was due to certain things that caused inner restlessness, and this restlessness awakened the restlessness and violence that was usually hidden in the blood.


What beast lost its temper?
Rough skin and thick flesh, high attack and high defense, invincible at the same level, if you have these conditions, you may be a bit unhappy and just do it?
Dare to mess with me?Then the master will fuck you right away, not overnight.

After Fang Lin grasped the essence, he began to try to mobilize the restlessness in his heart, but it didn't go well.

Maybe it's because he hasn't fully awakened yet?

He feels that this kind of restlessness is a bit like the body's own defense mechanism. He will judge your current situation by himself, and he doesn't just feel irritable when he wants to be irritable.

I thought about what could be annoying.

Well, by the way, Mama Yang won't cook for me today while watching a TV series, me!it is good!bother!

However, it was useless for him to feel it carefully, it wasn't that he would get annoyed if he shouted loudly in his heart.

Dogs don't hold grudges, especially towards his family. Fang Lin seems to have inherited this, and it's not a grudge, nor is it biting his balls.

Now Xia Lin felt a little numb. His ultimate goal was to cause restlessness in the blood, but it seemed difficult to do so now.

If you can't arouse your own agitation, how about trying to directly agitate your blood vessels?
What can make my blood pulse a little restless?
How about trying to scold it?

He somewhat realized that his blood was related to the roaring wolf with huge wings that he saw that day. If he scolded that wolf in his heart, it should have an effect, right?

I used to think that he had a very hot temper, but now I started cursing and scolding like a turtle. I think he can do it.

But what are you scolding, you can't scold a bald wolf in your heart, right?
This is bound to happen, right?

Well, why don't you try it?

Fang Lin coughed lightly in his heart, and tentatively said to the aura core: "The big bad wolf, the ugly and fierce big bad wolf."


Fang Lin felt a familiar feeling, something in his blood seemed to be waking up, the blood flow rate in his body slowly increased, and the spiritual energy was slowly mobilized unconsciously.

There is a play!

Okay, let's be tough.

Fang Lin used to be autistic at home, and when playing games, he could squirt like no one.

He recalled the dilapidated scene he had seen on the stone slab in the space, and then remembered the kick he had been kicked. This kick must have something to do with the silver wolf, so it's not bad to scold you .

Wolves are generally pack animals, and the wolf king must have people who need to be protected by himself. That day Fang Lin saw the ruins all over the ground and the figure on the stone wall facing a strong enemy alone, so Fang Lin spoke after thinking for a while.

"You timid, cowardly, bald wolf who is afraid of death, why are you left alone?
What about your loved ones?where is your friend?What do you want to protect?Why is it gone?
Could it be that you flinched and sold them?

Back off when you run into trouble?Are you making excuses for yourself?
In fact, the so-called difficulties are due to their own inability.

Sometimes the first button is buttoned wrong, but you don't find out until the last button. Some things are wrong from the beginning, but you have to admit that these are all your faults at the end.

It's all because of your decisions that killed them, right? "

In his heart, Fang Lin regretted it as soon as he said it, isn't it a bit too heavy?

Then things began to develop along an uncontrollable scene. Fang Lin's blood began to boil, and the core of the aura suddenly lit up with a dazzling light and moved at a high speed. The aura pumped out was too turbulent. layer ripple.

A hoarse and infinitely sad howl exploded in Fang Lin's heart and then rushed straight into his mind.

Fang Lin's body softened and he passed out and fell down in the kennel, but Fang Lin's consciousness was roughly pulled into a picture.

These pictures seem to be the first perspective of the old wolf king, and the pictures change very quickly and are blurred and broken.

A handsome man holding a sword and smiling in the sun,

A pure white she-wolf who is gentle and charming, with shy eyes,

babbling cubs,
Flocks running in the wilderness,

This old wolf has a good life. He has a master and a wife.

Wait, what is this?Eighteen banned hello!

But soon this picture disappeared with a whoosh and only existed for a short moment.

But soon these bright and warm scenes disappeared, and the painting style in front of Fang Lin's eyes turned gray.

Kuroshio, the endless Kuroshio.

Kill, devour, destroy.

The man seemed to be a certain lord. Standing on the city wall, he unsheathed his long sword and shook the sky. The sword light that reached the sky swept out a huge gap in the black tide.

Counterattack, plunder, massacre, the sword light is invincible wherever it goes.

Wolves, howling, rushing, fighting, guarding.

The situation seemed to be improving, and there seemed to be a hint of joy from the howling of the wolves.

However, the good times didn't last long. Creatures strong enough to resist the man stood out in the Kuroshio, and the battle was instantly deadlocked.

Fierce battles, casualties, retreats,
Choose, give up, sacrifice.

One picture after another is cruel and desperate, and the final scene slowly emerges.

A man with firm eyes covered in blood and blood, and a silver wolf with giant wings full of scars and murderous aura.

Behind him is the last hope, and in front of him is the endless Kuroshio.

The screen ends here.

Fang Lin felt that his butt was kicked hard again, and his consciousness slowly dissipated, and he vaguely heard strange but familiar words that penetrated into the bone marrow,

"That's very good, don't say it next time."

At [-]:[-] p.m., the office of the chairman of Ruisi Technology Corporation.

Father Lin looked at the Vacheron Constantin time happily on his wrist, and it was only 20 minutes before he could leave work.

He opened the notebook on the table and browsed the fishing instruction video he just bought, feeling a little anxious.

"Ring bell bell."

The internal line on the desk rang, and Dad Lin paused the video to answer the call.

"Dong Lin, the front desk said that a person named Ren Da came to you, saying that your good friend didn't have an appointment, and when he spoke, he swore to let me ask you."

Ren Da?What is he here for?
"Well, take him to the reception room."


Father Lin buckled up his notebook, tidied up his clothes and went out to the reception room.

The atmosphere of meeting in his office is too oppressive, and Dad Lin usually doesn't talk to people in the office unless there are special circumstances.

Father Lin walked into the reception room and did not wait for a while before the secretary brought Ren Da in. After the secretary said hello and left, Ren Da said to Father Lin with a sad face: "Old Lin, you have to help me this time." help me!"

 Today is the new year again.


  Thanks boss!The boss is in good health!

  Today, in the author group, I was talking about the mountains, and a group of Pujie was miserably exchanging their experiences of Pujie together.

  "How about I cut it?" "I have already cut it."

  Alas, I, who is also on the street, feel chills in my lower body.

  Brothers, ask for votes! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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