Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 56 Warranty

Chapter 56 Warranty

Hearing Ren Da's words, Father Lin was taken aback for a moment and said, "Don't panic, sit first."

Father Lin asked Ren Da to sit down and asked doubtfully: "Hasn't your supermarket already joined Ruisi's Baimeng plan? I think your recent sales are good?"

Ren Da said bitterly: "I'm not talking about the supermarket, I'm talking about the matter with Liu Jing."

"Huh? Liu Jing?"

Father Lin picked up the teapot on the table and poured a cup of tea for the two of them, then picked up the teacup and leaned on the sofa and said, "I said why she didn't cook for you recently and came to my house for dinner, it turned out that you two had a conflict. "

Then he took a sip of tea and said slowly: "There are quarrels between husband and wife at the end of the bed, how can I intervene in the affairs between the two of you? If you want to find it, you have to find my wife, right?"

After hearing this, Ren Da hesitated for a long time and was speechless.

Father Lin glanced at him and comforted him: "I think Liu Jing is a very considerate person, much gentler than Yang Nianqian, you just apologize and be soft, and the matter will be over. Men, it's not shameful to coax your wife. "

Ren Da sighed and said, "It may be a little difficult."

Father Lin frowned, put the teacup on the table and said, "What do you mean? What are you doing?"

"Hey, let me tell you straight, I couldn't help making mistakes that night."


"No, don't worry, I drank that day"

Father Lin laughed angrily, and interrupted him directly: "Is this the reason? You came to me for doing this? What if Yang Nianqian finds out about me if I help you?"

Ren Da was also anxious and said with a flushed face, "It's not all my fault! It was that woman who seduced me. I was a little unconscious when I was drunk, and in the end she put that thing in my pocket and told Liu Jing found out."


".Empty shelter bag."

Father Lin shook his head and said, "If you're really drunk, what excuses do you have that you can't get hard?"


Ren Da had no choice but to say helplessly: "I drove her off the next day when I went back! I really love Liu Jing, she ignored me yesterday!
I've never been like this before, today I'm in a turmoil and my mind is full of her, please help, I swear I will never do it again in the future! "

Father Lin took a sip of tea and thought about it for a while, then said, "There is nothing more sad than heartbreak, Liu Jing put all her heart and soul into you before and you didn't cherish it, now you regret it?

A woman like Liu Jing, who is stubborn and persistent in her heart, used to treat you wholeheartedly no matter what, and now she can break with you without hesitation. "

"I understand. I just found out today that I used to be a badass. Really, Lao Lin, please help me this time. I beg you. I realize that I really can't do without her."

While Ren Da was talking, his face was full of tears, snot and tears, Papa Lin frowned and threw a tissue beside him.

Then he stood up and took two steps back and forth, after thinking about it for a while, he turned around and said, "I still can't help you."

Ren Da was wiping his nose with a tissue, and when he heard this, he squeezed the paper in his hand and said, "Don't, you have to give someone a chance to correct their mistakes, right? Liu Jing has been away from society for so long at home, what should I do if she leaves me? "

Father Lin was also a little annoyed: "You still have the nerve to say, why didn't you let her take care of the business with you before? Forget it, you also restrict her from going out?"

Ren Da was a little speechless for a while, then he stomped his feet and said, "I feel inferior, can I?"

"She is so beautiful and perfect, you know what we do is that supermarkets often have to run around to discuss cooperation, I don't want her to show up.

And I'm busy outside all day, how nice it is for her to be alone at home.If she goes out alone, I'm afraid I'll be cheated on, okay? "

Speaking of this, Ren Da was a little out of control, he said slowly: "This time, I really helped me, I have heart to heart with you, I promise, I will never restrict her again in the future, what does she want me to do? All support!"

Father Lin looked at the red-eyed man in front of him, judging the credibility of his words in his heart.

Ren Da sat on the sofa nervously waiting for Father Lin's decision.

Father Lin stroked his chin with one hand and folded his chest with the other, pacing back and forth, deliberating,

a long time,

He sighed deeply and said, "You've already talked about this, let me give it a try."

Ren Da was immediately excited. For the past few years, Liu Jing has been running to Papa Lin's house when she has nothing to do. She has become a close friend with Mama Yang day and night. If Papa Lin helps persuade her, things might really turn around.

In the past two days, Liu Jing's calm, indifferent and repulsive attitude when facing him made him feel aching. Where did the woman who used to be by the door when he came home go?
After all, it was their own fault.

But before Ren Da could express his gratitude excitedly, Father Lin suddenly frowned and spoke.

"Wait a minute, you won't. Are you afraid of divorcing property?"

Ren Da's supermarket has joined a cooperation plan under Papa Lin's company. As a neighbor and the chairman of the company, he has also learned about Ren Da's situation.

Ren Da came from an ordinary background, while Liu Jing was a well-educated scholar with excellent family education. In Dad Lin's mind, Ren Da's words just now were indeed in line with the psychology of a person who was born ordinary but was a bit extreme.

However, it cannot be ruled out that he is afraid that his property will be taken away, and he wants to hold Liu Jing temporarily to implement some twisted plans.

Dad Lin has seen many such things over the years. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and he has to guard against intrigues.

Liu Jing usually comes to play with Yang's mother. Although it is to alleviate her loneliness, it also makes Yang's mother not lonely in disguise.

Although Yang's mother chooses to be a housewife at home because she is too lazy to work, it doesn't mean that she won't be bored when she is alone at home. Otherwise, why would she want to keep a pet?
Father Lin loves Mama Yang, so in Papa Lin's heart, he is also very grateful for Liu Jing's devotion to Mama Yang. Between Ren Da and Liu Jing, he must stand by Liu Jing.

Ren Da was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Dad Lin to ask such a question. After a while, he became a little annoyed: "Old Lin, I know I'm a bit machismo and extreme, but you can't insult me ​​like that! I, Ren Da How can it be such a person!"

Father Lin shook his head slightly: "There is no evidence for what you say."

"Then what do you want me to do? Shall I write another letter of commitment?"



Father Lin nodded resolutely, walked to the landline on the table on the other side of the reception room and dialed the internal line.

"Xiao Zhang, please contact the legal department and ask them to send someone over immediately."


"Old Lin, are you serious?"

Ren Da looked at Papa Lin who was calling someone without saying a word, and he didn't know what to say.

"Then what? Don't talk to me until someone from the legal department comes over."


Soon, a female employee who was wearing high heels and wearing a white shirt with a work badge on her chest knocked on the door and walked in.

"Director Lin, you call me."

"Well, come and assist Mr. Ren Da in drafting a letter of commitment."


With the assistance of the legal department, Ren Da neatly wrote down the letter of commitment on white paper. The content is roughly that Ren Da promises that if he divorces Ms. Liu Jing, all the real estate, cars and deposits under his name will be owned by Liu Jing .

The whole process was videotaped, and at the end Ren Da recited it emotionally in front of the camera, and pressed his handprint after signing.

In the end, Liu Jing was left with a place to sign. As long as Liu Jing signed, the letter of commitment would take effect.

Ren Da left the company to himself, and the real estate and savings to Liu Jing. The real estate was worth about 1000 million, and the deposit was probably several million. Father Lin looked at the letter of commitment and nodded.

"Is it okay now? I really love her, it's not about money."

Ren Da said a little aggrieved that what happened just now was really a bit embarrassing for him, but he did ask Father Lin to do things under the fence.

Father Lin said noncommittally: "I'll help you go back and try, but the details still depend on Liu Jing's own wishes. If she doesn't want to, no one can do anything about it."

"I understand, I understand, she must be at your house now, let me go back with you."


At the same time, Fang Lin's house in Yunting Community.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Fang Lin was awakened from a deep sleep by Liu Jing and opened his eyes.

He was a little confused for a moment, looking out of the window at the sunlight that had begun to turn golden, a strong sense of time and space splitting came to his heart, as if it had been a lifetime away.

At this time, Mama Yang also changed her clothes and went downstairs: "Did he sleep all afternoon again? I want to sleep all afternoon too."

Liu Jing smiled and ignored Yang's mother's words, knelt down and rubbed Fang Lin's face and said, "Let's go, pick up Qingqing and Xiaojie and go home."

After speaking, he touched Fang Lin's head and stood up.

Fang Lin was stunned for a while, looked at Liu Jing and Yang Ma who were waiting for him not far away, and finally stood up from the mat.

In the back seat, Fang Lin thought about what he saw just before he lost consciousness.

Although those pictures were a bit broken, they were deeply imprinted in his mind.

At the beginning, he looked at the pictures from the perspective of the audience with his eyes drawn away, but then he gradually felt that it seemed to be himself.

Fighting, killing, weeping for the demise of the ethnic group, hating the enemy's invasion, and suffering for not being able to protect the people around him.

Because he was too immersed in it, when he was woken up by Liu Jing after a deep sleep, he felt unreal.

Now that he was thinking about the scenes at that time carefully, the clothes, language of those people, and the monsters in the raging black tide seemed to be very strange.

His previous university was also a very good normal university, with not too much knowledge but definitely not too little. One of his roommates is also from the Department of History, and sometimes he would discuss with him about historical figures or the clothing of different eras. It's been tricked.

But I have never seen this style of clothing, let alone this language.

Combined with the few words that the old wolf king revealed to him, he felt that the blood inheritance he got should not belong to the same world as him.

Maybe it was when his soul was wandering, he accepted the inheritance and then possessed this husky?

Or did you say that you first possessed the husky and accepted the inheritance before your consciousness awakened?

However, Fang Lin didn't get too entangled in these issues. He knew that he was awesome and it was over, and he also received a lot of information just now.

Even though his bloodline inheritance was very strong originally, it was not as strong as it is now, because it changed due to some kind of coincidence in the process of traveling through time and space.

In the original inheritance, there was still a trace of remnants of the old wolf king. Because Fang Lin's original Erha cub's body was too weak, he slowly suppressed the blood at the beginning.

But now that Fang Lin has entered the D-level and opened the aura core, and cursed those words again, the old wolf king simply let go of the inheritance, and dissipated after passing the information to Fang Lin.

His original ethnic group had already died out long ago, and the silver wolf inheritance has been continued in another world, so he has no regrets.

But tell me what your world is called anyway?

Fang Lin was a little speechless, as if he had been kicked in the ass when he was enjoying the comics.

Forget it, even though he kicked himself twice, he also gave himself such a great opportunity, in a sense he can be regarded as the grandfather in the novel.

In those novels, at the end, the grandfather encountered a dangerous situation, and then the blood boiled and the gods blocked and killed the gods and Buddhas, and rescued the old grandfather who had helped him.

This old wolf is good, he dissipated immediately.

All right, old wolf, you can go with peace of mind, I will carry forward your legacy and become the new wolf king in this world!

No, the Wolf King sounds like a supporting role no matter what?
Then the wolf emperor?Wolf Emperor?Wolves dominate?
Fang Lin subconsciously ignored the objective fact that he is now a dog, but after he finished feeling, he fell into worry again.

That Kuroshio is really scary, right?
Overwhelming, not only quantity, but also quality.

That man was about to cut through an abyss with one sword strike, and there was still someone who could contend with him.

But listening to what Yang Zhen and the others were talking about, they didn't seem to mention anything similar, maybe it was a world thousands of miles away from him.

The dog's happy attribute came online again, and Fang Lin soon began to look at his body happily.

Now he felt unprecedentedly relaxed, and the aura of his body was functioning like a fish in water.



Fang Lin found that he could easily mobilize the explosive power he had before, but now he was waiting in the car to go back.

In addition, the mutated inherited bloodline also opened its arms to him, and he found that he had acquired some aura mobilization skills, experience in fighting at the current stage, and some attack methods with very simple terms in the inheritance.

This knowledge and experience was imprinted in Fang Lin's mind like copy and paste, and the rest was for him to master and master.

Why didn't you have this skill when you were in school?This feels like the memory bread in Tinker Bell, swallowing the knowledge and remembering it.

While driving the car, Mama Yang chatted with Liu Jing who was sitting in the co-pilot.

"Qian, continue cutting after dinner tonight, I want to send it out tonight."

Yang's mother was a little speechless: "You have been sitting still in front of the computer for several hours, don't you want to rest?"

Liu Jing said with a pure and happy smile on her face, "I'm not tired."

Looking at this posture, the first video I officially went to sea to shoot will be released tonight.

Fang Lin listened for a while and continued to study his acquired abilities.

Although the old wolf king let go of the suppression of the bloodline, Fang Lin also needs to unlock it step by step as he upgrades. The skills and combat experience he has obtained now are all within the current level.

For example, the aura mobilization technique includes the explosive seed that I met the hat man before, which is a technique that releases a large amount of spiritual power in a short period of time to strengthen the body, and also includes some tiny and subtle spiritual power mobilization techniques to ensure that Fang Lin can use the smallest amount of spiritual energy. Make more high-quality attacks.

However, Fang Lin felt that he didn't really need these, and his spiritual power reserve was large and recovered quickly.

Is this old wolf king hypocritical?Do you have to save your spiritual energy?
The combat experience is stored in his mind like a VR movie. As long as Fang Lin wants to visualize him, he can bring the first perspective of the fighting wolf to experience various fighting scenarios.

Not bad, not bad, it can be used for nothing, his current attack method is relatively primitive, he will fight as a dog would fight, and he can't perform micromanagement like those high-end players.

Know that battles are all details.

The final attack moves are very unpretentious, such as biting, grabbing, slapping, tail flicking, etc., the names are all types of common attacks of wolves, but the effect is very unusual.

Because the D-level can't release the aura to send waves, it can only use the aura to increase the body to increase the degree of attack or defense.

These in the inheritance are like game skills. After Fang Lin uses it, the aura will run along a special path, and use the same aura to attack with multiple damage. It will be more interesting if it hits the physical weakness of the creature.

But Fang Lin looked at these things and put them to the back of his mind. He was not in a hurry, he practiced slowly and got familiar with it.

If the man in the hat appeared in front of him now, he could smash him to pieces even with his eight punches.

In the face of absolute power, everything is a fancy show.

He has no pressure to survive now, so he prefers another thing that inheritance brings him, power and influence.

He has been greedy for this thing for a long time, just like the giant dragon in the novel, once the power of the dragon dominates the audience, he now only scares people with his eyes, but since he has never killed anyone, how could he have such a strong murderous aura.

It's all right now, the inheritance information tells him that he can mobilize his own power and influence.

As long as the biological bloodlines of the same level or below are not as advanced as their own, they will be suppressed by themselves, resulting in fear, retreat and other mentality to suppress the opponent's strength. It is not impossible for severe cases to be frightened to death directly.

However, the old wolf king also mentioned that in his original world, he was called a holy-level existence, and his bloodline strength itself was very high. After being strengthened by chance in the shuttle of time and space, the strength has become even more outrageous.

Maybe in the future, you can also rely on this leapfrog to fight?

While Fang Lin was thinking, the car had already stopped at the gate of Lin Yuqing's school.

Lin Yuqing, who stayed up late this morning to finish her homework and rushed to school, got into the car with a calm face.

Liu Jing looked back at the co-pilot and cared about Lin Yuqing with a smile: "How is your day today? I heard from your mother that you stayed up late yesterday and finished your homework? That's great!"

Lin Yuqing put the schoolbag aside, stroked Fang Lin's dog's head and replied in an emotionless voice: "I think the teacher-student relationship between me and the math teacher may come to an end."


 Do you feel that today's chapter is extraordinarily long? More than 5000 words! ! ! !Big chapter!I see who still says I am short!
  The main reason is that it was recommended to advance to the next round and the brothers were too strong and fierce.

  Finally, there is a reward of 5000 starting coins! ! !
  Wild consumption! ! !The bosses are generous, and the bosses are in good health! ! !
  I also saw the monthly votes and encouragement voted by everyone, thank you.

  To be honest, it's not that I don't want to update, the editor doesn't let it, it will affect the next recommendation and listing.

  I'm not a master, so I can only abide by the default rules. Now I'm going through the recommendation process, please understand.

  And it is not updated every day, but a 4000 chapters every day. The author and editor are saying that they will be developed separately, and they can be updated twice in the library to gain exposure.

  But I still think it would be better for everyone to post it together. I won’t explain this in the future. Don’t call me a beast anymore.

  It was not easy to explode after it was put on the shelves.

  Finally, thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets, continue to read and ask for monthly tickets! ! !The monthly pass beneficiary has milk tea at the end~
(End of this chapter)

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