Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 57 Snowball, change me!

Chapter 57 Snowball, change me!

Fang Lin moved his head out of Lin Yuqing's claws, opened his mouth and moved his cheeks that were ravaged by Lin Yuqing with some doubts.

How could you be so high-spirited in the morning, but come back at night like this?
Lin Yuqing didn't care that Fang Lin took his head away, and continued to put his hands on Fang Lin's back and said, "Today the math teacher said she didn't bring a paper, and then she came down to get my paper with the right answer!!!"

Fang Lin couldn't hold back when he heard this. Isn't this too real?

"At first she praised me, look at Lin Yuqing's test paper, look at it! (shaking to show) Don't tell me if it's right or not, just this paper is worth 10 points, it's clean and tidy, and you can learn from others .”

Lin Yuqing danced and imitated the teacher's movements in the back seat, and Liu Jing couldn't help laughing out loud: "Haha, isn't that good? What happened next?"


Lin Yuqing sighed and said, "Later, the teacher started to read my answer. Choose B for the first question, right?"

"Then everyone was shouting: No!!! The whole class was laughing at me! The teacher bit the bullet and got it right three times, then it was wrong and returned the paper to me."


Liu Jing couldn't stop laughing, her whole body was trembling wildly.

"Aunt Liu!"

Lin Yuqing leaned back speechlessly, laughing, anyway, she was laughed miserably today, her glorious image was gone.

She stared resentfully at the chair in front of her in a daze.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back for a while. Then what, your teacher doesn't sound like it was intentional, why did you say her?"

Lin Yuqing straightened up and said in a very puzzled tone: "I don't understand, why is she staring at me all the time? She asked me to talk to me after class today. In the past, I had to call my name in every class!"

Liu Jing nodded after listening and said, "It makes sense, it's really strange."

Fang Lin also believed that he was more experienced. When a student did not do well in a certain subject or did not complete his homework well, what he hoped most was to reduce his presence in this class.

It is good for the teacher to treat himself as an invisible person, and don't ask himself to answer questions.

Mama Yang, who had been silent for a long time, spoke at this moment: "Before there was an annual outstanding enterprise giving back to society project in Sioux City, your father's company sponsored a batch of experimental equipment and computers for your school, and gave each teacher a notebook. .”

This... I can't understand!

Lin Yuqing finally understood why the teacher cared for herself so much after hearing this.

Now that she thinks about it, it seems that the teachers of all subjects pay more attention to her, but she doesn't feel that she is doing well in other subjects such as Chinese and English.

Lin Yuqing's pupils trembled a little: "Can I get back the math teacher's notebook?"

Yang's mother glanced at Lin Yuqing from the rearview mirror, shook her head and said, "Then your teacher won't take papers anymore."


Lin Yuqing lay on the chair and looked out the window with dull eyes, as if he saw his miserable life in math class in the future.

Fang Lin stuck out his tongue and put his paw on Lin Yuqing's thigh, looking at Lin Yuqing with innocent eyes.

"Woo Kaka, you're still the best."

Lin Yuqing took Fang Lin's upper body and hugged her in her arms, rubbing her head against Fang Lin's body.

"Hey, you smell pretty good. My classmate said his dog stinks."

Lin Yuqing's brain circuit instantly shifted to the dog's body odor.

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows and watched the curious Lin Yuqing smelling his body, shaking his head in his heart.

He was worried about whether Lin Yuqing would have some psychological problems because of these things, and wanted to comfort her. After all, pets are the best mood regulator for people. People who have pets are more likely to suffer from depression than those who don't. People are much lower.

But now it seems that I have thought too much. Although girls are more delicate in their thoughts, Lin Yuqing's brain circuit does not seem to last too long on a sad matter. Even without him, he would probably be happy after dinner and watching a variety show at night. up.

No wonder Yang Ma didn't comfort her as if she was used to it.

While Fang Lin was thinking, the car had already stopped at the gate of Xiaojie's school, and Xiaojie was standing chatting with a little girl at the school gate.

Yang's mother waited for a while and found that Xiaojie did not get in the car, so she lowered the passenger window to look at Xiaojie, and honked the horn a few times.

"What is this kid doing?"

Both Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin became interested, so they also rolled down the car window and looked out with their heads stretched out.

The little girl carrying a big schoolbag and standing with Xiaojie seemed a little shy looking at the BMW parked not far away, honking its horn, and the curious heads of a person and a dog sticking out of the rear window.

She gently pushed Xiaojie to let him go quickly, Xiaojie reluctantly greeted her and walked towards the BMW, before getting into the car, he turned back and waved.

The little girl saw Fang Lin's dog head was still looking at her, so she turned her back and ignored Xiaojie.

"Go inside."

Xiaojie frowned and asked Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin to sit inside to make way for him, and then complained to Yang's mother sullenly: "Mom, why did you come so early today?"

Yang Ma was overjoyed: "It's a bit late today, okay?"


Except for Xiaojie, the three people and one dog in the car were all laughing in their hearts. Lin Yuqing had already made up his mind to go back at night, and must go to Xiaojie's bedroom to question his brother who the girl was.

After the group returned home, they started to go about their business.

Because Liu Jing had been dragging her to guard her all afternoon, Mama Yang hadn't started preparing dinner yet, and she was busy in the kitchen as soon as she got home.

Liu Jing went upstairs again and started editing the video. She made up her mind to edit the video tonight and post it. She couldn't wait a day.

If she can't finish cutting today, she probably won't be able to sleep.

Lin Yuqing went straight back to her bedroom and started to do her homework. After learning the truth from Yang Ma, she no longer had any extravagant hopes for being invisible in math class.

In order not to be ugly in class tomorrow, today's math homework must be of good quality and quantity.

Come on Lin Yuqing, you can do it!

Lin Yuqing put her homework on the desk and turned on the lamp to cheer herself up, and then plunged into the exciting world of mathematics.

Fang Lin and Xiaojie went back to the bedroom together. Today he experienced a "time travel" and was out for a long time. For some reason, he suddenly wanted to play games.

Seeing Fang Lin coming back, Xueqiu didn't know why he was suddenly clingy to Fang Lin again, so he stepped on catwalks to Fang Lin's side and rubbed against him, and followed him upstairs to Xiaojie's room.

However, when Xiaojie returned to the bedroom, he didn't go directly to play the game, but turned on the computer, boarded the button and started sending messages.

Fang Lin looked at the screen, and the other party's note was Chenchen.

I'm home now.

After Xiaojie sent this message, he waited for a while and fiddled with the small hourglass on the table, but Chenchen did not reply to his message.

Xiaojie scratched his head and thought for a while before sending another sentence: Are you home yet?
Then type delete, delete, delete, modify and change in the dialog box and finally sent the next one: Let me know when you go home~
Fang Lin's eyes were numb, he was so embarrassed, why did he tell you when he got home?
Then he looked at the previous records displayed on the screen.

From top to bottom is

"This is very interesting, please take a look."

"Going out this weekend?"

"It's time to sleep, go to bed early"

"Good night and sweet dreams~"

Stop licking, there is no good end to licking a dog, let me save you.

Fang Lin picked up the controller and jumped onto the bed, calling for Xiaojie.

"Aww~ Aww!"

Isn't the game good?
Play it if you want to play it, don't play it if you don't want to play it, come and go as you please, and will never betray you.

Xueqiu also jumped on the bed and chose a comfortable place beside Fang Lin to lie down, her big white and fluffy tail was still dangling in the air.

Xiaojie looked at the chat box where only he was speaking and sighed, walked over to turn on the game console, sat down beside Fang Lin, took the handle and pressed it casually in his hand a little depressed.

"What are you playing today?"

The pointer is constantly switching between the various games.

Fang Lin wanted to play Pokémon when he thought about the bloodline evolution, so when the pointer changed to Pokémon Sword and Shield, he let out a cry.


Xiaojie stopped pressing the buttons when he heard Fang Lin's cry, and turned on Pokémon Sword and Shield.

One person and one dog have also formed a preliminary tacit understanding. I don't know when Xiaojie's daily game content is no longer up to him to decide.

If Xiaojie played a game that Fang Lin didn't want to watch or watched a game that would raise his blood pressure, then Fang Lin would quarrel with him and yell until Xiaojie changed to the game he was satisfied with and wanted to watch.

So now Xiaojie will wait for Fang Lin to choose first when playing games, and he will play the one he picks, anyway, it is the same for him.

Looking at the fairy Ibrahimovic on the screen, Fang Lin couldn't help sighing in his heart, isn't this too cute?The pink and tender touches the old man's girlish heart.

If only I had one in real life.

Fang Lin lay down and changed into a comfortable position and continued to watch Xiaojie play the game. Xueqiu lay beside Fang Lin with his big tail unconsciously dangling, and then lightly slapped Fang Lin.

Fang Lin turned his head to look at Xueqiu who was staring at somewhere in a daze, with fluffy and soft hair, jewel-like eyes, and cute face.

hiss! ! !
A bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind!

The talent he acquired recently is to improve the aptitude of creatures. For humans, it should be the affinity for aura. What about animals?

Will there be some kind of bloodline evolution?Or atavistic?

When the strength of the beasts in the novel reaches a certain level, there will definitely be mutations, and it must also be accompanied by the evolution of the blood.

Is there any novel in which the big yellow dog who guards the door becomes a god and ancestor?

Even if there is, it must be an evolved rhubarb, and it will definitely not be the same as the original appearance.

What about the snowball?

It's so good-looking now, what will it be like in the future if the strength is high?

Glow all over the body?How many tails?Or grow a few pairs of wings?

Thinking that the timid and mild-tempered Snowball would one day roar, Fang Lin suddenly felt a little excited.

Isn't this the real version of Pokémon?


what do you want?

Xueqiu noticed that there was something wrong with Fang Lin's eyes on him, so he couldn't help shrinking back.

Fang Lin ignored her reaction, and lowered his head again, thinking about how much moonlight he would share with Xueqiu at night.

Or just half and half?
Xueqiu lowered his head and took a peek at Fang Lin, and found that he no longer looked at him with that strange look, then quietly moved back to Fang Lin's side.


The door opened.

Father Lin brought Ren Da into the house, and as soon as Ren Da entered, he looked around the room in a ghostly manner, looking for Liu Jing.

Father Lin frowned and said, "Can you be normal?"

Ren Da laughed twice and straightened up.

"You're back? Hurry up and help, I'm a little late for dinner today."

When Mama Yang came out of the kitchen wearing an apron when she heard the commotion, she immediately saw Ren Da beside Papa Lin, and her face turned dark instantly.

"Why did you bring him in?"

Ren Da opened his mouth to say something, but Papa Lin interrupted him directly, took out the letter of commitment written by Ren Da from his pocket and handed it to Mama Yang.

"What do you mean?"

"The letter of commitment he wrote asked me to help him persuade Liu Jing, you decide, anyway, Liu Jing will listen to you and not mine."

Mama Yang looked at Papa Lin suspiciously, wiped her hands on the apron, took the letter of commitment and read it.

After reading it, Mama Yang was overjoyed: "What's the use of writing this? What does it mean? My Liu Jing is short of your house and your savings?"

"I'll buy the empty apartment on the fifth floor for Liu Jing tomorrow, and you don't have to worry about the deposit!"

Mama Yang calmed down her emotions and said, "I'm so confused, do you know what kind of nature you are? Derailed within marriage!"

"If it wasn't for Liu Jing's reluctance, I'll tell you to leave the house directly, do you understand? I don't like you a long time ago, so take your torn paper and leave quickly."

The letter of commitment was thrown out by Mama Yang and floated to the ground.

Ren Da looked at the letter of commitment on the ground with mixed feelings, he dared not be angry with Mama Yang.

His supermarket prospered after joining Papa Lin's Baimeng Project, and he himself was at fault, so he glanced helplessly at Papa Lin, and then picked up the letter of commitment from the ground.

Yang's mother glanced at him, then turned her head and continued into the kitchen. Lin's father shook his head and gave him a helpless look.

Ren Da stood on the spot and lingered for a while, then stuffed the letter of commitment he had picked up into Father Lin's hand. Father Lin didn't want it, but Ren Da folded his hands together and lip-synced.

"Let Liu Jing help me to talk about it."

After he forced the letter of commitment into Papa Lin's hand, he turned around and went out. Papa Lin stood in the living room and felt that the thing in his hand was a hot potato, which made him extremely troublesome.

Papa Lin sighed on the spot and accidentally looked up, startled.

I found that there were four pairs of piercing big eyes looking at me through the railing on the second floor.

It turned out that Lin Yuqing, who had left the door open, quietly called Xiaojie to come to the show after hearing the noise. How could Fang Lin miss such a thing, so he also followed, and Xueqiu followed Fang Lin's back.

Two people, a dog and a cat lined up from high to low, standing on the second floor to peek.

(This chapter ends here with more than 4000 words, and then I will explain the recent plot.

In fact, I don’t really want to explain it. Before I wrote the book, I’ve been reading since the fifth grade. Now that I’m 21, what’s the worst thing I haven’t seen?
My starting point account is a junior VIP on the abrupt subscription, how could it be possible to write that Liu Jing would forgive Ren Da?

It's just because you can't see the plot behind it because you are reading it, so I will explain it to you here.

First of all, people are complicated. A person is not pure black or pure white. Even if a thief opens a house with four walls, he may find his conscience and leave hundreds of dollars.

Everyone's personality is determined by their family life and experiences since childhood.

Ren Da's childhood experience has caused him to have a low self-esteem character in his heart, even if he is earning money now, so he doesn't want the beautiful, beautiful and perfect Liu Jing to show his face, and he doesn't want Liu Jing to go out alone when he is working outside for fear of being green .

These have been clearly written, but this does not mean that I am washing him.

He made a mistake that touched the bottom line, so he must bear the price, no matter how regretful or painful he is.

You also know that Liu Jing, who was portrayed earlier, has a relatively traditional ideology of a scholarly family. She is a very, very rare woman in our real world at present, and she is also the perfect image in the hearts of many men.

Gentle, considerate, single-minded, beautiful and good-looking, considerate of those around him, and don't bring bad emotions to others.

In fact, this is the ideal type for everyone, regardless of gender.

After she found out that Ren Da had cheated, there must be a period of reaction, right?I can't just write that she took the evidence and scolded Ren Da and then divorced, right?

It's not like that, is it?

So don’t worry everyone, Liu Jing also put my heart and soul into writing it, it’s impossible to disgust her, it’s also disgusting to me.

I've been reading books for so many years anyway, it's impossible to feed you such obvious shit.

But everyone is welcome to express their opinions. I have established a QQ group, and everyone can join in the profile.

What do you think about the progress of the plot, what ideas do you have, what plots you want to see, or if you want supporting roles, you can come to Aite me.

That Nicholas Wang Fugui, remember to join the group. Half of this month is over, and your four monthly tickets are probably the best in the audience. When the time comes, let me know whether to buy milk tea for you or discount it.

thanks for your support

 Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by Huanyu You, Xiaoyue Silver Wolf God, and Horizon Book Lovers!

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, the boss is in good health~
  Everyone must follow up~ It will be on the shelves soon. Persistence is victory!Explosive update on the shelves!

(End of this chapter)

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