Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 58 Rainstorm

Chapter 58 Rainstorm

Mama Yang is so domineering.


Fang Lin, who heard the voice, squinted at Xueqiu squatting beside him, and found that she was also poking her round head out to watch the melodrama just now, and she was still responding to him?

Can you understand such a complex human ethics plot?Could it be that the enlightening effect of Yuehua at night is so obvious?


You can understand?


(meaningless raving)

Well, it seems that I was thinking too much. Xueqiu's IQ can only understand relatively simple things in terms of basic necessities of life, food, housing and transportation, so he probably just came to join in the fun.

Looking at the round snowball, the cute and playful fairy Ibrahimovic appeared in Fang Lin's mind again.

Alas, there is still a long way to go for Snowball's evolution.

"What are you looking at? Go, go, go back to your room and play."

Father Lin looked at the four little ones watching the fun upstairs with some headaches, and wanted to drive them back to the room so as not to cause trouble.

Who did you learn this habit of joining in the fun?

Father Lin secretly slandered in his heart.

However, how could Lin Yuqing and the others fulfill Father Lin's wish?
Normally, when Papa Lin and Mama Yang seldom quarreled at home, even if the quarrel lasted for at most one day, Papa Lin would try his best to make Mama Yang happy, and Mama Yang would forgive him if there was a step.

When had the two children seen or heard such an exciting plot in reality?

Moreover, it still happened to Aunt Liu Jing who is very familiar and has a good relationship, so I must shout for Auntie to fight the injustice!

The premise is to understand the situation first, right?

So Lin Yuqing took the lead and "started the train" with a smile, and the four little ones continued to line up and went downstairs to surround Dad Lin.

Father Lin, who was about to get off work in 10 minutes and start a wonderful evening leisure life, suddenly encountered the most difficult emotional dispute, and he was already very depressed.

Now seeing a few uneasy little things at home surrounded me, my mood became very complicated, and I even wanted to laugh.

Father Lin shook his head and finally calmed down, pushed his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose, and said, "What do you want to come around?"

The curiosity in Xiaojie's heart could no longer be restrained, he took the lead in asking Father Lin loudly: "Dad, is he Aunt Liu Jing's husband?"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Yuqing hit his head.

"Hey! Miss you"

Xiaojie, whose head was knocked, was puzzled and was about to ask Lin Yuqing, but Lin Yuqing covered his mouth with his little hand when he was halfway through speaking.

She glanced upstairs quietly, then lowered her voice and said, "Auntie Liu Jing is upstairs, please keep your voice down."

Xiaojie suddenly realized, and the two of them gave each other an ok gesture like a secret agent.

Dad Lin was looking at the black thread, what's all this mess?

"This matter has nothing to do with you, go back to your room to write your homework and play your games."

After moving his stiff cervical spine, Dad Lin went to the living room and put the letter of commitment on the coffee table before going to the kitchen to help Mama Yang cook, and talk about it by the way.

However, he felt something after just a few steps, and turned his head suspiciously to look at the four little ones who were "obediently" standing in place.

Sensing Papa Lin's gaze, Lin Yuqing looked at Papa Lin with a pure and clean smile, as if saying: Don't worry, I'm the most obedient.

Fang Lin also squatted on the side, stuck out his tongue and looked at Dad Lin with sincere eyes, his big tail wagging violently behind him.

On the other side, Snowball seemed to have spotted a small black spot on the ground, and was observing with his head tilted.

Only Xiaojie didn't react, his eyes were still looking at the letter of commitment on the coffee table, and his right hand grabbed Lin Yuqing's school uniform skirt, trying to remind her that he had made a major discovery.

Fang Lin stretched out his dog's paw and pressed Xiaojie's foot underneath, and Xiaojie realized that Papa Lin was looking at him.

"Ha ha."

Father Lin ignored Xiaojie who had a simple and honest smile on his face, went straight to the living room, stuffed the letter of commitment into his pocket, and then went to the kitchen.


Really speechless.

Fang Lin had never seen such a formal letter of commitment, at most, he had seen that he would never be late for school.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to see what was written on it, how could it make Yang Ma so angry.

It's all right now, everyone has nothing to watch, and Fang Lin feels like a cat scratching in his heart.

Ah, what a stupid boy.

Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin stared at Xiaojie together, Xiaojie spread his hands innocently: "I found out first."

You are really talented, you can catch up with Chenchen and I have your surname.

Lin Yuqing dragged Xiaojie to the sofa to give a lecture, while Fang Lin stood up and ran to the kitchen wagging his tail, ready to see what to cook for dinner and listen to gossip.

He felt that Lin's father and Yang's mother would definitely talk about this matter.

Can't someone whisper and guard against a dog, right?
In the kitchen, Mama Yang was placing the sliced ​​bacon on the pizza crust she bought, and then sprinkled it with a thick layer of cheese and some mushroom-shaped things.

It's actually really easy to make pizza at home if you buy ready-made pizza dough.

After skipping the most difficult step of rolling the noodles, just sprinkle the ingredients you want to eat on the bought noodles, then put them in the oven and bake them.

Pizza this way is arguably one of the easiest to cook.

"You cut the meat over there smaller, and you have to roast a few more with different flavors."


Father Lin obediently picked up the kitchen knife and cut the chunks of meat into slices.

After cutting it twice, he couldn't help but ask, "How did you think about it?"

"How did you think about it?"

"As for Liu Jing and Ren Da, what do you think?"

When Mama Yang heard Papa Lin mentioning this matter, she immediately became a little angry, her delicate face puffed up.

Mama Yang moved a few steps outside to see where the two children were, and found that they were all sitting on the sofa in the living room and turned on the projection to watch animations, then she came back and complained to Papa Lin in a low voice.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you bring Ren Da home? What kind of promise is there?"

"Do you know what he did? Cheating! Stay away from him in the future and I'll tell you."

Lin's father stopped his hands in distress after being complained about, and said, "He ran to my office this afternoon with snot and tears."

Next, Dad Lin told Mama Yang about the process of Ren Da's communication with him in the afternoon and what he had said. After talking, both of them went about their work in silence.

Fang Lin was dumbfounded listening.

Fuck it, big melon!
Ren Da, this is too outrageous, right? I have all the SSR-level wife cards in my hand, and I am tempted by the A-level or B-level green tea cards outside?

This green tea is quite dirty, knowing how to secretly put the used tea into Ren Da's pocket, is there a trick?

However, after hearing the discussion between Lin's father and Yang's mother, as a boy, he could somewhat understand Ren Da's reason for restricting Liu Jing.

Boys who are not confident in their hearts are indeed easily jealous and suspicious. This is actually human nature, but Ren Da is a bit extreme.

A normal man wouldn't limit his wife's freedom at home during the day, right?You have to report when you go out, which is too much.

Jealousy within the normal range between couples can sometimes benefit the warming of the relationship and increase the interest of life.

But excessive jealousy and tension will give the other half a sense of suffocation and make her feel restrained, which will lead to very bad consequences.

Few people are as extreme as Ren Da, and few people are as strong as Liu Jing.

But just now he eavesdropped on Ren Da talking about his low self-esteem and how much he loves Liu Jing, and recalled seeing Ren Da lonely upstairs picking up the promise letter that Yang Ma threw on the ground, his dog's face was filled with sobs.

Is this bearing the burden of humiliation?
It's a pity, why did you go early.

Fang Lin feels that some bottom lines cannot be crossed. It is like a last barrier, guarding many things.

When the bottom line is crossed and the barrier is shattered, many things change in nature.

And she felt that Liu Jing and her views should be the same, after all, how deep the love was before, how painful it would be to be betrayed.

How uncomfortable is it that the things that I once believed in, even if I had to pay for it against the world, collapsed?

Maybe Liu Jing is so obsessed with making videos and editing videos non-stop, is she looking for another sustenance?In fact, the deep wound in my heart hasn't healed yet, right?
Even though her heart was so painful, Liu Jing still happily brought a smile to everyone every morning, and would go to comfort the unhappy Lin Yuqing.

this woman.
Ren Da, the evil pen, will bite your JJ off.

Fang Lin decided to cooperate with Liu Jing to make videos in the future. For a woman like her, Fang Lin will not be stingy in giving some help.

What's more, Yang's mother said that 50.00% of the income will be given to herself. If she really becomes a big Internet celebrity, wouldn't she be able to buy a bunch of delicious food to eat every day?
Thinking of this, Fang Lin put the heaviness in his heart behind him, and began to imagine a better life in the future.

Well, give yourself a mobile phone.

No, the screen of the mobile phone is too small, it is better to equip it with an ipad, and then I can still go online and match up with sand sculpture netizens.


So here comes the most important question, how can I get Mama Yang to buy a tablet for me?
Could it be that he directly stopped in front of Mama Yang and told her loudly: "Woman, standing in front of you now is the future Emperor Ha, I need a tablet now, and when the time comes, I will promise you prosperity and wealth to keep you in peace for the rest of your life."

No, this is not realistic.

Mama Yang frowned and said, "Why are you crying and howling here in broad daylight? You won't be in heat, will you?"

I didn't get the tablet at that time, and I lost the ball again.

It's hard, it's hard to be a human being, and it's even harder to be a husky.

When Fang Lin was thinking about the small theater in his mind, Mama Yang and Papa Lin had been silent for a while.

Lin's father sprinkled the sliced ​​slices and cheese on the bread, and Yang's mother stuffed the bread into the oven. The two of them still had a tacit understanding in silence.

After finishing her work, Mama Yang sighed in her heart and said, "Like a person who drinks water, he knows whether he is warm or not. Forget it, let's show Liu Jing this piece of paper after dinner, but no matter what she decides, I will stand by her." Over there! Let me tell you, don’t sit crooked on your butt!”

"it is good."

Papa Lin's voice just fell.

"Boom! Boom!"

Thunder suddenly sounded, and the sudden dry land thunder shocked the whole family.

The weather in summer is so fickle. One second it was clear and clear, and the next second it might be raining with thunder and lightning.

It didn't take long before the sound of dense raindrops sounded outside the window.

Yang Ma looked out of the window with some doubts: "Why is it raining suddenly?"

Father Lin didn't respond: "It's been a while since it rained, it's time to rain."

Seeing that Lin's father and Yang's mother stopped gossiping, Fang Lin, who was attracted by the heavy rain, didn't stay any longer, and went straight to the garden on the balcony to look outside.

The garden on the balcony is semi-open and has no windows. The top of the head is the bottom of the upstairs balcony. As long as there is no strong wind, the balcony will be fine.

Standing on the balcony, Fang Lin smelled the rising rain in all directions, feeling that his whole body was exposed to the eyes of nature.

The torrential rain poured down from the sky. Fang Lin looked out, and there was a huge gray curtain hanging between the sky and the earth.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was almost the time when the sun went down. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze, and the dark sky was rolling as if it was about to collapse.

Suddenly a huge lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the pitch-black curtain.


The late thunder was earth-shattering, like the roar of a giant beast.

The sharp lightning was reflected in Fang Lin's Youlan's deep pupils. He stood quietly in the middle of the sky and the earth, and suddenly felt that the aura around him suddenly became abnormally active.

The husky's handsome face became rare and serious. He felt carefully, 100 meters, 500 meters, and one kilometer, it was like the aura of the whole world began to come alive.

Fang Lin continued to sense, trying to get some information from the somewhat abnormal aura, but after trying for a while, he found nothing.

It's a little monster.

Fang Lin looked up again at the sky that had become like ink, and walked home wagging his tail.

Sioux City, Bureau of Special Affairs.

A black off-road vehicle led the way and drove into the gate of the former Archives Bureau of Qingshui District together with several transport vehicles.

The dark bulletproof glass is like a silent but deadly warrior in the rain that does not reflect a ray of light, and the rapidly rotating wheels slashed through the accumulated water and splashed layers of water.

The off-road vehicle stopped precisely at the gate of the Special Affairs Bureau as if drifting in the rain, and a woman who was wearing military boots and wearing a uniform but still couldn't hide her charming curves got out of the car.

Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen waited on the steps of the door. Lin Shaohua, who had been prepared early, hurriedly held up his umbrella and walked down the steps to lean over.

As a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, he saw the appearance of a woman in the suddenly bright light.

Bright and full red lips, a three-dimensional straight nose bridge, and a pair of charming peach blossom eyes cast a captivating gaze.

Seeing Lin Shaohua approaching with an umbrella, the woman's red lips slightly curled up, a charming look flowed between her brows, and she stretched out her jaded hand to hold his umbrella hand.

"Thank you."

Accompanied by the melodious voice, the woman took the umbrella in the other hand and walked up the steps with a charming pace.

Lin Shaohua was left standing alone in the rain curtain, soaked by the rainstorm without knowing it.

"Captain Deng, Li Mei from the intelligence department salutes you."

(ps: Fanwai: Many years later, Xueqiu, who practiced Buddhism according to fate, woke up and found that she had traveled to a different world. She, who was ignorant of the world, found in a panic that she could actually communicate with Emperor Ha Fang Lin in her heart, and even borrowed A trace of strength gave her a little peace of mind.

What kind of difficulties will the good girl Snowball encounter in her adventure in another world, and how to solve them?

Please look forward to the author's words tomorrow~)

 Thank you Yan Yanyan, Shu Jiuyi, and Chuang Xiaomeng who fell in love with me for rewarding 100 starting coins, thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by Huanyu, and thank you for the 1000 starting coins rewarded by the master in my dream, thank you 1500 starting point coins rewarded by your little monster corporal! ! !

  Thank you boss, boss atmosphere Boss is in good health! ! !

  Everyone is urging to add updates, but the text of the new issue really can't be updated too much, so tomorrow I will update a 500-word extra episode in the writer's words.

  The extra plot is purely fictional and has nothing to do with the main text!

  You can leave a message in the group or in the comment area if you want to see any kind of extras.

  thanks for your support!Ask for a monthly pass!

  The husky turned and rolled in the air for three and a half weeks and rushed towards everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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