Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 59 There is no future for licking a dog

Chapter 59 There is no future for licking a dog
Seeing Li Mei coming up, Deng Jiefu said gently, "Hehe, now he should be the director of the Intelligence Department of the Sucheng Special Affairs Bureau."

As he spoke, he turned sideways and introduced to Li Mei: "This is your future director, Yang Zhen, you should be old acquaintances."

The corners of Li Mei's mouth turned up slightly, her charming peach eyes inadvertently blinked at Yang Zhen, she stretched out her right hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Director Yang."

Yang Zhen remained calm on the surface, but his heart was churning up and down.

Why did Deng Jiefu send him such a prickly goblin?
A year ago, he was a simple breeder. He was awakened after an accident at the border and was spotted by Deng Jiefu. After that, the intelligence department of the General Administration conducted a comprehensive review of him without dead ends.

During the one-on-one questioning, it was Li Mei who came from the intelligence department.

At that time in front of her, Yang Zhen felt that he was exposed from head to toe in front of her eyes, without a trace of secrets about him.

Now when he looks at Li Mei, who must have been a peerless beauty like Daji in the past, he doesn't feel the slightest bit of emotion in his heart, but he resists it very much.

Yang Zhenweng said angrily, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

He also stretched out his hand and held it with Li Mei.

When the two let go, Li Mei's index finger gently scratched Yang Zhen's palm at an angle that was not easily noticed by everyone.

Yang Zhen retracted his hand like an electric shock, his face was livid and stiff, the scene just now brought back bad memories for him.

Yi Fei, who was watching from the side, noticed Li Mei's small movements keenly. She couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and stretched out her hand: "Hello, I'm Yi Fei, assistant to the director."

Li Mei smiled lightly and reached out to shake her hand: "Hi Secretary Yi, Li Mei. I heard that you are now Director Yang's right-hand man, and you were his master before. Please give me more advice in the future."

Yi Fei frowned. She always felt that the word secretary was unpleasant and had other unpleasant meanings, so she deliberately called her assistant, this woman.

Deng Jiefu smiled heartily and said: "It seems that everyone gets along very well, so I can rest assured that the Sucheng Special Affairs Bureau will be handed over to you."

Yang Zhen glanced at Deng Jiefu with a dark face, do you really not see it or fake it?
In front of everyone, it was not easy for him to complain to him. At this moment, Lin Shaohua finally walked up like a drowned rat, and stood with Feng Dong and Ma Shangwu on the side.

Feng Dong and Ma Shangwu looked at him with suppressed smiles, Lin Shaohua looked depressed, he was also from a reconnaissance company before, how could he make such a mistake.

Yang Zhen gave him a hard look, really embarrassing himself.

Deng Jiefu introduced to Yi Fei again: "These three are members of the action team, with good spiritual talent and strong military strength."

Li Mei looked at the three of them and said with a smile: "I know, you are Lin Shaohua, Feng Dong and Ma Shangwu, right?"

The three of them saluted: "Hi Chu Li." Li Mei saluted back.

At this time, three military transport vehicles also stopped at the door.

Arriving with Li Mei were 8 people from the logistics department, 12 people from the intelligence department and some electronic equipment carried by the intelligence department.

The impact of extreme weather was taken into account early on when these equipment were transported, and they were all wrapped in thick oiled paper cloth.

After Li Baojiang, Director of the Logistics Department, got out of the car and greeted Deng Jiefu, he mobilized everyone to help the Intelligence Department transport the equipment into the room reserved by the Special Affairs Bureau.

"Team Deng, the situation is not good. According to the forecast of the Meteorological Bureau, it should still be sunny today and in the next few days. The torrential rain just now is a bit unusual."

"Let's go in and talk as we go."

Yunting District, Fang Lin's home.

Yang's mother had already prepared dinner, and three different flavors of pizza were served on the table. Besides that, there was also a vegetable soup, and of course Fang Lin's steak and Xueqiu's fried fish were unshakable.

Looking at the food on the table, Mama Yang was a little dissatisfied, because the food was cooked a little late today, so the variety was relatively rare and crude compared to usual.

It can be said that cooking is an activity she is looking forward to. In her spare time every day, she will watch some cooking videos recommended by bloggers. If she finds it interesting, she will practice with her family at night.

However, because of the long-term foundation, the chance of overturning is still very small, and basically the food is more delicious.

But today there is really no way, it is already almost eight o'clock, and the few monkeys at home are about to overturn the sky if they don't cook.

For example, Xiaojie, the bears in front of him can no longer attract him. He lies on the sofa and urges and howls.

The main reason is that the usual biological clock is too regular. Every time before Mama Yang goes to pick them up, she has roughly prepared the ingredients for the evening, and the time-consuming steps have basically been completed.

Father Lin came home from get off work very punctually every day and never stayed in the company for an extra second, so the children could have dinner soon after they came back.

Fang Lin was also hungry, and of course he was indispensable for urging food. He squatted next to the sofa, Xiaojie howled, and he also howled, performing a duet at home.

Lin Yuqing, who was arguing aside, wanted to shut their mouths, but fortunately, the tormenting sound effect didn't last long.

When Yang's mother called out the words "Dinner is ready", Fang Lin stood up and was the first to rush to the restaurant, and then slammed on the brakes and stopped steadily in front of his own rice bowl.

Wuhu, dry rice, dry rice~!
Fang Lin watched with some anticipation as Mama Yang put the fried steak, which was still sizzling with oil, into his bowl, but when he was about to taste it, he smelled a fishy smell.

In order to be in a hurry today, Mama Yang wouldn't fry his steak with Xueqiu's fried fish, would she?

But Fang Lin was a little hungry, and a little smell didn't bother him too much.

"Xiaojie, go and call your Aunt Liu Jing down."

"Well, all right."

Immediately behind Fang Lin, Xiaojie, who had already sat half of his buttocks at the dining table, jumped off the chair helplessly.

After Mama Yang set the tableware, she sat down at the dining table, and Lin Yuqing and Papa Lin were already seated.

But Lin's father who was sitting at the dining table looked a little confused, took out the promise letter from his pocket and waved it to Yang's mother.

Yang's mother frowned and picked up the fork as if to hit, complaining in a low voice: "Let's talk about it after dinner, I'll show it to her alone."

Papa Lin shrugged and stuffed the letter of guarantee back into his pocket.

Soon, Xiaojie bounced downstairs and sat down at the dining table, followed by Liu Jing.

"Wow, let's eat pizza tonight, it's very rich"

After Liu Jing praised her, she sat down next to Mama Yang, slapped her sore waist and said with a smile, "I'm starving to death, my stomach is growling."

"Then let's start eating."

Mama Yang led everyone to start eating, but the atmosphere at the dinner table became weird.

Or it was like this for Liu Jing, Lin Yuqing would sneak a look at herself from time to time.

At first, Liu Jing thought it was something on her mouth when she ate pizza.

After wiping it a few times with tissue paper, she found that Xiaojie, who was working hard to cook, noticed Lin Yuqing's gaze, and began to look at herself frequently.

What made her feel strange the most was that Kaka, who used to go back to the nest paralyzed after eating hungrily, didn't leave today, and squatted aside to peek at herself.

Am I looking good today?Or am I eating too much?

Not much, I just ate two slices.

Liu Jing fell into doubt.

Xiaojie's blatant gaze was noticed by Yang's mother, and she said, "Can you eat well? Does Aunt Liu have flowers on her face?"

Xiaojie keenly caught the threat contained in his eyes, so he shivered and buried his head in the plate.

"And you."

Fang Lin was lying on the side, sticking out his tongue, looking forward to the progress of the plot, when he suddenly found that Mama Yang was talking to him.

Huskies are puzzled.

"Go back to the nest and rest after eating, don't be an eyesore here, look at how good Xueqiu is."


Fang Lin glanced at the ladylike Snowball who was grooming her hair on the sofa after eating, feeling a little speechless.

If you don't let me hear you, don't let me hear you. I can hear you in the living room.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Another thunderclap came from outside the house, and the sound of the rain outside suddenly became louder.

The sun had already set at eight o'clock in the evening, and the thick clouds in the sky made the night a bit darker.

Liu Jing looked out through the transparent sliding door of the balcony, and the dense rain poured down in the gray world, and the visibility in the dark night became extremely low, leaving only a vague shadow on the building that was clearly visible.

The sound of rain, or the sound of rain.

When no one was talking at the table, the sound of rain from all directions kept coming, blocking all the sounds outside.

"heavy rain."

She couldn't help sighing, to be honest, she was quite afraid of thunder.

Especially now that the dark and blurry scene outside made her feel a little panicked, as if they were the only ones left in the whole world.

When she was concentrating on editing the video alone in the room just now, the sudden thunder gave her a big jump.

After a while, Father Lin, who was thinking about something, suddenly answered the call.

"Yeah yeah."

After speaking, he closed his mouth again.

Father Lin's sluggish reaction made Liu Jing feel even more confused, and suddenly became a little nervous.

What's going on today?

A huge lightning flashed across the dark sky, as if it exploded in front of your eyes.

Boom boom boom boom!
Liu Jing's body trembled a bit. The unusual weather outside and the strange reactions of the people at the dinner table reminded her of the horror movies she had seen before, and her whole body got goosebumps.

She shook her head, dispelled the frightening thought, took a few more mouthfuls of food in a hurry, and put down the knife and fork.

"I went up to cut the video."

Liu Jing took two steps and found Xiaojie raised his head from the plate, still looking at her.

Xiaojie's big black eyes made the plot of horror movies frantically pop up in her mind.

Rainy night, thunder, little boy, porcelain doll, big eyes, no talking.

She trembled and turned to look at Mama Yang and said, "Qian, I'm a little scared, you can go up with me."

Yang Ma, who was worried that she would not have a chance to communicate with Liu Jing, quickly agreed.

She asked Liu Jing to go up first, and after she went up, she asked Father Lin for a letter of commitment and went upstairs, and closed the door after entering.

Fang Lin followed behind and put the dog's head against the door and listened for a while, suddenly feeling a little inappropriate.

Forget it, it's really not good to eavesdrop on girls' private affairs, anyway, Mama Yang can definitely handle it well.

It happened that Xiaojie also went upstairs, so Fang Lin followed him back to the room in a panic.

Xiaojie touched Fang Lin's head and told him to wait on the bed first, while he sat next to the computer and read the news.

This is to chat with Chenchen, right?
Then I can't go.

Fang Lin wagged his tail and moved to the side to watch.

"Well, I'm home."

Seeing Chenchen's reply, Xiaojie was a little excited and hurriedly sent a message.

"I just finished eating, have you eaten yet?"

This time Chenchen replied quickly: "Yes."

Feeling inspired by himself, Xiaojie immediately typed: "What are you eating?"

After sending the message, Xiaojie rubbed Fang Lin's head happily, and Fang Lin shook his head away from the excited Xiaojie.

Xiaojie didn't care, and continued to wait for Chenchen's news.

It's a pity that this time, the chat box didn't change at all, as if nothing had happened.

Xiaojie waited a little anxiously and continued to send messages: "What are you doing?"

"Are you doing your homework?"

"It's very interesting to see a piece of news just now."

"It's raining heavily today, will school not start tomorrow?"

"Are you afraid of thunder? If you are afraid, I can chat with you."

After typing the last sentence, Xiaojie's face turned red.

After a while, Chenchen sent a message: "I'm going to take a shower, I'll talk to you after I take a shower."

Xiaojie jumped up from the chair and almost stepped on Fang Lin's tail who was squatting aside.

Fang Lin quickly moved his tail to the other side, and looked at Xiaojie who was having a carnival with some amusement.

too simple.

A girl told you she went to take a shower, did you really think she was going to take a shower?

There is no future for licking a dog, especially if Xiaojie licks a person consciously and affectionately, there is no hope.

There is no possibility of even evolving into a wolf licking.

"Aww! Aww!"

Fang Lin couldn't stand it anymore, and hurried to the bedside to urge Xiaojie to start playing games.

In the past few years after his parents passed away, he was extremely glass-hearted.

How glassy is it?

He can't watch any tragedies. Whenever there is a little bit of abuse in TV dramas, he feels uncomfortable and extremely uncomfortable.

I don’t even dare to touch the highly rated drama of tears and collapse. I once tried to watch one and my whole body felt bad, as if my whole body had returned to the darkest days.

Now he feels this way when he sees Xiaojie chatting.

How could my younger brother be so worthless, handsome, and with this kind of family background, what kind of girls will you not find in the future?

Hurry up and play games with me, don't waste your energy on this kind of thing!
Xiaojie dawdled on the chair for a while, reluctantly closed the dialog box, and then turned on the speaker connected to the computer to ensure that he could hear the message as soon as he received it.

Fang Lin groaned impatiently again, and Xiaojie finally lay down next to Fang Lin after adjusting everything.

He leaned a little towards Fang Lin, leaning his head on Fang Lin's body, his feet dangling in the air.

"What are you playing?"

Continue to switch games and wait for Fang Lin to flip the card.

Before Fang Lin could yell, he heard a loud sound coming from the full volume speaker.


Xiaojie quickly dropped the handle and got up and ran to the computer desk, because he ran too fast and accidentally kicked the chair.


He sucked in a breath, endured the pain and looked at the screen.

"Fuck! What is the news! It hurts so much."

Unable to bear it, Xiaojie crouched down hugging his feet.

Fang Lin: .

The magic capital, the villa area.

A puppet cat with fluffy white hair is nestled on the sofa on the first floor, and there is a tablet in front of it, which is playing cat and mouse.

Her body was curled up with her two pink paws in front of her chest, and her round head was hanging down on the sofa to sleep, making people worry that she might suffocate.

Suddenly, she shook her body, lifted her head up unsteadily, took a bite of the small dried fish placed beside her, and lowered her head again.

The dried fish that she swallowed turned into a beam of light in her body, lighting up like a key to open the door of time.


Feeling something was wrong, Xueqiu raised her head, and she was surprised to find that her stomach was glowing!

Before she could react, the light instantly expanded and enveloped her entire body.

There was a ripple in the space, and the snowball disappeared in place in an instant, leaving only a round hole pressed out by her and the tablet playing animation on the sofa.


After a burst of colors dazzled Snowball, a sense of weightlessness suddenly struck.



The snowball hit the ground.

It hurts.

Snowball got up from the ground with some difficulty, and saw that his originally smooth and shiny hair was covered with dusty dust.

The pain on her body made Xueqiu feel a little aggrieved. She has been well protected by Fang Lin since she was an ignorant kitten. Whenever she has experienced this kind of situation, her clothes are all dirty!

It took a while for Xueqiu to remember to observe the surrounding situation. She found that she was stepping on a relatively soft ground, surrounded by huge trees towering into the sky.

Is this a forest?
There was a hint of doubt in the snowball sapphire-like eyes. The family had seen similar scenes when they went camping before.

Some salty, earthy smell penetrated into her pink nose, and the sudden unfamiliar environment made her a little panicked.

"Meow? (Kaka?)"

"Meow? (Are you there? Kaka)"

A nervous Xueqiu subconsciously looked for Fang Lin's figure, but the majestic, broad and secure figure in the past did not appear in front of her eyes.

What can I do?I want to go home.

Xueqiu missed the small dried fish that he hadn't finished eating.

"Oh oh oh!"



The eager cries of monkeys and the clash of weapons came to her ears, and before she could react, a monkey covered in gold was holding a stick and carried a small monkey on its back from a distant tree. swing down.

Behind him were seven or eight aggressive gray-haired monkeys, also armed with weapons, chasing him.

Snowball happened to be in the way of these monkeys. Her hair was raised and her body was arched. She quickly recalled the fighting skills Fang Lin taught her in her mind.

However, Xueqiu, who was usually lazy and had never been in contact with combat, saw these aggressive monkeys, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't think of any knowledge at all.

Woohoo, Kaka, where are you?
The author's words can only be within 500 words, which is sloppy.

The extra plot is purely fictional and has nothing to do with the main text!

You can leave a message in the group or in the comment area if you want to see any other episodes.

I can only update here. If you feel that this affects the experience of the main text, I will not update the episode tomorrow, and I will talk about it at that time.

 Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by the shadow of the leopard, and the 500 starting point coins that I know how much I know in my dream! !
  Thank you boss, boss atmosphere Boss is in good health!

(End of this chapter)

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