Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 60: Removing Chapters Is Not a Water Group

Chapter 60
"Kaka, come here~"

Lin Yuqing pushed open the door of Xiaojie's bedroom, stretched half of her body in and waved to Fang Lin who was on the bed.


Under the opened door, Snowball poked out half of its chubby head.

"Why? It's not time to go to bed yet!"

Xiaojie, who was lying on the bed with Fang Lin, put down the handle, stretched out his arms and put his arms around Fang Lin, not wanting Lin Yuqing to take him away.

No one can take Kaka away from me!
Xiaojie, who has been frustrated in love, is now very determined to keep Fang Lin, the only one left by his side.

Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing and wagged his tail. It was indeed not time to go to bed, not to mention Xiaojie looked a little sad just now
At this time, he needs company, and he still needs to be a little buddy.

"It's raining and thundering outside, and I'm afraid."


Xiaojie expressed dissatisfaction with her answer.

"Isn't Snowball beside you?" he asked.

"She's scared too."


Xiaojie was silent for a while and said, "Anyway, Kaka won't go with you."

Lin Yuqing showed an aggrieved expression, blinked her big eyes, and squatted down to hug the snowball at her feet.


One person and one cat stood pitifully at the door without moving.



Under Xiaojie's unbelievable gaze, Fang Lin stood up slowly and broke free from his embrace.


I think men have to experience more setbacks in order to grow.

Are you right?

Fang Lin didn't care whether Xiaojie understood or not, he nodded at him, and then followed Lin Yuqing to her bedroom.

Xueqiu looked at Xiaojie, who was lying on the bed with a controller in his hand and was sluggish, then turned his head and walked a few steps quickly to follow Fang Lin.


The thunder outside the house seemed to hit Xiaojie's heart, and a sentence suddenly popped up in his mind.

No one can take Kaka from me unless he walks by himself.

After Lin Yuqing waited for the last snowball to come in, he closed the door and sat down at the desk.

She sat down and pointed to her feet: "Come on Kaka, come here to rest."

The desk is relatively large, and the space under it is relatively spacious.


Fang Lin responded and walked over, lay down at Lin Yuqing's feet and lay down on his side.

Xueqiu also wanted to lie down next to Fang Lin, but when he walked halfway, Lin Yuqing picked him up and put him on his lap.

So Lin Yuqing began to write homework happily, and after a while, she patted Snowball's head with her hand.

Fang Lin, who was a little bored under the table, suddenly remembered that he still had some combat heritage to read, so he closed his eyes and began to visualize in his heart.

After the bloodline inheritance of the old wolf king mutated when traveling through time and space, the strength of many places has changed. It can be said that it has become a brand new bloodline, but the basic functions of the previous ones are still there.

The combat experience in Fang Lin's inheritance is like a series of VR movies, stored in the home theater in Fang Lin's mind.

Now Fang Lin can only watch these D-level movies, and all of them involve D-level battles.

As for the above C-level, B-level, A-level, etc., it is estimated that he will not be able to open it until he is promoted to a higher level.

It is equivalent to that Fang Lin will have a full set of skills, techniques and combat experience every time he reaches a level.

After Fang Lin took the initiative to sense, he could put his consciousness into those Xiaoyue Sirius who were fighting.

Although the old wolf king didn't tell him this name, he still knew it from the inheritance.

Fang Lin can now feel the bloody and fighting from the No. 1 perspective.

There are one-on-one duels, there are also group hunting, and there are also many battles with one enemy, and the opponents include almost all extraordinary species.

Although the species in the experience may not be the same as those in Fang Lin's current world, the combat experience is interlinked.

The battles between animals rely on instinct, and the battles between these D-ranks are even more deadly and back to basics, without the slightest bit of bells and whistles.

All the actions and all the foreshadowing almost turned into the same goal in the end, which was to kill the opponent cleanly.

Fragile necks, abdomens, reproductive organs, and even chrysanthemums were bitten, torn, and exploded one by one from Fang Lin's perspective.

At first, Fang Lin felt a little physically uncomfortable, but the beast instinct contained in his body gradually affected him and helped him gradually adapt.

It's just that he can only watch movies, observe from the perspective of those fighting Xiaoyue Sirius, and he can't control their bodies by himself.

It's a pity, if it can be like the virtual games in those novels, what 99% of the realism, isn't this combat experience soaring?

As if aware of Fang Lin's thoughts, suddenly a force began to pull Fang Lin's consciousness.

For Fang Lin, it was as if a pair of hands were gently tugging at his consciousness, trying to make him obey.

What the hell?
Fang Lin resisted subconsciously, fighting against this force.

This force pulled twice as if a little impatient, and stopped moving.

Hey, I'm still awesome.

Before Fang Lin could enjoy himself for a while, he suddenly felt that his brain was hit by a heavy hammer, and he lost consciousness with a whimper.

The huskies in reality also closed their eyes and fell asleep.

dark space.

It hurts!

As soon as Fang Lin opened his eyes, he found that he had come to the original space again, the stone tablet was still in front of him, and the dilapidated ruins still stood quietly in the distance.

He raised a dog's paw and rubbed his head to relieve the pain inside, but soon realized that the feeling of being hit by a heavy hammer just now was like a hallucination.

It doesn't hurt at all now.

It's really strange, the old wolf king has dissipated, why is there still someone beating him?

At this time, a wave of information flooded into his mind, telling Fang Lin that this space now completely belongs to Fang Lin himself, and he can name it.

And the energy stored in the space now can be used to build a lab for actual combat training.

Fang Lin was taken aback by this information, what else does this function do?

Acting in the studio?Combat training?

Isn't this the real version of the virtual game I just thought about?

He now feels that he is not lacking in strength, what he lacks is these combat experiences, and with these experiences, he can give full play to his strength.

As for this space, what should we name it?

However, Fang Lin, who was a little excited, suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why did all this information emerge directly from the bottom of his heart?

The novels of the system flow I read before are all panels. Could it be that this is the magical power left by a certain big man in the space?Send a message directly across the air?

And what is the energy mentioned in the information?I don't know how to get it and how much is left.

"Can I build anything else?"

Fang Lin said something on his lips and said it again in his heart, but there was no reaction at all.

Okay, let's build it first.

Fang Lin felt that he was very lucky in this life, and all the people he met along the way were people who could help him.

As soon as the idea of ​​building came out, the whole space began to tremble again.

The previously invisible air wall floated in the air, recognizable like a piece of transparent glass.

This wall of air soared straight into the sky, piercing into the black hole above the sky with no ceiling.

Then one side of the square air wall extended outward for a certain distance, turning into a rectangle and enclosing a ruin.

At this time, the black stone wall began to emit light, and a beam of white light poured into the ruins from the stone wall, and various mysterious images began to appear above the ruins.

Built in a day.

The short message came to Fang Lin's mind again.

Well, I thought I could experience it now, this construction speed is far worse than that of the Dragon Kingdom Federation.

Fang Lin shook the dog's head, looked around at the desolation and didn't want to stay here any longer.

So I thought about it for a while, and said silently in my heart: Exit the space.

Fang Lin waited for a while and found that there was no movement. When he was a little confused, he felt another kick in his buttocks, and his whole body was kicked out of the space.

The familiar feeling of feet is wrong to blame the old wolf king!

In reality, Fang Lin's body trembled and regained consciousness.

Lin Yuqing, who was petting cats and fish, suddenly felt Fang Lin tremble, and then opened his eyes.

The husky lying on his side seemed a little confused when he raised his head.

"Haha Kaka, did you have a nightmare while sleeping?"

Lin Yuqing was amused by Fang Lin's reaction, thinking he was dreaming of something.

She stretched out her smooth and white feet and placed them on Fang Lin's white, furry and warm belly, pressing back and forth gently.

"Kaka, your belly is so warm, you can warm your feet in winter."

Lin Yuqing was very happy as if she had discovered a treasure.

Well, it's quite comfortable.

After realizing it, Fang Lin continued to lie down, closed his eyes and enjoyed the massage on his stomach.

This reminded him a little of his grandmother, who had a very unique abdominal massage technique.

Every time he had gas and indigestion in his stomach, grandma would let him lie on the bed and perform her unique tricks.

Just as Fang Lin was enjoying with his eyes closed, Lin Yuqing suddenly put on his shoes and left his seat.


Why didn't you press it?
Fang Lin opened his eyes and found that Lin Yuqing had climbed onto the bed with the tablet and snowball in his arms.

Have you finished your homework?This is the rest?

But no matter what Fang Lin thought in his heart, Lin's massage was over anyway. He raised his left front paw and rubbed his stomach in a humane way, and he had some aftertaste.

Why didn't I realize that being rubbed on my stomach was so comfortable before?

No, it's kind of addicting.

Fang Lin stood up and jumped onto the bed and lay beside Lin Yuqing, then lay on his side and stretched out his paws to push her.

Lin Yuqing was holding the tablet to send a message. When she saw Fang Lin lying beside her with her belly exposed and pushed her, she immediately understood what he meant.

"Want to be belly rubbed?"

Lin Yuqing rubbed Fang Lin's stomach with one hand.


This feeling is like when your back is itchy and you can't reach it, you suddenly find a tickle!

Fang Lin closed his eyes happily.

However, Lin Yuqing scratched a few times and withdrew her hand to continue sending messages.

Why is it gone again?
Fang Lin turned over and put his head next to Lin Yuqing's, trying to see who she was sending messages to, but he didn't even scratch his stomach.


Lin Yuqing was in a group named Class 2 No Inner Ghost, and a bunch of emojis were flying around.

As we all know, starting from junior high school, each class will have a class group without a teacher in it, and there will even be several small groups with their own separate groups.

Lin Yuqing posted a few emoticons in this group and then backed out, and opened a group called Qingqing Protection Association. There were only three people in the group.

Lin Yuqing, Zhao Hanya and Li Rui, the group leader is Zhao Hanya, Lin Yuqing and Li Rui are both administrators.

Fang Lin looked a little like laughing, is this really the Qingqing Protection Association?
Maybe it's the Association for the Protection of Single Dogs or the Association for the Protection of Light Bulbs?
Zhao Hanya was chatting with Li Rui about an English question, and Lin Yuqing immediately sent an emoji of Hermione raising her arms high.

It read: I KNOW!

Zhao Hanya sent back a message: Have you finished your math homework?
Lin Yuqing curled her lips and sent an emoji of a kitten covering her ears: Don't listen!
"Who said that tonight's math homework is not finished?"

Seeing this news, Lin Yuqing immediately withdrew all the previous messages.


"Why did you withdraw?"

"If I withdraw it, it won't be considered a water group~"

"Sweating soybeans/Sweating soybeans/"

Seeing that Zhao Hanya replied to herself, Lin Yuqing withdrew the message again.



"I don't have water."


"A little bit."


". Tomorrow is still math class in the first period, and the teacher will definitely ask you questions."


Lin Yuqing threw the tablet aside, rolled to one side and lay sprawled on the bed, eyes full of words that this world is not worth it.

After being paralyzed for a few seconds, Lin Yuqing still got up from the bed and sat down at the desk and began to struggle with mathematics.

Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing's back and shook his head. Suddenly, his vision shifted to the bright tablet. The last six ellipses sent by Lin Yuqing on the screen have not been withdrawn.

It's a bit uncomfortable that this sentence has not been retracted after all the previous retractions?
Fang Lin looked a little uncomfortable, so he glanced at Lin Yuqing, and quietly stretched out his claws to hover above the tablet.

Aligned the small meat pad under the longest of the four fingers with the message, and pressed it lightly.

After a few seconds, the frame appeared, and Fang Lin continued to put the pad on the withdrawal.

Get it!

Much more comfortable now.

Fang Lin jumped out of the bed and continued to lie on his side at Lin Yuqing's feet, enjoying the abdominal massage.

Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau, Operation Conference Hall.

"Team Deng, there will be an online meeting of high-level federal officials asking you to attend. It should be about this channel."

"Well, I see."

Yang Zhen and Deng Jiefu stood in front of a huge map of Sioux City and talked.

At this time, Yang Zhen looked around, and after confirming that only Deng Jiefu and himself were in the room, he complained to Deng Jiefu.

"Captain Deng, why did you send Li Mei to me?"


Deng Jiefu raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Yang Zhen and said, "Don't look like a boudoir, Li Mei is very good."

"I know, but."

"There's nothing wrong with it. Isn't it the fact that when I wanted to bring you with me, the Ministry of Intelligence asked Li Mei to inspect you?"

Yang Zhen didn't speak, but his face was still depressed.

Deng Jiefu looked at him and shook his head and laughed: "The intelligence department has reported to me, what's the matter? Isn't it just stripping you naked and tying you to a chair? You are a big man and you don't suffer, besides, I still leave you a piece of paper." Underpants."

Yang Zhen became impatient, looked around nervously and said, "Keep your voice down! How do you know this?"

"Should I remind you that I am the director of the Southern Provincial General Administration of Special Affairs, one of the five B-level awakeners of the Dragon Kingdom Federation, and the recipient of the Federation Shield Medal?"


Deng Jiefu sighed and patted Yang Zhen's shoulder and said earnestly, "Both Yi Fei and Li Mei are very good at thinking. I specially selected them to help you control the overall situation."

"There is a shortage of high-level awakened people in the Federation, and you are D-level, so you can come to Sioux City to sit in charge."

"But your high military strength does not mean that you are also strong in management. Grasping this opportunity is also a qualification for your future."

"The situation in the future will be very complicated, and I have told you all about it."

Yang Zhen was a little moved after hearing this, but something was wrong.

Doesn't this mean that he has no brains?

He said indifferently: "So what? The big deal is that I will continue to follow you when the time comes."

(Spoiler, complete recovery will take a long time, and even if the Dragon Kingdom Federation is recovered, there will be no problems. The protagonist now also has a backer, and he is also fierce.

So everyone should continue to read it as a light-hearted and refreshing article. After this plot, the world line will not be pushed too fast, so everyone should not have psychological pressure and fear that the protagonist is not strong enough. )
 4500 words! ! !Big chapter! !
  Thanks to Nicholas Feng and Bianjia for the reward of 100 starting coins, thanks to the book friend 20200229104 for the reward of 300 starting coins, thanks to classmate Lu Luxiu for the reward of 400 starting coins, and thanks to Zhonger Shenshang for the reward of 466 points Starting currency! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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