Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 61 Little Fairy Even Her Feet Sweat Is Fragrant

Chapter 61 Little Fairy Even Her Feet Sweat Is Fragrant
"Look at how promising you are, have you made any progress?"

Deng Jiefu looked at Yang Zhen who was still a little foolish in front of him, and couldn't help shaking his head.

It was the same when Yang Zhen first came to him at the beginning, when he did things, he just thought about it.

How could Nuo Da's Southern Provincial Bureau of Special Affairs be pure white?

Yi Fei was wronged at work, so Yang Zhen went to the deputy chief's office to make a fuss without saying a word. If it wasn't for Deng Jiefu's sake, Yang Zhen would have to clean the toilet the next day.

Now that Deng Jiefu thought of this incident, he still felt a toothache. Looking at Yang Zhen who was standing next to him pretending to read the map, he suddenly became angry.

"What's for supper later?"


"Ha ha."

Yang Zhen who blurted out suddenly felt a little embarrassed, like a child who was caught by his parents while secretly playing with his mobile phone while doing homework at home.

"You have to remember, you are the director now."

"I know, I did a good job when you weren't here."


Yang Zhen saw that Deng Jiefu wanted to beat him up, so he quickly explained: "Isn't it because you are by my side?"

When Deng Jiefu didn't come, Yang Zhen felt that his whole nerves were tense, for fear that something went wrong and he would not be able to explain it.

He knew that his position was arranged by Deng Jiefu, and he was very afraid of betraying his trust and making him lose face in front of others.

But now that Deng Jiefu is here, he is like a loose spring, he doesn't want to move his mind at all.


Deng Jiefu snorted coldly and ignored him, looking up at the map carefully.

Yang Zhen, who was standing beside Deng Jiefu, looked at his tall and broad back, and felt very calm and at ease in his heart. He couldn't help but move his body backwards, wanting to stand in his shadow.

The room fell into silence again, only the continuous torrential rain was showing off its presence.

"Yang Zhen."


Deng Jiefu suddenly broke Yang Zhen's thoughts.

"I heard that you gave the Qiling Pill to a dog?"


Yang Zhen: It's broken.

Qiling Pill is the most important research product of the Federal Academy of Sciences recently. After the successful research and development, there are only enough materials to make three pieces, and it is not enough to distribute one piece to each of the five B-level members of the Federation.

Xia Chenglin personally went to catch a golden eagle to try as a war pet.

The golden eagle is not only domineering in appearance, but also has extremely strong attack power and is very ferocious. Once it is really successful, it will definitely be a great help in the future.

(parallel world!)

But Deng Jiefu actually knew what Yang Zhen was thinking, so he deliberately revealed this enlightenment pill in front of him.

After rejecting him several times symbolically, Deng Jiefu gave it to him directly, the purpose is to let him understand the preciousness of this thing.

He was afraid that the bear in Yang Zhen's heart would come up that day, and he would feed the dog casually.

Yang Zhen was thinking wildly in his mind and wanted to make up a reason, but he couldn't make up for a while.

So he began to change the subject as usual: "It's Yi Fei, right! It must be her complaint again, I knew she was the spy you arranged by my side."

Hearing this, Deng Jiefu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and stretched out his foot to Yang Zhen's buttocks: "Say such nonsense!"


Yang Zhen, who had been kicked, came to Deng Jiefu's side with a smile again.

"It's over and I'll go and see it."

Yang Zhen was a little impatient but didn't know what to say. He held back for a while and said, "It's a good dog, don't hurt him."


Deng Jiefu didn't want to communicate with Yang Zhen anymore, he said helplessly: "Why should I hurt him? Born and bred is not a nail in the spirit world."

Yang Zhen scratched his head and said, "I know, I mean don't bring him back, I want him to live in peace."

"Let's talk about it after I observe it myself. I may not have explained the efficacy of that elixir to you clearly. Maybe the dog has started to breathe out spiritual energy now."

"When the spiritual world and our interference are completely stable in the future, under the feedback of the aura tide, it will definitely take this path."

"If its master is also awakened, then it will be someone else's pet. I don't know what you will think then."

Other people's pets, other people's treasures.

When Yang Zhen heard this sentence, he suddenly felt a little sour, feeling weak all over.

How does this feel like being green?
However, his mouth was still not soft, and he said, "I am willing!"

"Is that okay?"

"Will they like to watch it more if I insert an emoji in this place?"

In the bedroom, Liu Jing communicated with Yang's mother beside her while editing the video.

"Yeah yes."

Yang's mother was perfunctory, but she was thinking about how to show Liu Jing the letter of commitment.

She has been sitting here for more than half an hour, but looking at Liu Jing's serious and focused expression, she still doesn't want to disturb her.

It seems that she really regards this as her own career and wants to realize her own value.

But some things have to come to an end, good or bad.

Anyway, no matter what, Mama Yang would not let Liu Jing be wronged again, so she simply interrupted Liu Jing directly.

"Well, quietly, let me show you something."

"Oh, what?"

After talking for a long time, Liu Jing reluctantly looked away from the monitor, as if her husband who was playing a game was asked to show him a piece of clothing.


Yang Ma handed the letter of guarantee to Liu Jing.

Seeing Mama Yang's serious expression, Liu Jing took it with some surprise, and fell silent after seeing it.

Yang Ma also sat on the side without saying a word and accompanied Liu Jing. She knew that Liu Jing didn't need her to talk or comfort her now.

She just needs to sit next to it.

a long time.

Liu Jing chuckled lightly.

"I didn't want any of that."

As long as Liu Jing signs it, it will be a legally binding document with a guarantee of 2000 million yuan.

"Throw it away."

Yang Ma took the letter of guarantee from her, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then what do you think about it?"

Liu Jing showed a sunny smile and said, "What do you think Qian?"

Mama Yang froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Okay, I'm going to throw it in the shredder."

"Come back soon."


Fang Lin, who was in Lin Yuqing's bedroom, felt comfortable. He suddenly discovered the treasure.

Is it so comfortable to be rubbed on the stomach?

No wonder when he petted the dogs when he was a child, those pet dogs would voluntarily show their bellies.

One foot Fang Lin was not satisfied.

Now Lin Yuqing's two little feet are sticking to Fang Lin's stomach and stepping on it lightly, which makes Lin Yuqing a little speechless.

Fang Lin got under the table just now and stretched out his paws to hug her feet and put them on his belly.

Lin Yuqing felt like she was weaving on a sewing machine, with homework written on her hands, and her feet gently moving.

Normally, she doesn't reject Kaka's massage in her heart, on the contrary, she likes it very much.

But the problem is that she is writing math homework. She used to concentrate on writing math problems for half a day, but now her progress is basically zero while she is massaging.

"Kaka, I have to do my homework first, so I won't move."


"Be obedient and wait until I finish writing."


Fang Lin collapsed on the ground and continued to rest. Lin Yuqing's feet were placed on Fang Lin's furry stomach as if they were stepping on a pedal.

In fact, Fang Lin felt that if he kneaded too much, he wouldn't be so comfortable, but he didn't have much to do now.

The studio will be completed tomorrow, and his daily practice is now automatic and uninterrupted 24 hours a day, but the new aura core is big and round, and it will take a long time to fill it up at the current speed.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin misses the enlightenment pill that Yang Zhen gave him.

It can not only provide oneself with aura to increase the progress of cultivation, but also refresh the mind like mint.

Yes, he felt refreshed at the time, and that experience was really good.

Next time I try to ask Yang Zhen for some money, I always feel that the kid is so rich that he might be able to get some wool out of him.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin was a little excited, his tail swayed under the table while lying on his side, and he continued to think about what else he could do.

It is possible to strengthen the body as before, but after the old wolf king stopped suppressing himself, Fang Lin can already easily make the aura core operate at high power.

Therefore, he can easily strengthen his body efficiently as he did in Federal Park before.

It is worth mentioning that this kind of ability to strengthen the body to form mysterious spirit patterns does not exist in the original inheritance of the old wolf king. Before, it was only a great improvement in the physical body every time it was upgraded.

It happens to cooperate with the high-power explosive seeding technique of aura in the inheritance, and the efficiency is frighteningly high.

Fang Lin was a little too lazy to strengthen slowly like before, but now he is under Lin Yuqing's feet, and he doesn't want to use the explosive seeding technique. What if he hurts Lin Yuqing?
After all, he hasn't tried it yet, and the quantity and quality of the spiritual energy cores are now much higher than before.

Fang Lin, who found a good excuse for himself, continued to slump under the table as a cushion in a very Buddhist way, without any sense of guilt.

He's just a cute puppet.

Fang Lin, who was no longer under pressure, returned to his usual lazy personality.

"Well, I'm sweating a little."

September in southern province is still a bit hot, although the air conditioner in Lin Yuqing's house is turned on 24 hours a day to keep the room temperature at a comfortable temperature.

But now she was holding a snowball in her arms, and she was stepping on Fang Lin's furry and warm belly, just like stepping on a pair of automatically heated cotton slippers.

So Lin Yuqing lifted his feet up and rubbed them against Fang Lin's body, then changed to a dry place and continued to step on them.

Fang Lin felt all this without any reaction.

What's wrong with the girl's sweaty feet?
Even the little fairy smells like sweat!

"Are you sure it's an anomaly caused by the opening of the channel? Could it be a relic?"

"No, this is not the aura fluctuation of the ruins."

Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau, multi-functional conference room.

Deng Jiefu sat on a chair and looked at the big screen in front of him calmly. Yang Zhen and Li Mei stood behind him.

And there are several people on the screen who often appear at the highest level of the federation on the federation evening broadcast.

Yi Fei is not qualified to participate in a meeting of this level, and Li Mei is explaining the situation as a tool.

"When might the channel open?"

Deng Jiefu glanced at Li Mei, and Li Mei saluted the big screen intentionally and said.

"At present, the concentration of spiritual energy is still in the process of rising. It is expected to reach the threshold for channel opening at noon tomorrow, and it may open at any time after that."

The meeting room was silent for a few seconds, and a person in the lower right corner asked, "Will the current heavy rain affect the normal life of the residents?"

Li Mei immediately replied: "The current heavy rain is sweeping through three or four cities centered on Sioux City, among which the heavy rain in Sioux City is the most serious. Based on the current rain intensity, the 24-hour rainfall should be 334 mm."

"Because the Southern Province issued the "Emergency Plan for Special Major Disasters" three years ago, various indicators including flood prevention in various parts of the Southern Province have improved significantly, even if it is 668mm, it will not cause too much impact."

Li Mei said that the audience was quiet for a while, and Deng Jiefu coughed lightly and said, "Stop saying things like the last sentence in the future."


The old man in the center of the screen said gently: "Jiefu, don't be so strict with little girls."

"It's just haha."

"I can see that she is very attentive."

As soon as the old man spoke, the atmosphere in the meeting room became much more cheerful.

When the other people's voices disappeared, the old man pondered for a while and asked word by word: "Currently, is the situation under control?"

This sentence is also something that other people on the screen wanted to ask but never dared to ask. Sioux City is different from the remote Xiaoliu Village before. It belongs to the economic and cultural center, and if there is a slight problem, it will be a big public opinion.

Everyone quietly waited for Deng Jiefu's speech.

"As long as I'm still alive, there will be no problem in Sioux City."

Deng Jiefu's steady and calm voice echoed in the meeting room. Hearing these words, Yang Zhen stood taller.

A person on the screen said, "Do you need the military D stationed?"

There was an immediate rebuttal.

"How could it be sent into the city? This will cause turmoil."

"Hehe, didn't you also pass by the coastal city before? Everyone's response is very enthusiastic!"

Due to spiritual energy, the situation in the world began to change quietly five years ago.

With five B-ranks, the Dragon Kingdom Federation is in the limelight among the world's giants, and various underlying rules have undergone subtle changes.

For example, after the White Eagle Kingdom with two B-levels knew the deterrent power of the B-levels, they immediately understood the gold content of the Dragon Kingdom Federation.

This is why Papa Lin's Internet company can achieve such a huge volume.It is because of the continuous supply of local chip companies in Longguo that Lin's company's ability is not limited to software, but has made drastic interventions in various industries.

"Everyone, don't be so nervous."

A very young-looking person on the screen spoke.

"Xia Chenglin, you have something to say directly."

"Hehe, after the bloody battle of the Special Affairs Bureau, we have obtained some very important information."

"After the passage between us and the spirit world is opened, A-levels in the spirit world within a radius of ten kilometers from the spirit world cannot enter, and the strength of creatures from the spirit world will drop by one level after passing through the passage."

Hearing this news, Deng Jiefu's eyes changed slightly.

"How did you know that?"

(Recently, the advancement of the world line is more frequent, in order to attract an important person, and I have tried to reduce it as much as possible.

Afterwards, the depiction of daily life will be more abundant, so everyone who likes to watch daily life bear with it a little bit.Please follow up! )
 Thanks to Huangliang Yimeng, Andre Nulie, Shuyou 2022011312, Starfield Wuxian, Daoxinyuan, Jiangbeiran, Zeng Mamama for the 100-point starting point coins, and thanks for the 1500-point starting point that everything can be rewarded currency!

  Boss atmosphere Boss healthy~
(End of this chapter)

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