Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 62 What a stupid dog

Chapter 62 What a stupid dog

"How did you know?"

An official with a head in the corner asked, with a hint of questioning in his tone.

Xia Chenglin has long been used to people talking to him like this, and he is not used to it: "We have submitted the specific situation to No. [-]. Some people present are not of high level, yes, it is you who are talking, hehe."

Xia Chenglin purposely pointed at the camera with his index finger, tilted his head and started to feel strange.

The sudden tit-for-tat confrontation made the atmosphere of the meeting tense again.


The official in the corner was interrupted by the old man in the center of the screen.

"Okay. Cheng Lin, why don't you be more cautious, so how can I add more burdens to you in the future?"

The old man's kind words echoed in the meeting room.

Seeing the old man speak, Xia Chenglin also put away his yygq expression, and said solemnly: "Number One, Cheng Lin is called the heart of a child."

The old man couldn't laugh or cry: "You."

Deng Jiefu, who hadn't spoken for a long time, smiled and accepted the old man's words: "He doesn't know where to learn a new word, but he knows how to put it on his face."

After he finished speaking, Xia Chenglin secretly rolled his eyes and didn't say another word.

The atmosphere party also began to liven up the atmosphere with a smile, and eased the atmosphere.

"Okay, let's get back to business, Jiefu."

"You say."

"If you take into account the situation Cheng Lin just introduced, do you think it is still necessary to send Army D into the city to help you stabilize the situation?"

"Lock down federal parks, I'm here."

A faint power spread out following these words.

According to the information Xia Chenglin received, the A-level in the spirit world cannot step into the ten kilometers of the passage, so only the B-level can approach.

After crossing the passage, creatures in the spirit world will be suppressed by a level. Considering that B-level monsters are considered half of the high-level power in the spirit world, they have some special abilities of their own, so they can be regarded as C+.

But C+, huh, huh.

He, Deng Jiefu, is no longer what he used to be, and he doesn't pay much attention to B-level now.


Yang Zhen secretly glanced at Deng Jiefu who was sitting on the chair with a calm face, and sighed secretly.

Why can't I learn the essence of his pretense?
Thinking of his trick of looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle with his back, although it was very cool and chic, Yang Zhen felt that he still had a lot to learn.

"With your words, I'm relieved. Then go down and meet Yan Pei for the rest of the specific matters. The meeting is adjourned."

As the old man spoke, everyone present at the meeting greeted each other and shut off the communication, and soon there were only two faces left on the screen.

Yan Pei, Governor of Southern Province, smiled wryly and said, "Old Deng, I'm already on my way now. Let me have an interview with you when I arrive in Sioux City."

After speaking, he also turned off the communication, leaving only Xia Chenglin's smiling face on the screen.

"Deng Jiefu, my little Jin has been preliminarily tamed, and he will be able to take Qiling Pill soon."

Xia Chenglin showed off his progress to Deng Jiefu, upon hearing this, Yang Zhen subconsciously glanced at Deng Jiefu again.


Um! ?

Xia Chenglin couldn't believe that Deng Jiefu had such a reaction, so he only said one thing?

I must be envious of myself.

"Don't be jealous when my little Jin takes me flying."

Deng Jiefu smiled faintly and ignored him. After a moment of silence, he said, "Don't go too far."


Deng Jiefu did not explain, and continued: "There is no need to give them such an excuse."

Xia Chenglin on the screen poked his nose with his thumb, and said indifferently: "They just see me as young and jealous of me, hehe, it's quite interesting to quarrel with them, as long as they don't push themselves too far."

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you anymore, I just know about me every day. The situation in Shanghai has stabilized recently, so I'll go find you when I'm free."

Xia Chenglin said that he was about to turn off the communication.

"Xia Chenglin."


Seeing Deng Jiefu calling him back again, Xia Chenglin was a little puzzled.

"Has anyone ever told you that your name is really ugly?"


Xia Chenglin twitched Deng Jiefu to turn off the communication, and the whole conference room fell silent.

The meeting was completely over, and Deng Jiefu leaned back slightly in his chair.

With the recovery of aura, the importance of personal power gradually became more prominent. As the pillar of Nan Province, he must ensure that he must be calm and calm at all times, so that Mount Tai will not change color before the collapse of Mount Tai. This is also a test for his spirit.

Li Mei breathed a sigh of relief, she was the youngest Xiami in the meeting just now.

She slowed down and said to Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen: "The supper in the logistics department should be ready, do you need me to get some for you?"

Yang Zhen beamed with joy after hearing her words.

Finally, I don't need to order the yellow stewed chicken and rice across the street. The boss on the other side actually raised two yuan today. He really took Yang Zhen for a fool.

"Is the chef here too?"

"Well, four chefs."

Deng Jiefu smiled, the slightly raised corners of his mouth gave people a unique sense of intimacy, and his eyes cast a gentle look, as reassuring as the care from the elders.

He said: "You go to work first, we will go down to eat later."


Li Mei saluted and left the room.

Only Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen were left in the meeting room.

Deng Jiefu stood up from the chair, walked slowly to the window, drew the curtains and opened the window.

The sounds from the outside became clear immediately, and the sound of raindrops hitting the ground was endless.

"Boom! Boom!"

Lightning flashed across the pitch-black rain and came into the eyes of the two of them.

Deng Jiefu stared out of the window in a daze, his deep eyes seemed to hold the whole world.

"Team Deng."


Yang Zhen thought for a while and asked softly.

"Are you worried about Xia Chenglin?"

Deng Jiefu was a little surprised when he heard the words, he found that he couldn't understand Yang Zhen's brain circuit more and more.

"What am I worried about him doing?"

"Didn't you tell him not to go too far, and worry about his accident?"

Deng Jiefu shook his head.

"I'm worried that something will happen to those people, so let him not do too much."


Yang Zhen was a little puzzled.

Deng Jiefu looked at the darkness outside the window and said lightly: "Yang Zhen, keep working hard. The D-class is still too weak, and the B-class is too weak. The era when great power comes from itself is coming. Fortunately, the other four members of the Federation He is also a person with strong family and country feelings, but I am afraid that other people will be a little cautious."


Yang Zhen scratched his head, stood behind Deng Jiefu and looked out the window at the gradually growing rain.

However, following Deng Jiefu's example, he watched for a while and found that he couldn't see anything. The combination of dark night and heavy rain seriously affected his vision.

He looked enviously at Deng Jiefu's golden eyes and said, "If only I could have the same magical powers as you."

"Everyone gets to B-level."

"Ah, that will take a long time."

"It won't be long."


Yang Zhen always felt that what he said and what Deng Jiefu said were not the same thing, otherwise he kept saying things that he couldn't understand, and it took him a full year to be promoted to D rank.

After a while, he asked curiously again: "Are you A-level?"

"It's not that easy. If you want to be promoted to A-level, you need to sense the new aura core. But I have already sensed it."

In Deng Jiefu's induction, the six aura cores in his body, which were getting bigger and bigger, bloomed with dazzling brilliance according to a certain regular trend.

In addition to the six cores, there is another looming core that gradually reveals his figure.

This is his future path.

"Boom! Boom!"

Liu Jing's body trembled with fright, but she still stared at the computer screen intently.

"How's it going?"

"It's almost there, hehe, I'm really looking forward to their reaction! Do you think they will find it interesting?"


Mama Yang came over to check the progress and shook her head. At this speed, it won't be finished at twelve o'clock tonight.

Liu Jing is still not very familiar with the operation process, and what is more important in editing videos is the idea, the idea of ​​those editing.

While editing in a hurry, Liu Jing also had to think about how to present the effect, the efficiency is indeed a bit low.

That's why Mama Yang strongly suggested asking Papa Lin to help edit the video. Anyway, Papa Lin is bored at home and is watching a football game in the living room below.

But Liu Jing is too stubborn, she has to do everything by herself.

Yang's mother looked at the rain outside the window, and guessed that tomorrow's morning exercise would be wasted.

That's all, cut it, cut it, she went all out today, she gave up her life to accompany the gentleman, and endure it!
The computer in the bedroom was decorated and arranged by Lin's father according to his own preferences. In addition to the multiple vertical and horizontal display screens that made Yang's mother unaware, the programmer of course installed a coffee machine next to the computer desk.

In fact, Papa Lin planned to put his own computer desk in the study room for occasional work, but Mama Yang felt that Papa Lin was looking for an excuse to sleep in the study room, so she directly vetoed it.

Yang Ma walked to the coffee machine at the side, took out a can of coffee beans from the cupboard below, and poured an appropriate amount of coffee beans into the grinder.

After a burst of comfortable machine vibrations, the coffee beans were ground into fine powder. Mama Yang added the ground coffee powder into the handle of the coffee machine and installed it. She waited for the indicator light to light up and pressed the button. .

The coffee machine slowly filtered some mellow coffee into the cup placed below.

Suddenly, a strong aroma of coffee filled the room.

Yang's mother took out the latte cup and filled it with an appropriate amount of milk, and put it under the steam port of the coffee machine to froth the milk.

After the milk turned into fine foam, Mama Yang picked up the latte cup and slowly poured the milk into the coffee just now.

A white milk core suddenly appeared on the surface of the steaming, mellow coffee.


Mama Yang brought the prepared coffee to Liu Jing.

"Wow, so beautiful! Thank you Qian!"

"What are you talking about, let's drink."

"Well, what, put some sugar for me, I'm afraid of hardship."


Lin Yuqing's bedroom.

As we all know, doing math problems will make the heart beat faster, the blood flow speed up, and the blood will surge up. In severe cases, the whole body will feel dry and hot.

Lin Yuqing was in such a situation, a little anxious, she drove Xueqiu and Fang Lin aside.

She is no longer afraid of thunder when she is the top one, and she is about to 1V1 with math problems in the storm with a pen in hand.

After Fang Lin and Xueqiu stared wide-eyed on the bed, a thought suddenly came to mind.

Although Snowball can't be shown to him for the time being, he can train his momentum in advance!
So Fang Lin lay on the opposite side of Snowball, opened his mouth and put on a fierce grinning expression.

Then he glanced at Lin Yuqing, and quietly asked Xueqiu to imitate.


Xueqiu watched Fang Lin ponder for a while, and then opened his small mouth in a dignified manner.

Showing his white teeth and pink tongue, his bright and lovely eyes like sapphires tried his best to show "I'm fierce", and his little whiskers trembled.


What's this?
This is too intimidating, no matter how you look at it, it's all cute, right?

Fang Lin also lowered his dog's head and thought for a while, then raised his head in front of Xueqiu, imagining a picture in his mind.

Under the bright moonlight, a heroic Ha Tiandi stood on the edge of the cliff, looking up to the gloomy sky and screaming.


Fang Lin couldn't help but let out the classic husky cry.


Snowball also raised her round hairy head in a similar manner and meowed.

Not bad, Fang Lin grinned, a bit like teasing relatives' children during Chinese New Year.

"Kaka! Snowball! Stop barking!"


Fang Lin and Xueqiu shrank their heads together, and looked at Lin Yuqing innocently with their bright eyes.

Looking at Fang Lin and Xueqiu, Lin Yuqing couldn't get angry, and immediately dropped her math homework and threw herself on the bed.

She lay on her back beside Fang Lin and Xueqiu and petted a cat and a dog.

Xueqiu put his little head next to Lin Yuqing's face and rubbed it, then stuck out his little tongue and licked Lin Yuqing's face.

"Yeah, hey, stop licking Snowball."

Can Fang Lin admit defeat in this matter?

He also immediately moved to the side and licked Lin Yuqing's side face.

"Haha, itch, Kaka! Stop licking!! Haha."

After playing for a while, Lin Yuqing's calves were raised in the air and her body was lying on the bed looking at the tablet. Two furry children lay beside her, one on the left and one on the right.

"Yaya, please send me your math homework so I can correct the answer~ Act like a baby.jpg"

"Is it really just the right answer?"

"Hey, I can't do some things. But the teacher will definitely read my paper tomorrow. You don't want me to be laughed at by the whole class, do you?"

"Then you can ask me if you don't know how to finish class tomorrow."

"Good!!! Yaya, you are so kind!!!"

After getting the answer, Lin Yuqing immediately jumped up from the bed, sat down at the desk and checked the answer.

Fang Lin looked at the back of Lin Yuqing's vigorous writing and couldn't help recalling his junior high school time in his mind.

I didn't seem to have done my homework at the time?

Either just look at the answer directly or go to the class early the next morning to see the classmates.

In the class in the early morning of winter, there will always be a few students who brave the severe cold and wear stars and moonlight to come to the class early, pass their homework to each other and write hard.

If the teacher came a moment earlier, he would definitely catch one.

It's a pity that this kind of scene never happened again after he was promoted to a key high school. His high school was completely closed, and things like homework were handed out like a mountain, and there were answers. Needless to say.

It's nice to be young.

People are prone to sentimentality after they become dogs.

The busyness and cruelty of high school, the calmness of licking the wound alone in college.

He found that the most memorable thing in his heart was the junior high school where everyone was very ignorant and young.

It's a pity that I can't go back.

Fang Lin suddenly had a whim and wanted to pick up the intimacy he planned as a joke at the beginning. The relationship between people is complicated and cannot be evaluated simply with cold numbers.

But he still wants to give a number after careful consideration, and this number also tells himself that the new life is really, really good.

The experience of this period of time flashed through the movie in Fang Lin's mind.

80 points, 100 points will protect you for a lifetime.

As soon as this thought came out, Fang Lin suddenly felt that he was a bit of a middle school student. Sure enough, lonely people are more likely to be moved and want to pay for others.

What a stupid dog.

 Thanks to Master Bao Dalang and Yun Dian Duyou for the 100 starting point coins, thank you for the 1500 starting point coins rewarded by Horizon Book Lover and Ao Tianyu, and thank you Lu Luxiu for the 1600 starting point coins! ! !

  Thank you boss, boss atmosphere Boss is in good health! ! !

  It's a little late today, and it will be updated on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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