Chapter 63
At one o'clock in the morning, the torrential rain still did not stop.

In the bedroom, Yang's mother was sitting on an ergonomic chair and taking a nap, her well-maintained face was actually a little sweet like a girl, her head drooping and fighting against the sleep demon.

The crisp and pleasant clicking sounds of the keyboard and mouse echoed in the room.

"Woohoo! It's done!"

In front of the computer desk, Liu Jing, who had bloodshot eyes in her big eyes, stood up and cheered.

Yang Ma, who was sitting next to her in a daze, was awakened by the sudden shout, and opened her eyes in a little confusion.

Two somewhat majestic mountain peaks dangled in front of her eyes, and she felt a little dizzy for a while.

"Are you done?"

Mama Yang stretched her stiff body after sitting for a while, and let out a hache.


This is the first work she has completed by herself, and it is both a commemoration and a beginning.

Liu Jing's bloodshot eyes shone with a little brilliance, as if a different future, a more exciting world was approaching her slowly.

One's own value is no longer attached to others, and what is reborn is a clear and independent personality.

Liu Jing was so excited that she couldn't contain herself, she hugged Mama Yang into her arms.

Feeling the soft touch on her face, Mama Yang couldn't breathe suddenly, she stood up and pushed Liu Jing away and said, "Have you posted it yet? Let's go to sleep after posting it."

After talking about it, Mama Yang went to tidy the bed and prepare to go to sleep, Mama Yang couldn't stand the sudden one o'clock.

Normally, Mama Yang's biological clock is very strict, and she will be in bed at ten o'clock in the evening when everything is ready.

If there are no special matters, then I basically fall asleep at 10:30, and if there is, I can fall asleep before 11:30. A good biological clock is also the reason why Yang Ma can get up early every day for morning exercises.

You can always judge what kind of person a person is from his living habits and living conditions.

Every outstanding person in all walks of life has their different characteristics, which may be good at communication or quick thinking.

But they must all have one characteristic, that is self-discipline.

Excellent people always manage their lives in an orderly manner instead of a mess. For example, Mama Yang, just how many people can do morning exercises at six o'clock every morning?How many people can go to bed on time every night?
If you want some changes, you might as well start with simple living habits.

Now there are only Mama Yang and Mama Liu in the bedroom. Papa Lin came in after watching the game and said hello to Mama Yang before going to sleep in the study very consciously.

"Okay, I'll send it now."

However, Liu Jing stopped after operating on the webpage for a while, with a hesitant expression on her face.

Seeing this, Yang Ma, who was already leaning on the head of the bed, was a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"Hmm, did Kaka and Xueqiu sleep in Qingqing's bedroom at night? I kind of want them to watch me post."

After hearing this, Mama Yang stared blankly at Liu Jing, who looked like a little woman, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

This damn familiar sense of ritual is worthy of being my best friend.

"Okay, let's call them over."

"Wait a minute, will it make Qingqing noisy?"

"No, she sleeps like a pig, I go to her room every morning and ask Kaka to run."

So the two quickly came to the door of Lin Yuqing's bedroom, and Yang Ma gently opened the door.


A pair of sharp eyes with a little silver glow opened suddenly in the darkness, but soon the eyes softened, and the silver glow gradually dissipated.

Fang Lin was resting on the head of the bed with his eyes closed just now, and at the same time guided the moonlight to evenly fall on Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu.

In the middle of the night, the door was opened suddenly, which startled Fang Lin, because he didn't deliberately open up his sensor system at home, but he relaxed when he found out that it was Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

He got up from the bed and looked at the two young women sneaking around the door with some doubts, wondering what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds in the middle of the night.

And Yang Ma, who opened the door, seemed to see a gleam of silver light in Fang Lin's eyes for a moment, but it disappeared in a flash, leaving only sapphire-like eyes reflecting light in the darkness.

Mama Yang didn't think too much about it, probably because she was dazzled.

She walked in on tiptoe, went to the bedside to take a look at Xueqiu and Lin Yuqing, and found that Xueqiu was hugging Lin Yuqing's neck tightly under the quilt, and each of them and the cat were sleeping soundly.

Fang Lin's Yuehua also has the effect of improving sleep, which is a by-product of this ability.

After thinking about it for a while, Mama Yang seemed unable to take Xueqiu out of Lin Yuqing's arms, so she had to wink at Fang Lin and let him go out with her.

After receiving the signal, Fang Lin jumped out of bed silently, followed Yang Ma's buttocks and walked out the door.

This is a tacit understanding formed between the two of them doing morning exercises every morning.

Probably means

it is good.

Fang Lin followed the two of them all the way to the bedroom, wondering what they were doing?
Father Lin is not around, so the two women dare not go to sleep when there is thunder?Keep yourself company?

Confused, Fang Lin was brought to the computer desk by Liu Jing. Liu Jing sat down on the chair and was afraid that Fang Lin would not be able to see the screen underneath, so she hugged him in her arms.

"You've grown up Kaka again."

Liu Jing rubbed Fang Lin's dog's head, then pointed to the screen excitedly and said, "Kaka, we are going to post the first video on our new account soon."

After speaking, Liu Jing looked into Fang Lin's eyes, and Fang Lin also looked at her. Liu Jing didn't say anything more, and all her emotions were contained in those talking eyes.

That's what happened.

Fang Lin can understand Liu Jing's current mood. There are always some people who can write life into poems and paintings under various circumstances.

This is a good thing.

Life is plain and boring, and what is lacking most of the time is the ability to find beauty in the boring, even if it is for self-entertainment.

This is why the three words sense of ritual are so hot.


Fang Lin licked Liu Jing's chin.

"Hey, all right, let's get started!"

Liu Jing took a deep breath, reached out to operate the mouse and clicked the red release button.

With her click, the web page responded in less than half a second, indicating that the release was successful.

So fast.

Liu Jing felt a little lost for a moment.

"Okay, okay, the video is also posted, don't think about it anymore, go to bed."

Yang's mother yawned again and took Fang Lin back, and then she turned off the lights and lay down on the bed with Liu Jing.

It seemed that Mama Yang was indeed tired, she fell asleep shortly after her head touched the pillow.

And Liu Jing blinked her eyes in the dark, prayed silently in her heart for a while, and then curled up beside her and fell asleep.

It was still raining outside, and thick black clouds covered the sky.

However, on top of this layer of black clouds, the bright moon still hangs high in the sky, emitting a clear brilliance forever.

The same world, the same night, the same bright moon.

However, what is contained under this moonlit night is the different sustenance and hope in everyone's heart.

(There are two more.)
 Thank you for the 100 starting point tokens of Tasting Luxury and Enjoying the Extreme Reward!

  Thank you for being the first rudder owner in this book for rewarding 11000 starting point coins! ! !
  Let's add one more tonight.

  There are always people in the comment area saying that I update every day, alas!

  Evolve two more beasts today, and there will be two more later.

(End of this chapter)

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