Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 64 The human sleep server is full

Chapter 64 The human sleep server is full
Six o'clock in the morning.

It was already bright outside the window, but the rain showed no signs of abating.

This localized heavy rain that has swept across many places since the evening of last night has quietly been on the hot search, because the amount of precipitation this time can be said to be rare in ten years, and many migrant workers are worried about whether the next day will be normal work.

However, what surprised the residents of Sioux City, including the area covered by the heavy rain, was that there was not a single area flooded by such a heavy rain.

There was no stagnant water and no casualties. It was as if God was angry and poured a large basin of water on the ground, and it ended up pouring into the sea. Perfect solution.

It was only then that the residents remembered that it seemed that there had indeed been no news of flooding there in the past few years.

So the keyword Sioux City drainage system has also been praised by everyone as a hot search. Experts and netizens are praising the urban construction of several cities.

The experts also seriously analyzed the cause of the torrential rain, such as temperature differences, cumulonimbus clouds, convection of warm and humid air, subtropical high pressure and other professional vocabulary, and the analysis was logical.

In a word, this torrential rain is a normal natural phenomenon.

In the bedroom, Mama Yang was very troubled.

I went to bed at two o'clock last night, and it was raining outside in the morning so I didn't have to get up early for a run.

So why can't I sleep?
Yang Ma tossed and turned on the bed, closed her eyes and tried her best to tell herself, sleep, sleep, sleep, but it didn't work.

The powerful biological clock has always played a key role. Mama Yang felt that she was very tired, but there was a tenacious force acting in her brain to keep her awake.

This feeling of being tired and sober made Mama Yang very irritable.


Liu Jing, who was awakened by Yang's mother's movements, let out a groan in a daze, turned around and hugged Yang's mother like an octopus, and fell asleep again in less than a second.


Yang Ma sighed in her heart, and lifted Liu Jing's thighs out of the bed, feeling a sense of boredom that couldn't be dispelled.

This is a normal response to a disrupted biological clock.

So Yang's mother came to Lin Yuqing's bedroom and squeezed Fang Lin up. This behavior made Fang Lin very incomprehensible.

Although he didn't need to sleep at night with his eyes closed to guide Yuehua until after five o'clock, he didn't need to get up when it rained heavily this morning, so he just fell asleep for half an hour just as he was about to experience the joy of sleeping in.

Fang Lin, who was called up, shook his body like a roller, and then followed Mama Yang to the study.

Because there was no computer desk, there was a space in the study room, so Mama Yang bought an elliptical machine and put it at the door, hoping that Papa Lin could exercise when he was free.

The elliptical machine, also known as the elliptical machine, is designed to imitate the elliptical movement of people walking, and can achieve different intensities of exercise by adjusting the resistance rate.

But unfortunately, Dad Lin never used it once.

After Fang Lin followed Mama Yang into the door, Pa Lin was still sound asleep, and he also saw the elliptical machine placed at the entrance of the study.

But Lin's father is still sleeping. It is estimated that the morning exercise is over, and he can sleep in.

But it didn't take long for this idea to appear in Fang Lin's mind before it turned into ashes and shattered.

I saw that Yang's mother didn't care about Lin's father who was still sleeping, went straight to the elliptical machine, adjusted the resistance rate, and started exercising, with a cold expression and eyes looking ahead.

Fang Lin:? ? ? a bit scary.

When are women the scariest?
There are many answers to this question, when the aunt comes, when the favorite character receives the lunch box, when the cosmetics just bought are accidentally knocked over, and so on.

These merge into one point, that is when you are not happy.

When she is unhappy, there is no logic or reason in her mind, and often at this time she will do one thing - to make men unhappy.

Fang Lin didn't dare to ask you what I was doing with the elliptical machine, he just squatted beside Yang's mother and waited. He still wanted to have a good breakfast.

As a household exercise equipment, the elliptical machine does not make a lot of noise, but this kind of noise is relative. Normally, it should be able to wake up people with relatively light sleep.

But today is an exception. The white noise brought by the rain outside the window is like putting a pair of earplugs on Papa Lin.

No matter how hard Mama Yang stepped on the elliptical machine, Papa Lin couldn't wake up, and even Mama Yang increased her breathing to no avail.



Fang Lin, who was squatting beside him, was a little puzzled, and then saw Yang Ma gave him a look.

What's the meaning?Let me call?
A big question mark was written on Fang Lin's dog's face, you can't let me take the blame if you want to do something bad, right?
However, facing Mama Yang's oppressive eyes, Fang Lin chose to give in.

Don't blame me, Dad Lin.


Fang Lin let out a tentative howl, and Yang's mother gave him an approving look.

"I'll give you the whole M12 today."


Can this be tolerated?Papa Lin, Papa Lin, it's not that I'm not strong-willed, it's that Mama Yang gave too much.



Fang Lin even howled out of tone, and the sound was controlled just right. Because of the heavy rain, the volume under his control would not disturb the upstairs, and the sound insulation of Yunting Community was also very good.

But if you have other pets with sharper hearing, you can't blame yourself.

Encouraged by M12 Wagyu, Fang Lin completely let go of himself.

Finally, Dad Lin gradually woke up, and Fang Lin immediately stopped talking when he noticed the movement.

Papa Lin woke up from the bed and opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the husky squatting beside Mama Yang with an innocent face. The second he saw Mama Yang in sportswear walking on the elliptical machine.

"Qian, what are you doing?"

"Morning exercise."


A little confused, Father Lin rubbed his eyes, took the glasses from the table next to him, put them on, and checked the time.

Father Lin leaned against the head of the bed for a while, knowing that he would definitely not be able to sleep, so he simply stood up from the bed in his pajamas.

After folding the thin quilt on the bed and putting it in the cabinet next to it, the bed was lifted up, and it turned into a small sofa in place.

Father Lin poured himself a glass of water and thought about it for a while, then began to chat with Mama Yang who was stepping on the elliptical machine with a blank expression.

"Didn't sleep well last night? What time did you go to bed?"

A soft, gentle and concerned male voice came, and Mama Yang unconsciously returned the words.

"Two o'clock."

"Woke up at six today?"


Father Lin glanced at the rain that was still falling outside the window, raised his eyebrows and continued

"can not fall asleep?"


Fang Lin noticed that Mama Yang, who was facing Papa Lin sideways, had begun to change slightly in her voice.

"Do you know why you can't sleep?"


"Because the human sleeping server is full."


"When you wake up, someone will take your place, and you won't be able to squeeze in."

"Then he is too bad."

"Indeed, I can't get in now."


(End of this chapter)

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