Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 65 1 Small Goal

Chapter 65 A small goal (rudder plus more)
After Papa Lin's seemingly unremarkable actions, Mama Yang's anger has mostly subsided and she did not target Papa Lin again.

So Lin's father and Yang's mother sat on the sofa and watched their mobile phones while exercising. The scene was once very harmonious.

Fang Lin couldn't help being dumbfounded, Dad Lin's skill is a bit deep, and a science guy with a high EQ is indeed a bit unusual.

It's a pity that it's useless to learn by yourself.

"It's raining heavily today, Qingqing and Xiaojie don't have to go to school."


"The text message just sent by the Education Bureau is very good."

Fang Lin flicked his tail and went to Father Lin's side to look at the phone screen.

The content of the text message was "Hello, dear parents of students. Because of the torrential rain in Sioux City since 8:[-] p.m. yesterday, the Education Bureau has decided that all elementary and middle school students in the city will have a day off. Please tell each other."

"The teacher will probably notify you in the group after a while."

Although due to the powerful drainage system, Sioux City did not experience road collapse caused by stagnant water.

However, the astonishing 24-hour precipitation still caused the Education Bureau to hold a meeting to discuss and decide to take a holiday. After all, this is the safest thing to do.

Yang Ma's face was slightly pink due to the surge of exercise energy, and she walked off the elliptical machine panting.

Reaching out his hand, he removed the rubber band that bound the ponytail, and his long, smooth hair fell behind his back like this.

"What are you doing? You're going to bother me at home for another day."

Mama Yang glanced at the time after speaking, it was 24:[-], she was a little irritable because she didn't have a good rest today, and she didn't want to practice after stepping on the elliptical machine for a long time.

Yang's mother, who was sweating slightly, glanced at Lin's father who was sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, and then glanced at the time.

She stood there thinking for a while, and then drove Fang Lin out of the study.

What's the meaning?Call me here and now drive me away.

Father Lin suddenly realized something was wrong, put down his phone and adjusted his sitting posture on the sofa as if facing an enemy.

Fang Lin, who was pushed out of the room, saw this scene through the door that was about to close, and suddenly realized something in his heart.


Don't be ashamed to be early in the morning.

Fang Lin didn't want to eavesdrop either, so he went downstairs and lay down in the kennel, waiting for Mama Yang, who was done, to come down to make breakfast. He remembered the M12 Wagyu he had just promised.

Under the influence of this period of time, Fang Lin is no longer an idiot who didn't know anything before. He now roughly understands that this should be the grade of wagyu beef. The higher the grade, the more snow patterns.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin couldn't help sighing, there are too many delicious things in this world.

In the past, he thought that all kinds of street food stalls were the most delicious food, but now he knows what high-end ingredients are, and the taste is quite good even without adding various seasonings.

Fang Lin suddenly had a small goal in mind, which is to taste all kinds of delicious ingredients and try to catch them all. He has never eaten truffle caviar himself.

At that time, if I make money from making videos, these pigeons and abalones will be eaten every day as desserts.

Liu Jing, don't worry, for your and my dreams, I will definitely be a good actor!
At seven o'clock in the morning, both Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing woke up with sleepy eyes, and started a series of washing operations in a state of brain standby and unconsciousness.

It wasn't until the two of them sat down at the dining table that they really came to their senses.

After Lin Yuqing got up and went downstairs, Xueqiu also stretched out and climbed onto the cat climbing frame. While sticking out his tongue, he was doing hair care in the morning and waiting for his own breakfast.

"What about Mom and Dad?"

"do not know."

Lin Yuqing was a little strange. In the past, when they came down at seven o'clock, Yang's mother had already cooked dinner on time, and it was time to send them to school after breakfast in ten minutes.

But Yang's mother didn't show up in the kitchen today, Lin Yuqing looked at the heavy rain outside the window with some worry, wouldn't she be late today?

She checked Zhao Hanya's answers carefully last night, and she can look forward to the whole night of the first math class this morning.

Today must be a day when she shines and shocks everyone with her extremely high accuracy rate.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuqing couldn't help shouting anxiously to the second floor: "Mom~! Mom!"

This voice woke up Fang Lin, who was lying in the nest and returning to sleep. He stretched his body and stretched his dog's head lazily forward in the nest, with a pair of blue eyes rolling around.

Not long after hearing the shout, Yang's mother opened the door from the study and went downstairs with a ruddy complexion.

Refreshed, she tossed her hair and casually tied a rubber band in her hand into the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm going to be late, and there may be traffic jams on rainy days."

Yang's mother glanced at her and said, "It's raining heavily today, and the school notified you two to have a day off."



Two completely different voices came from Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie's mouths.

"Why do you look unhappy?"

Lin Yuqing's reaction was somewhat beyond Mama Yang's expectations.

"It's nothing."

Fang Lin walked to the dining table and looked at Lin Yuqing who had a bitter face and smiled secretly, probably wondering why it didn't rain heavily yesterday.

Since the two children don't have to go to school, Lin's father has already decided to skip work today, so Yang's mother made breakfast leisurely.

Half an hour later, Fang Lin looked at the steak covered with dense snowflakes in front of him, without any hesitation, he gobbled it up.

The texture of this steak was a bit beyond his expectation. The beef had a melting feeling in his mouth and he swallowed it without much chewing with his sharp teeth.

Soon Fang Lin finished eating the whole steak, but he felt that he preferred to eat M9, which tasted better.

Mama Yang sat there watching Fang Lin gobble it up and asked, "Is it delicious?"


There was a deep tone in his voice, and at the same time his body moved back slightly, which immediately made Yang Ma understand what he meant.

"Hehe, I won't eat it for you next time, I don't like the one sold by the gram."

Fang Lin curled his lips, that's a good feeling.

Lin's father peeled the eggs listlessly, and sighed while looking at the health-preserving porridge carefully prepared by Yang's mother in front of him.

Xiaojie, on the other hand, gnawed on the sandwich made by Yang's mother and twisted his body happily. He was so happy that he had a day off for nothing.

At this time, Liu Jing, whose hair was a little disheveled, went downstairs while holding the phone while looking at it, with a smirk of unknown meaning on her face.

Mama Yang looked at her sitting at the dining table and asked, "Are you awake? I thought you were going to sleep in."

After speaking, he got up and went to the kitchen to serve Liu Jing a breakfast.

Liu Jing said a little excitedly: "The first video has already received 3.7k likes from two o'clock last night."

"So fast?"

"Hmm, it seems that a popular blogger who also raises huskies helped to recommend it."

Fang Lin was a little curious, so he went to Liu Jing's chair and lifted his body, put his paws on the side of the chair and watched, Liu Jing turned his body to him.

Liu Jing's account is named Kaka and Xueqiu, emmm, which is okay from an attractive point of view.

But it made Fang Lin very fond of it, because the account used his own name.

Then Fang Lin continued to watch the content of the video, wondering how the video was edited.

He didn't see the finished product yesterday, after all, this was the starting point of his dream of chasing foodies, and he was also a little curious about who stayed up in the middle of the night to help drain.

(End of this chapter)

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