Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 66 What's the matter with me?

Chapter 66 What Does It Matter To Me? (two in one)

The plot of the video is roughly divided into two parts.

The first part was Fang Lin holding the rice bowl in his mouth and urging Mama Yang, who was watching TV, to cook.

The second part is a close-up shot of Fang Lin and Xueqiu eating.

This video is full of laughs and cuteness. Whether it's Fang Lin and Yang Ma's battle of wits or Fang Lin and Xueqiu's lunch exchange, it's all very interesting.

The one who helped advertise was a male blogger who had a family who dismantled his mother. He had a lot of fans, so he made a video and put it on the portal.

But Fang Lin always felt that he was a little cautious, especially when introducing Fang Lin's video to the camera, there was something wrong with the way he looked at himself.

Stop staring at yourself, right?Was the bitch neutered?

How could it be like this, if you love her, you should sterilize her.

I hope I don't breed with Liu Jingti at that time, that would be too bloody.

Fang Lin shook his head, pushed this terrible thought out of his mind and continued to read the comments.

"Kaka is too timid and doesn't have the momentum of a husky (dog head)"

"If I dare not cook for my huskies at dinner time, I think the family will be gone."

"Cook Kaka quickly! Let him eat!"

Fang Lin curled his lips when he saw these comments. A person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and a dog who can understand the situation is a smart dog. Anyway, he would not dare to quarrel with Yang Ma.

Liu Jing smiled while watching, the sandwich on the plate has not been bitten yet.

Fang Lin pushed Liu Jing's hand to let her continue to scroll down.

"This steak, this snowflake, I actually started to envy a dog."

"Snowball is so cute, Kaka tricked Snowball into eating it, bad dog."

"Sisters, let's form a group to steal cats (1/100)"

Didn't I return her a piece of steak later?
Women on the internet are horrible.

There are also some similar comments in the back. It has only been released for a few hours, and the potential of the video is far from being realized.

Fang Lin didn't bother to look at it, so he ran to the cushion in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and nestled down to watch the scenery outside the window.

To be fair, the scenery on a rainy day is really good. Fang Lin especially likes the feeling and sound of rainwater falling on the ground.

But it's one thing to like the scenery, and quite another to go out on a rainy day.

Maybe a second ago I posted a picture on Moments: Rainy day, hot tea, people on the terrace, and the next second I stepped on water when I went out and scolded the damn rain.

The white noise brought by the splashing rain was a bit like a lullaby after listening to it for a long time. Fang Lin decided to take a nap first, and when he woke up, he began to try new ways to temper his body.

Absolutely not this time!
And tonight the studio in the space will be completed.


After waking up, temper your body first, and then go in to play virtual games after the studio is completed, no, to accumulate combat experience.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin suddenly felt that today was another fulfilling day, and it became reasonable to go back to sleep.

Fang Lin took one last look at the pouring rain outside the window, yawned long and closed his eyes.

Dogs don't go out this weather.




At nine o'clock in the morning, Sioux City Federal Park, the temporary combat command center.

Deng Jiefu and Yan Pei, governor of Southern Province, walked in side by side under umbrellas, and Yang Zhen followed Deng Jiefu.

The city lord of Su City doesn't even have the authority to know what happened here, it's just an official document sent from the top of the Dragon Kingdom Federation, asking for cooperation in all actions.

Seeing the two people walking in, the two men who were standing by the sand table and discussing came over immediately.

"Team Deng, Tong Wanfu from the Field Office of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau is reporting to you!"

"Li Yao from the 301 Special Operations Brigade of Southern Province is reporting to you!"

There were 23 people from the Field Service Department, and they arrived half a day later than the Intelligence Department and Logistics Department because of the need to transport weapons and equipment.

Deng Jiefu nodded to Tong Wanfu, then looked at Li Yao and said with a smile, "I still sent you here."

"Report to the chief! A total of 301 members of the 323 Special Operations Brigade have written a suicide note and a confidentiality agreement. Use me in the first battle, and use me to win!"

Deng Jiefu stepped forward and patted Li Yao on the shoulder and said, "I know you, your nickname is Swift, isn't it?"


"Don't be so nervous. You see, the governor of the Southern Province has followed. Is it really dangerous that he will come?"

"Old Deng, you don't speak human words again."

A far-fetched smile curled up on the corner of Li Yao's mouth. He knew what Deng Jiefu meant when he said this, but it was better for him to pretend he didn't hear the joke between the chiefs.

"Tell me about the situation."

Hearing this, Li Yao felt a little relieved, exchanged glances with Tong Wanfu, and then brought Deng Jiefu and Yan Pei to the sand table to start introducing.

"Confederation Park covers an area of ​​about 9.7 square kilometers, with a total of four entrances and exits."

"After our department arrived at 5:45 this morning, it began to fully take over the entire park and carry out carpet cleaning."

"Due to the impact of the rainstorm, there are only sporadic staff in the park, and the cleaning work has been completed very smoothly."

Deng Jiefu nodded, as long as there are no people left in the park, there will be no accidents with him.

Yan Pei said, "Are the four entrances and exits closed?"

"It has been closed. The Sioux City Broadcasting Bureau has also sent a text message to the citizens to block the park for exercises. The signal of the entire park has been controlled and a no-fly zone has been set up."

"In addition, although we don't need it, the city lord of Sioux City is also very cooperative and dispatched police forces to help blockade the periphery."

"very good."

After Deng Jiefu nodded, he stared at the sand table without saying a word for a long time, Yang Zhen approached Deng Jiefu and asked quietly, "What do you do next?"


According to the forecast, the concentration of aura will reach the threshold at 12:[-] noon, so the channel will open soon without any surprise.

"Mom! I want to see bears come and go!"

In the living room, Xiaojie solemnly sent an application to Yang's mother.

Yang's mother was sitting on the sofa watching the TV series with full concentration, and Liu Jing was sitting next to her holding her mobile phone and frantically refreshing it.

"Don't look for trouble, go back to your room and see for yourself."

Fang Lin, who woke up and lay beside Liu Jing fishing, was a little surprised. Was Xiaojie kicked in the head by a donkey?
How dare you make such an exorbitant request at this time?
Who knows that Xiaojie is still very persistent and said: "The screen in the living room is big, I will watch it here."

"Listen, talk. Go back, you, house, look, go."

Xiaojie swallowed his saliva to strengthen himself and continued, "Then you also install a big projector in my bedroom."

Yang Ma, who was disturbed again and again, paused the TV series and started looking for something.


Xiaojie quickly ran over and hugged Mama Yang and said, "I don't want to project, you can buy me a schoolbag."


Yang's mother, who didn't follow Xiaojie's train of thought for a while, was a little puzzled.

"Buy a schoolbag."

Seeing that Mama Yang seemed to have calmed down, Xiaojie stepped back.

"I bought you a new schoolbag just after school started, why do you need a schoolbag again?"

"My one doesn't work anymore, I want a derechte scout schoolbag."

Liu Jing, who was swiping her phone, reacted and said, "I know that, you mean that Hans-made schoolbag, right?"


Xiaojie stood aside and nodded frantically.

Liu Jing smiled and said: "Auntie will send you off, come, let's pick together."

Hearing this, Xiaojie immediately beamed with joy, walked around Yang's mother and came to Liu Jing from the other side, watching Liu Jing searched.

What is this?Is the schoolbag still divided into brands?

Fang Lin was a little puzzled. When he was a child, he used to buy schoolbags after going to the department store with his parents and bargaining.

His mother also often used the invincible threat to count down the price method, that is, she said to the boss: "Just this price, if you don't sell it, I will leave."

Then, while walking outside, counting down to three, two, one, at this time, the boss would save face and say: "All right, all right, I'll sell you."

This method once shocked Fang Lin into a celestial being. When he grew up and went to university, Fang Lin always bought A-grade goods with a popular brand logo on the Internet.

Fang Lin has never seen the series of schoolbags made by Hans in English that Xiaojie is talking about.A little curious, he also moved to the side to see what the schoolbag looked like.

Thanks to the status changes brought about by the resurgence of spiritual energy in recent years, the White Eagle Kingdom is very enthusiastic and open in various aspects, and vividly expresses what it means to be a man who can bend and stretch.

This is normal.

In fact, they have long wanted to cooperate in an all-round way. Who doesn't understand the principle of making money together?
Therefore, on some shopping software of Longguo Federation, many official direct-sale stores of overseas brands have been launched one after another, and the prices have also given a lot of discounts.

Now Liu Jing and Xiaojie are choosing from the brand's directly-operated store on a certain platform.

"Yes, yes, this is the one."

Following Liu Jing's pull down, Xiaojie quickly selected the style he wanted to buy.

This is a large-looking schoolbag with very bright colors and the letters scout painted on the outside.


Why is this schoolbag so familiar?
Fang Lin recalled it for a while, and suddenly remembered that when he went to pick up Xiaojie yesterday, that little girl was carrying this schoolbag!
Good guy, let me catch you, after a long time, you want to carry a couple bag to pick up girls!
Fang Lin glanced at the price of 1228, and then silently calculated it in his heart. This price was more expensive than the sum of all the schoolbags he had carried since he was a child.

"Okay, Auntie will buy it for you."

"What to buy, don't waste your money, do you still have money?"

"I have it, it's fine."

Although Ren Da used to let her stay at home, he would still give her money to buy various household items every month, and it would be much more each time. She didn't have much money to spend, and she had saved a lot over the years.

"Quiet! He just bought that schoolbag. I'm serious. Don't buy it for him."

"It's okay, it's this one, right? Xiaojie, Auntie has placed an order."

"Lin Zhijie!!! How dare you!!!"

Xiaojie's body standing next to Liu Jing trembled suddenly, but thinking of Chenchen, he gritted his teeth and nodded to Liu Jing.

After paying the payment, Liu Jing showed Xiaojie a look and said with a smile, "It will arrive within a week after it was shipped by air."

"Thank you auntie."

Xiaojie thanked Liu Jing very politely, and Liu Jing also patted Xiaojie's head. The atmosphere was very touching for a while.

However, Mama Yang's side is already like a volcano that is about to erupt. In her eyes, Xiaojie's behavior has already been labeled as ignorant, bad learner, and unworthy of beating.

Yang Ma is from the Northeast of the Longguo Federation. The education she has been exposed to since she was a child is that filial sons are born under the stick. Even when she made mistakes when she was a child, her ass would inevitably bloom.

She used to dislike this kind of behavior of beating children, so she has always focused on education in educating her two children, giving them sufficient space for personal development.

But at this moment, Yang's mother felt that her education method had failed. Knowing Liu Jing's recent situation, she couldn't understand Xiaojie's behavior of asking for an expensive schoolbag.

She thinks that Xiaojie is already at a critical fork in the road that is about to go astray.

At this moment, the phrase "a filial son is born under the stick" suddenly resurfaced in her mind.

Maybe there is really no problem with this sentence, after all, that's how she grew up.

Determined, Yang's mother went to the kitchen to get a rolling pin, and returned to the living room aggressively, ready to grab Xiaojie and make his ass bloom.

"Ahhhhhh! Don't! Mom!"

Seeing Mama Yang holding a thick and big rolling pin, Xiaojie, who had never seen such a battle before, was frightened silly.

Immediately screaming, before taking off his slippers, he jumped onto the sofa and hid behind Liu Jing.

"Come here! See if I don't kill you brat today."

"Calm down! Qian! Calm down!"

Liu Jing was also a little flustered, but she immediately stretched out her arms and stopped in front of Mama Yang.

Such a big rolling pin can't kill people.

"Liu Jing, start driving for me!"

"I do not!"

"I was wrong! Mom, I was so wrong!"

Xiaojie was so frightened that he cried, not to mention tears, his shit was almost scared out.

He hastened to admit his mistake to Yang Ma, hoping to awaken the last trace of maternal love in Yang Ma's heart.

But it didn't work at all, his yelling only added fuel to the flames, Yang Ma held the rolling pin in one hand, and pulled Liu Jing with the other to drag her away.

In terms of strength, how could Liu Jing be the opponent of Yang Ma who often does morning exercises, she has gradually been unable to hold the line of defense, and she is about to be pulled aside by Yang Ma.

"Dad!!! Help!! Daddy!!! Sister!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"


Snowball was also taken aback by the situation, and ran directly down from the cat climbing frame to the stairs on the second floor, and found a place she felt safe to watch the show.

What the hell is going on?
Fang Lin was a little dazed, why is he going to perform martial arts all of a sudden?Didn't you just return your mother's kindness and son's filial piety? ?

But you can't just watch Xiaojie being hit by such a thick rolling pin, it's too cruel.

So Fang Lin jumped off the sofa and put his body between Liu Jing and Yang's mother, mainly because Yang's mother's trousers were tight in summer, and he was afraid that biting the trousers would hurt Yang's mother.

Mama Yang tried to pull Fang Lin aside with her hand, but Fang Lin had already activated the aura secretly, and Mama Yang could move it there.

"Kaka, start it for me, or I'll beat you up too!!!"


Fang Lin turned his head and pouted his buttocks at Mama Yang, frantically wagging his tail to show his affection, but his body was still between them.

He pointed his butt at Yang's mother in order not to put pressure on Yang's mother, so as not to make her feel closer to Xiaojie.

Let's fight, anyway, I have aura to protect my body, Xiaojie, Xiaojie, I sacrificed for you today.

It's a strange thing about people, the more you fight him, the more he will get on top.

"Okay, okay, I'll beat you together today, so that your two brothers will have a long memory."

Mama Yang is like this now, but the rationality in her mind made her put down the rolling pin, took off her slippers, held them in her hand, and hit Fang Lin's ass hard.


"Wow, Kaka!!"

 Two in one big chapter! !
  Thanks to Tiger Youya and Ward Tianshuai Debu Yaobuyao for their rewards of 100 starting coins, and thanks to Qi Ruxue and CanyouSeeM for their rewards of 1500 starting coins! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  Qi Ruxue is a good name, and I feel that I can write a more distinctive supporting role.

(End of this chapter)

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