Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 67 Family Meeting

Chapter 67 Family Meeting (Two in One)

Xiaojie hid behind Liu Jing with a panicked face, and couldn't help exclaiming when he saw Fang Lin's buttocks hit by a slipper.

"Are you letting go?"

Mother Yang stepped on the floor with her bare foot in her slipper, and asked Fang Lin aggressively, today she made up her mind to save Xiaojie from crooked ways.

Seems really spoiled.

Because of Father Lin, as a housewife, she usually meets some wives who are also from a better family background. During the chat with them, she will also talk about some issues about children's education.

More or less, there will be a few children who make parents very worried, because they are too spoiled since childhood. Whenever this time, Yang's mother will comfort each other and at the same time secretly rejoice in her heart that her two children have grown up. not bad.

But now Mama Yang feels that something is not going well.

Xiaojie's behavior reminded her of something that several wives frequently told her. When the child learns to be bad and wants to buy something, if the parents don't buy it, he will go to the grandparents at home to ask for it.

However, grandparents will definitely buy them for their children, and the children will develop a very self-willed and self-willed habit.

Today she, Yang Nianqian, must open up Lin Zhijie's ass, let him deeply realize his mistakes, even if he doesn't realize it, he has to remember the pain!


Seeing that Mama Yang still wanted to do something, Fang Lin screamed miserably while considering whether he should continue to stop in the middle.

Anyway, the slippers didn't hurt or itch when it touched his body, it's just that his cry was more shrill and melodious.

"If you know it hurts, don't get up quickly."

There was a flash of distress in Yang Ma's eyes, she wondered if the attack was too heavy just now.

When the slippers hit Fang Lin's buttocks, the dog's buttocks trembled violently, and Fang Lin's screams of pain were still the same.
At this time, Papa Lin finally appeared on the stage. He heard the movement on the second floor and ran downstairs quickly, and Lin Yuqing followed behind.

"What is this for?"

Father Lin stepped forward and confiscated the rolling pin from Mama Yang's hand. Looking at the messy scene, he felt a little headache. He looked around the living room and saw Xiaojie who was so frightened that tears flowed down his face. Seeing him coming over, he felt a little grievance in his eyes Yang Ma, who was at a loss, Liu Jing and Lin Yuqing, and finally Fang Lin, who had a dog face full of fear and worry.

"Sit down."

5 minutes later, the living room.

The sofa in the living room is two small sofas on the left and right, and a row of sofas in the middle, surrounding the coffee table.

Mama Yang and Xiaojie sat face to face on the small sofa from left to right, Liu Jing, Lin Yuqing, Fang Lin, and Xueqiu sat side by side in the row in the middle, while Papa Lin stood behind the coffee table in the living room.

Fang Lin lying on the sofa suddenly felt a little irritated. Is this a family meeting?Pretty formal.

However, he glanced at Xiaojie who was sitting across from Mama Yang and didn't look up at Mama Yang, and shook his head in his heart, this "lawsuit" was over before it even started.

Xueqiu didn't quite understand the situation. Seeing the whole family sitting together with big eyes, she felt inexplicably happy, and kept rubbing her head against Fang Lin next to Fang Lin.

Father Lin coughed lightly, glanced at Yang's mother who was winking at him, and said, "Mom first."

Mama Yang took a deep breath and began to explain what happened.

"I just bought Lin Zhijie a new schoolbag more than a week before school started, that is, more than half a month ago, and the appearance and style of this new schoolbag have also been approved by him."

"But just now, Lin Zhijie frequently interrupted and pestered me while I was watching TV dramas, and tried his best to get me to buy him a new schoolbag worth more than 1000 yuan."

Hearing this, Lin Yuqing couldn't help but widen her eyes, and looked at Xiaojie with an expression of disbelief.

Is Xiaojie already so brave? ? ?

"For his unreasonable request, I temporarily refused, because I was watching a TV series at the time, and the plot was just exciting, so I didn't want to talk to him at this time, is that okay?"

When Yang Ma said this, she looked around and asked the family for their opinions.

"no problem."

"No problem no problem."



Hearing Mama Yang's question, Lin Yuqing hurriedly stood in line, and Fang Lin also hurriedly agreed. Xueqiu was just joining in the fun.

"But at this moment, Liu Jing told Xiaojie that she was going to give Xiaojie this schoolbag. I made my statement very clearly at that time. I told Xiaojie that it is not allowed to ask for things from auntie, but he ignored me and still told me He gave Liu Jing the style he wanted.

After I issued the final warning, I still insisted on my own ideas and asked Liu Jing to confirm the order and pay for it. "

"I think Lin Zhijie's behavior is very disrespectful and selfish. He only thinks about himself, and doesn't consider Aunt Liu Jing's current situation at all. I am very sad."

"I think my previous education was a failure, so I want him to experience how his grandparents educated me when I was young."

"So I went to the kitchen to get a rolling pin and tried to spank his ass, but Liu Jing and Kaka stood in the way, so I was annoyed and hit Kaka's ass with a slipper."

"I made a mistake here and hurt innocent people. I apologize to Kaka, and I will make up for my mistake in his diet."


After listening to Yang Ma's words, Fang Lin shook his tail excitedly. It seemed that his acting skills were so good that he almost thought he was in pain.

Can you eat delicious food without pain or itching?Fang Lin couldn't help but look forward to it.

At this time, Papa Lin nodded and said, "Xiaojie, tell me."

At this point the pressure came to Xiaojie.

However, Xiaojie had already thrown away his armor and wept bitterly before he even started to discuss.

"I was wrong woo woo woo."

Father Lin asked a crucial question: "Then why did you buy a new schoolbag?"

Xiaojie began to talk intermittently about why he bought a new schoolbag, because he wanted to carry the same schoolbag as his female classmates.

Fang Lin was dumbfounded, but this kid was quite honest, Dad Lin asked him if he was telling the truth.

Hearing Xiaojie's reason, the adults all wanted to laugh.

"Then you should also consider the situation of others, instead of just thinking about your own affairs."

Hearing Mama Yang's words, Liu Jing hesitated and said, "Actually, I still have money."

"Don't interrupt."


Liu Jing looked at Lin Yuqing helplessly.

Papa Lin began to make the final conclusion: "Xiaojie, Papa has no other requirements for you. He only hopes that you can be a person with a clear conscience in morality. You should also feel that our family is better than some other children. , so you should think more about others in your life."

"Woo, I know I was wrong."

Xiaojie wiped his tears with his hands, Lin Yuqing saw that his nose was still running, so he threw the tissue on the coffee table to him.

"Then judging from the situation at the time, it is understandable that your mother wanted to spank you, but she didn't hit you. Kaka did it for you. I hope you can think of it every time you do something in the future. This scene."

"As for the schoolbag, since you have realized your mistake, then Dad will buy it for you, and I will transfer the money to your Aunt Liu Jing. Okay, let's end the meeting."

The spirit world, the territory of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan.

Beside an unknown stream somewhere, a snow-white cat with a small bell on its neck sat on a huge and powerful rhinoceros. The horn of this rhinoceros suddenly seemed to be surrounded by a river of stars.

"Your Highness, there is really nothing interesting about the passage to the ancestral land. If you are caught by the emperor, you will really have problems."

The big rhino communicated with the cat sitting leisurely on her in a low voice.

A hint of impatience flashed across the cat's face in a humane way. It admired its beautiful little paws and said, "It won't be discovered. The most dangerous place is the safest place. They all thought that I ran out and they would never have thought of it." I'm still in the territory, not to mention I still have the Zhetian Bell."

The big rhino exhaled several breaths from its huge nostrils and wanted to say something, but the white cat interrupted him.

"Don't talk about it, do you still want Nebula Fruit? If you want it, please help me. You can sense where the passage is open and take me there. I'll just take a look from a distance."

"Your Highness, you promise not to go in. The ancestral land is very wild and dangerous, and the people inside are very cruel. If something happens to you, the emperor will not spare me."

"If the people in the ancestral land are really as cruel as you say, why is my father not very concerned about the passages that will be opened in the territory?"

"We have not fully connected with the ancestral land, so the aura of the ancestral land is not enough to produce a king, and the emperor is not very repulsive to the people of the ancestral land."

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry, I'll take a look from a distance."

"Okay, you... I'll take you in first, there are beasts coming."

Speaking of the great rhinoceros' single horn bursting out with intense brilliance, a star cluster-shaped portal opened in front of it, and the cat stood up from the rhinoceros's back and jumped in.

Not long after the cat entered, a pure black cat emerged from the shadows and stopped in front of the rhino.

"Xing Ling Xi Wang, what are you doing here?"

The pure black cat was the same size as the white cat just now, pacing in front of the big rhinoceros.

"I stroll."


The black cat paused for a moment, and asked a little speechlessly: "Have you seen my Highness?"

"I stroll."

While speaking, the two big nostrils spewed out two more breaths and blew on the black cat in front of him.


The black cat frowned and jumped aside: "If you see our Highness later, please inform us in time."

After finishing speaking, the whole body gradually merged into the shadow and disappeared.

"Bah, what are you?"

After a while, the big rhino opened the portal of the space and released the white cat.

"Who came just now?"

"It's the Shadow Guard of your clan."


Under the action of a very high concentration of aura, the natural environment of the spirit world is very beautiful, a variety of plants grow wildly, and even the wind feels much fresher.

The big rhino walked slowly along the stream like this, leaving a big footprint with every step.

The white cat lay down on the back of the rhinoceros and looked around casually. Neither of the two beasts was talking, only the flowing stream and the sounds of various unenlightened animals in the forest.

After a while, the big rhinoceros asked in the usual dull tone: "Your Highness, why do you always want to run out?"

"Do you think I'm like them?"

"the same."

"It's the same there? Even the fur color is different. I am white, and my father and other clansmen are all black."

"That's because your mother was also a great emperor."

"But where is she?"

The big rhino suddenly kept silent.


The atmosphere fell into silence again, and the big rhino was still walking forward step by step.

At twelve noon, Confederation Park.


Standing at the door of the temporary command center, Deng Jiefu watched the torrential rain outside, and a golden network loomed in his eyes.

"Team Deng, the concentration of aura has reached the threshold, and the channel may open at any time."

Li Mei came to Deng Jiefu's side with serious eyes and reported the situation to him.

"I see."

The gold in Deng Jiefu's eyes disappeared, he came to Yan Pei and said: "Old Yan, you go back, you don't need to sit here."

Yan Pei is over 50 years old. He rushed to Sioux City last night and has not closed his eyes until now. He has not awakened his spiritual energy, so he is a little tired, and he is sitting on a chair to rest now.

Hearing Deng Jiefu's words, Yan Pei shook his head: "I can't be a deserter."

Deng Jiefu said dumbfoundedly: "You are not a deserter, you should go back and rest quickly, you will fall down before the passage is opened."

Yan Pei looked at Deng Jiefu's calm and safe face and shook his head: "People who call you Lao Deng Lao Deng usually forget that you are only in your 30s. Don't persuade me, I won't leave. "

Deng Jiefu approached him and lowered his voice, and changed his words: "You are useless here, if the channel is opened and the monsters from the spirit world come in, we will have someone to protect you."

"Okay, okay, I understand, you want to drive me away."

"Hehe, Yang Zhen, go see Governor Yan off."


The spirit world, the territory of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cats.

The big rhino walks unhurriedly with the white cat on its back. The frequency of step by step seems to be very slow, but it has already traveled a long distance.

The Great Rhinoceros is the king of the Xingling Rhinoceros Clan, attached to the Emperor of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan, this is also the ruling mode that can be seen everywhere in the spirit world.

All the beasts in the spirit world can be divided into those without enlightenment and those with enlightenment.

In the eyes of the residents of the spirit world, beasts that have not opened their intelligence are just food, at most they will not eat the same kind of beasts, and beasts are so bloody and cruel.

It is also because of the natural aggressiveness and territoriality of beasts, each ethnic group is king, which is equivalent to an independent country, and the ethnic groups with emperors are like countries with nuclear weapons in the real world.

And the emperor will not use it at any time like nuclear weapons in the real world. Here, you can really do what you say, so groups without emperors will often be attached to groups with emperors, which is equivalent to a system of enfeoffment.

After Xing Ling Xi Wang took the white cat into his supernatural power space again, he stepped into a valley, which was the most likely place where the channel in his induction would open.

After the Star Consonance Rhinoceros arrived, several black cats emerged from the shadows.

"Xing Lingxi King, what are you doing here? This is where the passage is about to open. The emperor has already set the rules, and you are not allowed to enter the ancestral land through the passage at will."

Xing Lingxi King laughed, and said in a low voice: "It's okay, you are busy with your work, I just haven't seen the world before to see the excitement."

 Suddenly there was an epidemic in the urban area today, and I was asked to do nucleic acid, and I came back a little late.

  Thanks to Jiang Beiran, the feather falls three thousand feet, the taste of luxury and enjoyment is the ultimate, book friend 202012301** rewarded 100 starting points, thank you for the reward of 500 starting points! !
  Thank you boss, boss atmosphere Boss is in good health!

(End of this chapter)

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