Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 68 The Husky's IQ Will Be Guarded By Me

Chapter 68 Husky's IQ I'll Guard It (Two in One)

King Xinglingxi felt the aura in the valley, the aura was indeed very active, and the entire valley was exuding a faint power.

This power was created by these shadow guards, and it has the unique aura of the Nine Nether Black Cat.

The purpose is to prevent unintelligent animals from entering by mistake, and also to tell other beasts that this place has been blocked and should not come in and out at will.

But Xinglingxi King doesn't care about these things. Although he is a vassal of the Jiuyou Xuancat Clan, he is also a king after all.

If the emperor came, he would definitely give some face, but he had nothing to be afraid of facing these shadow guards.

King Xinglingxi spewed out two balls of breath from his nose, secretly thinking in his heart that he had to go back and stay honestly for a while after this matter was over, so as not to let the emperor find a chance to wear small shoes for himself.

Alas, the main reason is that His Highness gave too much.

The nebula fruit is really too rare. Its function and value are not to allow them to break through to a higher level, but to improve the talent of the beast cubs. Listen to the name of this fruit and the name of Xing Lingxi How similar it is to know how important it is.

People feel that the gap between the rich and the poor in modern society is too large, but the gap between the rich and the poor is even greater in the feudal society, not to mention the quasi-feudal society ruled by the mighty power of the spirit world.

It's really drought to death, waterlogging to death, King Xingling Rhinoceros dare not be angry with His Highness, but seeing these black cats in front of him is annoyed.

"Xing Ling Xi Wang, please leave if you have nothing to do."

"I'm just here to join in the fun, and help you control the situation by the way, what if you can't grasp it?"

A few black cats have black lines on their foreheads. It has never been heard that the Jiuyou Xuan cat territory cannot control the situation.

But they have nothing to do with this big rhino who is obviously playing tricks for a while. After the passage is opened, only beast-level creatures are allowed to enter within ten kilometers.

It is not impossible to enter the Beast King class, but the strength will be suppressed in all directions at the Beast Master class. If there is a problem, it will be a death in vain.

Thinking of the consequences of being so aggrieved, no king-level existence wanted to join in the fun.

Therefore, the tallest among them is only the Beast Venerable, who has no comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth and can become the king of his own domain.

The beast clan in the spirit world respects strength. Although they are members of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat clan, they have no temper for thick-skinned kings.

You can't call for support now and let the king of the clan come over to fight the friendly camp, right?It is estimated that he was shot to death first.

The leading black cat helplessly continued to persuade: "Xing Ling Xi Wang, you."

"It's fine, it's fine, you are busy with your work, just pretend that I don't exist."

After answering their questions perfunctorily, King Xing Lingxi wandered around the valley regardless of them, and found a clean pool to soak in comfortably.

Then he made some fruits from the space and floated on the water, and he waited for it to float up to him and swallowed whichever one he wanted.

Every beast in the spirit world will awaken a racial talent after being promoted to the Venerable level. The talent of the Xing Lingxi family is related to space, so he has been keenly aware that the conditions for opening the channel have now been fully met.

He happily hummed a little tune, planning to let His Highness come out to take a look at the passageway, and then leave after taking the nebula fruit. In a few years, he will definitely not leave the door.

However, before he was happy, the light and shadow in front of him twisted slightly, and a black cat with a white ribbon tied around its neck and a white cloak appeared in front of him.

Seeing this figure, Xing Ling Xi Wang's face became a little dignified.

The black cat squatted gracefully in front of him, looked at him faintly with black pupils and said, "Xingyuan, you are not in the territory looking at your precious cubs, why are you running around here?"

The big rhinoceros replied with a heroic smile: "Jiang Yuan, do I have to report to you about what I do?"

"Ha ha."

The black cat stood up slowly, and the cloak on its back floated inexplicably as if being blown by the wind. The whole cat looked very chic, he said faintly.

"Let me guess."

"I just got the news that Huang's warehouse is missing a batch of treasures, and one of them is a nebula fruit."

"And you usually want to watch those cubs in your clan all day long, and you have to follow them quietly even in training. Why did you come here suddenly to see the passage that is about to be opened?"

"What do you think, Xingyuan?"

Hearing the black cat's words, the big rhinoceros didn't change its expression. The two big eyeballs looked at the black cat's slowly fluttering cloak with some doubts and asked, "There's no wind here. Why is your cloak fluttering all the time?"


The black cat was a little speechless, he knew why everyone said that the big rhino was thick-skinned.

"Xingyuan, don't change the subject. You should understand the seriousness of the matter. Your Highness is our family's top priority. If there is even a little problem with you, you can't bear the responsibility."

The big rhinoceros pursed his mouth, and slandered in his heart: His Highness promised me that he just took a look outside. This Jiang Yuan knows how to scare himself. Am I scared?

Just when the big rhinoceros was about to continue making jokes, he suddenly sensed the white cat speaking in his own space.

So he let the white cat out helplessly. The big rhinoceros was sitting in the pool, with only one big head exposed.

After the white cat came out of the space, it stood on top of the big rhinoceros and looked at the black cat in front of it.

"Your Highness."

Jiang Yuan raised his right paw and hung it in front of his chest, and saluted the white cat.

"Actually, you don't need to come out. I fooled the old cow casually." The big rhinoceros glanced at the top of its head and said in a low voice.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Yuan didn't understand why Xingyuan was so confident in his own brain.

"Uncle Yuan, don't be so polite, there are no outsiders here."

Hearing this, the big rhino immediately felt a light on his face.

Listen, there are no outsiders here.

What a sensible child, if only those cubs in my clan were as sensible, cute, and considerate as His Highness.

Jiang Yuan looked at the white cat sitting on top of the rhinoceros with some headaches and said, "Baibai, if you want to come out to play with your father or talk to me, it's fine, there's no need to sneak out and take so much money from Curry thing."

"Those futures are yours. Just say what you want. Fortunately, you found this stupid cow in the territory of the clan. What if you go out and lose money? There are many spirit worlds. Desperadoes who will take risks."

The chicness and elegance of the black cat have completely disappeared at this moment, and the earnest appearance is a bit like a naive big rhinoceros.

"Got it, Uncle Yuan."

Hearing Jiang Baibai's perfunctory words as always, Jiang Yuan secretly sighed.

Since Jiang Baibai was born 100 years ago, the entire Jiuyouxuan cat clan has attached great importance to this jewel in the palm.

However, because of Jiang Baibai's mother's powerful genes, the pure black Jiuyou Xuan cat in the whole family has an extra snow-white princess.

Jiang Baibai had no mother since she was a child. In order to take care of her emotions, the clan began to introduce white into the upper echelon. The higher the status of the clan, the more white clothes they would wear on their bodies.

You must know that before Jiang Baibai was born, the most hated color in the clan was white. Now, except that Jiang Baibai's father, the emperor of the Nine Nether Black Cat, usually does not wear white clothes for the sake of the clan's reputation, white has gradually become a popular color .

If the status is not allowed to wear pure white clothes, then many tribesmen will choose white with black spots and so on.

However, Jiang Baibai, who still feels that he is special and can't fit in, still longs for the outside world all day long, and just runs out to see if he has nothing to do.

The spiritual world is dangerous and complicated, and the Nine Nether Black Cat also has many hostile forces. Even Jiang Baibai's mother will be ambushed and seriously injured, and die after giving birth.

"I just want to see what the passage to Zudi looks like, and I'll go back with you after I'm done."

Jiang Baibai, one yellow and one blue, the amber gem-like eyes are full of sincerity.

"Okay, I'm here with you."

Zi Liu.

A jet of water sprayed towards Jiang Yuan from the big rhino's mouth.

However, the water column stagnated in the air after approaching Jiang Yuan, and then suddenly dissipated and disappeared out of thin air.

So childish.

Jiang Yuan rolled his eyes at the big rhino.

Fang Lin, who was full after lunch, was preparing to take a beautiful nap, and practice hard after waking up.

But Yang's mother came to the living room after cleaning up the kitchen, and called Fang Lin after writing something on a few pieces of paper.

"Kaka, come here."

Hearing the movement, Fang Lin had no choice but to reluctantly get up from the nest and go to Mama Yang's side, and followed her gestures to jump onto the sofa.

Mama Yang hugged Kaka and rubbed his butt with some distress.

"Does it still hurt? Mom hit a little harder just now."

As she spoke, Yang's mother carefully checked the place where Fang Lin's butt was beaten, and after finding out that there was nothing wrong, she hugged Fang Lin and rubbed her.


Fang Lin licked Mama Yang's palm.

What is this pain?As long as you eat well, you can say anything.

As if Mama Yang guessed what he was thinking, she spread out a few white letters on the tea table in front of Fang Lin.

"This one says Big Lobster."

"This one is abalone."

"This one is roasted whole lamb."

"This one is a squid."

"This is a steak."

"It's raining heavily outside now. After you make your choice, I'll buy it for you when the rain stops. Choose."

Fang Lin was stunned, how to choose?
The big lobster that Mama Yang mentioned is definitely not the kind of ordinary lobster, maybe it is the Boston lobster he saw in the video before, which is particularly meaty.

He has never eaten roasted whole lamb, so the visual sense must be full, right?But this one is definitely for the whole family.

Fang Lin was a little confused about the abalone.

He has never eaten abalone. He has seen it before, but it is a round and fat thing. What if there is no meat to eat?He likes to eat meat.

Big squid, steak.

Alas, my saliva is about to flow down, how can I choose this?

Suddenly Fang Lin had an idea.

He is a dog, can a dog understand human speech?Isn't it enough to play dumb?
So Fang Lin stuck out his tongue and stretched out his paws very honestly, and gathered the several pieces of paper together.

"Kaka, I'm not playing with paper for you, you put your paw on one of them, just like this."

Mama Yang demonstrated to Fang Lin by resetting the white paper, and she put her hand on the paper on the roasted whole lamb.

Hehe, what do you mean, why can't I understand?

Liu Jing appeared by her side at some point, holding up her mobile phone and shooting a video with her aunt smiling.

Xueqiu leaned over and jumped onto the coffee table. She was a little curious when she saw Mama Yang's demonstration, and imitated her by stretching out her little claws and pressing on the squid.

"Haha, yes, just like Snowball, Kaka, come on."

Yang Ma said and pushed Fang Lin's paw.

Fang Lin frowned and looked at the messy snowball, aimed at the slipper on the ground and stretched out his claws to gently push her off.

The coffee table was not high, and the cushioned snowball with slippers rolled around, shook its head and jumped onto the sofa, licking its paws beside Fang Lin.

"Ah, don't push the snowball, choose quickly."

Mama Yang patted the back of Fang Lin's hand lightly.

Then Fang Lin continued to pretend to be stupid, gathered the white paper into a pile again, and pressed his paw on it.


Mama Yang looked at Fang Lin suspiciously.

Fang Lin felt that Mama Yang's gaze was inexplicably guilty, and he stuck out his tongue and turned his head to avoid Mama Yang's sight.

"do it again."

Yang Ma calmly opened the paper and fixed her eyes on Fang Lin.

Fang Lin sneaked a glance at Mama Yang, and happened to meet her gaze.

Are you still pretending?
Fang Lin struggled for a while, then gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Pack!Why not pretend!It doesn't matter if Yang's mother finds out that he may understand and pretends to be stupid.

Modern people watch so many videos, isn’t it just a husky who can understand human language?What's the matter?

There are already so many cats and border collies who can understand people's speech, and there must be a smart one from my big husky blood.

Husky's IQ is guarded by me!

Fang Lin stretched out his paw and pressed it on the white paper at the edge, and then slowly put the paper together again under the watchful eyes of Yang Ma and the camera recording, and then pressed his paw on it.

"Haha, Kaka means I want everything."

Liu Jing smiled while holding the phone.

"Hmph, this silly dog ​​is pretty smart."

Yang's mother gave Fang Lin a blank look and then cleaned up all the papers on the table.

"Okay, okay, then I want all of them. Kaka, when you go to the market to buy things, you will carry them all on your back. I can't carry so much."

Fang Lin was overjoyed.

I take what I take, and the roasted whole lamb must be scheduled, how much can the others weigh.

Even if he really wants to carry a sheep, Fang Lin is not afraid, as long as Mama Yang dares to let him carry it, he will really show Mama Yang what the power of a husky is.


Snowball licked his fur beside him and let out a cry.

Hmph, stupid cat, I almost messed with you, you are lucky to have me, you can eat so many delicious things for nothing.

Tsk tsk, let's extend the time for the moonlight at night, at worst I won't sleep at night.

Snowball Snowball, change it for me quickly!

After the disturbance of the incident just now, Fang Lin also suddenly lost his sleepiness, jumped off the sofa and nestled in front of the French window to watch the scenery outside.

The pouring rain was still pouring outside the window, showing no signs of abating.

It is true that there will be heavy rain in summer, but will it last for so long?This rain challenged his life experience of more than 20 years.

Fang Lin, unable to come up with any results, turned his head and looked at the living room.

After lunch, it was time to rest, and the whole family had already gone back to their room to sleep. Liu Jing carried Mama Yang back to the bedroom. It seemed that she didn't want to go back to her home in a short time.

Only Xueqiu and himself were left in the living room.

Then let's try to see if the high-efficiency strengthening of the body can be reproduced.

Fang Lin slowly closed his eyes, and the aura core in his body suddenly lit up with a dazzling light.




(Beast King S, Beast King A, Beast King B, Beast Envoy C)

 Thanks to the impatient 888 for the reward of 100 starting coins, thanks to Yigao Wu Yanzu for the reward of 200 starting coins, thanks to Mujin for the reward of 3000 starting coins in the past, and thanks to the readers for short for the 5000 starting coins! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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