Chapter 69

Fang Lin began to use the spiritual energy to strengthen his body while letting the spiritual energy core run wildly to pump spiritual power into the body.

The aura burst output skill in the inheritance and Fang Lin's unique body strengthening mechanism are perfectly combined at this moment, and the surging aura paints the body with layers of runes.

With the improvement of physical strength, those complex and mysterious aura arrays became more and more dense.

This technique in the original inheritance has after effects, not only burdening the spiritual core, but also causing harm to the body.

However, Fang Lin actively controlled the output of spiritual energy so as not to let it go too far, and at the same time added his own physical talent, this side effect was almost nonexistent.

When Fang Lin's body has not reached the limit of his current level and can continue to be strengthened, he can always use this method.

When his body has been strengthened and reaches the limit of the current stage and no longer needs a lot of aura, perhaps the explosive seed technique in this inheritance is the real explosive seed.

Fang Lin closed his eyes and felt it quietly. The growing sense of strength in his body made him feel a little omnipotent.

It's like every time a man finishes rolling the iron, he always feels that his arms have become wider and his arms can't be closed, and he has to walk with them.

"Kaka, Snowball, I have something nice for you."

Yang Ma, who was going to take a nap, suddenly went downstairs with two balls in her hand.

Fang Lin took a closer look and saw that there were two balls, one was a tennis ball and the other was a fluffy ball a little bigger than a table tennis ball.

Where is this song coming from?
Fang Lin temporarily interrupted his practice, and he still needed to concentrate his mind to control this guiding skill at the core of aura.

Because it was raining outside and the sound of the rain was a bit noisy, so Snowball chose to nest in the corner of the sofa and rolled himself up into a ball.

Yang's mother first walked to the sofa and put the small blue plush ball in Xueqiu's arms, then came over and hovered over Fang Lin's mouth with a brand new tennis ball.


Fang Lin raised his head and looked at Mama Yang hesitantly, opened her mouth and put the tennis ball in her mouth.

Only then did Yang's mother show a satisfied smile: "It's okay to run and play at home, every day I know that I lie here all day, and my body is rusted if I don't exercise. I really don't know if you are a husky."

Talking about being puzzled, Mama Yang stretched out her hand and patted Fang Lin's round buttocks, and then went upstairs calmly.

After Yang Ma left, the tennis ball fell out of Fang Lin's mouth, bounced on the ground and stopped not far away.

Women are so difficult to serve, he doesn't tear down the house and lay down here, thinking he doesn't exercise enough.

Can my body rust?Break the record casually in [-] meters, okay?

Fang Lin closed his eyes and continued to strengthen his body, but Xueqiu liked his new plush ball quite a bit.

The ball is small, but it fits the snowball perfectly, and she has a lot of fun moving the plush ball from left paw to right paw, and right paw to left paw.



Xueqiu liked the plush ball Yang Ma gave her very much, looked at Fang Lin's back expectantly, and wanted Fang Lin to play with her.

However, Fang Lin couldn't extricate herself from the positive feedback of her obsession with cultivation, so she simply rejected her.

The superiority of modern society is fully reflected in extreme weather. Everyone has a shelter from the wind. Maybe this harbor is not so luxurious or even a bit simple, but at least it will not have to face the wind and rain like in the past.

The torrential rain outside the house is still continuing, but the urban drainage system after the reconstruction of the emergency plan of the Southern Province still has no waves.

The laziness and burnout after lunch will not be affected by the heavy rain outside, on the contrary, it will provide a different feeling.

The house is completely quiet, and rainy days are the most suitable time to sleep.

Xueqiu felt a little sleepy after pulling the fluffy ball by herself for a while. She glanced at Fang Lin who was lying in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. She stretched her body with peace of mind, hugged the fluffy ball in her arms, and fell asleep on the sofa. .

Time passes silently, it is like an artist, engraving traces on everything in the world.

[-] p.m., Commonwealth Park.

Compared with the leisure and comfort of ordinary people, the atmosphere here gradually became anxious.

Originally, the aura concentration in the park had exceeded the threshold at twelve o'clock at noon, and the channel that was expected to open immediately had not yet been opened.

Up to now, the concentration of aura in the position is still maintained at a very high standard, and everyone's heart is tense.

This feeling is like the sister nurse in the hospital telling you to give you an injection in the buttocks, and you obediently took off your pants and pouted your buttocks very nervously.

But after waiting for a long time, the needle did not come down for a long time. When you couldn't help but look back, you found that the nurse was already squeezing the needle tube to expel the air inside.

So you turned your head back and gritted your teeth, preparing to bear the coming pain, but after waiting for a long time, you found that you haven't pricked yet!
Now the members of the Special Affairs Bureau and the members of the federal park feel like this. While making preparations, they still need to go to the park in the rain again and again to investigate, in case someone breaks in by mistake.

The federal police officers on the outskirts also maintained the cordon amid the heavy rain.

Although Sioux City has issued a notice to the citizens to block the park for exercises, because of the world situation in recent years, it is not uncommon for the Dragon Kingdom Federation to hold exercises to deter other countries.

However, there will always be some curious babies who grew up in the peaceful Dragon Kingdom Federation who want to satisfy their curiosity, even if it is raining, the outer security circle has already intercepted two or three batches of such people.

"Don't worry about waiting patiently. In this environment, you should be able to sense more spiritual energy. Take this opportunity to practice hard."

Deng Jiefu pointed to Yi Fei and the others, while he continued to stand at the door looking at the park in the pouring rain.

What he needs to reach his level is no longer these aura concentrations, what he needs is comprehension, and what he needs is to find his remaining path.

He already had a clear premonition in his heart, and when he found his seventh aura core and filled it up, he would be greeted with earth-shaking changes.

Spirit world.

A huge rhinoceros sat on the ground in a humanized manner, and next to it squatted two cats, one black and one white, less than the height of its thighs when it sat down.

"Uncle Yuan, why hasn't the passage been opened yet? Are you lying to me? In fact, the passage is not here, it has already been opened elsewhere?"

Jiang Baibai sat on the side in a daze, bored.

She was almost bored to death, and Jiang Yuan didn't chat with her much when the big rhinoceros was here.


The small white paws rubbed against the small bell around the neck a few times, took out a somewhat transparent and shiny fruit from the space inside, and started to chew it.

"Tsk tsk, Yunling fruit."

Xing Lingxi Wang Xingyuan sighed in his heart.

Yunling fruit is also a kind of spiritual fruit, which can provide a large amount of spiritual power to assist in cultivation, and it is also very rare in the spiritual world.

It blooms once every hundred years and bears fruit every hundred years. In the spiritual world, only the children of the royal family who have the emperor in their clan have the ability to eat these things. The class division in the spiritual world is also very obvious. Only the royal family with the emperor can have their own. last name.

Some geniuses in the spiritual world can see the road to heaven as soon as they start practicing spiritual power.

Tongtian Road in the spiritual world refers to the core of aura. If you can see 6 at the beginning, you are already a genius. If you can see more than [-], then its road to be promoted to the king (A) is smooth. What is lacking is accumulation. And background only.

However, it is very realistic that only the children of the emperor can see seven or more cores after birth.

Many of these royal children in the spirit world were born with excellent talents, and they also have the cultivation resources that others would envy.

What they have to do is to practice their own foundation at every level, and move forward after their bodies and cores have been raised to the limit.

Jiang Baibai is also one of the geniuses. He was born with eight awakened cores, and only one is short of the completion of the natural source body Tongtianlu. This year has not yet passed his [-]th birthday, and the clan is still considered a minor, and he is already a beast envoy (C-level) strength.

A trace of helplessness appeared on Jiang Yuan's black cat face, and he explained to Jiang Baibai: "Your father personally sensed that there is no mistake, not to mention that this stupid cow brought you here too?"

Xingyuan noticed Jiang Baibai's gaze and nodded to her, his talent can't go wrong.

"Ah, okay."

Five p.m.

"Ding dong, ding dong."

"Hey, someone rang the doorbell."

Liu Jing on the sofa asked Yang's mother next to her with some doubts. Yang's mother shrugged and said that she didn't know, she got up and went to the door to look out through the cat's eyes.

Fang Lin took the opportunity to snatch his dog's head out of Liu Jing's arms.

It is a bit of a problem for this woman to be designated now.

Liu Jing has been enjoying herself on the sofa with her mobile phone in her arms since she woke up in the afternoon. It may be that as time goes by, the popularity of her first video is getting higher and higher.

Mama Yang also sent a video on the original account to Portal, explaining that the video of Kaka and Xueqiu will be posted separately on the new account in the future, and many old fans also came to follow the new account.

Seeing more and more enthusiastic comments from fans and netizens, Liu Jing was overjoyed. Last night's expectation finally became a reality.

So now she sees Fang Lin more and more pleasing to her eyes, and she directly calls Fang Lin over from the French window, hugs her in her arms and keeps masturbating, chanting about the content of the next video.

Fang Lin shook his body, and he felt that his head was going to be bald.

But why is there still someone knocking on the door when it's raining outside at this time?

Some curious Fang Lin began to sense the breath outside the door.

Ok?How is a bitch?
At this time, Yang Ma confirmed who was outside through the cat's eyes and opened the door.

A young woman in her 20s entered the door holding a small white Pomeranian.

"Yaoyao, why are you here? Where's your mother?"

"Isn't it raining today? There is an emergency meeting. She went to the meeting and hasn't come back yet."

Talking about Yaoyao putting Bomei down, this little guy who was not as tall as Fang Lin's legs was very excited, sniffing around within the range of the dog leash, wagging its tail and flying up.

Seeing the unfamiliar Mama Yang, she jumped up at Mama Yang's feet and pulled Mama Yang's pant legs.

"Wang Wang~"

Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, active toy dog, which is a kind of German Spitz. It has a lovely appearance and soft hair, and its personality is active and timid.

Because of its cute appearance and small size, it is easy to control, so it is loved by many families.

"Your mother also serves the people, by the way, what's the matter with you?"

Yang's mother bent down and rubbed Xiao Bomei's head and asked Yaoyao.

"Hey, isn't it raining outside today? I can't take her out to play. I used to take her out for a walk every day and let her play with other puppies, so that she won't be noisy when she comes home."

"Because I didn't take her out today, I have been barking at home for a whole day, and I feel that Kaka has a very gentle personality from your video, so I want to bring her to you to have fun."


What's the meaning?Let me play with the dog?
Fang Lin lay on the sofa and looked at this Pomeranian named Lala. She had lost interest in Mama Yang and began to sniff around.

Mama Yang was actually a little surprised and stunned.

The main reason was that she didn't realize it. After getting along with Kaka for a long time, she almost thought that all the dogs in the world were barking.

I'm still a little unaccustomed to hearing the crisp and loud bark at home suddenly.

"Okay, Kaka, come down and play with the children."

Fang Lin was a little helpless, turned his body sideways and lay down on the sofa, pretending to be dead.

He could already tell that this Pomeranian was already a year old woman, and he had no interest in playing house with her.

Although Fang Lin himself has become a dog, he is still not used to playing with dogs.

Not to exclude other dogs, but it feels like an adult reborn as a child to go to kindergarten.

Would he still play with a group of little ones?

This is how Fang Lin feels now. The IQ of other pets is obviously not as good as that of children. They either smell their butts or bark and provoke all day long.

It's not as cute as your own snowball.

Just as Fang Lin was lying on the sofa and pretending to be dead, Xueqiu on the side had already noticed the new Pomeranian.

Xueqiu, who has been well taken care of since coming to the house, is not very shy. After all, this is her own territory, and she has Fang Lin and other family members who she thinks are very reliable.

So she jumped off the sofa with some curiosity, crawled on the floor and slowly approached little Bomei, wanting to get closer to sniff the breath of her new friend.

However, some Xueqiu who simply had no social experience didn't know that her behavior was actually provocative in a sense.

Lala also noticed the snowball that was crawling and wanted to get close to her, so she gritted her teeth and let out a warning sound from her throat.

Xueqiu hesitated for a moment, she felt that Lala's mood was not right.


She let out a soft cry and released her kindness to continue to approach Lala. In her opinion, no one she met would hurt her, so she didn't have any worries.


Lara roared when Snowball approached an unbearable distance in this posture.

Don't tell me, the small dog is really imposing when barking and barking, it has the aura of the second child in the dungeon.


Snowball bounced up with a frightened sound, jumped onto the sofa like lightning and shrank behind Fang Lin.


The aggrieved Xueqiu complained to Fang Lin in a low voice, not understanding why this new friend was so fierce to him.

Fang Lin licked the timid Xueqiu speechlessly. This kind of courage feels that even if he transforms in the future, it will not be deterrent, right?

Yaoyao pulled the rein angrily, but Lala was still barking at Snowball behind Fang Lin.

Tsk, a Xiugou who has not been severely beaten by the society, looks like it can do whatever it wants at home.

Fang Lin doesn't care if there is anything wrong with Xueqiu, but you are still so rampant when you come to my house?

Under Fang Lin's intentional control, traces of coercion from the higher blood radiated against Lala.

 Thanks to the old man Yedu Chunqiu for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thanks to Yifeng for the reward of 500 starting coins! !
  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! !
(End of this chapter)

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