Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 70 The Dignity of Emperor Ha

Chapter 70 The Dignity of Emperor Ha
Fang Lin clearly understood the power of blood coercion, and this ability could be used to leapfrog and kill enemies.

You can often see pictures of weak-willed people or beasts trembling or even unable to move in front of Longwei in various novels.

This is an ability that can grow. Although it is only at the D-level level, it is still too exaggerated for Lala, who is an ordinary pet dog.

Therefore, Fang Lin controlled the output of coercion very carefully, and only used a little bit of strength on her.

However, Lala was still scared to death immediately.


While screaming in horror, she competed with the dog leash in Yaoyao's hand and rushed towards the door frantically.

Fang Lin secretly thought that it was not good and quickly put away the coercion, and at the same time his throat grunted as a threat.

She can't let Mama Yang think that he has such power just by glancing at him.

"Lala! Don't make trouble!"

Yaoyao Xiang grabbed Lala to prevent her from running around, but Lala, who is usually weak, burst out with amazing strength at this moment.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Seeing that she was bound by the dog leash and unable to escape, little Bomei's four short legs fluttered anxiously.

Seeing the messy scene, Mama Yang was a little dazed for a while.

So this dog can be so noisy?Little Bomei's frequent calls made her feel her head was getting bigger.

Mama Yang felt that her scalp was itching irritably, she scratched her head and stared at Fang Lin angrily.


She knew that the culprit was this dishonest husky.

Lala has already started to chew on the rope, Yaoyao wanted to squat down to comfort her, but she almost bit her too.

Seeing this scene, Yang's mother fell into self-doubt.

Are your own huskies so scary?
Why do I always feel like a very Buddhist old man style?

Fang Lin noticed Yang Ma's puzzled look at him, and with an innocent expression on his face, he looked at her stupidly with his tongue out.

"Why are you pretending to be stupid? Don't scare other dogs, do you hear me, go and apologize to me immediately."


All right, all right, you are the boss and you have the final say.

Fang Lin licked the snowball behind him to comfort him, then slowly got up from the sofa and jumped off.

Taking unhurried steps, he began to gradually approach Xiao Bomei.

However, in the eyes of the little Pomeranian Lala, it was like seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

Looking at Fang Lin's calm eyes like a dry well, she always felt that the husky in front of her was going to swallow her in one bite.

"Wang Wang Wang!!!"

She gnawed on the dog leash even harder, trying to get out of this place as soon as possible.


Yaoyao tightened the rope and squatted down to hug Bomei, who knew that Bomei bit Yaoyao's hand under stress.


Yaoyao quickly dropped the rope and stood up, covering her palms.

Zhuo!problem occurs!
Fang Lin looked at Pomeranian who was bouncing up and down all the time, and roared angrily. At the same time, he quickly approached her and pressed his paws on her body.


Bomei whimpered in fright, clamped her tail and lay obediently on the spot without even daring to lift her head, and gradually became quiet and did not move.

It's just that occasionally he tried his best to roll his eyes upwards to secretly see what Fang Lin was doing, and whether he wanted to eat himself.


be honest.

Seeing that the little Pomeranian finally calmed down, Fang Lin also squatted down obediently and began to pretend to be wronged.

Damn, why does this dog even bite its owner.

It's broken, it's broken, Mama Yang will definitely blame herself when the person leaves.

You can beat yourself however you want, and he promises that the yelling and screaming of being beaten will give Yang Ma an absolute sense of psychological accomplishment, and will definitely make her feel that the husky in front of her has been beaten very badly.

Don't deduct your rations.

"Yaoyao, are you okay?"

Seeing that Yaoyao was bitten, Yang's mother hurried to her and took her hand and looked at it.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

At that time, Yaoyao stretched out her right hand to get close to her, so a blood mark was bitten on the palm under the little finger.

"You child, it's okay to bleed. You sit there quickly and I'll get the medicine box and bandage it for you."

"It's all because of you!"

Speaking of which, Yang Ma was about to go to the storage room to get the medicine box, and when she turned her head and saw Fang Lin squatting there pretending to be honest and peeking at her from the corner of her eye, she pointed at his head and reprimanded him.


She was fierce to Xueqiu first, who knew she was so timid.

"Still talking back, go and stand by the wall."

Yang Ma pointed to the TV wall opposite the sofa and ordered Fang Lin, and then went to get the medicine box.

Convinced, I am such a big dog, but I still have to stand as a punishment.

This is too embarrassing for my Emperor Ha.

But there was nothing he could do. Although Fang Lin was complaining in his heart, he still walked towards the TV wall obediently.


Come over to grandpa.

Fang Lin turned his head and glanced at the lying on the ground motionless, out of breath, and turned around and ordered her to follow him to stand for punishment.

So little Bomei timidly got up and followed Fang Lin's buttocks.

Soon, two dogs, one big and one small, lined up and squatted on the wall opposite the sofa.

I will never face the wall.

Fang Lin decided to keep the last bit of dignity of the future Emperor Ha, and turned his face to the sofa. Anyway, Mama Yang didn't say to face the wall.

Yaoyao, who was pinching her wrist on the sofa, looked at Lala who was obediently squatting with Kaka in surprise.

Is this still her dog?So obedient?

Liu Jing frowned and glanced at the wound on Yaoyao's hand, goosebumps came out all over her body.

She's the kind of person who can't see a wound.

Usually seeing that kind of bleeding wound on the Internet or in reality, she would feel a dull pain in the corresponding place on her body, and her body would tremble twice.

She said to Yaoyao distressedly: "Does it hurt?"

Before Yaoyao could speak, Mama Yang came over carrying a white box, and saw Fang Lin who was squatting by the wall sticking out his tongue at her, and frowned: "Pass your head over to me."


The last trace of Emperor Ha's dignity was gone.

Fang Lin sighed and turned his body to face the people on the sofa with his buttocks, then stretched out his paw and patted Lala's head who was peeking at him, making her turn around too.

After Fang Lin put down the coercion, Lala also calmed down, but she was still in awe of the handsome and harmless husky in front of her.

Yaoyao was completely stunned when she saw Lala turning around with Fang Lin, and she forgot to answer Liu Jing's question.

She tugged the arm of Yang Ma who had just sat down and asked excitedly: "Is your Kaka usually this powerful? Do other dogs listen to him like this?"

Yang Ma replied while pulling her hand away to take out iodine and bandages from the medicine box.

"Well, no, right? But the little bitch really likes it. If you take him out to play, there will always be several dogs who are interested in him and sniff his ass."


Yaoyao fell into deep thought when she heard this.

"Come on, alcohol hurts too much, I'll give you an iodine bar."

Yang Ma grabbed Yaoyao's hand and put it on her lap, opened the sealed bag and took out a cotton swab dipped in a little iodine to dab the wound.


(There will be one more to come.)
 Thanks to the free panda and book friend 20191014 for the 100 starting point coins, and thanks to nikehu for the 1500 starting point coins!

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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