Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 71 Kaka trains dogs?

Chapter 71 Kaka trains dogs?

Yaoyao, who was in a trance, suddenly felt a burst of pain, and her beautiful face twitched slightly, even the ponytail at the back of her head shook.

When Liu Jing saw this scene, Xiaoyuan's face was almost wrinkled, and goosebumps all over her body were flying up.

Looking at this look, those who didn't know thought she was bitten and applying medicine.

Yang Ma took out the gauze and began to wrap it around the wound, and finally tied a small bow on her hand.

"Okay, I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup after the rain stops, and get a rabies vaccine by the way."

Yaoyao looked at her hand after bandaging, admired the bow on her hand, took out her mobile phone to take a picture, and said indifferently: "No, I just called once two days ago."



Both Yang Ma and Liu Jing looked at her in shock.

Yaoyao shrugged and pointed to a bite mark on her wrist and said: "This is what Lala bit while eating two days ago."

"What's the matter?"

Yaoyao sighed and said: "My mother spoiled this dog too much when she first raised it, and forgot to do desensitization training, and gradually began to have the habit of protecting food."

"Don't look at her small stature, she has a bad temper when things go wrong at home. I checked and found that she should be trained from an early age not to let her protect food."

"But it's already like this. There's nothing I can do. I tried to take the rice bowl away when she was eating two days ago. Who knew she bit me."

"She is small and my mother is not willing to beat her, but she doesn't actually bite people except for eating, so the family plans to ignore her, and it will be fine if she doesn't get close to her when eating in the future."

While the three women were chatting, Xueqiu slowly walked to Fang Lin's side.

She hid beside Fang Lin and stretched out her small head to look at Lala on the other side with some curiosity. She didn't know why Fang Lin and Lala were squatting here.

However, this did not affect her approaching. With Fang Lin as a backer, Xueqiu became more courageous. She walked behind Fang Lin's back and tentatively stretched out her small paws to Lazha.

Sensing the movement behind her, Lala turned her head to look behind her, and began to grin at Snowball.


Hearing that Lala started grunting again, Fang Lin was not used to her, so he slapped her on the top of the head with his paw.

Lala's hairy head slapped down, she licked her mouth and looked up at Fang Lin timidly, then lowered her head obediently and climbed down.

Xueqiu glanced at Fang Lin hesitantly, then continued to stretch out his little white claws and put the pad on Lala's body.


The snowball that touched the puppy was very happy and rubbed against Fang Lin, then went to the sofa and took off his plush ball and returned to the two dogs.


Snowball put her plush ball on the ground, arched it with her pink nose, and pushed it to Lala's side, wanting her to play with her.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin suddenly felt a little bit pissed.

He thought that Snowball's ball would only be played by himself.

Seeing the little fluffy ball rolling towards her, Lala was obviously a little moved, but Fang Lin, who was looking at her side, didn't dare to move.


Xueqiu could see that Lala was afraid of Kaka so she didn't dare to play ball, so she complained to Kaka.

Fang Lin was a little helpless, could Lala blame himself if she didn't dare to play?
Fang Lin looked at Xueqiu's plush skirt and suddenly felt a little bit moved, but he couldn't move if Yang Ma made him stand as a punishment.

But Fang Lin suddenly thought about it, and swiped the plush ball with his big tail and swept it towards the snowball.


Snowball jumped over happily to catch the ball, then jumped out happily, and pushed the ball towards Fang Lin again.

Seeing the ball being hit back, Fang Lin swept the ball to another place with his tail, and Xueqiu flew over to catch the ball and pushed it back.

Looking at the happy snowball, Fang Lin suddenly felt like he was taking care of a child.

The three women on the sofa also noticed this scene and stopped chatting. Liu Jing quickly took out her mobile phone and started recording. Now she is unwilling to let go of any interesting moments.

These are the sources of her creations. If possible, she would like to install a camera on the heads of Fang Lin and Xueqiu 24 hours a day.

Hey, a camera on your head?
Liu Jing began to think while recording.

And Yaoyao looked at this scene very enviously, Lala has a strong sense of territory, it is impossible for her family to have a second pet.

Suddenly a thought popped into her mind, Yaoyao grabbed Yang Ma's arm with excitement and said, "Will Kaka know how to train dogs?"


Mama Yang wondered if she had heard it wrong and asked Kaka to train the dog?
Can dogs still be trained?I've only heard of collies.

"Yeah yes, dog training, I learned something when I checked the information before, that is, some dog farms will have a smart and mighty dog ​​that can calm down the entire dog farm."

"When other dogs are disobedient, this dog will stand up and train it instead of the owner, and the effect is very remarkable."

"It's just that this kind of dog is very rare."

Speaking of this, she became excited again: "I think Kaka is okay? He seems to be very smart in understanding you, and then he can calm down Lala. Can you ask him to help?"

Yang Ma was a little hesitant: "How to fix this?"

"Simple, I'll go back to get her dog food and rice bowl, and it's almost time for dinner. When Lala eats, you let Kaka stay by her side to calm her down, and I'll do the desensitization training."

"Okay okay."

Mama Yang was a little dumbfounded, seeing her husky happily playing with its tail and snowball, she couldn't help being curious.

Can Kaka do it?



Fang Lin, who was playing with the snowball with his tail and getting up, suddenly heard Mama Yang's call, and turned to look at her.

"It's okay, I'll call you."



He really didn't pay attention to the conversation of the three women just now, although his hearing is already very exaggerated now.

It's like when your girlfriend suddenly chats with you when you are playing a game at a critical moment.


It's your turn.

Xueqiu urged Fang Lin to push the ball over, flicking his big tail twice, staring at the plush ball intently.

Seeing that Yang's mother was really just calling him, Fang Lin didn't care, and continued to play with Xueqiu.

After all, some people like to call their dog's name to play, call the dog over and let him go.

Lala wanted to run after seeing Yaoyao walking out the door, but she glanced at Fang Lin beside her, so she had no choice but to stay where she was with a bitter face.

After a while, the doorbell rang again.

Yaoyao walked in panting with dog food and Lala's rice bowl.

"Are you taking the stairs?"

"No hehe, I ran a little faster in a hurry."

Then Yaoyao followed Mama Yang to the side of the two dogs and one cat. At this time, Papa Lin and Lin Yuqing also came down to watch the fun together with Liu Jing. Liu Jing was still holding a mobile phone in her hand to record the whole process.

The whole family is present except for Xiaojie who is playing games in the bedroom.

Fang Lin, who was playing ball with Xueqiu happily, suddenly found a big black area surrounded by his whole family, and was a little puzzled.


 Let me know one thing, it will be on the shelves next Friday!

  After it is put on the shelves, it should be at least [-] words a day, and work hard day by day.

  Now everyone is shouting short words every day, don’t wait for me to update suddenly and then watch the pirated version.

  In addition, a few pet names are collected, and new members will debut soon!
(End of this chapter)

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