Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 72 Dog Training Master Kaka

Chapter 72 Dog Trainer Kaka ([-] in [-])

What does it mean to stand around and look at yourself?

Fang Lin was a little unconfident, and began to wonder if he had done something bad again?
No, I've always been honest.

Or is my identity no longer hidden?
Xueqiu's whole family gathered in front of her, she was addicted to playing, and she hadn't had much chance to play in the past half a month at home.

In addition to eating and sleeping at home every day, Yang's mother who asked to raise a cat at the beginning bought Snowball back and played with her as much as Fang Lin.

Snowball became a little anxious when she found out that Fang Lin's tail hadn't pushed the fluffy ball back, so she moved to Fang Lin's tail and patted it with her little paw.

Finding that the tail was still not moving, she wanted to open her mouth to bite lightly, but Fang Lin threw her tail to the other side before she could bite.

This fool started to be stupid again, Fang Lin was speechless looking at Snowball who was about to run over to grab his tail.


I will play with you again later.

At this time, Lin Yuqing came to Liu Jing's side and tugged at her arm and asked her what was going on in a low voice. Fang Lin quickly caught Liu Jing's answer.

It turned out that I was asked to train the dog, so I thought what was the matter.

Fang Lin immediately relaxed, wagging his tail and continuing to face the wall.

Am I the kind of casual person? If you say face the wall, you can face the wall, if you want to help train the dog, you can train the dog?

I don't want to be ashamed?

After Yang's mother came to Fang Lin's side, she glanced at Yaoyao again, Yaoyao gave Yang's mother a heavy nod and gave her an expectant look.

"Cough cough."

Yang's mother cleared her throat: "Kaka, now mother has a task for you."

Fang Lin glanced sideways at Mama Yang and continued to face the wall without moving.

Don't you see I'm busy?

Standing as a penalty, I'll talk about it later.


Yang's mother yelled twice and found that Fang Lin was still facing the wall without moving, and she suddenly understood that this brat was angry with her.

Seeing this, Papa Lin laughed lightly, and then found that Mama Yang was watching him and quickly held back.

After Yang's mother gave him a warning look, she bent down and squatted beside Fang Lin with a smile on her face.

Then he hugged his head and stroked the dog's head, and said softly close to his ear, "Are you still angry?"


Fang Lin turned his head to the other side.

Yang's mother grabbed his ear and exhaled softly, "I won't let you stand for punishment anymore, Kaka is a sensible child, and I will make you a pig's trotter at night."

a little itchy.

Fang Lin moved his head to free his ears from Mama Yang's hand, then turned around slowly.


Seeing your sincerity, I will give you this face today.

"So nice."

Mama Yang rubbed Fang Lin's head in satisfaction and stood up, then she pointed to Lala beside her and said to Fang Lin: "Next, you have to do Mom a favor. Be obedient, and you will cooperate later to see if you can adjust and adjust."

Father Lin suddenly had a strange expression when he heard the word training.

On the other hand, Yaoyao and Yang Ma waited expectantly for Fang Lin's reaction, while Lin Yuqing and Liu Jing stood by and didn't dare to say a word for fear of missing some details.

On the other hand, Fang Lin's heart was in a tangle, and the husky's dog's face also showed a trace of doubt just right, with eyebrows raised and nostrils shrunk to look wise.

Mama Yang, do you really think of me as a human being?
Hulala said such a long list all of a sudden, and there is such a super-class vocabulary as training? ? ?

Isn't this hearing a bit too difficult for normal dogs?
Those college students have studied English for more than ten years, you ask them if they can adjust the English translation of this word.

Seeing Fang Lin like this, Yang Ma and Yaoyao also understood that Kaka didn't understand, and they looked at each other with some distress.

Father Lin sighed and interjected: "Even if our dog is smarter, it's impossible to sort out such a complicated relationship in your words at once."

"Then what do you say, you can do it."

Faced with Mama Yang's classic remarks, Papa Lin shrugged and said, "Okay, I'll do it."

Then he went back to the room and took the tablet down, and put a picture of Pomeranian on the screen.

"There is no dog doll at home, use this instead."

Father Lin took another bowl of dog food from Yaoyao's hand and put it on the ground, and began to perform a play on Fang Lin.

Father Lin pointed at Fang Lin at Lala first, and then at the Pomeranian on the screen.

"Kaka, this is Lala, now he's eating, eh miamiamiamia"

He put the pattern on the tablet in front of the dog food and began to learn the onomatopoeia of eating.

"Come to Qingqing, come and touch her."

Lin Yuqing, who heard Papa Lin's call, immediately understood, went to the side and squatted down to touch the Pomeranian on the tablet.

Then Papa Lin began to learn the threatening sound of gurgling in his throat.

"Wang Wang!"

After Lin's father imitated the dog barking twice, he suddenly pressed the pattern on the tablet like Lin Yuqing's hand.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Lin Yuqing withdrew her hand and pretended to be bitten.

Seeing the two acting up to this point, Fang Lin suddenly wanted to laugh, why is the family all talented in acting?

"Lala, protect the food."

Fang Lin saw that Dad Lin still wanted to continue the performance, he couldn't bear it anymore, he really didn't want to continue watching the performance.

So he took the initiative to step forward and press his paws on the screen, and made a threatening sound at Bomei on the screen.

"Aww (sinking)"

Everyone around was surprised now.

"Yes, yes, Kaka, that's it!"

Yang Ma went up in surprise and rubbed his head.

Really proud of my mother!
Yang's mother secretly gave Fang Lin a thumbs up, and suddenly felt like showing off her child in front of others.

Of course, who am I?

Fang Lin licked Mama Yang's palm.

Father Lin saw that Kaka understood, but put away the tablet with some unfinished business.

Then he looked at Lin Yuqing who was also surprised with a smile on his face and said, "Maybe it's because he wants to protect Qingqing."

When Lin Yuqing heard this sentence, his big eyes seemed to be shining, and he was immediately moved.

"Whoo, Kaka."

She held Fang Lin's head in her arms and rubbed it, then held Fang Lin's head and rubbed it against the dog's nose.

Dogs' noses are generally more sensitive. Fang Lin shrank his head back, stuck out his tongue and licked Lin Yuqing's face by the way to make her retreat.

"Your Kaka is so smart and sensible, I'm so envious."

When did Yaoyao see such a harmonious scene, Lala is like a little ancestor at home.

But her mother used to spoil this little one at home, every time she wanted to hit Lala, her mother would say: "What are you angry with a dog?"

Now she sees Kaka as if she saw a savior.

"Aunt Yang, let Kaka try."


Next, Yaoyao took the dog food and put it next to Lala.

Now Lala almost wanted to eat, but instead of eating right away, she turned her head and glanced at Fang Lin.

In her current thinking, she has completely believed that this territory belongs to Fang Lin, and she dare not eat at will on Fang Lin's territory.


After getting a response, she finally buried her head in her own bowl and ate it.

Seeing that Lala started to eat, Yaoyao gritted her teeth, stretched out her right hand and slowly touched Lala's head.

When Lala found that Yaoyao wanted to eat by herself again, she reached out to touch herself, and subconsciously gritted her teeth at her.

Yang's mother saw that Yaoyao was startled and retracted her hand, so she gave Fang Lin a wink.

Don't worry, it's within reach.

Fang Lin walked slowly to Lala's side, and Lala suddenly panicked and wondered if she should continue eating.

At this time, Yaoyao stretched out her hand again, and Xiao Bomei directly chose to bully the soft and fear the hard work, and bared at Yaoyao again.

Fang Lin slapped Lala with a slap and rolled her around. He controlled the power very well and the angle was perfect.

It made Lala roll around, but in fact there was no real harm because the force was relieved. At most, the person concerned was a little more frightened.

However, Fang Lin still glanced at Yaoyao with some guilt, after all, it was her dog who felt sorry for her.

Who knows that Yaoyao has a calm face, it seems that she can completely accept this level.

So Fang Lin felt relieved. What he was most afraid of was that the master would feel sorry for him and back down again. Don't look at Lala's pity in front of him now, but she will return to her original state when she returns home.


Fang Lin asked Lala to come back to eat again, and Lala, who didn't dare to go against Fang Lin's wishes, started eating again.

Yaoyao stretched out her hand again when she saw the opportunity, and Fang Lin also threatened in a low voice beside her.

Under Fang Lin's pressure this time, Yaoyao achieved the achievement of touching Lala while eating for the first time.

But this is still a temporary solution, not the root cause, and it still needs to leave a deep impression in her heart.

Fang Lin mobilized the coercion again while the iron was hot. With the experience of last time, he lightened the intensity a little this time to ensure that Lala was very panicked and at the same time had a sliver of reason.


Fang Lin looked down at Lala, his eyes fixed on her tightly, and stretched out his paws to press her on her body amidst her fearful eyes.

The atmosphere froze here, and Lala felt like her days were like years.

She felt like a little white rabbit waiting to be judged under the paws of the big bad wolf, and even smelled a strong smell of blood from the big bad wolf's fangs.

Then Fang Lin slowly lifted his paws off her body, pushed her rice bowl to his side and took a bite in front of her.

Well, not as delicious as my own.

During this process, Lala didn't dare to move, and Fang Lin continued to maintain his coercion, pushing the dog food to Yaoyao.

Suddenly, Yaoyao was so blessed that she grabbed a handful of dog food and pretended to eat it.

After completing this series of actions, Fang Lin put the dog food back in front of Lala, putting away his coercion.

In Lala's eyes, all this is like a huge murderous devil eating his own food in front of him, and even sharing his rations with others.

Fang Lin was telling Lala that anyone could eat her food as they wanted.

This idea has been deeply imprinted in the depths of her heart along with coercion.

It stands to reason that this is one size fits all, but Fang Lin has no way to reason with her and tell her not to bite her family.

This Pomeranian's IQ is not enough to understand Fang Lin's words. After all, this is not a border animal. It's like a normal person chatting with a fool. You can't make him understand.

And Fang Lin also realized with her increasingly keen senses that although Yaoyao has been complaining about her mother's doting on Lala, she actually likes her very much, otherwise, how could she not want to take a picture with a slipper after being bitten twice? What about killing her?
Not to mention that there is an old mother who loves her more in Lala's family.

Lala can be regarded as one of the lucky ones among the dogs. She accidentally bit someone and was not beaten. That's why Fang Lin planted such a seed in her heart.

In such a family, there is no need to worry that someone will steal her rations.

Even if there are other pets eating her rations at her house in the future, and then she lets them out, it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Always remember a word, a spoiled woman is the luckiest, and people will always unconsciously lean towards the weak side.

This is also the reason why green tea is so popular, they are obviously good sisters who are considerate.


You can keep eating.

Fang Lin also slowly stepped back and ran to the sofa to watch from a distance.

Yaoyao was a little puzzled, why did Kaka leave now?She just ate dog food once in acting, shouldn't she act a few more times?

Looking at Fang Lin who left, Mama Yang guessed that Kaka should have finished her training, so she nodded to Yaoyao.

So Yaoyao stretched out her hand to Lazha again.

This time Fang Lin was not around, he even hid his aura so that Lala could not feel his presence.

A miracle happened. Lala, who was eating, saw Yaoyao reaching out to her, thinking that she was greedy for her rations, so she took a step back and licked her mouth, and didn't eat any more.

Yaoyao was stunned, she touched Lala's head, and pushed the rice bowl in front of her.

"Eat quickly."

After a while, he reached out to take the rice bowl again.

Lala sat down obediently, although she looked at the rice bowl with some nostalgia, she still didn't bark her teeth and threaten her like before.


Yaoyao was almost moved to tears, she put down the rice bowl and picked up Lala, pressing her deeply in her arms.

Her lesbians are finally normal and she can finally pet her dog whenever she wants.

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon, and no one can refuse to touch their favorite things when they are eating.

Because eating is a beautiful thing, and so are people who like it.

When two beautiful things are superimposed, that kind of happiness is not as simple as 1+1.

For example, when you are eating with your beautiful girlfriend, and the corner of her mouth is suddenly stained with oil, you will subconsciously wipe the corner of her mouth with a piece of paper.

You even want to pinch her face after wiping.

It's the same with watching your favorite pet eat, it's a sense of accomplishment that you serve her favorite food for something you love.

If you can still touch her head at this time, the sense of accomplishment will be directly filled, which is why Yaoyao is so moved.

Father Lin looked at Fang Lin in disbelief: "What is the principle? A husky can also be a wolf, no, a dog?"

"What a wolf-headed dog, it's so ugly, Kaka is awesome, come and hug me again."

Yang's mother glared at Lin's father, and she was ready to go to the sofa and rub Fang Lin again with a smile.

The sense of accomplishment she lost from Lin Yuqing has been completely recovered from Kaka.

Liu Jing is also very happy, the content of the next video is finally available!

She even thought of the name of the video, it's called "Dog Trainer Master Kaka"!
Just then, the doorbell of the room rang again.

"Ding dong~"


  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health!

(End of this chapter)

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