Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 73 You Can't Take Him With You

Chapter 73 You Can't Take Him With You

Why is someone here again?Is the heavy rain today bewitched?
"Wen Shao, go and open the door."

"Okay, ma'am."

Seeing that Kaka could train dogs, Papa Lin was also a little happy. He played a trick, bowed slightly to Mama Yang in a very gentlemanly manner, and opened the door.

"Huh? Director Zhang? Why are you here? Who is this?"

As soon as Father Lin opened the door, he saw that the chief of the Sioux City Federal Police Department was outside the door, and he was a little curious.

Shouldn't the police station be busy in this special weather?How come you have the time to come to your own home?

Could it be that he caught himself going to work?
Thinking of this, Father Lin suddenly wanted to laugh, why did he feel that his mind was suddenly so active, what kind of imagination was this?
But this is a good thing, active thinking shows that you are still young!
Just as Father Lin was secretly encouraging himself, Director Zhang spoke with a smile. He was wearing a more casual Chinese tunic suit, not a formal police uniform.

He stretched out his right hand and shook Father Lin's hand vigorously, then put his left hand on Father Lin's hand and said, "Mr. Lin just remembers me. I'm afraid that I won't be affected. I didn't wear a police uniform. I'm afraid you won't recognize me." And me."

Father Lin let go of his hand calmly. Sometimes people in the system are too enthusiastic, and he always feels a bit embarrassed to be held by a big man with both hands.

"Boss Zhang is joking, didn't I take a photo with you at the police car donation ceremony last year?"

"Haha, yes yes, as long as you recognize me, otherwise the city lord will have to come in person, I won't talk nonsense, I'm just here as a guarantee."


Father Lin couldn't keep up with Zhang Ju's brain circuit for a while.

Fang Lin looked towards the door when he heard the movement, and he was stunned by this look.

Damn, isn't this Yang Zhen?What is he here for?

However, Fang Lin jumped off the sofa and went to the door to say hello to Yang Zhen. After all, this is also potential wool.


Yang Zhen also smiled and waved to Fang Lin, then stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Father Lin with a straight face: "Hello, Mr. Lin, I am Yang Zhen, and I need to talk to you about something in private. "

"Oh, okay, let's talk first."

Father Lin found out that the two of them hadn't been allowed in after chatting for so long, so he let his body want to invite them in.

"No, no, no need." Mr. Zhang looked inside and said, "I see you have guests at home, so I won't bother you. I'm just a guarantee for him. Mr. Lin, you can trust him completely. Also from the Federation."

"Okay, I'll go back after the person brought it to me. There are still many things to be busy in the bureau, so don't send it away. You can talk about it."

Bureau Zhang came and left quickly, knocked on the door and left without even stepping in.

Father Lin looked at Zhang Ju who was leaving in a daze, and then smiled at Yang Zhen: "Your name is Yang Zhen, right? Then come to my study."

Yang Zhen nodded to Papa Lin, walked into the house, and changed his shoes at the entrance.

"Eh? Aren't you the one who lurked in?"


Hearing Mama Yang's voice, Yang Zhen was a little helpless. He was the director of the Special Affairs Bureau of Sucheng, and he fell into Mama Yang's hands for no reason, and he had a dark history.

Although for the time being, only Yi Fei and Deng Jiefu should know about this matter, but Li Mei will definitely be able to find out when the time comes.

Thinking of what Li Mei would do to Yin Yang himself, Yang Zhen felt dizzy.

"Mrs. Lin, I think we have some misunderstandings."

Yang's mother curled her lips and nodded to him. Of course she knew that there was a misunderstanding. At that time, the security captain followed Yang Zhen to the police station and confirmed that he did have a secret identity. After confirming that he did have a secret identity, he gave her feedback and told her that Yang Zhen had no problems. department to perform tasks.

"I'm kidding, what do you want to drink?"

"No, no, I'll talk to Mr. Lin and leave."

Then Dad Lin took Yang Zhen to the study on the second floor, halfway through the walk Yang Zhen asked Fang Lin to follow in, Dad Lin was a little puzzled but still called Fang Lin.

The two of them entered the study together with a dog. Father Lin came to the tea table and asked Yang Zhen to sit down, while he turned on the kettle on the table to make tea.

What kind of tricks is this Yang Zhen doing?
Fang Lin knew that Yang Zhen must be a member of a special department related to aura in the Federation, but why did he come to his home?
He is the only one who has to do with spiritual energy at home, right?It is estimated that Yang Zhen came here for himself.

However, Fang Lin has always been confident since he was promoted, so he is not in a panic now. He squatted in front of the two and waited quietly.

"You have something to say now."

Father Lin was still smiling and harmless to humans and animals, but his expression was very indifferent.

His company was already a behemoth in the Internet industry, and after the impact of the rapid technological advancement of the Dragon Kingdom in the past few years, the company's roots have penetrated into all walks of life to form a perfect closed loop.

His own wealth and influence allowed him to talk and laugh in front of any officials in the Southern Province.

So he didn't have much psychological fluctuations in front of this seemingly mysterious person who needed the chief of the Sioux City Police Department to personally guarantee him.

Yang Zhen took a look at the environment and size of the study, took out a small black box from his pocket, selected some parameters on the lit screen, and put it on the tea table.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Yang Zhen. I am currently the director of the Special Affairs Bureau of Sioux City. Now I need Kaka to help me with something."



Hearing Yang Zhen's words, Dad Lin actually felt as if he was making a movie, what kind of special affairs bureau, and then needed his dog to help?
Father Lin also remembered that when Yang Zhen entered the door, he greeted Kaka immediately, and Kaka seemed to know him.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Fang Lin with some doubts.

Fang Lin put on a ignorant expression.

I don't know anything!
Yang Zhen, what's going on? ? ?Why do you feel like you're here to expose me?
My super dog identity will be exposed today?

While Father Lin was not paying attention, Fang Lin gave Yang Zhen a hard look, trying to make him pay more attention to what he said.

Father Lin thought for a while and said, "Tell me what it is."

Yang Zhen hesitated: "I can't tell you the specific things."

Hearing this, Papa Lin shook his head with a chuckle, and refused very simply: "Kaka is my family member. If you don't explain the specific situation clearly, it is impossible for me to agree to you taking him away."

He doesn't care what bureau you are, as long as you are on federal land, you have to abide by the federal rules of the game.

According to the rules, Dad Lin paid taxes on time, and he no longer knows how many times he has given back to the society and how many times he has earned his golden body.

Fang Lin was stunned to himself, you have become you?

It turned out that Dad Lin could be so tough for himself, Fang Lin was inexplicably moved.

In all fairness, if a relevant department in his previous life suddenly asked him to cooperate with him, he would immediately declare that he was a good citizen, and the police uncle would order him whatever he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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