Chapter 74

it is good!Father Lin!Give you five points!

When Fang Lin fell into YY, Yang Zhen was a little distressed.

Reasonably speaking, he is actually not very good at interpersonal negotiations, but because of his current force and background, his status has reached this point, and he is already the director of the bureau.

And this time, Kaka's help is indeed needed.

Not long ago, Deng Jiefu received the latest news from the Federal Research Institute that the monsters in the spirit world may use the same language as the beasts in the real world, or they can understand each other.

A genius scientist of the Federal Research Institute accidentally discovered this from the spiritual captive brought back by Xia Chenglin, and then the whole research institute went into a frenzy, quickly conducting thousands of experiments.

They put captives and different animals together, and then asked the captives to talk to these animals. Although the intelligence quotients of real animals are different, they can more or less understand the instructions of captives in the spirit world.

The method used is also that Xia Chenglin will play a drama while threatening, and let the captives understand the meaning before telling the animals.

In less than a day, both Xia Chenglin and the prisoner collapsed.

One is a high-level monster consciously possessing wisdom, even if it is captured by humans in the ancestral land, it is forced to communicate with those stupid foods in its own eyes.

The research institute also came to a conclusion that it is possible for various animals in nature to communicate with each other.

But it is a pity that these research results, like those in the past, have become the foundation of the Federation and cannot be seen in the world.

Deng Jiefu, who got the news, quickly thought of one thing, that is, how to persuade him to surrender in case a monster from the spirit world broke in blindly.

Just record a piece of language they can understand to persuade them to surrender.

Don't underestimate the words of persuading to surrender, this can greatly damage the opponent's will to fight from the psychological level, as long as it is an intelligent creature, it will definitely play a role to a greater or lesser extent.

In the past, when the language was difficult, Deng Jiefu could only kill them all when he was invading. Now that he can communicate, he can try to win over a group and attack a group.

So Yang Zhen quickly recommended Fang Lin to Deng Jiefu. From the performance after Fang Lin took Qiling Pill, he thought that Fang Lin should be able to understand human speech, or understand part of it.

At present, there is no other better choice. Xia Chenglin's Xiaojin has only just been tamed, and has not yet taken the Qiling Pill, and the other is still choosing a difficult disease and has not decided what to choose as his battle pet.

So Yang Zhen came.

He couldn't let Yi Fei do this kind of confidential matter, let alone ask Deng Jiefu to come in person, if he dared to mention it, he would be kicked directly.

Yang Zhen, who is not very sociable, decided to choose what he could say, and use his sincere emotions to convince Lin's father.

This time he has no technique, it's all emotion.

"Mr. Lin, it's actually like this. Have you found that Kaka is very smart?"

Father Lin glanced at Yang Zhen in surprise, but nodded when he saw him praising his child: "I found out, Kaka is very smart."

As he spoke, he reached out and waved to Kaka to signal him to come to his side, then patted Fang Lin's head.

Fang Lin also squatted beside Father Lin very obediently and looked at Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen looked at Fang Lin, who was enjoying Papa Lin's head touching, and suddenly felt strange, but he still said very sincerely: "I also like Kaka very much, so I don't want to lie to you."

"Let's put it this way, if other dogs have the intelligence of three or four years old, Kaka is at least eight or nine years old. Why do you say that? Because I accidentally met Kaka when I came to your community to perform a certain task, and Use the most advanced equipment to detect his IQ."

While staring at Papa Lin with his sincere eyes, Yang Zhen began to make up nonsense, and he crazily praised his ingenuity in his heart.

Half of it is true and half of it is false, and with my sincere eyes, the more I think about it, the more I feel that I am very smart.

Hearing this, Papa Lin felt mixed emotions in his heart, he tried his best to control his expression not to let himself laugh.

Regarding Yang Zhen's statement that Kaka has the intelligence of eight or nine years old, he believed it. After all, Kaka usually behaved differently from ordinary dogs.

Eat and sleep normally like a human being, don't yell, don't demolish the house, don't defecate anywhere, just like you really have the concept of home and know it's your own home.

And he can train dogs, too.

But later he felt that it was a bit ridiculous. After all, he is the chairman of a technology company, and he has some technical cooperation with the Federation. fish

For example, the small black box that Yang Zhen took out, he knew at a glance that it was a portable signal jammer, and his company's technology was inside.

However, if you want to say that the instrument that Yang Zhenkou directly detects the biological intelligence quotient, he really thinks it is a bit funny.

Moreover, Lin's father listened to Yang Zhen's description of "the most advanced instrument", which in itself was like a Minke who didn't understand anything, boasting about his most advanced theory.

Thinking wildly because of ignorance.

But he didn't intend to expose him, and motioned Yang Zhen to continue talking.

"I need a task to be completed by the smartest pet right now, and I can complete it right here in your study. I guarantee that there will be no risk. It will take up to 10 minutes."

"Mr. Lin, please trust me. It is precisely because the Federation values ​​you that I, the director of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau, came here in person."

After speaking, he looked at Papa Lin expectantly.

Father Lin looked a little weird, but he still decided to agree.

Because it was in his study, it didn't sound like there was any danger. Although he was also curious about what things should be done by the smartest pet, he felt that Yang Zhen didn't seem to be able to tell him.

Well, well, he didn't intend to tease this not-so-intelligent director anymore.

"Okay, Director Yang, you can start now."

Father Lin wanted to leave the study after finishing speaking.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Lin."


"For the convenience of you and your family to explain, the Sioux City Federal Police Department will invite Kaka to participate in a military dog ​​micro-movie in the near future. Please keep other things secret."

microfilm?It sounds pretty good.

Father Lin nodded and left the room and closed the door. At this moment, only Yang Zhen and Fang Lin were left in the room.

Fang Lin wagged his tail and looked up at Yang Zhen harmlessly.

And Yang Zhen smiled at the thick-browed and big-eyed husky in front of him, and then suddenly remembered Qiu.

Before he finished giving the elixir, he spoke his heart out to Kaka, who knew that he ran away halfway through listening!
Thinking of this, a wicked smile appeared on Yang Zhen's face.


Fang Lin suddenly felt the chrysanthemum tighten.

 I've been a little busy moving the dormitory in the last two days, and the update is a bit late, and the update will resume at [-] pm tomorrow!

  Sanjiang will be on the shelves next Friday, and we will start collecting manuscripts tomorrow! !

  I want, ten more! ! ! !
  Thank you for the 100-point starting coin rewarded by Huohua, the 300-point starting coin rewarded by Ditianban, and the 600-point starting coin rewarded by mossadpw. You are my favorite person. Thanks to Qi Ruxue for the 500 starting point coins! ! !

  Thank you for the 0 starting point coins rewarded by 0 Eromanga 15500! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, the boss is healthy and immortal! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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