Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 76 Do You Know You Are Husky?

Chapter 76 Do You Know You Are Husky?
There were still two people in the study, but Yang Zhen was replaced by Father Lin.

Father Lin sat on the chair and made himself a cup of tea with freshly boiled water, but poor Yang Zhen still didn't drink it in the end.

After a dazzled operation, a faint tea fragrance transpired in the room.

Father Lin picked up the small teacup and took a sip, then put it down, folded his arms and stared at Fang Lin in front of him.

Fang Lin looked at Papa Lin with uncomfortable eyes, as if he was a little girl and her boyfriend was caught by her father.

"Eight or nine-year-old intelligence. Well, that's two years younger than Xiaojie."

Father Lin muttered softly, the eyes hidden behind the glasses seemed to contain some kind of deep meaning.

Fang Lin heard Papa Lin talking to himself in a low voice, but he couldn't tell whether Papa Lin was talking to him on purpose.

Fang Lin felt that although he was an extraordinary dog, his IQ might be a little bit worse than that of Lin's father.

So Fang Lin didn't speak at all, and quietly waited for Father Lin's next sentence with his tongue stuck out. After all, the more he did, the more mistakes he might make.

He felt Papa Lin's gaze on him, and felt a little uneasy.

Can Dad Lin analyze anything?

What is he thinking now?

Give me a mind-reading ability for the next talent, Zhuo!

Fang Lin's senses are getting sharper now, and even some invisible senses have become sharper.

He can even sense some emotions of the other party.

But Lin's father has always given him a feeling of inner peace, which is a bit numb.

He didn't know what father Lin could think of when he knew the information.

But Lin's father pondered for a long time and finally spoke again, he asked with some doubts: "Kaka, do you know that you are a husky?"


Huskies are confused.jpg
What is the problem?
Sure enough, the way of thinking of the man of science and technology is unusual?
Seeing that Fang Lin didn't respond, Dad Lin thought that Fang Lin didn't understand, so he changed the way of asking.

"If you have the intelligence of Xiaojie at the age of eight or nine, then you should understand many things, right?"

"Did you know that you are a husky, a species different from Snowball and me?"

At this time, Dad Lin's tone and expression were full of curiosity, just like a boy who wanted to explore when he saw a Transformers toy when he was a child.


Fang Lin was caught in a tangle again. This question is a bit sharp, isn't it?
what should I do?
However, Father Lin didn't care about Fang Lin's reaction after he finished speaking. Instead, he thought for a while and said, "Yes, this question is a bit philosophical."

"Does a creature feel special if it possesses an intelligence far superior to that of its species?
You are only eight or nine years old, why do I ask you these things. "

Father Lin shook his head after finishing speaking, and then he told Fang Lin in a serious manner.

"You're still young, and there are some things you don't quite understand.

We should have good intentions, but we must never underestimate the evil in others' hearts. "

"I don't know how you met Yang Zhen just now, but I hope you understand that family is always the best for you."

"So don't get in touch with that Yang Zhen too much. He is from the government, and he doesn't look very smart. I'm worried that you will be led into a ditch by him."

"Remember? Let's put it this way, when you go out to play in the future, don't just get close to strangers. When you go out to play, follow your mother or sister obediently."

"Remember the location of your home. If you get lost that day, you can find it. My phone. Forget it."

Father Lin taught Fang Lin the same way he taught Xiaojie before, trying to make him understand the importance of safety.

But in the middle of the talk, Dad Lin decided to end it for the time being.

Because Kaka is a husky, he has never learned knowledge since he was a child, so he has to think carefully about how to educate Kaka.

After all, in terms of conversion, eight or nine years old is equivalent to the second or third grade of elementary school, and the ideological and moral education that Kaka lacked before had to be arranged.

"Okay, let's talk to you here today, let's go down and play."


Finally we can go.

Fang Lin actually felt like he was back in class when he was a child just now, it was too outrageous.

So he stood up and ran to the door, waiting for Father Lin to open the door for him, so that he could leave here quickly.

Staying with Papa Lin every time is quite stressful.

But Fang Lin waited at the door for a while and found that Papa Lin didn't come to open the door for him, so he turned his head to look at Papa Lin and wagged his tail.

Father Lin smiled and said, "Drive it yourself, jump up, and press that handle."


Fang Lin hesitated for a moment, but he jumped up and opened the door as Papa Lin said, then turned his head and looked at Papa Lin again.

It's okay to succeed this time, right?
Seeing that Fang Lin successfully opened the door once, Father Lin nodded in relief.

But when he found that Fang Lin was still looking at him at the door after opening the door, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something, so he hurriedly said.

"Kaka is awesome! He succeeded in one attempt, really amazing!"

Father Lin breathed a sigh of relief after speaking, he was so overwhelmed that he almost forgot to praise Kaka, um, it seems that it has been a long time since he praised Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie.

As a kid, you just have to boast.

Father Lin fell into deep self-reflection.

But Fang Lin felt uncomfortable.

Hearing Papa Lin's exaggerated praise, he felt uncomfortable physically and mentally, as if ants were crawling.

Why did this style of painting suddenly become weird?

Fang Lin sighed inwardly, and hurried out of the room to leave the place of right and wrong, and at the same time slammed the door behind him.

Going downstairs to the living room, Fang Lin saw that Yang's mother was still chatting with Yaoyao, and Lala was nestling in Yaoyao's arms very obediently.

And Liu Jing listened to the chat between the two while eating snacks, and smirked from time to time when she heard the funny faces.

Fang Lin quickly jumped to the sofa next to Liu Jing and lay down, relaxing all over.

It's still comfortable to stay by Liu Jing's side.


Liu Jing was suddenly hit by Yang's mother and burst into laughter. She couldn't stop for a while, and while laughing, she took Fang Lin into her arms and rubbed her hands to ease her emotions.

Shu Tan, sure enough, he has a sense of superiority in IQ when he is beside Liu Jing.

Fang Lin looked at Liu Jing's innocent and lovely face, and licked her cheek.

"Haha, Kaka, don't lick it."

At dinner, Yaoyao and Lala stayed to eat.

Because Yaoyao kept praising Kaka in front of Mama Yang, and then asked her for the secret recipe for raising dogs, which made Mama Yang very happy.

It's time to cook, but Mama Yang didn't have enough chats, so she simply invited Yaoyao to stay for dinner at night, and then have a good chat after dinner.

It happened that Yaoyao's mother was in constant meetings due to the sudden abnormal weather and no one was cooking for Yaoyao, so she simply stayed behind.

At the dinner table, Yaoyao sat beside Yang Ma and talked with her, while Lala's bowl was placed beside Fang Lin.

Lala looked at Fang Lin beside her in awe. She now felt that Fang Lin's every move revealed infinite majesty.

She couldn't help but bent down and lay down in front of Fang Lin.


Why do the people and dogs around me suddenly become strange?

(End of this chapter)

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