Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 77 Want to see poop?

Chapter 77 Want to see poop?
At the dinner table, Yaoyao discussed the secret recipe of raising dogs with Yang Ma in detail in terms of basic necessities of life, food, housing and transportation. The questions she asked gradually made Yang Ma overwhelmed.

"Aunt Yang, how many meals do you feed Kaka every day?"

"Aunt Yang, how often do you clean Kaka's teeth?"

"Aunt Yang, how many times do you comb Kaka's hair every day?"

"Aunt Yang, how often do you cut Kaka's nails?"

"Aunt Yang, how often do you clean Kaka's ears?"

"Aunt Yang, do you usually give Kaka a massage?"

"Aunt Yang, is the color of Kaka's poop healthy?"

Except for the first question that Mama Yang could answer, she really didn't pay attention to the others.

But it's not really Yang Ma's fault. In the beginning, Yang Ma also checked some strategies, such as drinking water, dog food and so on.

Fang Lin was so relieved that Yang's mother subconsciously ignored these matters of his, and almost thought that he could handle these problems by himself. Usually, she didn't see Fang Lin's hair much when cleaning Xueqiu's hair.

But of course Mama Yang wouldn't be ashamed, she transformed from an answerer to a questioner.

She asked Yaoyao to describe to herself how she usually takes care of Lala, how often she cleans her teeth, cuts her nails, etc., and then she will give her advice after listening.

And Yaoyao's discussion made the whole family a little dumbfounded, all kinds of details were meticulous, and in the end, Yang's mother could only say a few words of panacea and encouragement, such as "dogs' ears are fragile and sensitive, so be careful when cleaning them."

After fooling around, Mama Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she suddenly felt a little sorry for Kaka.

Mama Yang made up her mind, she should know all these things, and she will check Kaka carefully after dinner.

And Fang Lin was a little dumbfounded, why did he even check the color of the poop?

But I don't have a bowel movement now?

Almost 100% of what I eat is absorbed by myself. Where does the excrement come from?
Fang Lin usually finds opportunities to get into the bushes when he goes out to exercise in the morning, making Yang's mother mistakenly think that he has already excreted.

It's only been a few days of fooling around, but now it's good, this Yaoyao directly found a problem for herself.

Fang Lin, who was a little worried, looked around casually, and found that Lala was eating a small piece of steak with relish, chewing bit by bit without any rush, looking very ladylike.It can be seen that the usual food should be good.

Because during the experiment just now, Lala had already eaten some rice, so Mama Yang didn't cut too much for her.

Fang Lin watched Lala eating for a while, and remembered all the details Yaoyao had just said, and suddenly sighed inwardly.

It's really safe to be favored, but you should be quite tired with so many projects, right?

Grooming, massage and manicure.

Does this mean to wash your feet every day?

Father Lin hadn't spoken since eating, and suddenly suggested to Mother Yang, "Why don't you stop holding Kaka by the rope when you take Kaka out to play?"

Hearing this, Mama Yang was a little surprised: "What do you mean? No rope? How is that possible? Let alone scaring others, what if Kaka gets lost?"

"But Kaka is very smart and won't bite."

"That doesn't work either."


When Dad Lin said this, he also found that what he just said was a bit unrealistic, even if he knew that Kaka was a good boy, with Kaka's IQ, he would not bite or run away.

But the rules for the group of pet dogs are there, and Kaka can't break it no matter how special he is.

Father Lin cut a piece of meat from the pig's trotter, dipped it in Mama Yang's special sauce, put it in his mouth, and fell silent again.

The reason why he suddenly made such a suggestion just now was because he thought that Kaka, with his eight or nine-year-old IQ, would feel that being led by a rope would be very painful?
If Xiaojie from the past two years was led into the street by a rope, he would definitely feel uncomfortable, right?

After thinking about it, Dad Lin decided to find time to give Kaka a psychological counseling class to prevent him from having any psychological problems.

Father Lin who had made up his mind suddenly started asking Lin Yuqing.

"Qingqing, how is your math homework going these two days? Your math teacher called me yesterday to praise you."

"Huh? The math teacher praised me?"

"Yes, she said that you are very passionate about learning mathematics and have great potential."


Lin Yuqing suddenly didn't know what to say, and Yang's mother nodded at this time and said affirmatively: "She is not happy when she heard the news of today's holiday this morning, and she has made progress."

Father Lin hurriedly followed up and encouraged, "Dad appreciates your attitude in doing things very much, but you should not have psychological pressure. I personally don't make too many demands on your studies."

While talking, Dad Lin looked out the window and said, "Maybe the rain will stop tomorrow, and you can go to school."


Lin Yuqing didn't understand why her father suddenly cared about her, but she glanced at the heavy rain outside the window, and prayed in her heart that it would not stop tomorrow.

She just wanted to show off in math class on a whim in the morning. Today she just discovered a fairy variety show, and she hasn't seen enough of it yet!
It will definitely rain again tomorrow!
After Lin's father finished praising Lin Yuqing, he turned his attention to Xiaojie again.

Xiaojie has been silently observing the development of the matter, and after finding that his father is looking at him, he hastened to eat seriously, waiting for his father to call him, and then he raised his head in surprise.

Father Lin looked at Xiaojie who was eating, and suddenly remembered that he had already educated Xiaojie about buying schoolbags today, so let's talk about not having too much every day.

Moreover, Xiaojie seems to have a female classmate he likes, and he is only in the fourth grade of elementary school. It seems that his knowledge reserve in education is still a little less.

Lin's father, who deeply feels his lack of knowledge, has already made a growth plan for himself in his heart, and he must solve Kaka and Xiaojie's problems well!

It seems that I have something to do during working hours recently.

While thinking about the development of the matter, Xiaojie waited for a long time but did not see Father Lin calling him. He raised his head with some doubts and found that Father Lin had already finished eating and began to wipe his mouth and prepare to slip away.


Why is it that Kaka and her sister are cared about but she is not?
Well, it's all right!
And Snowball was with me.

"Hmm~ Snowball is getting more and more beautiful, so good."

When Father Lin passed by Xueqiu who was eating, he stroked her soft hair and praised her, then walked to the second floor.

Xiaojie: .
Fang Lin sensed Xiaojie's psychological fluctuations, and looked at Xiaojie's expression, feeling a little amused.

He can almost understand Xiaojie's mood, but Xiaojie's ability to bear it seems to be quite strong.

Otherwise, how could he lick that Chenchen for so long?
Fang Lin, who had eaten well, didn't continue to think about these things. He pouted his buttocks and stretched a lot, and then moved his body.

Eating is really a happy thing, he is now very satisfied physically and mentally.

The studio should be decorated soon, right?
Fang Lin planned to lie down for a while to see what was going on. To be fair, he was quite looking forward to it.

Fang Lin, who was walking slowly towards the living room, suddenly sensed something was wrong, and his five keen senses were sending him information.

The whole world seemed to quiet down in an instant, Fang Lin suddenly turned his head and looked out the window.


(and also.)
 Thanks to waiter, continuous broken rain, and Huangliang Yimeng for rewarding 100 starting point coins! !Thank you for the 5000 starting point coins rewarded by the master in my dream! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  Yesterday, the last chapter of the last chapter was revised a little bit, and I also feel that something is wrong!

  But it's definitely not because I have special hobbies as the author!

  Don't talk nonsense when you see the previous version, let's let it pass!
  Book friends who haven't invested can invest in it, and they can get a few starting coins for nothing when it goes on the shelves next Friday.

  In addition, bosses with small rewards can choose to give gifts to characters, and the fan value is the same as the news I received here.

(End of this chapter)

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