Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 78 I'll Raise a Dog Too

Chapter 78 I'll Raise a Dog Too
The rain just stopped?

This torrential rain has lasted for one night and one day, and the sound of crashing rain has almost become the default narration, and I am still not used to the sudden silence.

Fang Lin was a little curious and was about to go to the balcony to have a look. He squeezed in through the gap in the sliding door and came to the balcony.

Because of the long-term rain, the water vapor is very strong and the air humidity is very high.

This rain is like giving the earth a bath. The whole world seems to be refreshed a lot, and the colors are a little clearer.

The heavy clouds in the sky also dissipated, revealing the original clear blue sky, and the dark red sunset gave the sky a mysterious atmosphere.

The neighborhood where the rainstorm had just ended seemed to break into a blank space. The original incessant sound of rain suddenly dissipated, but the new sound had not yet appeared, and it seemed empty and quiet.

Fang Lin closed his eyes and felt carefully.

The security guards began to patrol, and the crisp birdsong sounded slowly, and the rain on the leaves fell to the ground little by little, splashing small splashes.

The previous rich spiritual energy concentration has also returned to the previous state.

It seems really normal.

After the rain, the sky is sunny, and the body and mind are comfortable!
Looking at the completely new scenery in front of him, Fang Lin grinned happily.

He wagged his tail, came to the edge of the balcony, raised his head, and shouted at the sky, even unconsciously carrying a hint of aura.


The howling sound was melodious, far-reaching, and penetrating, echoing over Yunting Community.

Under Fang Lin's exaggerated hearing, he felt that the whole community came alive.

The pet dogs in the community were all barking at home, and many residents also heard the sound and came to the balcony to look at the clear sky.

"Wow! The rain has stopped!"

Liu Jing, who had almost eaten, heard Fang Lin howling on the balcony, so she also followed, only to find out that the rain had stopped.

She took a deep breath, looking at the sunset in the sky, she couldn't help being a little intoxicated, her bright eyes shone with a different kind of light.

My sky seems to be sunny too.

She touched Kaka's head, and a smile appeared on her face.

"No way, really stopped?"

"Stop it, it's been a bit depressing after it's been raining for so long."

Everyone also came to the balcony to enjoy the scenery after the rain, only Lin Yuqing wanted to cry but had no tears.

Is this God knowing that I copied my homework to punish myself?
My Fairy Variety Show! ! !
Fang Lin was lying on the deck chair on the balcony, enjoying with his eyes closed, and he couldn't help making a comfortable purring sound from his throat.

Here it is, rub it more.


Yang's mother patted Fang Lin's dog's head and scolded with a smile: "Is it so comfortable?"

After eating, Yaoyao has already taken Lala home.

And Yang Ma, who was in a good mood because of the sunny weather, also remembered the things Yaoyao told her at the dinner table before.

So he offered to comb Kaka's hair, massage, cut his nails and cut his nails one-stop. Because the weather had just cleared up, Mama Yang chose to take him to the balcony.

Although the sky is getting darker, the orange lights on the balcony are also shining warmly.

Fang Lin is now lying on the recliner, while Lin's mother is sitting on the side and grooming him, while Liu Jing is taking pictures with her mobile phone.

"Hey, I look comfortable too."

Liu Jing couldn't help rubbing Fang Lin's belly with a hand, and the soft and white hair on Fang Lin's belly slid across Liu Jing's fingertips.



Xueqiu saw Mama Yang giving Fang Lin a massage, and she couldn't help jumping on the recliner after staring at her for a long time, wanting to experience Mama Yang's technique.


Xueqiu rubbed her round head against Mama Yang's hand on Kaka's stomach. Her gentle and charming appearance and unique soft touch made Mama Yang feel her heart melt.

The whole person is full of happiness.

"All right, all right, touch you."

Mama Yang's hand left Fang Lin's stomach and placed it on Xueqiu's head, gently scratching Xueqiu's scalp and rubbing her back from time to time.

Snowball couldn't help closing her eyes.

But Fang Lin on the other side was not happy.

I have just enjoyed half of it, do you understand first come first served?This is my reward for helping train the dog today, right?

Fang Lin raised his paw to push the snowball away, but seeing the cute snowball, Fang Lin couldn't bear it.

Damn, I really owe you.

Fang Lin couldn't see what he couldn't see, so he simply turned his back and sulked.


After a while, Fang Lin saw that Yang's mother was still playing the snowball, so he couldn't bear it anymore.

He stood up and started screaming, complaining to Mama Yang about her injustice.


The paws trampled and collided on the recliner, making a burst of sound.


Liu Jing looked at the unhappy husky jumping and screaming on the recliner in the camera, and burst out laughing.

"Don't jump, don't jump, I just use my hands!"


Hearing this, Fang Lin became even more anxious, first come, first served?

How could the technician go to serve others during the foot washing and massage?
"Oh my god, it's okay, I'll rub it for you, and I'll fix the chair again."

Yang Ma hugged Xueqiu into her arms, stroked Xueqiu's head with one hand, and continued to comb and massage Fang Lin with the other hand.

That's about the same. I'll dismantle this little chair for you in minutes.

Do you want to dismantle something that day to warn Mama Yang?
Fang Lin closed his eyes with doubts.

And Liu Jing chatted with Yang's mother while videotaping.

"It's dark and the camera on my mobile phone seems to be a bit unclear."

Yang's mother said indifferently: "Old Lin has a bunch of cameras, they are placed in the Mingyuan villa, but those cameras are too precious, I will buy you another camera tomorrow."

"Don't, don't, it's too expensive."

"Don't talk nonsense all day long, what is money, can I still treat you badly? And it's also for Kaka and Snowball, so it's settled."


"Stop, and then you'll go back to sleep tonight."


When Liu Jing heard this, she stopped talking. She felt that she seemed to have welcomed a new student now, and she didn't want to go back to that home at all.

When she returned there, she would think of the things that made her sad, and she would feel the pain in her heart. She didn't even want to see Ren Da again.

With his eyes closed, Fang Lin suddenly felt that Liu Jing was in a bad mood, and guessed that she might have remembered something unhappy.

What a stupid partner.


Fang Lin sighed in his heart and reluctantly gave up Yang Ma's massage, stood up and jumped off the chair, came to Liu Jing's side and rubbed her legs.

Mama Yang looked at Kaka who left the chair in a strange way: "When I didn't rub it for you just now, I was crying, don't you want to continue?"

Liu Jing stretched out her hand and touched Fang Lin's head, feeling the warmth from him sticking out his tongue to lick her palm, and smiled knowingly.

She knew that Fang Lin understood her mood, and those jewel-like pure eyes seemed to see through her heart.

"Qian, let me raise a dog too."


 The paragraph in the chapter just now was added later, and some people probably haven’t seen it.

  Repeat again.

  The last part of yesterday's last chapter, lick that what has been changed!
  I saw your comments and felt that something was wrong, and it did not reflect a sense of surrender.

  But this definitely does not mean that the author has some special hobbies!
  Then when you see a group of students from the previous version, don't mention it again, just understand it in your heart! ! !

  If I mention it, I will delete it! ! !
  Available last Friday! ! ! !Students who have raised books recently remember to subscribe!Thank you Mengxin!
(End of this chapter)

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