Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 80 The Ancestral Land Is Very Dangerous

Chapter 80 The Ancestral Land Is Dangerous (Happy New Year!)
Sioux City Federal Park, Temporary Command Center.

Different from the more cheerful atmosphere in Yunting District after the rain, the people in the command center looked at each other very confused.

Everyone was silently waiting for the man to speak.

Yang Zhen glanced at Deng Jiefu who was still looking at the sand table without saying a word, feeling a little depressed.

I also thought about using the recording to make meritorious service, so that Kaka could take the opportunity to get something.

He believed in Deng Jiefu's strength too much, it would be better if a few more monsters come in to deliver food when the channel is opened this time.

As a result, the rain stopped as soon as it said it stopped, and the concentration of spiritual energy actually dropped.

This is a supernatural event that hasn't happened in five years.

It's like a person who has diarrhea and is so anxious that he goes to the bathroom to take off his pants, and suddenly he doesn't feel any more.

Yi Fei poked Yang Zhen, then gave him a look, motioning him to ask about the situation.

Yang Zhen coughed lightly and asked, "Captain Deng, what should we do now?"

"It's been raining all day and night. The comrades outside are probably soaked even though they are wearing raincoats. Let's take a rest in batches. I'll just stay here and watch."

Deng Jiefu walked to the door, golden light appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on his face when he looked at the park scenery after the sky cleared.

"Observe for another two days."


Spirit world.

Several shadow guards gathered around Jiang Yuan to report the situation, and Jiang Baibai sat next to the big rhino indignantly.

"Uncle Yuan, you must have played tricks! What about my big channel?"

There was a wry smile on Jiang Yuan's black face, the passage to the ancestral land was beyond his control, even if he was a king and understood the law, it was impossible.

Jiang Yuan closed his eyes, and the context of the world around him was clearly presented in front of him again.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

Frowning, he asked the big rhino: "Xingyuan, feel it, isn't it a bit strange?"

"Ang? Didn't you find the problem? Then let me take a look."

After speaking, he laughed, and the big rhino's single horn, which seemed to be surrounded by nebula, became brighter.

Xing Lingxi's sensitivity and affinity for space can be said to be the top group, and the king Xing Yuan's attainments in this area are even more unfathomable.

"Well, it's really strange. Although the concentration of spiritual energy has returned to normal, it seems that the connection between the spirit world and the ancestral land here is still not broken."

Hearing this, Jiang Baibai stood up a little irritably and asked, "What do you mean, Big Rhino? Can the passage still be opened?"

"Well, it may be opened, it may not be opened, it may be a few days, and it may not be opened for 100 years."

Jiang Baibai: "."

She sat down on the ground a little discouraged, with an aggrieved expression.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Yuan said distressedly: "Your Highness, the ancestral land is actually nothing to see."

Jiang Baibai's big shiny black eyes blinked: "Uncle Yuan, have you ever been to the ancestral land?"

"I haven `t been there."

Seeing that Jiang Baibai was a little curious, Jiang Yuan simply squatted down and prepared to tell her about the ancestral land he knew.

A few shadow guards also sat down beside them, and a few black cats, a white cat, and a strong rhinoceros gathered together and told stories in harmony.

"According to the records, the ancestral land is actually very primitive and backward. Except for the palace of the emperor of the human race that can rival ours, the rest of the city is very barren."

"In case of natural disasters, starvation is everywhere, and the victims of the disaster will eat each other."

"Uncle Yuan, what is Yi Zixiangshi?"

"It's just that they are so hungry that they will exchange their children and eat each other's children to survive."

"Ah? Does their emperor care?"

There was a trace of shock in Jiang Baibai's big eyes, and several shadow guards also looked at each other, and they rarely knew the news of the ancestral land.

"The officials in the ancestral land are selfish, corrupt, accepting bribes and filling their own pockets. How can they care about the lives of ordinary people?"

"Besides, the people in the ancestral land often defecate everywhere, and the smell is extremely unpleasant. In short, it must not be as good as our family's life."

"The ancestral land also has a hunting team that specializes in catching strange spirit beasts. Your Highness must not sneak over there, or you will end up miserable if you get caught."

"Oh. Then why are the Jinyan Sacred Lion and the Sky Devouring Tiger clan so opposed to the ancestral land? Is there a fight between them?"

"Well, yes. According to records, in ancient times, when we were still connected to the ancestral land, the human race in the ancestral land was very powerful. They had both awakened supernatural powers and their skills and magic weapons, so it was difficult for us spirit beasts to resist the human race head-on. .”

"Because of their mighty appearance, they are often captured as mounts or beasts. Maybe it's the conflicts accumulated at that time?"

"What about us?"

Jiang Yuan scratched his head with his paw and said, "We seem to have a cooperative relationship with the Human Emperor at that time, and we will assist them in exploring some ruins and so on."

"Oh yes."

It was the first time for Jiang Baibai to hear so much knowledge, which was difficult to digest for a while.

But after a while, she still asked puzzledly: "Since the human race is so powerful, why are there so many natural and man-made disasters?"

"And if an ethnic group wants to be strong, shouldn't the clan be united as one?"

"Well, these are relatively long records. Some records still have a span of time. Anyway, the ancestral land is very dangerous. Your Highness must not sneak in by yourself."

"Well, I know, Uncle Yuan."

Jiang Baibai rolled his black eyes and said with a smile.

"What should I do now? Does Your Highness want to go back with me?"

"Let me wait for another two days~, I feel uncomfortable if I can't see the passage, so it's only two days hehe."

Jiang Yuan stroked his beard and said, "Okay. Xingyuan, take good care of His Royal Highness.

You guys also stay here to guard His Highness, and report to me in time if there is any situation. "


After seeing several shadow guards answering, Jiang Yuan nodded to Baibai and the big rhinoceros, and slowly disappeared in place.

After waiting for a while to confirm that Jiang Yuan had left, the big rhinoceros looked at the several shadow guards with a grin, and spat at them.

"Xing Ling Xi Wang, what's the matter with you?"

The big rhinoceros said with a smile: "Your highness wants to eat bananas, hurry up and come here on the hour."


"What are you? Why don't you go soon?"

Several shadow guards did not move, but looked at Jiang Baibai.

"Well, you go to the white-striped monkey's territory and ask for some snow bananas, and I'll get some for you as well."


The black cats looked at each other, leaving one cat behind, and the rest slowly disappeared.

The big rhino glanced at the remaining shadow guards, and then hiccupped loudly.

A space bubble suddenly formed, covering the big rhinoceros and Jiang Baibai inside, isolating the outside world.

Just when the shadow guard was in a hurry, Xing Yuan's impatient voice came out.

"Your Highness and I want to have a private conversation, just sit where you are."


Space bubble.

"Your Highness, do you want to sneak to the ancestral land?"

"No, I just want to take a look."

"Hey, Lao Niu, I also have a few mischievous ghosts in my family, and I always want to go out for adventure and explore the unknown world in their eyes."

Speaking of this, a gentle smile appeared on the face of the big rhinoceros, and there was even a hint of pampering.


"I just want to say, if you really go in, Your Highness, Huang and Jiang Yuan's stinky cat will definitely go in to find you at all costs."

"Whether it's a king or an emperor, if you want to enter at this stage, you have to pay the price of blood."

"You, do you understand what I mean?"

Jiang Baibai was silent.

(ps: Tomorrow is the new year, and the author spent the Spring Festival alone in the dormitory this year, so I have a lot to say.

I'm a newcomer, and it's really difficult in front of me. I have 300 collections for a month on a single machine.It is because of everyone's support that we are able to make it this far.

I won’t say thank you for now, I’ll have a good chat with you after the testimonials are posted on Friday.

Thousands of words converge into one sentence: I wish you all a happy new year, all the best, and the year of the tiger is full of power!

I wish the starting point is getting better and better, and let the good stories continue to grow! ! ! )
 Thanks to Archbishop Hong Yi and Gu Liang for donating 100 starting points tonight, thanking I have been lonely, Yigao Wu Yanzu for rewarding 500 starting points, thanking JClown for tipping 1500 starting points, and thanking nikehu for rewarding 3500 points of starting currency! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  Thank you Hanhan Caigou for setting off a firework for this book, but don't let it go! ! !I have no income, and you have no fan value.
  See you next year!Brothers and sisters! ! !
  Love you guys! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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