Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 81 Old Wolf King, You Are Really Not Human

Chapter 81 Old Wolf King, You Are Really Not Human (Two in One)

Putting his head down and studying hard: "I found a new fairy variety show that is invincible and beautiful!!!"

Put your head down: "(link)"

I buried my head in my studies: "Ah, why is it already nine o'clock? I still want to watch another episode. Huh, it would be great if there was another day of heavy rain tomorrow."

Lin Yuqing, who had already changed into Winnie the Pooh pajamas, was lying on her big bed, crossing her calves and excitedly sending messages.


She put down the tablet, hugged the fluffy Kaka lying beside her and dangled: "Kaka, I don't want to go to school."

Fang Lin remained unmoved, letting Lin Yuqing hang on his neck.


Hehe, fine, the day I can vomit, I will help you blow up the school.

Thinking that Kaka was comforting her, Lin Yuqing rubbed her head against Kaka's neck: "Hey, Kaka, you are so kind."

Fang Lin frowned. He felt that the hair on his neck was about to be brushed and fried. It wasn't long before Mama Yang combed him.

So he shook his head and stood up, throwing Lin Yuqing off.

After Yang's mother combed her hair carefully today, Fang Lin went to take a photo in front of the full-length mirror, and was immediately impressed by himself.

For a pet dog, the hair on its body is actually equivalent to a hairstyle. There are many tiny details that only the pet itself can notice. Yang Ma just gave Fang Lin a haircut.

For example, if a certain place is curled or fried, it is like a strand of dull hair that is not smooth even after waking up in the morning.

These actually have little effect on people, and they don't notice these details.

But for Fang Lin, who is intelligent and reborn as a husky, this is simply a huge flaw.

In the past, he didn't pay much attention to it, because he usually didn't look in the mirror, but since he looked in the mirror after combing his hair just now, Fang Lin has changed.

In the future, there will be another rule of conduct for Emperor Ha, no one can mess with this Emperor!
"What's the matter, did you get crushed? Come on, let me rub your stomach."


Rubbing the stomach is fine, except for massaging yourself in the future.

After rubbing "Winnie the Pooh" with Fang Lin for a while, he seemed a little bored and picked up the tablet to read the news.

Fang Lin, who was lying on his side, hurried over.

Lin Yuqingshui group has almost become his source of happiness, and this girl has now changed her group nickname to studying hard.

Every time Fang Lin saw Lin Yuqing send a message, it was like watching a joke.

Zhao Hanya: "You won't watch it all day, right? Didn't you say in the morning that you can take advantage of today's holiday to make up the previous lessons?"

Hard work: "."

Li Rui: "This variety show is a comedy reality show, right? I seem to have watched it a little bit, and it's quite interesting."

Put your head down and study hard: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhao Hanya: "Li Rui, two beauties are chatting, can you stop interrupting?"

Li Rui: "."

Hard work: "."

In a bedroom with relatively simple decoration, Zhao Hanya was sitting in front of the desk with her mobile phone, and on the desk were notes that she was sorting out.

Looking at the two live treasures in the group, she couldn't help covering her forehead with her hand and sighing.

One early in the morning, he changed his nickname to "Study hard and set up a flag", and then watched a variety show for a day.

A speech doesn't depend on the situation. Li Rui, didn't he see that he was persuading students?

Tomorrow, I will teach him a good lesson, hum.

Zhao Hanya picked up her phone and continued, "I'll go to your house this weekend."

Hard work: "!!!"

Put your head down and study hard: "Are you coming to play with me? That's great!"

Zhao Hanya: "I'll supervise your studies."

Hard work: "."

Lin Yuqing on the other side suddenly frowned, and the fairy sighed.

How come chatting and chatting even disappear on weekends?


Putting his head down and studying hard: "Haha, my family seems to be going camping with Aunt Liu Jing on the weekend."

Putting his head down and studying hard: "It's a pity, woohoo, I also want to study with you."

Zhao Hanya: "."

Lin Yuqing closed the group chat contentedly, and glanced at the time, it was already twenty past nine.

I'm about to go to bed, so I won't study today, I'll watch the variety show for a while and I'll go to bed at ten o'clock, and I'll study hard tomorrow!

Lin Yuqing, who was happy, folded her pillow and quilt on the head of the bed, and happily leaned on it to open the variety show.

Fang Lin was dumbfounded watching this operation, it really deserves to be you, Qingqing.

But Fang Lin thought about it, and sighed again in his heart. If he had such a friend who kept reminding him in junior high and high school, then he would not be able to take the college entrance examination?

Another day of envying friendship every day.

The normal university he went to was not bad. There were four people in a dormitory when he was in college. Only he often stayed in the dormitory alone and lived in the virtual world every day.

The other three roommates are working quietly on their own, competing for the few places in insurance research. Today you start at seven o'clock, and tomorrow I will surpass you at six o'clock.

The most dramatic thing is that in the end, it turned out that he was such a bad person, and he had the best relationship with the three roommates alone, or more like ordinary friends.

And the three roommates are more like rival strangers, which is horrible.

I hope that Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya can maintain such a pure and beautiful friendship in the future.

The performance room should be almost completed, Fang Lin lay down at the end of the bed and meditated in his heart, and entered the space.

A burst of suction came, and Fang Lin's eyes darkened and then brightened, and the whole person appeared in the space.

The dark and deep sky, the desolate, silent and dilapidated buildings, a feeling of dilapidation and desolation came to my heart again.

"Welcome, dear space holder."

An ethereal and ethereal voice resounded in the space, and then spread to the boundless darkness outside the air wall.

Fang Lin was startled by the sudden sound, and jumped back.

He looked suspiciously around and sent out a sense, but it was still quiet and there was no sign of life.

Where is this sound coming from?

How come it never happened before?

who are you?
"Dear space holders, just talk to me in your heart, I am the spirit of the space, please name the space."

Tool spirit?Is this space a kind of treasure or something?
"No hurry, why didn't you speak before?"

"Dear space holder, the space was initially opened before, and I was in the stage of just waking up and couldn't communicate with you."

"Due to your breakthrough in strength and the increase in the concentration of source gas in your world, the space has gradually absorbed enough energy."

"Origin Qi? Isn't it spiritual energy?"

"It's the aura in your mouth."

Fang Lin was silent. Suddenly, infinite curiosity arose in his heart, and all kinds of thoughts came out crazily.

After calming down for a while, Fang Lin asked the question he wanted to know the most.

"Do you know how I was born again?"

"By a wonderful fate and a miraculous coincidence, your soul and space, as well as the inheritance of the mutation carried by the remnant soul of the wolf king, have merged together."

"The wolf king took the initiative to open the defense line and provided key energy for the space and you. Therefore, in the emergency situation at that time, the space allowed the old wolf king's choice, and you were reborn in the current body."


What do you mean?
Fang Lin probably understood that co-authoring is the integration of the three parties, only he had no consciousness and no right to choose at the time?

Then the old wolf king chose Huskies? ? ?
Boil! ! !
If this kind of adventure is reborn as a human, wouldn't he take off directly?

Even if you are not an adult, you can be reborn as a real wolf, right?
However, according to Qi Ling, the situation was urgent and there might not be time to choose. Otherwise, according to the old wolf king's urine, he would definitely choose the wolf.

With plenty of time, I will definitely choose a tribe with a white female wolf in the group, hehe, I really see him through.

In order to continue the blood inheritance in a disguised form, this old wolf king is too ruthless, isn't he?

Thinking of this, Fang Lin suddenly realized that he has no primitive impulse towards women, only appreciation, but he is particularly pleasing to the eyes of good-looking bitches.
This can't be the old wolf king's tricks, right? ? ?

The more Fang Lin thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, Nima, this old wolf king is really not human!

It's fine if you're not interested in women, but how can you be interested in bitches? ? ?

In order to get married and have a baby, is this a knife directly from sexual orientation?
As a person with very normal views, after Fang Lin was reborn as a husky, he couldn't accept either of these two situations.

Ha ha, die of this heart.

After watching the movie that the old wolf king showed him, Fang Lin's impression of the old wolf king has improved a lot. After all, he fought bravely against the Kuroshio for the sake of the human race in that world and his own group.

However, now that he has noticed the old wolf king's careful thinking, the image of the old wolf king in his heart has changed drastically.

"Respected space holders, please name the space. The space has been intertwined with your soul, all prosperity and all damage."

"Space will be the most powerful aid and your strongest backing on your growth path."

"Your bloodline is also reborn from the ashes in the mutation and has infinite potential, and you will eventually become the hope to protect everything."

Fang Lin, who was still thinking, was suddenly awakened by Qi Ling's chicken soup, and he was still a little unaccustomed to the cadence of this tone.

"Okay, um... let's call it the Great Emperor's Space. Don't call it so complicated in the future, just call me the Great Emperor."

After Fang Lin said these words in his heart, his heart beat faster.

Just call me the Great Emperor, why is it a little shameful, hehe.

"Yes, my lord, the studio has been set up, please check it out."

Fang Lin nodded without changing his expression, and looked around.

In addition to the familiar black slate, there is indeed another very peculiar building.

The building is bullet-shaped, with columns below and a semicircle-like structure above.

The mysterious runes engraved on the surface exude a crystal blue light.

There are many rings that rotate continuously 360 degrees on the top, similar to the shape of a globe, except that the ball has become many rings with very complicated structures.

The whole building gives people a very mysterious atmosphere.

Standing in front of it, for a moment you seem to see the ever-evolving world.

And the instructions for using Yantianshi also quietly surfaced in Fang Lin's heart.

"Qi Ling, can you tell me where you come from? What are other worlds like?"

"My lord, the relevant information has been lost."


"Then can you tell me what is the function of this space? For example, what other buildings are there?"

"Dear Emperor, the relevant information has been sealed, and you need to improve your strength to unlock it."


Fang Lin has black lines all over her head. If it weren't for the fact that this weapon spirit is nothingness and has no substance, or should she really be kicked?

What about this solid backing?
Fang Lin also understood that he didn't know anything anyway, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with Qi Ling, so he walked towards the studio.

As Fang Lin approached, the door opened automatically, and the inside was a dark entrance where nothing could be seen.

Fang Lin hesitated for a moment, but walked into the darkness anyway.

As Fang Lin entered, the door closed automatically, and the eyes were plunged into absolute darkness.

"The studio acts on the thinking world, the flow of real time stops, and you can't leave without reaching your goal."

"Please choose a scene."

After a cold voice without emotion, Fang Lin was in a trance for a moment in the darkness, and then a light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

It says Story Mode, 1v1 Deathmatch, Teaching Mode, Custom Exercises.

Is this already in the thinking space?

Looking at these four familiar options, Fang Lin felt a little dazed, as if he was playing some game.

However, according to the basic information that surfaced in his mind, he knew that it was the revolving door of space that adjusted it for him, so that he could understand it better.

Well, what should I choose?
For beginners, let’s take a look at the teaching mode first.

After Fang Lin chose the teaching mode, numerous teaching options appeared in front of him, all of which he had unlocked so far.

It's strange that there are all kinds of teachings on weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, but they are similar to the attack methods in his inheritance.

Fang Lin turned off the teaching mode after looking at it. These fighting skills are all in his inheritance, and they have been stored in his memory, so he doesn't need to read them at all.

Maybe it comes with the space?
Fang Lin didn't think too much, and chose the option of a one-on-one deathmatch. All kinds of opponents suddenly appeared on the screen, holding different weapons and looking different.

"Dear Emperor, your inheritance memory has been imported."

The voice of Qi Ling suddenly sounded.

Then Fang Lin had a lot of options in front of him, and his opponents were all kinds of strange beasts.

"As for the battle in your inherited memory, you can choose to substitute yourself, or fight with the body of the howling moon silver wolf of the memory inheritor."

"The studio will fine-tune the opponent's strength to ensure that you can gain more experience in battle."

If you can substitute yourself, you must use your own body. Does it need to be said?

Fang Lin picked and picked, and suddenly found that there was a picture where the opponent was somewhat similar to the old wolf king. Maybe the owner who inherited this memory had sparred with the old wolf king when he was at the D level.

Hehe, I'll fucking beat you up today, bitch.

Following Fang Lin's choice, he suddenly appeared on a vast grassland with blue sky, white clouds and clear sky.

This is too real, right?
Fang Lin looked at the soil and grass on the ground. This is simply a real grassland!

The breeze blowing across the cheeks brought a strong smell of green grass, and looking far away, there seemed to be a flock of sheep with huge horns on the slope far away.


Just as Fang Lin was intoxicated by the scenery, the young wolf king on the opposite side raised his head to the sky and roared, as if he was howling to attack.

Fang Lin was stunned for a moment by the murderous eyes and the fierce aura brought by the giant wolf's sprint.

However, with just such a moment of hesitation, the old wolf king had already gotten close to Fang Lin in a flash and shifted his body to find an angle.

Fang Lin could still see the sharp teeth and smell the strong smell of blood from the open bloody mouth on his side.

Is this the beginning?

(ps: Don't keep thinking about humans and beasts, you can consider making Fang Lin a human in the finale, and you won't do it before.

Can't be sour! ! !
Although the person will not be the heroine, Lin Yuqing and Liu Jing will definitely not fall in love again, and everyone doesn't have to worry about sending a girl or anything.

A chapter of [-] characters, please ask for a monthly ticket. )
 Thanks to M_X and Zizhilaser for the 100 starting point coins rewarded, thanks to the salt and pepper instant noodles for the 200 point starting point coins rewarded by the words, and for the 200 starting point coins rewarded by Linjian Tingtao, thank you The 500 starting point coins rewarded by the glory of the hunter! ! !

  The boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  Thank you for the 100000 starting point coins rewarded by the master in my dream!

  Be the first leader in this book, and also the first leader in my life!
  I unilaterally declare that the master I saw in my dream joined the undead clan, well, never die!
  All the way to the present, I really thank everyone, the newcomer doesn't even know that Sanjiang is going to give a speech (゜ロ゜).

  Finally ask for a monthly ticket for the New Year! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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