Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 82 Don't Blame Me For Not Talking About Wude

Chapter 82 Don't Blame Me For Not Talking about Wu Mori

(Non-daily, you can skip it if you don’t like it.)
(In the future, there will be as few long-form exercises as possible)

(Playing Tianshi is very real and awesome. The protagonist used it once, and his combat experience has improved a bit.)
Fang Lin felt a pain in his neck, his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness instantly.

"No way? No way? That's it? That's it?"

The cheap voice of the old wolf king came from all directions, and Fang Lin found himself back where he was just now.

In front of him is still the vast and vast grassland, and not far away is the young version of the old wolf king.

Fang Lin looked at the young version with a serious face in front of him, and realized that the mean but vicissitudes of voice definitely did not come from the wolf in front of him.

"Qi Ling! Can you pause?"

As Fang Lin meditated in his heart for a moment, the whole world in front of him lost its color and became gloomy.

"Dear Emperor, yes, only you have the right to suspend the performance of Tianshi in the Emperor's space."

only me?

"Your words are interesting. What do you mean I am the only one with authority in the emperor's space? Can anyone else come in?"

"The space of the Great Emperor belongs to you completely."

"I ask you, can others come in?"

"The emperor's space belongs to you completely, and you can grant any creature the permission to enter."

"How to grant?"

"Please continue to improve your strength, currently you cannot use this function."

"Remind you again, the Emperor Space will be your most powerful assistant, please don't disclose it at will when you are weak."

Well, it means that I am too weak and unworthy now.

And what does this reminder mean, do you take me for a fool?
Who would tell their secrets to others?

But it would be interesting to bring others in in the future.

Not to mention anything else, it is very unusual to simply say that this studio is very special, and it is even more precious to those who have no memory of inheritance.

There are not only the teaching of combat skills with various weapons, but also continuous real combat without worrying about injury.

What's even more outrageous is that it is actually the concept of no time running in the thinking world.

Isn't this invincible?
If you throw in any Xiaobai, you can be called a master of swordsmanship when you get out, right?
"My lord, to become a master in any field requires not only endless hard training, but also a sudden flash of inspiration and unparalleled talent."

"Please start practicing as soon as possible. Every time you open the studio, you need to consume energy. With your current strength and the current concentration of aura in the world, it will take a month for the space to absorb the aura and open it again."

After hearing that the next opening will be one month later, Fang Lin was a little anxious and hurriedly asked the last question.

"What happened to that voice just now?"

"This is left by the wolf king."

As soon as Fang Lin's face turned dark, I knew it was really fucking overwhelmed, and I didn't forget to leave something behind when it dissipated.

"Can it be removed?"

"You can remove it, but he asked me to bring you a sentence: If you admit that you are a colored pencil, remove it."


This aggressive method is too old-fashioned, is it really an antique?

Ha ha, but I still eat your tricks today.

It is impossible to be submissive, don't forget how he crossed over.

Don't care if you are strong or not, your mouth must be the hardest!


The gloomy and suspended world in front of my eyes became colorful once again.


It was because I wasn't ready just now that you succeeded in sneak attacking.

Now, blow you away.

Fang Lin looked up to the sky and screamed, the aura core in his body started to run crazily, and began to continuously send a large amount of energy to his body to strengthen his body.

Moreover, the special runes contained in the strengthened body were also activated, pushing Fang Lin's body to a terrifying intensity.

A divine beast with rough skin and thick flesh, and an aura like the sea are the basic conditions.

For example, Fang Lin is now equivalent to a young top-level bloodline animal. The aura core stores a large amount of aura beyond imagination, and the runes on the specially strengthened body are more like a small supernatural power.

Vividly explain what 1+1 is greater than 2.

This time, without waiting for the young version of the old wolf king in front of him to act, Fang Lin took the lead in attacking, his limbs suddenly exerted force, and his whole body flew out like an arrow off the string, even bringing out afterimages.

It was similar to the situation just now, except this time Fang Lin approached the old wolf king in the blink of an eye.

It's just that Fang Lin was hesitant about the next move. Should he just swing his claws or open his mouth to bite?
In the blink of an eye, Fang Lin chose to learn from the old wolf king's previous movements. After cutting into the sideways position with a sudden brake, he was ready to adjust the angle to bite the old wolf king's neck.

Facing Fang Lin who had brought up his speed, the old wolf king chose to dodge instead of hard-wired.

I saw him adjusting his body posture, quickly exerting force on his hind feet, and his whole body rushed forward for a short distance immediately, and rotated [-] degrees on the foreleg as the axis.

Not only did he avoid Fang Lin's fierce bite, but he also adjusted the angle of the attack. Taking advantage of Fang Lin's attack, he shook his paw and scratched Fang Lin's face fiercely.

"It's over."

Looking at the huge claws, Fang Lin closed his eyes subconsciously, and then his face hurt, and several long bloodstains were drawn from top to bottom.


Fang Lin quickly retreated to open the distance, looking for the next opportunity.

Fang Lin was taken aback by the truth just now. He originally thought that he would be instantly killed like before, but now it seems to be okay, just injured.

The introduction information of the studio came to mind again.

Space adjusted the opponent's strength, and strengthened the old wolf king who was not as physically strong as Fang Lin at the same level to a level similar to him.

Now it is equivalent to the fact that after the two sides use their spiritual power, their offense and defense are almost the same, and the difference is their combat experience.

It was just a sudden attack before, Fang Lin didn't react for a while, and didn't mobilize the spiritual energy in time.

That's why he was bitten by a force equivalent to his strongest attack, and he was bitten to the neck and dropped in seconds.

This also made Fang Lin vigilant. Usually, he had to be vigilant all the time. Although it was unlikely that anyone in the same level could have Fang Lin's attack strength, he couldn't suffer for no reason, right?
This mistake is too low-level, it is really embarrassing to say it.

Fang Lin stared at the young old wolf king who was confronting him not far away.

The old wolf king's eyes were serious, his whole body was tense, and he maintained a posture that could attack in an instant.

Fang Lin is only four months old now, and his shoulder height is already more than 40 centimeters. However, the shoulder height of the old wolf king on the opposite side is estimated to have reached 1.2 meters, and he has the size of a lion.

Comparing the two, it looks like an adult is spanking a little kid, but the kid's offense and defense are still similar to the adult.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a future holy beast that grew up in a different world. It is estimated that it will be even bigger in the future.

But I still feel that I am awesome, I am like a young dragon with infinite potential in the future!
Wait for this great emperor to reach the later stage! ! !
Originally, Fang Lin was still a little worried about whether he would grow too fast, making his family feel that something was wrong.

A normal husky with a shoulder height of more than 60 cm is already the limit, because the hair is not too long and looks a little thin, and it will take about 10 months to complete the development.

Fang Lin has grown to almost 4cm in the past 50 months. Normally, he should only be in his early 30s at this time. You can imagine that the changes in the past half a month have not been small.

(The 50cm written in the previous article is now revised to 50cm, please don’t mind too much, I’m just a newbie.)
However, looking at the old wolf king at D level now, Fang Lin suddenly felt a little envious, isn't this too mighty?

It's not long since I've just been promoted, and my bloodline has just been completely passed on. In fact, it should be the time when I grow the most rapidly.

However, when Fang Lin used the special ability to strengthen his body, he found that he could already initially control the overall growth.

Originally, he planned to use this to curb his growth rate and make himself look like a normal husky, but now he hesitated again.

Or let yourself grow a little faster?Anyway, there are dogs that are big, and people are more than two meters long. It shouldn’t be a problem if you come to 80 or 90cm by yourself, right?

But it has to grow slowly, and it's best to jump again when you are 8910-[-] months old.

At this time, the serious old wolf king on the opposite side lived in Bengbu.

After he confronted the motionless Fang Lin seriously for a long time, he suddenly realized that his opponent was really stunned on the spot!


Feeling insulted, the young old wolf king quickly launched an attack, interrupting Fang Lin's thoughts.

Well done, no one is afraid of anyone!

Anyway, everyone's offense and defense are about the same, and they don't worry about really dying.

So Fang Lin stopped thinking about it and concentrated on fighting the old wolf king.

But the result was far beyond Fang Lin's expectations.

As the battle continued, Fang Lin, who was fighting seriously, had many wounds of various sizes, while the old wolf king only had a few sporadic wounds.

The fighting instinct of the old wolf king in front of him is very terrifying. He can always avoid damage and attack Fang Lin at the most critical moment.

And when Fang Lin wanted to attack the old wolf king, the old wolf king's huge wingspan would be able to block Fang Lin's attack route with a light wave of his claws, unless he wanted to get a claw first.

Fang Lin was once again in a stalemate with the old wolf king.

Bright red blood slowly flowed out from the wound, and the real smell of blood poured into Fang Lin's nasal cavity.

The pain from the wounds all over his body constantly stimulated Fang Lin's tense nerves, and he could even feel the beating frequency of his heart from the wound.

The increase in wounds on his body and the real pain made the blood in Fang Lin's body gradually scald, as if a fire was burning, and his desire to fight was even higher.

However, the very difficult situation made Fang Lin's offensive timid, because no matter how he attacked, the old wolf king could always gain the upper hand in the process of "exchanging blood" with each other.

With a strong desire to fight, he no longer knew how to make a move, and every time he made a move, he had to be counter-countered and counter-countered.


Really frustrated!

It's like the short-handed top laner I used in the game was disgusted by the opponent's long-handed top laner, and there was nowhere to vent my anger in my chest.

In reality, the normal way to deal with it should be for Fang Lin to calm down, continue to wander around looking for opportunities, and try to cause damage to the opponent as much as possible on the premise of ensuring that he is not injured.

However, as his blood boiled, Fang Lin became extremely agitated due to his increasingly fiery heart and increasingly aggrieved situation.

Nima's!I don't care!
You are just a D-rank silver wolf without wings now, just like me, I am afraid of an egg!
Grandpa fights with you! ! !
Fang Lin gritted his teeth fiercely, and rushed towards the old wolf king, even if the old wolf king stretched out his claws to grab him, he would not back down.

Crazy trading injuries for injuries, even if I get two claws and two bites, then I will try my best to scratch you.

The physical fitness of the two sides was similar, and it was impossible for the old wolf king to slap Fang Lin into the air with a slap, let alone retreat to pull away Fang Lin, who was desperate and about the same speed as himself.

So the situation of the battle changed at this moment.

It's no longer what it used to be. After a short period of close combat, the two sides quickly separated to find another opportunity.

It directly became Fang Lin's mad dog, playing close to the old wolf king, getting close to him desperately and constantly attacking.

Claws, Teeth, Head Bumps
Fang Lin used all available attack methods, and the old wolf king fell into a close fight with Fang Lin helplessly.

However, with years of fighting experience, the old wolf king is not in vain in this kind of battle situation, it is nothing more than that he will suffer more injuries.

an hour, two hours,

Large and small wounds had spread all over Fang Lin's body, and the hot blood was actually steaming outwards.

Fang Lin, whose desire to fight was completely aroused, could no longer feel the pain at all. There was only one thought left in his mind, tear it up and tear it up again!
The old wolf king roared and tore Fang Lin's left ear with his claws.
However, this did not stop Fang Lin from fighting.

Five hours, ten hours.
After a long battle, Fang Lin finally fell into a pool of blood, and the fur all over his body was not at all intact and bloody.

And the old wolf king's bright silver body was also full of scars.

The moment he fell down, Fang Lin finally realized.

This is the fighting style that beasts should really have. All poetic and picturesque sword techniques and fancy moves are false.

Beast, as it should be.

The bloody level is directly full, and fighting at close range is either you die or I live.

It depends on who has more combat experience, stronger instincts, and who has thicker skin and has higher attacks. There is no way, and the current level does not have a trick like releasing aura.

The old wolf king's accumulated experience can always keep him calm in the fight, and cause more damage to Fang Lin at a lower price, so Fang Lin fell down without accident.

"No way? No way? That's it? That's it?"

With the vile voices coming from all directions, Fang Lin appeared on the grassland again intact.

Fang Lin raised his head quietly and looked at the sky in the distance.

The sky is so boundless, and the white clouds are dotted on the high and blue sky, like a huge landscape painting.

This is a beautiful scenery that you can't enjoy at all on weekdays. Everything is so peaceful and comfortable. I want to make people lie on the grass and stare at the blue sky in a daze.

The breeze blew across Fang Lin's cheeks with the smell of distant soil and grass, and the soft and shiny hair on his body fluttered slowly in the wind.

Fang Lin closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


When the old wolf king saw Fang Lin closing his eyes, his past experience told him that this was an opportunity he couldn't miss.

He strode forward the slender limbs that reflected the brilliance in the sun, lowered his center of gravity and ran quickly.

If time can stand still at this moment to take a picture of him, it will definitely show the most perfect posture in the air, the body maintains the most suitable streamlined shape, like a silver light across the sky quickly approaching Fang who is standing with his eyes closed Forest.

Ha ha.

Fang Lin slowly opened his eyes, and shot fiercely at the old wolf king. A pressure from the top blood suddenly opened up and attacked the old wolf king.

The old wolf king who was running felt the sudden coercion, as if he had entered a sticky swamp, he couldn't help but froze slightly.

I'm waiting for you, old wolf king.

Don't blame me for not talking about Wude, let me kill it once before talking about it.

Killing intent kept welling up in his heart.

 Thanks for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by the speechless Haha, and the 2021052714 starting point coins rewarded by book friend 500! ! !

  Boss atmosphere!The boss is in good health! ! !

  The milk tea rewarded by the monthly ticket gold master activity last month has been distributed to the dream master, and it should be him this month.

  But this is just a reflection of my friendship with everyone. Only after going through the hardships of the first month can I realize how happy I am after having you, so I always try to find a way to give back to everyone.

  Therefore, there is no need for everyone to vote for this cup of 20 milk tea, and it will not affect the relationship between us.

  but! ! !If you have votes, please continue to vote for me, the Great God does not lack these two, but they are very important to me!
  In addition, let me recommend the book of Fengyi Tianya, unlike me who needs to rely on gimmicks, he is the kind of person who can tell good stories, and he is the goal of my efforts.The portal is below, if you are interested, you can take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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