Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 83 Did I beat Kaka in pain?

Chapter 83 Did I beat Kaka in pain?

The old wolf king seems to be a template for slaughtering gods and proving the way. At the D level, there is not much uniqueness, and the blood has evolved a little bit.

So just when Fang Lin was going to use his blood to coerce and play tricks, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he found himself ejected from the acting room and appeared in the emperor's space.


What does this mean?
I was just getting better and ready to take revenge, why did I eject myself?
"My lord, the energy of the studio has been exhausted and is being recharged."


Used so fast?
Well, I seem to have been playing in it for a long time, don't tell me it's really fun.

This feeling of being able to face-to-face with your opponent without having to consider your own injuries is really good.

"Exit the space."

The experience of the studio was over, and there was nothing to do if he continued to stay here, so Fang Lin chose to quit the space.

As Fang Lin muttered in his heart, he felt another kick on his butt, and appeared in the bedroom after a moment of trance.

I forgot to ask what happened to the last kick, why did I get kicked every time I came out of the space?
Hmph, it's probably still the old wolf king who did the trick.

Don't just talk about teleportation effects.

Back in the bedroom, the time was still around 20:[-], and it was as if nothing had happened during Fang Lin's more than ten hours of fighting in the studio.

Time is a wonderful thing.

Lin Yuqing was still leaning on the cushion she made out of pillows and quilts, hugging the tablet Shale.

Seeing the excitement, the two feet can't help but "tread water" up and down on the bed.

Xueqiu curled up next to Fang Lin and fell asleep.

Cats sleep about 16 hours a day, and Xueqiu is one of the heavyweights. Apart from eating and playing around, they basically sleep all the time.

But it's good, at least it will be more cute and not annoying.

After all, no matter how beautiful and good-looking you are, you will be complained about if you talk too much, such as a certain Song surname star.

Fang Lin stood up and stretched at the head of the bed, and couldn't help humming softly.

It feels so easy and comfortable to be back at home.

This kind of comfort is not only physical comfort, but also spiritual.

After retreating from a bloody and cruel 1v1 duel field, Fang Lin suddenly felt like the protagonist in the hands of the school girl.

With extraordinary skills, the scars all over his body are full of stories, and he looks down on all living beings in this secular world.

Hehe, I've seen the world now, and I can be called experienced in battles, right?

Fang Lin, who has been fighting in the space for more than 10 hours, is a little flustered. Now he looks like a beginner who has just learned Taekwondo or fitness for two days.

As I was walking, I wanted to suddenly take an attacking posture, punch the air, and feel that I am a handsome group.

Fang Lin jumped on the bed and made a step. With the movement of his steps, the dog's head swayed.

Snowball, who was sleeping next to Fang Lin, was awakened by Fang Lin's movements.

She opened her sleepy eyes, opened her mouth and smacked a little, sticking out her pink and tender tongue.


Are you awake?
After Xueqiu greeted Fang Lin, he also began to stretch his limbs that were a little stiff from sleeping.

She leaned against Fang Lin and faced the ceiling, and lay down on her back, stretching her four little paws to the sky comfortably.

It may be too comfortable, the fingers on the paws of the front paws branched in the air with the force, and they were still scratching.

After stretching, Xueqiu, who was lying on his back, looked at Fang Lin and rubbed against him.

Snowball's body seemed to be made of water, twisting softly.

"Good come!"


Fang Lin, who was also immersed in the close-to-hand combat with the old wolf king, saw Xueqiu lying on his back and rubbed his head against him, his weakness was wide open.

With some enthusiasm, he quickly adjusted his posture and opened his mouth to bite Snowball's exposed neck.


You are dead hehe.

After the attack was successful, Fang Lin let go of his biting mouth proudly.


Snowball, who was taken aback by Fang Lin's swift action, frowned and didn't understand what Kaka was thinking.

I just woke up and was still reminiscing about the dream before, and was suddenly shocked.

She turned over and jumped up, hurried to Lin Yuqing's arms, sobbing against Qingqing and accusing Fang Lin.


Lin Yuqing stretched out two fingers to scratch Xueqiu's little head, comforted Xueqiu, and then looked at Fang Lin, who was crouching obediently by the bedside.



Lin Yuqing rolled her eyes at Kaka who was pretending to be innocent, isn't she stupid?

Although she was watching a variety show just now, she also heard Fang Lin thumping on the bedside.

"Don't bully my sister!"

Fang Lin stuck out his tongue, lay down on the head of the bed, and held his front paws honestly in his arms.

emmm, I just want to try to recruit
"Kaka, you have to apologize for doing something wrong, come here and apologize to Xueqiu."

Lin Yuqing put down the tablet and sat up straight, beckoning to Fang Lin.


Alright alright.

Fang Lin took out his paw from his pocket, and slowly moved it to Lin Yuqing's side.


Xueqiu noticed Fang Lin coming, turned his head and hid his head in Lin Yuqing's arms, and lost his temper at Fang Lin with his butt.

To be reasonable, when she just woke up was the most relaxed and comfortable time, she was suddenly startled, she was really mad at the cat!


Fang Lin lowered his head, and with the tip of his nose pushed Xueqiu's butt which was facing away from him.

However, Xueqiu remained motionless and did not look at Fang Lin.

emmm, what should I do.

Fang Lin was a purebred single dog for more than 20 years in his previous life, and he had no experience in coaxing girls at all.

Looking at the snowball that didn't respond to him, Fang Lingou's face showed a trace of confusion, not knowing what to do.

Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing again, Lin Yuqing was still waiting for Fang Lin's next move.

"Don't look at me, Kaka, keep going."


Fang Lin couldn't think of a good way, so he simply stuck out his tongue and licked Snowball's back.

At the beginning, Xueqiu still held it still, but Fang Lin's licking range became wider and wider, and her hair was almost messed up!

Snowball turned her head and protested to Kaka.

But Fang Lin, who felt that it was useful, didn't care so much. Taking advantage of Xueqiu's turning his head, he picked up the tip of his nose, turned Xueqiu upside down, and then began to lick the hair around Xueqiu's neck.


Snowball, who was a little impatient, stretched out his small paws and slapped Fang Lin's head for the first time, and it was an invincible series of shots.

The round kitten's face also has an angry look, which looks very interesting.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Lin quickly closed his eyes, and with the slap of the snowball, retreated his head while whimpering.

The extraordinary essence of the performance vividly presents the pain and panic after being beaten.

In the end, Fang Lin gave Xueqiu a heartbroken look, and then the aggrieved dog slowly moved to the side of the bed and lay down, its tail limply hanging from the side of the bed to the floor.


Snowball froze.

She looked at Lin Yuqing on the side, and suddenly felt flustered.

Did you hurt Kaka yourself?
(End of this chapter)

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