Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 84 It was decided that it was you, Husky!

Chapter 84 It was decided that it was you, Husky!
Snowball has always been a good girl, the type who never stretches her paws at people or other pets.

People always inadvertently hurt their closest people, and animals are the same.

This time, it was mainly from her point of view that the relationship between herself and Kaka was too good, and she was also very dependent on him.

In her heart, Kaka's side was the safest area in the world, and it was very comfortable just waking up, and she would get angry if she was suddenly scared.

Kaka came over again and kept licking her hair. She was about to go to bed soon, it was all messed up, and she had to tidy up a little bit.

After being out of breath, he stretched out his claws and hit him.

This was what Xueqiu was thinking, but Fang Lin's performance just now was too wonderful.

Let alone Xueqiu, even Lin Yuqing wondered if Kaka was really scratched.

So Lin Yuqing deliberately took Xueqiu's claws and carefully inspected Xueqiu's nails, wanting to see if there was any flesh left from Kaka.

When she saw that the nails on Snowball's paws were retracted, she was really relieved.

But she couldn't decide for a while whether Kaka was really hurt or just pretending.

Xueqiu didn't think about it for so long, he only hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly left Lin Yuqing's embrace, and walked to Fang Lin's side with small steps.


She leaned close to Fang Lin's dog's head and yelled softly.

Fang Lin was lying on his stomach with his head pressed against the bed, but when he felt the movement, he stretched out his paws and covered his face.



Xueqiu became a little anxious, so he stuck out his tongue and lightly licked Fang Lin's uncovered cheek.


I'm really a genius. Fortunately, I haven't been in a relationship before, otherwise I would be called a girl killer.

Fang Lin, who felt that it was almost done, straightened up, hugged Xueqiu into his arms and rubbed hard, expressing that he forgave her.

Only then did Xueqiu feel happy again, completely forgetting that he was the one being bullied in the first place.

Looking at the snowball that seemed to be manipulated, Lin Yuqing shook her head and picked up the tablet to continue watching the variety show.

It's almost ten o'clock and it's time to go to bed. I have to hurry up.

She didn't want to waste a minute or a second of playing time.

In the study room, Father Lin had already put down the bed cheerfully, and began to arrange the quilt and pillows.

Mama Yang sat on a chair beside her with her arms folded and made a suggestion to Papa Lin.

"Wen Shao, let me contact the residents on the fifth floor tomorrow. His family is not planning to go abroad. The newly renovated house has not been lived in yet. I want to buy it."

Father Lin put the pillows on the head of the bed and arranged them. When he was done, he sat down on the bed, and asked with some doubts, "Why buy a house?"

"Liu Jing doesn't plan to live with Ren Da, nor does she want to own his house, so I want to buy it for her to live in temporarily."

"Are you really going to get a divorce?"

Yang's mother glanced at Lin's father, and said angrily: "Then what? You don't know how much this matter hurt her."

"She was in tears in the middle of the night last night. She was crying there alone, and my heart ached to death. I hated it so much that my teeth itch."

Father Lin sighed: "Hey, it's good to leave, I think Liu Jing is not shooting videos recently? It can be regarded as starting a new life, please help."

"Cut, do you still need to say?"

"She lacks a camera, and the effect of taking videos with her mobile phone is not that good. You put the treasure you put in that villa in Mingyuan between the two of us."


Father Lin was startled, and hurriedly said: "You two go to the counter tomorrow to buy a new one, mine is old and won't work anymore."

"Hmph, I knew you would say that, don't worry, I won't miss your darlings."

Papa Lin scratched his head and suddenly thought of something, and said to Mama Yang: "Since Liu Jing is in a bad mood recently, let her sleep with you first after you buy a house tomorrow."

"Is she in need of company now? I'm not in a hurry."

Hearing this, Mama Yang watched Papa Lin's eyes carefully, and finally said lightly, "I'm in a hurry."

Then he stood up from the chair and slowly approached the bed where Papa Lin was.

Father Lin suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, he jumped off the bed and walked out quickly.

"I remembered that the cat litter box on Snowball's balcony hasn't been shoveled yet, so I'll go there quickly."

"Oh, man."

Mama Yang shook her head, didn't bother Papa Lin anymore, and left the room to go to the bedroom.

"Qian! Come here, come here, what kind of dog should I buy?"

As soon as Mama Yang entered, Liu Jing, who was lying on the bed holding her mobile phone, quickly sat up and waved to her.

"You can buy anything, but it's best to choose a healthy and reliable one."

"Ah, how can I not pick you?"

Yang's mother went to the bed and got into bed, lifted the thin quilt and put herself in, and replied, "Just go to the place where I bought Kaka, the quality is good, and there seems to be a female husky who was related to Kaka at that time." good."

"At that time, Xiaojie was clamoring to buy it, but I didn't buy it, mainly because I didn't expect Kaka and Xueqiu to be so worry-free. I thought it would be very noisy."

"Okay, okay, let's go buy it tomorrow! Just come back to accompany Kaka."

Yang's mother frowned and said, "Tomorrow, I will contact you about buying a house first."

Before she finished speaking, Liu Jing rushed over, hugged Mama Yang's arm and dangled it in front of her chest: "Come with me to buy a dog first, don't worry about the house, when will you put it there? You can buy it, right?"

"What if the dog is bought?"

Yang's mother rolled her eyes and pulled her arm out of the gap: "Okay, I'll call the manager of the Pet House tomorrow morning and ask, if it's still there, we'll go buy it."

The house is really not in a hurry. How can a house of more than 1000 million yuan in Sioux City be sold as soon as it is sold?

"Okay! God bless you, you must still be there, go to sleep, you have to leave early tomorrow."

".I haven't put on a mask yet."

Six o'clock the next morning.

Fang Lin lying on the bedside slowly put away the moonlight that sprinkled on Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu.

The sun has come out outside, but I can still summon some moonlight.

Maybe when I become stronger in the future, I can also use this talent in broad daylight, no need to poke the needle.

He was in Lin Yuqing's room every night, and he was still a little worried about what Xiaojie would do, but it was all right now, it was just a relationship between earlier and later.


The door opened on time, and Fang Lin jumped out of bed and walked outside.

As soon as Fang Lin went out, he saw Liu Jing who was about to cry but had no tears. His face was aggrieved and tired, and "I don't want to get up early" was written all over his body.

what's wrong?

Wasn't it pretty good before?
I have persisted for two days, why not take a day off?
Yang Ma closed the door and whispered to Liu Jing, "Didn't you say you wanted to get up early last night?"

"Hey, I'm talking about going out early to buy a dog, not getting up early to exercise."

"It's almost thirty people, stop whining and go."

Yang Ma dragged Liu Jing downstairs.

buy a dog?

What dog to buy?

I just mentioned it yesterday, have you made up your mind today?

Fang Lin suddenly looked forward to what kind of dog Liu Jing would buy.

golden retriever?Samoyed?
It feels so cute. Hey, it's better to buy a bitch. It looks comfortable.

However, as soon as this dangerous idea appeared, Fang Lin shook his head and threw it out.

(Newcomers have no human rights and can only speak on their grades.

I hope that everyone who is capable can support the genuine reading, thank you spicy pot. )
 Thanks to Moyu who loves salted fish for rewarding 100 starting coins, thanks to Enlightenment|Quan Kun for rewarding 200 starting coins, and thanks to Qi Ruxue for rewarding 3000 starting coins! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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