Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 86 Hello!

Chapter 86 Good! (First update!)

At 23:[-] in the morning, it was sunny and the temperature was [-] degrees Celsius.

"Huh~huh~, it's okay, it's okay, let me rest here for a while."

Liu Jing was panting heavily in sports shorts, insisted on running to the door of the building, and then sat down on the steps.

He straightened his long legs that were as white as the white sneakers on his feet, and then he clenched his right hand into a fist and pounded his thigh to relax his muscles. Every time he pounded, he felt a wave.

It vividly explains what it means to be full of energy and then to be exhausted.

Every morning, Mama Yang's morning exercise routine starts in front of the building and runs around in a big circle.

In the past two days, no matter how slow I ran, I still persisted for at least three to ten minutes. However, I took a day off yesterday, and today I really can't keep going.

When a person stops after exercising, he can clearly feel that the pores of his body are all open, and he keeps sweating.

Fine beads of sweat rolled down Liu Jing's cheeks, and a blush appeared on her cheeks.


Fang Lin bounced back and forth in front of Liu Jing, wagging his tail.

He hasn't started his activities yet, so where is this going?
Liu Jing pulled Kaka who was jumping up and down in front of her, rubbed her head, raised her head and said to Yang's mother, "Qian, or you can keep running, I'll go back first."

Mama Yang also just entered the state, and frowned when she heard this, she said: "No, you have to persevere, just get used to it."

"I have to go back at 06:30 today. Even if you sit here, you have to wait until 06:30."

"Okay! Then I'll sit here for a while, you go and run, I will insist on finishing the run tomorrow, mainly because I didn't sleep well last night, hehe."


Mama Yang sighed, opened her legs and continued to run forward, leaving behind a beautiful back.

"Kaka, let's go!"

An energetic call came from the front.

Fang Lin stuck out his tongue at Liu Jing, and also chased after Yang Ma's figure.

Only Liu Jing was left sitting there alone, looking at the blue sky with some boredom.

For some reason, a sense of guilt suddenly surged in her heart.

It's as if the task that should have been completed has not been completed, but I am being lazy.

Harm, forget it.

Liu Jing stood up with her hands on the ground, because she sat down to rest after exercising just now, her limbs were a little weak.

After moving in place twice, she chased in the direction of a person and a dog.

"Wait for me!"

Seven in the morning.

"Ding dong~"

Yang Ma heard the doorbell and ran to open the door.

Liu Jing changed her clothes and came in dragging a big box.

"Have you seen him?"

"It's good not at home, and I don't want to see him."

After Liu Jing dragged the box to the sofa and put it away, she rushed to the dining table to find a place to sit and prepare for breakfast.

Yang's mother has already made breakfast, and today she made burritos.

A piece of thin and firm bread, with some vegetables and fried meat rolled inside, and then brushed with Yang Ma's secret sauce is even more delicious than the roadside ones.

In addition, everyone also had a glass of milk and a tea egg in front of them according to their needs.

"I'm starving to death, too much exercise today."

Without washing her hands, Liu Jing picked up the burrito in front of her and ate it.

"Hiss, it's a little hot."

"You just baked it for you, eat it slowly."

Looking at Liu Jing who was eating, Lin Yuqing couldn't help asking happily: "Auntie, are you going to buy Kaka's sister today?"

Just now when Liu Jing went back to take a shower and tidy up her things, Mama Yang mentioned this matter to the few people who came down for breakfast.

"Huh? Nongzai Suza?"

Liu Jing found that her articulation was a little unclear with the food in her mouth, so she quickly chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it.

Then he seemed to choke a bit, and hurriedly took another two mouthfuls of the water in front of him.

She doesn't like to drink milk, so Mama Yang told her to stop preparing milk for her in the morning.

Otherwise, if she couldn't finish it, Xiaojie, who also doesn't like drinking milk, will have to follow suit.

After her throat felt comfortable, she finally spoke, "What sister?"

"That's the female husky!"

"Oh, yes, I'm going to buy her. By the way, Qian, have you called the store manager? Is that husky still there?"

"No, it's only seven o'clock, and people haven't gone to work yet."

Yang Ma raised her head after saying this, and found that Liu Jing, Lin Yuqing, and Xiaojie hadn't eaten, and three pairs of eyes were staring at her eagerly.

It was as if the burritos in front of him were no longer delicious without knowing the result.


Fang Lin was also a little curious, so he didn't continue to bury his head in eating, and started to cheer.

To be honest, his impression of the female husky was quite good, and it would not be unacceptable for Liu Jing to buy that one.

Mama Yang looked at the three people and one dog helplessly, not knowing what to do, it's only seven o'clock, what should I do if I disturb others?
At this time, Dad Lin said with a smile on the side: "It's okay, you can just make a phone call now, as a pet store manager, you should be used to it."

What's more, this is a call with an extremely strong willingness to buy, and it is almost certain to deliver results.

No store manager or salesperson would refuse such a call. If I could receive this kind of call every day, I would wake up from my dream.

Not to mention the time for breakfast, even if it's a series of deadly calls in the middle of the night, there is no problem.

"Okay, then I'll make a call now and give me your mobile phone."

Mama Yang came back from exercising in the morning and had to take a bath and cook again.

Basically, from waking up in the morning to cleaning up the mess after breakfast, I don't touch my phone.

On the other hand, Dad Lin would bring down his mobile phone to eat ready-made food every morning, and eat while watching.

Father Lin turned on the phone, found the phone number of the pet store manager, and handed it to Mother Yang.

"Mom, turn on the speakerphone!"

Xiaojie called out from the side.

"I know, I know."

Yang's mother had no choice but to put the mobile phone on the table to make a call and turn on the speakerphone.


After the phone rang for a few seconds, it was connected, and the enthusiastic voice of the pet store manager came out of the phone.

"Hey, hello! Is this Mr. Lin? What can I do for you?"

"Uh, I'm Yang Nianqian, Lin Wenshao's wife, didn't I bother you so early?"

"Oh, it's Ms. Yang, it's okay, it's okay. Tell me what you want."

Mama Yang glanced at the name displayed on the screen, Xiao Xingdong.

So she said, "Shop Manager Xiao, I want to ask when I bought Kaka, there was a female husky next to her. Is she still in the store now?"

After Yang Ma asked this sentence, the atmosphere in the restaurant seemed to become tense.

Liu Jing couldn't help clenching her fists, and looked at Mama Yang expectantly.

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie also pricked up their ears carefully, for fear of missing any news.

Even Fang Lin's heart beat a little faster.

"Yes! You can call me Xiao Xiao. That husky is here. Our staff are all pet nutritionists, and they are carefully feeding it every day."




Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie immediately cheered and celebrated enthusiastically!
"Haha, yeah! The atmosphere in your home is so good."

Manager Xiao became happy when he heard the movement on the phone, and echoed the cheers of the two children.

For store manager Xiao, nothing makes him happier than receiving such a call early in the morning.

What's more, the person who called was a customer who had spent tens of thousands in the store, so he wasn't short of money at all.

Hearing the cheers of the two children, he even felt a little younger.

(Subscription is very important to me. If you really like it, come to the starting point and give me a subscription. It costs 9 cents per chapter, thanks for the spicy pot.

In the future, I will try my best to change it three times a day, and if it is determined, it will be three times a day, woo woo. )
(End of this chapter)

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