Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 87 Who is the dog?

Chapter 87 Who Is The Dog? (Second update!)

Yang's mother immediately became happy when store manager Xiao praised her family atmosphere. She has always cared about the family atmosphere and deliberately maintained it.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter which one announced his good news in front of his family, she and Lin's father would immediately take the lead in cheering and celebrating.

Because for a child, if he is willing to share his good news in front of his family, it means that he cares about his family.

At the same time, I definitely look forward to the affirmation and encouragement from my family.

Nothing makes him happier and more fulfilled than cheering and celebrating right after he's done talking.

So over time, this habit of celebrating has continued at home.

"Thank you for your compliment, shall we go to your place this morning?"

"Okay, of course, I will be waiting for you in the store early."

"Okay, then I'll hang up first."

"Okay, bye."

Liu Jing waited for Yang's mother to hang up the phone, and couldn't wait to ask Yang's mother what to prepare for her fur child.

"You can't take it back for the time being. It will definitely be raised in my house before I buy the upstairs house. You just learn it slowly."

When Yang Ma said this, she suddenly looked at Fang Lin and said with a smile, "And isn't there Kaka here? Then let him teach that husky to eat and go to the toilet."


Fang Lin, who was suddenly named, was a little puzzled.

If you do all these things by yourself, then do I raise the dog or you?
How can there be such a squeeze of labor?
However, before Fang Lin protested, Liu Jing widened her eyes and marveled at Mama Yang's good idea: "Hey, why didn't I think of that!"

"Kaka depends on you~ Help me teach her, it's best to make her not tear down the house like you."

After hearing these words, the whole family at the dining table nodded in agreement.


Fang Lin suddenly realized that this matter seemed to be settled.

Really speechless.

At this time, Xiaojie rolled his eyes, and suddenly asked Mama Yang and Liu Jing very expectantly.

"Then, when this dog lives in our house, can he sleep with me?"

Yang's mother hesitated when she heard this, the dog she just bought.
Seeing that Yang's mother hesitated, Xiaojie immediately became anxious, and Xiaozhi appealed to Yang's mother with emotion and reason.

"My sister is accompanied by Xueqiu and Kaka every night, and I have nothing. Let her sleep with me these two days."

This seems to be a bit unfair to Xiaojie.

At this time Liu Jing also spoke to help Xiaojie and said: "I think it's okay, let her sleep with Xiaojie first, anyway, I will sleep with you at night."

Yang Ma thought for a moment and finally nodded.



Xiaojie jumped up from the chair happily.

He had long envied Lin Yuqing, who was accompanied by Kaka and Xueqiu every night, and he even wanted to buy a husky pillow.

Now the dream has finally come true, you don't need to hug the pillow directly!

Xiaojie was also waving the hand holding the burrito in the air, and because he was too excited, he didn't notice that the fried meat inside slipped out and fell to the ground.


Xiaojie suddenly became annoyed again, and his mood changed so quickly that it was staggering.

When he eats the burritos made by Yang Ma, he likes to pick the contents first, and he also has to eat the various vegetables inside first, and finally eat the meat he likes.

I named this way of eating as bitter before sweet.

I just finished eating the vegetables with great difficulty, but the fried meat actually fell off.

Xiaojie glanced at the fried meat on the ground with some distress, and then called to Fang Lin: "Kaka, come and eat."

Fang Lin rolled his eyes and glanced at Xiaojie with contempt.

There must be something missing in this child's mind.

If I don’t eat the pot full, go eat what you dropped on the ground?
Fang Lin ignored Xiaojie, and continued to eat the breakfast in his own bowl with his head down.

Father Lin frowned and said, "You don't eat the things that fall on the ground, why do you let Kaka eat them? Wrap them in paper and pick them up, and throw them away later."

Ever since he knew that Kaka's IQ was eight or nine years old, Lin's father completely stopped treating Kaka as a pet dog, and directly regarded Kaka as his third child.


Xiaojie responded with a depressed face.

"It's okay, it's just that I didn't eat any meat. I fried a few slices of Kakado in the kitchen and brought them here for you."

Yang Ma got up and took a plate from the kitchen and handed it to Xiaojie.

"Hurry up and eat, and I have to send you to school."

Xiaojie was eating the meat brought by Yang's mother, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

The pet shop is in the mall, so it doesn't open until about nine o'clock along with the mall, but Liu Jing has already dragged Yang's mother and Fang Lin to the door of the pet shop at 08:30.

"Ms. Yang, I didn't expect you to come so early."

The pet store has already opened the door, and store manager Xiao saw two people and a dog at the door, and immediately greeted them.

"You go in with me and sit in the VIP room for a while. The clerk should be cleaning the dog fence at this time, and there may be some smell."

Liu Jing quickly interjected: "It's all right, let's go and have a look now."

She couldn't wait any longer.

"What's your name?"

"Her surname is Liu, and she is the one who wants to buy that husky."

Mama Yang introduced Liu Jing to Manager Xiao.

"Okay, no problem, you two come with me."

Next, Fang Lin followed the three of them to the familiar dog pen.

Along the way, Lin directly blocked his sense of smell, and the smell of excrement from the pet shop was too strong.

His keen sense of smell allowed him to smell the smell that remained in the store, although the pet home had done a good job in deodorizing.

Why didn't I feel so serious before?Maybe it was because I had adapted to this environment from the very beginning.

Now I can't stand the strong smell coming from home.

If this mother dares to defecate at home, I will beat her directly.

Fang Lin had secretly made up his mind.

He was a little too lazy to be an animal trainer before, but now for the sake of his quality of life at home, he must train this husky well.

On the way, store manager Xiao took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Yang's mother: "Kaka is growing very fast, how is the usual diet?"

Yang's mother briefly described Kaka's increasing appetite and the food she usually eats, and the whole store manager Xiao was a little bit ignorant.

How can I eat better than myself every day?
For a moment, Store Manager Xiao even doubted who was the dog.

"Well, it doesn't sound like a big problem. I think Kaka's mental state is very good in all aspects, and there are individual differences between pets. It doesn't matter how long or fast you eat."

"If you're worried, you can take him to the pet hospital for a full physical examination, but there shouldn't be much change in half a month."

Store manager Xiao has been in the pet industry for so many years. Although he sells strictly bred offspring of pets, there are quite a few ones that grow fast and eat a lot like Fang Lin, especially in recent years.

It just seemed that Fang Lin developed a little faster.

(End of this chapter)

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