Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 89 Who can refuse such a cool dryer?

Chapter 89 Who can refuse such a cool dryer? (Fourth update!)

It's okay.

Fang Lin stepped forward to stop her.

What's the point of arguing with a group of golden retrievers? They couldn't understand the logic in his words.

He didn't want to be angry with the children either.

However, the female husky was very excited. Before that, she was alone in the dog pen, lonely and helpless.

Not only has she come out of the dog pen now, but there are a bunch of people behind her. She is very confident, and even quarreled with energy.

But soon, a pair of hands passed under her and hugged her.

"Okay, okay, don't bark, now I'll take you to wash Xiangxiang and then you can go to your new home~"

Lei Lei held Mu Ha in her arms and rubbed her head and said softly.

Then he looked at Kaka on one side, his eyes turned into crescent moons: "Kaka, do you remember me?"

Fang Lin looked up, isn't this Leilei?I was attracted by this maha just now, but I didn't realize it.


I must remember you.

During this period of time, he was more and more glad that he was bought back home by Yang Ma, not by that female star.

This Leilei can be said to have saved her life!

Fang Lin leaned over to Leilei's black silk and rubbed her, making Leilei's heart full of joy, he squatted down and rubbed his head too.

"You're growing so fast. Look at her, she's a little smaller than you. She must be more edible, right?"

Lei Lei talked to Fang Lin with a smile, and then stood up.

"Come on, Kaka, come with me, and take a bath for you by the way."

The female husky was vaccinated with Fang Lin, so she can naturally take a bath now.

"Go with my sister, Kaka, be good and don't shake the water."

After Yang's mother finished speaking, she accompanied Liu Jing to the front desk to pay for the formalities, so Fang Lin followed Leilei's buttocks into the dog bathroom.

It was still the luxurious big bathtub that Fang Lin was familiar with at that time, and Fang Lin jumped in directly after entering.

After putting Muha next to him, Lei Lei tested the temperature of the water and turned it on.

When the warm hot water rose to Mu Ha's chest, Lei Lei closed the valve, then took out a dog bath salt ball from the cabinet on the side and threw it into the bathtub.

Then a lot of bubbles appeared in the water quickly, giving Fang Lin the atmosphere of taking a bath.

The female husky seems to like the bubbles on the water very much, and fiddles with the bubbles on the water with her paws from time to time.

In the end, he lay down directly and submerged his whole body in the water, leaving only one head above the water.

The wet fur stuck to her skin, and Fang Lin's big sapphire-like eyes were extraordinarily bright and charming.

It's starting to go wrong again, fucking old wolf king.

Fang Lin closed his eyes to mobilize his spiritual energy, and calmly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, Kaka, can you fall asleep while sitting?"

Leilei was bending over and rubbing the body of the female husky with a soft bath ball in her hand, when she saw Fang Lin opened her eyes and smiled and joked.


The female husky enjoyed Lei Lei's massage, and happily stuck out her tongue to greet Fang Lin.

After a while, Lei Lei finished washing her, and then continued to bathe Fang Lin.

No wonder so many people like to go to the bathhouse to take a bath, even if they can't let go at first, they will like this feeling later.

Because taking a bath itself is a very comfortable thing, and you don't want to move at all when you are soaking warm.

At this time, there is a person who directly helps you avoid this trouble, and massages you while you are resting, which is really comfortable.

After the two huskies were washed, Lei Lei stretched her old waist.

She drained the water from the tub, rinsed both dogs carefully with lukewarm water, and carried them out.

As soon as Muha hit the ground, she turned into a front-loading washing machine and began to shake up the water. The splash made Fang Lin squint his eyes.


Fang Lin opened his mouth next to her to threaten her, telling her not to shake the water after taking a shower, especially when there are people around!
Fang Lin had to instill these living habits in her little by little, so that Mama Yang wouldn't get angry with him.


Mu Ha shrank back aggrievedly and lowered her head, secretly looking at Fang Lin from the corner of her eye.

Lei Lei looked at Fang Lin who was teaching her mother Kaka, and she couldn't help showing an aunt smile on her face, Kaka is really a smart child.

Alas, it's a pity I can't keep him.

She picked up the hair dryer from one side, and was going to blow the hair of the two dogs, and rub them along the way.

However, Fang Lin keenly observed at this time that there seemed to be a blue bag on one side with a long ventilation strip on it.

what is this?
Fang Lin suddenly remembered that he had seen it in the video before. This seemed to be a pet drying bag, which could be worn on pets and then started to blow.

It dries quickly and the hair doesn't fly away.

Although he can control himself not to shed hair, but boy, who wouldn't want to experience such a cool drying bag?

This looks very interesting!

So Fang Lin went to the drying bag and squatted down to look at Lei Lei.

After understanding Fang Lin's intentions, Lei Lei put away the hair dryer with some disappointment. She also wanted to get close to Kakado by the way.

But seeing that Kaka seemed to be interested in this, Lei Lei stepped forward to help him dress it up.

Mu Ha was a little curious to find that there was an extra piece of clothing on Fang Lin's body, so she also came to him and sniffed it.


As the blower started to operate, the sudden noise startled Muha and took a big step back.

This efficiency is really fast, and it works well for some long-haired pets. The husky's hair is not too long, and it dries quickly.

After Fang Lin came out, he looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to him.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

Lei Lei smiled at Kaka, then put the equally curious mother Ha into the drying bag, adjusted the size, and turned on the blower.

Emmm, it’s okay.

Generally handsome.

Fang Lin looked back and forth in the mirror. Although the hair was fluffy just after blow-drying, it was still a bit messy.

So he looked around, and finally found a comb on a table.


He ran under the counter, jumping up and down at the comb and screaming.

Finally, Lei Lei understood what he meant, and combed Kaka's hair carefully while Muha was drying.

She found that Kaka's hair was shiny and shiny, and she could tell that his body was well-balanced in nutrition, so she silently blessed him in her heart.

If a person usually works and lives with a bunch of cute pets, then she will either be very kind and optimistic, or hide the darkness and distortion in her bones.

And Lei Lei is undoubtedly the first type.

And Fang Lin, who has a keen sense, can clearly feel the kindness in Lei Lei's heart now.

He looked at the girl who was close at hand, and stuck out his tongue to lick her face.

You will definitely find and meet your own pet in the future, for sure.

As if she heard what Kaka said in her heart, Lei Lei showed a happy smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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