Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 90 That's Your Name

Chapter 90 That's Your Name (Please order first!!!)
When Lei Lei came out with two huskies that had been washed and dried, Yang's mother and Liu Jing had already completed the formalities and were waiting outside.

Fang Lin hasn't changed much, after all, he's always been clean, but he just looks a little better.

But this female husky has changed a lot. After all, she has been staying in the dog pen all the time, and it is impossible for the shop assistant to bathe her every day. There are always a few pieces of hair attached to her body.

Now after taking a bath, the hair shining under the light and the pair of crystal clear eyes immediately captured Liu Jing's heart.

Love at first sight always starts with appearance.

Even for pets, Liu Jing now feels that she has really fallen in love with this elf that belongs to her.

Although Kaka is already considered a special family member in her heart, helping her through her most difficult period, she still seems to be able to feel her bad mood and come to comfort herself in time.

But after all, she is not Yang's mother, and Kaka is not really her dog.

"Come to Mom!"

Liu Jing squatted down and opened her arms, calling to the female husky.

The female husky also seemed to understand what Liu Jing meant, and rushed towards Liu Jing shaking her head.

In the end, before he had time to brake, he slammed into Liu Jing's arms.

Liu Jing didn't mind her naive look at all, but liked her even more.

Manager Xiao took a small bag containing a rice bowl much smaller than Fang Lin and handed it to Mama Yang.

"This is her food bowl."

He also saw that Liu Jing seemed a little not very good at socializing, and was having fun with her own cutie, so it was like Yang's mother talking about the pet home's policies, which were similar to the previous ones, including free medical examinations and life insurance , regular free showers and other discounts.

Lei Lei suggested to Liu Jing, "You can give her a name."


Hearing this, Liu Jing, who was originally happy, suddenly became flustered, what name would she have?

"Qian, can you help me think about it? Or, when Lao Lin comes back at night, let him think about it for me."

Liu Jing wanted to retreat as she spoke.

Mama Yang stopped the conversation with store manager Xiao, turned her head and said to Liu Jing with a smile, "This is your own baby, you can rest assured that you will go back and ask him if you really can't think of it in the end."

After speaking, Mama Yang gave Liu Jing an encouraging look.

"Well, let me think about it first."

Liu Jing hugged the cutie in front of her arms, tapped her little nose with her fingers, and fell into deep thought.

Several people were silently waiting for the first name that Liu Jing came up with, and Fang Lin also looked forward to it.

It's time for an exciting naming session!

Fang Lin was quite satisfied with the names of himself and Xueqiu, but he didn't know what name Liu Jing would give this female Erha in the end.

As long as it's not Xiaobai or something, he can accept it, or else he won't be able to look directly at her for a while.

Only the mother Erha who was held in Liu Jing's arms didn't know what happened. She looked around and then looked at Liu Jing with wide eyes.

After a while, Liu Jing still had a sad face and didn't speak, it seemed that she had encountered difficulties.

After all, naming things is not only difficult for Liu Jing, but also a big problem for many people.

But everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you start from the beginning and broaden your mind, the rest will be much smoother.

As the manager of the pet store, how could Xiao Xingdong watch his big customer in an embarrassing situation?

So store manager Xiao said with a smile: "Haha, let's do this, let me give you a reference."

After pondering for a while, he said, "What do you think of pudding?"


Liu Jing muttered the name, looked at the husky in her arms, and finally shook her head.

"Not quite like it."

She couldn't say exactly, but it just didn't feel right.

Lei Lei thought for a while and then said: "How about calling her a princess? It means that she will be happy like a little princess in the future, and it happens that she is also a girl."

Hearing this name, Liu Jing's eyes lit up.

The name Princess really pokes her heart a little bit. Although it sounds a bit vulgar, it is quite in line with her intention.

She just wanted to spoil this female husky into a little princess, and even thought about buying her nice clothes!
"The princess is not bad, but it seems to be a little bit worse."

Liu Jing had some inspiration but couldn't grasp it, so she walked around in small steps while holding the "princess".

It seemed that being held by Liu Jing was very comfortable, "Princess" licked Liu Jing's cheek with her pink and tender tongue.

"Have it!"

Liu Jing suddenly remembered a costume romance drama she had watched two days ago, and said a little excitedly, "How about calling the princess?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for everyone's feedback, she quickly asked Mama Yang: "Qian, does the princess mean the same as the princess?"


This question really caught Mama Yang's attention. She had watched so many TV dramas, but she only vaguely knew that the princess represented a woman with a higher status. She really didn't know the difference from the princess.

But she didn't continue to dwell on the issue.

"As long as you like the name, it doesn't matter what the difference is between it and a princess."

Store Manager Xiao also cheerfully echoed: "That's the reason. The princess sounds very noble and elegant, but she is not as clichéd as a princess. A good name, a good name!"

The words made Liu Jing very happy, and her eyes were narrowed.

"From now on, your name will be Princess, are you happy? Little Princess~"

Liu Jing looked at the princess who was a little confused in her arms, and nodded her little head.

Don't tell me, this name really has some meaning, and it really feels unconventional.

Fang Lin originally thought that Liu Jing would finally come up with common names like pudding, milk, and jelly as the store manager said at the beginning, but he didn't expect the result to be a bit unexpected.

However, he didn't feel that the princess had any noble and elegant meaning like what store manager Xiao said, but Fang Lin had a playful feeling here.

Yes, it is playful and active, eccentric.

Not bad.

Fang Lin nodded to Liu Jing in his heart, affirming her aesthetics.

But the princess, Bengou, didn't seem to understand what happened.

All she knew was that the woman holding her kept smiling at her and felt very warm, so she also narrowed her eyes and became happy.

Seeing the scene where everyone was happy, Lei Lei rubbed her nose with some emotion, then went to the storage room to get a dog leash of the same style as Kaka and handed it to Liu Jing.

"Come on, little princess, put it on for you."

Liu Jing put the princess on the ground, grabbed her little paws and prepared to put on her a little vest.

"That's your name."

Fang Lin leaned over to the princess and whispered to her.


 The fifth watch is over!I started coding in the early hours of this morning. There are more than 1 words, and none of them are manuscripts.

  Riwan is really tired, brothers, but at last we have settled the promised guarantee.

  The additions ordered by the leader and Jun will be made up for everyone tomorrow.

  Although the first order is not ideal, but I am not in a hurry, this book is always flowing.

  I hope that you will always be in a relaxed and happy mood during the viewing process. I haven’t decided on Jiang Baibai’s pet name yet. If you are interested, you can send me a rough one. If it sounds good, I will choose it.

  Finally busy.

  Thanks to Rainy Day 1982, Master Guanwei Mo, Archbishop in Red, Old Xianyu Benyu, I am not Cai Wenji, Chen Guozhen, Ghost of Killing Immortals, Heart Indifferent Ruoju for rewarding 100 starting coins, thanks to Moon Shadow Youyi, Jiang Beiran Thank you for the reward of 200 starting point coins, thanks to the second brother Huan Meng for the reward of 300 point starting coins, thanks to nikehu Chen Lanc, salt and pepper instant noodles for the reward of 500 starting point coins, thanks to Hunter Rongguang, Quan San, and Qi Jiuer for the rewards 1500 starting point coins! !
  Then I would like to thank the abbreviated readers and the old man who is single for the two rewarding hosts of Wanshang! ! !

  Thank you so much for your support today.

  As a last practice, say thank you again.

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, the boss is healthy, immortal and never dies! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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