Chapter 91
The princess tilted her head and looked at Fang Lin ignorantly, a little confused about the meaning of the name he said.

But when she turned her head to look at the woman in front of her whose eyes were full of tenderness and love for her, she suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Princess~, hehe."

When Liu Jing uttered the syllable again with silly joy, the princess turned her head to look at Fang Lin beside her, as if she was asking him for something.

Fang Lin noticed a trace of tension and anticipation in the eyes of the princess, and he nodded vigorously.

Maybe it is really animism, the IQ of the princess reached its peak at this moment, she seems to really understand that this is her name.

Liu Jing was still happily calling the Princess's name there.



Finally this time, the princess looked at Liu Jing and responded to her in a low voice.


Liu Jing was taken aback by this response, and suddenly felt unbelievable.

She hurriedly called out again: "Princess."






As Liu Jing's voice became higher and higher, the princess also began to scream to the sky.

The cats in the glass case not far away are all attracted, staring at this silly pair with interest.

Some arrogant ones also started meowing, ordering the two to keep their voices quiet so as not to disturb them.

But Liu Jing and the princess saw each other right after all, and they didn't pay any attention to it when they were immersed in it.

Fang Lin is not used to it, but he doesn't know how to use coercion. The power of this thing is still too big for ordinary pets.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

A bunch of silly cats that no one wants.

Fang Lin started laning directly, and used insulting dog language.

As dogs, huskies can naturally bark, but because they have the blood of wolves in their blood, they usually bark, so Fang Lin naturally knows it too.

At this moment, the cat living in the glass cabinet was irritated, and immediately began to meow at Fang Lin angrily.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

I can't get out, I'm in a hurry.

Fang Lin faced the cats and danced.

Yang's mother looked at her Kaka in surprise, it was the first time she heard a pure dog barking from his mouth.

Sensing that Mama Yang was looking at him, Fang Lin was a little puzzled: "Oh?"

Seeing Kaka back to normal, Mama Yang shook her head and didn't plan to pay attention to this mischievous ghost anymore.

Mama Yang was not stupid and could tell that Kaka was arguing with the group of cats, so she said to Liu Jing, "Let's go home first?"

"All right."

Liu Jing happily stood up and took the princess's dog leash, then snatched Kaka's dog leash from Yang's mother with a smile and took it together.

"walk home!"

Hearing Liu Jing's words, Fang Lin didn't continue to tease the group of cats, and walked out of the pet shop's door first. The princess saw Fang Lin go out, she looked around, and rushed over at a faster speed.

However, as soon as the princess came out of the gate, he saw the strange scene suddenly opened outside, the people coming and going, and smelled a variety of smells, and he froze in place for a while.

Liu Jing tugged at the rope on the princess's back, which brought her back to her senses. She walked cautiously behind Fang Lin's side and looked around.

Fang Lin was a little taken aback when he saw her cowardly appearance.

Is this the princess who just spat with the golden retriever?Why is it a little melon?

But that's good too, it's better to follow him than to run back and forth.

So Liu Jing led two huskies, one big and one small, and walked happily in the shopping mall. She felt that she was the most beautiful pup.

The fact is also true, Liu Jing is good-looking and tall, with a childlike face, walking on the street will inevitably attract the attention of men.

Now it's all right, there are two cute pets walking in front, and the combination of the two has a 100% return rate.

And in order to give passers-by a sense of security, Fang Lin has been smiling gently facing everyone who noticed him.

At this time, a conversation between the young couple not far away attracted Fang Lin's attention.

"What are you looking at? (screw)"

"Hey, I didn't see anything, I saw those two huskies, how cute you look."

"Hmph! Yes, the bigger one is smiling at me, did you see that!"


The escaped man breathed a sigh of relief, but he always felt that the husky was laughing at him.

The two quarreled for a while and then went shopping elsewhere arm in arm.

Fang Lin also withdrew his attention.

The relationship between these two people seems to be very good. In fact, peeking at the beauty doesn't mean that you don't love it anymore, and not peeking doesn't mean you really like it.

There are so many handsome men and beautiful women in the world, and you can always find the one who is more beautiful than your partner, but this does not mean that you have to meet one and like the other.

Love requires two people to support each other and move forward together.

Ever since Fang Lin discovered that he could feel people's emotions, for a period of time, he was actually afraid that he would feel too much filth and darkness, which would cause him to have a needle eye.

However, the facts told him that most people in the world seemed to be good.

In other words, most people are ordinary people, laughing and cursing with joy, anger, sorrow and joy, but they are actually very simple.

Just like the couple just now, Fang Lin didn't feel dissatisfaction with his girlfriend from the man.

Although peeking is indeed peeking, and bag grabbing is indeed being caught.

But boys don't reject girls' "beating and scolding" them, and they seem to enjoy it, and there is mostly love between them.

Life may be like this.

Maybe there are a lot of things, a lot of pressure, trivial and irritating, but this does not affect most of us who are still nostalgic for this world.

Maybe it's mostly noisy and complains a lot, and sometimes it makes you grit your teeth with hatred, but you never regret being born in such a family or even a country.

Persist because of love.

The spiritual energy quietly started to run automatically, the second core of spiritual power suddenly lit up, and the progress increased by one bar out of thin air.

Fang Lin also didn't understand why he thought of so many things in a small episode, but the ending was good.

A more contagious smile bloomed on Fang Lin's face.

The pedestrians I met along the way saw Fang Lin's eyes lit up. I didn't expect that Huskies could smile so happily, and they felt better for nothing.

Similarly, the princess beside Fang Lin also became happy.

Can it only be said that it is a husky?

Although the little "house girl" who hadn't been out for a long time was a little shy when she went out for the first time, she quickly adapted to the environment. In addition, she was accompanied by Fang Lin, Liu Jing and Yang Ma, so she felt very safe in her heart.

Thus, the princess started her own journey of exploring the new world, and she also began to be dissatisfied with following Fang Lin honestly.

At first, she just walked around in a small area centered on Liu Jing, looked up at the people passing by, and lowered her head to sniff the smell that interested her on the floor of the mall.

But soon, the safe environment and the kind eyes of passers-by made her let herself go.

(End of this chapter)

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