Chapter 92

The princess's range of activities has directly expanded to the longest length of the dog leash so far, and she has to go to the side to smell it when she passes by a trash can.

After finishing her life in the pet shop, the Princess seems to have entered a new world, and everything in front of her eyes makes her very curious.

Sometimes, after staying in one place for a long time, Liu Jing had to tug on the dog leash to make her catch up.

The princess is different from Fang Lin, she is a little smaller than him, and she looks soft and cute at the moment, and she won't worry about scaring passers-by by her running around, so Fang Lin doesn't care.

However, Fang Lin felt a little regretful about going this way.

Unexpectedly, no one recognized him and came forward to take pictures, and I don't know how many fans Liu Jing has now.

When will I be able to get angry.

As the lead actor, boss and one of the beneficiaries, he still hasn't done a good job of supervision.

This Liu Jing, I have to watch her edit the video today, so I can't let her be lazy.

Just as Fang Lin was thinking, a young boy in younger clothes walked over to Fang Lin holding a mobile phone.

Yo, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here.

Although I'm not a female fan, it's okay, as the first fan who asked me to take a photo, the emperor allows you to take a photo with your arms around me.

Fang Lin was already thinking about what pose he would take for a while, when the little boy said shyly, "Is this Kaka?"

Yang Ma stopped and looked him up and down and said, "Yes."

"It's so cute, that, can I take a picture with you?"

Fang Lin wondered if he heard it wrong, why did he boast that he was cute and wanted to take a photo with Yang Ma?

Although Yang Ma's clothes look more casual and casual, they are still expensive and high-end. Coupled with Yang Ma's 90-point face, it feels full of oppression.

She looked at the little boy in front of her again, and said with a light smile, "I don't want to take a photo with you."

The little boy glanced at Mama Yang, and even lost the courage to say the next sentence, and walked away in despair.

I have to say that sometimes in front of beautiful women, especially rich and beautiful women, the pressure is still great.


Fang Lin looked at the little boy who had slipped away, and cursed him resentfully in his heart for stepping on shit when he went out.

Because of the big mood swings in the morning, Liu Jing was a little sleepy, and Yang's mother didn't want to go shopping anymore, so the two decided to go home directly and come out to pick up cameras in the afternoon.

After all, when choosing a camera, you must look at the counter more, and it is already ten o'clock now.

So the group continued to walk out, and soon walked out of the mall to the parking lot.

Coming to the side of the BMW, Liu Jing opened the door of the back seat and said to the princess: "Princess, jump."

The princess looked at the door of the car with some hesitation, so Fang Lin jumped on it, and the princess followed suit and jumped into the car.

The Husky is still very dynamic, and the chassis of this BMW is not too high.

Liu Jing looked at Kaka and the princess who were sitting together in the back seat, nodded in satisfaction, then closed the door, went to sit in the co-pilot and chatted with Yang Mama.

"Heheqian, that little boy just now looked like he was in his early twenties, right? Your fan?"

Yang's mother rolled her eyes and said, "It should be, the video has become popular in the past two days, and some fans have gained, and there are always some young boys who call me sister by private message."

"I turned off the private message function. Two days ago, many people called my sister in the comment area of ​​the previous video. I canceled that account last night, so I don't bother to talk to them."

Liu Jing was a little surprised and said, "Why did you log out?"

"Originally, I just planned to share and share life as a circle of friends. Recently, the number of fans has increased too fast, and I logged out when I saw it upset."

After saying this, she continued to say to Liu Jing: "It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't bother to edit too many videos, who is as boring as you every day."

Liu Jing pouted and said nothing.

It was already 10:30 when the group returned home. After entering the house, they came to a closed space again. The princess stood at the door and looked in.

Liu Jing untied the princess and Kaka's dog leash, picked up the princess, greeted Kaka, and walked to the bathroom on the first floor.

After washing and drying the feet of the two dogs, they were allowed to move freely at home.

At that time, after paying in the pet shop, when she and Mama Yang were waiting for the two dogs to take a bath, Store Manager Xiao talked to them about this matter.

When you get home, it is best to let the pet get familiar with the environment first, and when it is almost familiar with itself, you can give her a fixed place to feed and go to the toilet, and then start training.

Mama Yang stretched her body and sat on the sofa to watch a TV series. Liu Jing was also sitting next to her.

Fang Lin naturally jumped onto the sofa and leaned against Liu Jing very consciously.

After all, after actual testing, as a cushion, Liu Jing's body is a little softer than Yang's mother, so Fang Lin usually lays beside her when Liu Jing is around.

The princess followed Fang Lin subconsciously, and was a little dumbfounded until he saw him jump on the sofa.

Standing on the edge of the sofa, she raised her head and stared blankly at Fang Lin on the sofa, not knowing what to do, then she straightened up, put her front paws on the sofa and froze in place.

The height of the sofa is almost higher than her head, so it stands to reason that she should be able to jump up with just a run-up.

However, the princess did not choose to run up, but directly turned into a rock climber, using her front paws hard, and then her two back claws kept trying to step up from the edge of the sofa.

Maybe it was because the nails were cut and couldn't catch the sofa, or maybe the princess's forelimbs were not strong enough to support her body, so she fell straight down and rolled around on the floor.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing felt a little funny while watching the TV series and paying attention to the development here.

Liu Jing was also very witty and took out her mobile phone to start recording, but they didn't intend to help, after all, the princess didn't apply for help.

When you are really anxious, you will definitely scream.

At this time, the snowball on the cat climbing frame jumped down, walked to the edge of the sofa, jumped onto the sofa with a leap, and sat next to Fang Lin, looking down at the new member of the family.

From the very beginning, Xueqiu had noticed the princess's arrival, but she was too lazy to move, so she lay on the cat climbing frame and watched silently.

It wasn't until I saw that the princess couldn't climb onto the sofa just now that I became curious and got up and ran over.

The princess raised her head, and found that there was an extra cat on top of her head, staring at Xueqiu in a daze.

Just like that, a cat and a dog, one squatting on the sofa, the other standing on the floor, two pairs of equally good-looking big eyes began to look at each other.

The princess wanted to take two tentative steps forward, but Xueqiu just happened to move her position, which scared the princess into a fright.

The right paw that was just raised was hanging in the air, and it didn't matter if it was lowered or continued to move forward.

Xueqiu was also frightened by the princess's sudden shock, and the two little things fell into a stalemate for a while.

The princess looked at Fang Lin on the side, and asked him for help in a low voice.

Fang Lin, who was also watching a TV series, was speechless looking at the cat and the dog.

What is this inexplicable confrontation?

It's not like he and the young version of the old wolf king are looking for each other's weaknesses in the acting room, and they are about to rush to fight in the next moment.

He could see clearly that this cat and dog are usually fine, but they are very timid when encountering things.

When the two meet together, it is considered a match for chess, and it is as real as it is here.

(and also.)
(End of this chapter)

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