Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 93 Absolutely impossible!

Chapter 93 Absolutely impossible!

Fang Lin yelled to let the two little cowards relax, and then arched Snowball with his head, asking her to stand a little bit in to give the princess some space.

Afterwards, he commanded the princess to let her run up and jump up.

At first, the princess didn't understand what run-up meant, so Fang Lin had no choice but to keep the princess away for a while, and then let her run over to take off.

But this time, the princess understood after talking about it. He really took two steps away and then rushed towards the sofa, and jumped onto the sofa with one jump.

Not bad, not embarrassing our huskies.

Looking at this scene, Fang Lin nodded in his heart, and then praised the princess softly.

Hearing Fang Lin's praise, the princess shook her head and grinned happily, and her little tail couldn't help wagging.


Who said huskies have low IQs?How do you feel okay?
Of course he can't be regarded as a normal husky, but according to his communication with the princess, he found that the princess can easily understand what he said.

It's just some vocabulary like run-up, or complex logic that needs to be explained to her.

What's more, even if you talk about the run-up to the ancients, it will be difficult to understand for a while, right?

Perhaps through evolution or the improvement of diet quality, is the intelligence of dogs actually improving?
No matter what, it's good to be able to communicate, so as not to criticize her for not being able to understand.

Xueqiu's body was now pressed against the backrest of the sofa. Just now, Kaka asked her to walk a little further in so that the Princess could come up, and she did so.

She looked at the princess who was wagging her tail happily in front of her, and felt inexplicably more fond of her.

It seems to have a good personality, unlike the little white dog at that time, who wanted to bite himself whenever he got close.

Xueqiu was just about to get close to Princess Xixi and say hello to her.

As a result, under her unbelievable gaze, the princess lay down directly next to Fang Lin.

It even seemed to be a little crowded, moved his butt back, and squeezed Snowball against the back of the sofa.

Snowball:? ? ?
The goodwill just now disappeared.

She is still a little angry!
Obviously he gave her the seat at the beginning, why didn't he even say hello to him when he came up?

And I have always been sitting next to Kaka as long as I see people who can move and make noise on the sofa.

How could this dog fight for his place?

She was a little angry, but in reality she lightly touched the princess's back with her paw.



Hearing someone greeted him, the Princess also turned her head joyfully to greet Xueqiu, and then turned her head back to stick to Fang Lin.


Xueqiu made up his mind and pushed the Princess again, who turned her head in doubt.


Xueqiu started negotiating with the princess, and Xiaozhi reasoned with emotion, hoping that the princess would give herself the position next to Kaka.

The princess, who was sticking out her tongue happily, frowned when she heard this.

At first, the Princess jumped up and planned to sniff and say hello to Xueqiu. After all, they had looked at each other for a long time before, and they didn't seem hostile.

It's just that Fang Lin praised her, and when she was happy, she stopped remembering and forgot about it.

But the princess disagreed with the ownership of the location around Fang Lin.

When I was in the dog pen, I was lying with Fang Lin every day, why is this position yours now?

Animals are naturally very sensitive to land ownership, and the princess is not picky and has no ambitions.

When she was alone in the dog pen at night, she still missed Fang Lin a little bit. After all, in her little head, the companions who left would never come back.

But today she was so happy, it was the happiest day in her life!
My good friend came back and took me away from the lonely dog ​​pen!At the same time, it also has its own master and its own name!

Don't doubt that the dog knows what the master is.

For a loyal animal like a dog, it will always be with only one person in its short life. This belief has been deeply written into the blood after a long evolution.

So she didn't want to grab the territory, as long as she could be with Fang Lin and Liu Jing.

Now that Fang Lin is sitting next to Liu Jing, the seat next to Fang Lin is of course his own.

The princess rejected Xueqiu's proposal very seriously, turned her head and pointed her ass at Xueqiu, and simply ignored her.

Xueqiu was in a hurry, but she was obedient in her bones and didn't want to fight, so she could only push Fang Lin angrily.


You see what to do!


Fang Lin was dumbfounded, what does this mean?

Could this be the legendary Shura field?

I didn't have this kind of treatment when I was a human, but I didn't expect to meet it when I was a dog.

However, complaining about it, Fang Lin was still annoyed and began to think of a way, what do you think is this?

He had heard the communication between Xueqiu and the princess from the very beginning, and he was going to pretend not to hear it, but he didn't expect Xueqiu to push himself directly now.

Xueqiu is not an easy cat to coax. I provoked her last night, and it took a lot of effort to come up with a brilliant idea to stop her anger.

This happened to me today.

Fang Lin looked at Xueqiu, then at the princess who was sticking to him, his brains were about to explode.

it is good!I figured it out!

run away!
Can I stop sitting on this sofa?I won't sleep with Liu Jing today!

Fang Lin jumped off the sofa and ran to his bed to watch TV dramas.

Since Fang Lin jumped away directly, the princess didn't realize it and leaned to the side, and then looked at the direction Fang Lin left with some doubts.

Xueqiu cast a haughty glance at the princess, jumped onto the back of the sofa, jumped over the mountains and into Fang Lin's nest, and lay down next to Fang Lin.


The princess stood up and took a sniff. In her mind, Fang Lin's scent cluster and the snowball cluster seemed to be blurred together not far away.

She looked at Liu Jing at the side, and jumped off the sofa firmly to look for Fang Lin.

Although he only accompanied one person in his life, Fang Lin was not human.

If she had to choose between Liu Jing and others, she would definitely choose Liu Jing.

Liu Jing watched the princess running towards Kaka anxiously with her short legs, and suddenly couldn't hold back.

She held up her phone and sat on the other side of Mama Yang, because Fang Lin's kennel was on the edge of the sofa on that side, so she could take pictures better.

Then he turned his body sideways and said to Yang Ma with a smile: "Haha, Kaka is so charming. The Princess and Xueqiu seem to like playing with Kaka."

Mama Yang glanced at Kaka indifferently and shook her head: "Scumbag."

Fang Lin:? ? ?
Can this also depend on yourself?

The princess had already rushed to the kennel at this time, and lay down on the other side of Fang Lin.

Although the kennel was bigger when I bought it, but he is also growing, right?

Suddenly, there were a cat and a dog on both sides, and the place was immediately crowded. Fang Lin had no choice but to adjust his posture and lie down straight, leaving enough space for the two sides.

In the past, when he wanted to lie on the sidelines, he would just lie on the sidelines.

"Hahaha, hey, will Kaka and the princess have a baby in the future?"

"It depends on the situation, it's okay."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Fang Lin's face turned green.

Absolutely impossible!
 Thanks to Xu Xinyuan, Qiu Lijiao, urb2078, and Cooper for the 100 starting point coins, and thanks to Zhang Feifei for the 3000 starting point coins rewarded by Yide! ! !

  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  Then let me report the results to everyone. The first order is 1900. Unfortunately, the first order ratio did not reach 10 to 1.
  It may be the problem of the chapter before I put it on the shelf, it is my own mistake and I can't blame others.

  In the future, I can only say that I have to control the rhythm well. If you have any questions, you can ask them in time. There is no need to abandon the book.

  Today should be the only three shifts. I took a break today, and there should be more tomorrow.

  But still thank you for your support, this result is already very good for a rookie.

(End of this chapter)

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