Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 94 There Are Bones Below

Chapter 94 There Are Bones Below (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

Fang Lin turned his head to look at the princess next to him, who happened to be lying next to him and looking up at him.

Although Fang Lin was only a little older than the princess, his body was already a circle bigger, and his eyes just turned up and down.

The princess stuck out her little tongue to Fang Lin and laughed, her pair of jewel-like eyes were watery and crystal clear.

It seems to be really nice.

However, it was still impossible. Fang Linren's thinking couldn't accept it anyway.

And with the improvement of his cultivation, he must be able to better control his emotions. Now that he is running the aura, it can also play a role in the novel.

It's just that maybe he is a beast, and he will have some frequent distracting thoughts in the future. On the one hand, he has strengths, and on the other hand, he must have weaknesses, even divine beasts are no exception.

But as long as you practice hard, you can definitely keep calm for a long time.

Now Fang Lin's positioning of himself is more complicated. Now that he has been reborn as a dog, he must not be able to be a human being.

But he has the memory of his previous life, and he has a high talent for cultivation, and he doesn't regard himself as a normal pet dog.

More properly, he regarded himself as the master of another angle of this family in his heart, a little behind the scenes.

If possible, he intends to protect the family behind the scenes, and Xueqiu and the princess are also the roles of family members, and other thoughts are not allowed to arise in his mind.

But looking at Liu Jing's appearance, it seems that she doesn't intend to sterilize the princess.
Then what if the princess is in heat?Don't bother yourself every day, and sneak attack while you are not paying attention when you are sleeping.

Fang Lin had to face this realistic problem.

He thought about it for a while, and suddenly thought of a wonderful way, that is to use his talent to let the princess be able to practice!
In Fang Lin's impression, the estrus period is about one year old, right?
As long as the princess is awakened before the estrus period, she will have her own mature thoughts, and she will definitely not be easily affected by these.

She might even feel that she is no longer a dog, but an intelligent creature like a human, just like Fang Lin is now.

After finally finding the fundamental solution to this difficult problem, Fang Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is temporarily impossible to summon Yuehua to the princess at night, but don't worry, it will take more than a year to estrus, and now it has only been more than four months when it is full.

What's more, the awakening of Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu is still far away, so there is no rush.

Fang Lin had nothing to worry about, and Xueqiu and the princess stopped making trouble. He hurriedly continued to watch the TV series wholeheartedly.

The finale of "Parents' Love" is playing on the screen.

This TV series roughly tells the story of a naval commander named Jiang Defu and his wife An Jie who live together for a lifetime. Of course, there are a bunch of children who grow up and get married and so on.

But what Fang Lin envied the most was the old couple. From the time they fell in love and knew each other to the end, they supported each other all their lives.

What's more, Jiang Defu is the commander of the navy, and An Jie has been a pampered and beautiful young lady since she was a child, but she is very virtuous after marrying Jiang Defu.

Regardless of whether the audience is male or female, they can almost find their ideals and expectations.

Fang Lin didn't like watching TV dramas before, because there were always some bullshit plots in TV dramas, forcibly abusing the master, and he couldn't sleep most of the night because he was already glass-hearted.

But I didn't expect this film to be really good-looking. I haven't experienced love, and I probably won't have it in the future.

But it's okay to look at other people's sweet love and smell the sour smell, not to mention being a happy hanger all the time.

Simply in love love love.

Now the gray-haired retired commander Jiang Defu is about to celebrate his 80th birthday. His wife, An Jie, knits a sweater for her all night, and finally passes out.

Sent directly to the hospital.

This made Jiang Defu very anxious, and his sons and daughters rushed to the hospital one after another. An Jie remained unconscious, and Jiang Defu stayed by his side without taking a bath or rest for several days and nights.

Watching this inexplicable plot, Fang Lin just wanted to scold her.

You've been fucking happy for a whole TV series, and it's time to give Lao Tzu a knife in the last episode, right?

Fang Lin picked up his heart and carefully observed the development of the plot. From time to time, he looked at Yang Ma and Liu Jing who were sitting next to him.

After all, the two of them should have watched this show more than once, and Fang Lin hoped to get a hint of intelligence from their eyes.

Did An Jie die in the end? Jiang Defu is going to celebrate his [-]th birthday soon, and his wife knits a sweater for him and is sent to the hospital.

Fang Lin, who replaced Jiang Defu throughout the whole process and regarded himself as the commander of the navy, is now very aggrieved.

He even used his induction, trying to observe something from Liu Jing and Yang Ma, but the two women's hearts were full of emotion, nothing else, and their eyes were flushed.

How do you analyze whether it is dead or not?
Just when Fang Lin was very absorbed, a burst of noise came from his ears.

"Prick, prick, prick."

Fang Lin frowned and looked over, it turned out that the princess was digging his nest!

Compared to the quiet Fang Lin, the princess is a pure husky. She felt a little bored after leaning against Fang Lin for a while.

The little figure on the wall was moving and making sounds, but she couldn't understand it after looking at it for a while.

She wanted to go to other places, but Xueqiu still stayed next to Fang Lin, which made her unwilling to leave early.

So he looked around and became interested in the kennel under him.

A hint of curiosity suddenly arose in the princess' young heart.

What could be inside this gray kennel exterior?

The princess, who couldn't figure it out, did what she said and put it into action. She took out her little paws and started digging at Fang Lin's kennel.

Why does the princess have nothing to do with digging his own nest?

Fang Lin, who couldn't figure it out, asked the princess.

"What are you doing? Why plan my bed?"

"There are bones underneath."


There was a black line directly on Fang Lin's forehead, and when it went up, he patted the princess's little head lightly with his paw, telling her not to plan any more.

"Sit down and don't move around. There are no bones underneath. If you plan again, you won't be allowed to come up."

The princess who was hit on the head shrank her head, glanced at Fang Lin secretly, put her paws in her arms and remained still.

Seeing that the Princess became obedient, Fang Lin quickly focused his attention on the screen, looking forward to the development of the story.


The usually well-behaved Snowball laughed at the other side.

She didn't dare to mock her face to face, and now there was a square forest between her and the princess, which made her feel more secure.

"There are bones under it, dig it out quickly."

Facts have proved that no matter how well-behaved a girl is, she actually has a tearful heart.

(End of this chapter)

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