Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 96 The princess made trouble, Kaka was beaten

Chapter 96 The princess made trouble, Kaka was beaten

Liu Jing exclaimed, threw the phone on the sofa and rushed over from the sofa, trying to snatch the sandal from the princess's mouth.

This aura startled the princess, subconsciously bit the sandals and competed with Liu Jing.

The logo on the shoes, which had been loosened by the princess, was bitten off.

Because the effect of force is mutual, the princess also fell backwards.


"My little ancestor, this is Chanel!"

Liu Jing looked at the sandals missing a small logo on her hand and wanted to cry.

On the two straps on the upper of this sandal, there is a small black round button on each, with the Chanel logo on it, two very conspicuous two back-to-back overlapped part of the C.

But Liu Jing thought that the little button was still in the princess's mouth, and worried that she would swallow the button, so she quickly reached out to break the princess's mouth and let her spit out the little button.

The princess didn't know why, she closed her mouth and turned her head to deal with Liu Jing.

Fang Lin, who noticed the movement, had already opened his eyes, and hurriedly made a sound when he saw this scene.


Spit it out!
The princess opened her mouth obediently, and a small black round button fell to the ground and bounced right in front of Fang Lin.


It’s over.

Fang Lin looked at the sign, and then at Liu Jing who was relieved and felt distressed again, feeling that things were going wrong.

Why didn't I pay attention to the brand of this shoe just now! ! !

It seems that he still hasn't been educated to understand, just pay attention to the sandals of the same style as the one he wore when he was a child, but subconsciously feel that they are not worth much, so he doesn't care about the princess.

Fang Lin stood up and took a look, and found that the princess should have picked it up from the shoe cabinet in the entrance.

Because the entrance area is relatively large, there was originally a door connected to the room, but I guess I forgot to close it when I came back.

What should I do?
This shouldn't have much to do with me, right?After all, I am also a dog, the princess can chew on shoes.

Moreover, the style of this shoe is not very unique, it just has a Chanel logo.

There shouldn't be much money, right?
Liu Jing held the little button in her hand with a sad expression.

At this time, Yang Ma heard the sound and rushed over, and saw Liu Jing sitting on the ground with a shoe in her arms, surrounded by the princess and Kaka, she was a little puzzled.

"You are such an adult, what are you doing sitting on the floor?"

Liu Jing quickly put the shoes in her hands behind her back, and then put one arm around the princess to protect her.

He looked up at Mama Yang sincerely with his big watery eyes, and closed his mouth tightly like a child who made a mistake.

"What's the matter, is this?"

Seeing Liu Jing's appearance, Yang's mother felt a little funny.

"Well, the princess bit a pair of shoes."

Speaking of which, Liu Jing slowly turned her head and glanced in the direction of the entrance.

Yang's mother looked over there, rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "I thought nothing of it, slippers, right? If you bite, you can bite. Anyway, I wear them on my feet, and they gnaw on them. "

Liu Jing shook her head silently, knowing that it was useless to hide, she handed the pair of sandals hidden behind her back to Mama Yang, as well as the button.


"I haven't worn this pair yet! And it's on a small shelf, how did she get it???"

Liu Jing still had some luck in her heart, and she asked, "Isn't this the pair that cost more than 1 yuan?"

"It's those pairs."


After Mama Yang finished speaking, she went to the porch to check the situation, and Fang Lin followed after checking the situation.

I went to the place and looked, good guy, it turned out that the whole small shelf fell to the ground.

Because it was the season's shoes, Yang's mother bought them and wanted to wear them all the time but had no chance, so she put them on a small white shelf.

The shelf is not high and relatively light, and a few pairs of slippers are placed underneath.

Looking at the pair of slippers now, Fang Lin felt inexplicably expensive.

But I didn't expect the princess to pick the most expensive one.

Yang Ma took a deep breath, turned her head to look at the living room, and found that Liu Jing was already hugging the Princess tightly in her arms and curled up in the corner of the sofa.

So Yang's mother held the little black sandals in her hand and looked down at Kaka beside her, and looked at him.


Fang Lin felt that Yang's mother was not in the right mood, so he raised his leg and wanted to slip away.

Unexpectedly, Mama Yang didn't give her a chance, she raised her sandals and hit Fang Lin's butt, neither light nor heavy.


However, Fang Lin jumped high all of a sudden, screamed and rushed onto the sofa, staying with Liu Jing in the corner.

Liu Jing also quickly stretched out a hand to hug Kaka to her chest.

Yang Ma shook her head, and after tidying up the porch, she came in front of a man and two dogs with the sandal on her hip.

She pointed at Kaka with her sandals and said, "Why didn't you hear the princess knocking down the shoe rack?"


Fang Lin's whole mind is on cultivation, so he can't take care of this matter.

He yelled twice in an aggrieved voice, reminding Mama Yang that she had spanked her just now, then turned her head away and pointed at his own slippers.

"What about you? Huh?"

Speaking of which, Mama Yang also pointed the slippers at Liu Jing.

Liu Jing blinked her eyes twice, and said with some fear: "I, I am using Douyin."

"I really can't do anything about you two, give me the princess."

Yang Ma pressed her temple with the other hand, and asked Liu Jing for the princess.

"No, don't hit her, she's still young, so hit me."

Speaking of Liu Jing's side, she pointed her round buttocks at Mama Yang.

"Why am I beating her? I want to explain the truth to her, don't worry, give it to me quickly."

When Liu Jing heard this, she handed the princess to Mama Yang suspiciously, and Mama Yang walked out with one hand through the princess's abdomen and tucked it around her waist.

The moment Liu Jing handed it out, she regretted it a little. If her unworn Chanel was eaten, she would be very angry.

She hurried to catch up with Yang's mother to see what was going on, and Fang Lin was also called by Yang's mother.

Soon, the princess's first education class began.

The war-damaged sandals and the button were placed on the sofa, Yang Ma sat on the right side of the slippers, and the princess squatted on the left side of the slippers with her head drooping.

Fang Lin was squatting on the floor directly in front of the slippers, while Liu Jing was recording with her mobile phone.

The princess didn't understand what was going on, but she looked up at the fierce woman in front of her, then at Fang Lin, who was also squatting obediently beside her, and chose to admit her cowardice.

"Did you bite the sandal, huh? There are all witnesses and evidence, do you have anything else to say?"

Yang Ma pointed to the sandals and said to the princess.

The princess looked at Mama Yang with some fear, and asked Fang Lin and Liu Jing for help.


She called to Fang Lin and Liu Jing beside her.

Mama Yang, who was used to being stuck with Xueqiu Kaka, immediately understood what the princess meant, not to mention watching a TV series like this just now.

Yang's mother chuckled and pointed at Kaka and the camera and said, "It's useless to shout loudly, do you think Kaka and your mother dare to speak out?"

The camera came to Fang Lin, and Fang Lin turned his head to one side.

(End of this chapter)

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