Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 97 You Can Really Eat

Chapter 97 You Can Really Eat (Fourth Change! Ask for a Monthly Pass!)
Finding that Fang Lin didn't look at him, the princess turned to look at Liu Jing again.

Liu Jing, who was holding her mobile phone, gave the Princess a helpless look, and covered her face with her mobile phone.

Seeing that his backing was useless, the princess silently labeled Yang Ma as a female devil in her heart.

She was very sensible and obediently sat there with her head down and didn't make a sound.

Mama Yang nodded in satisfaction, then moved the sandals and buttons to the Princess and said to her: "You are not allowed to chew on your shoes at home from now on, do you understand?"

Then he patted Fang Lin's dog's head who was watching the play: "Why are you standing there, teach her."


After helping to tame the dog, you feel that you can understand human language, right?

There was no other way, Fang Lin had no choice but to say to the princess: "You can't bite your shoes in the future."


The princess didn't understand what shoes were, so Fang Lin explained to her again: "You can't bite the thing in front of you, you made a mistake just now."

Under Yang Ma's aura, the princess quickly understood Fang Lin's meaning, and deeply remembered the appearance of the sandals in her heart.

This is something from the female devil, I can't bite it anymore!

Then Fang Lin gave the princess another look, the princess understood, rushed directly into Yang Ma's arms, arched herself up and began to act like a baby.

"Okay, okay, if you don't commit another crime next time, you will be a good boy."

As expected, a coquettish woman is the luckiest, Mama Yang felt the little hairy child in her arms, and couldn't help but reach out and rub the princess's back.

Seeing this scene, Xueqiu closed his eyes regretfully on the cat climbing frame, and continued to catch up on sleep.

This little episode was finally over, Yang Ma put the shoes into the bag, and was going to find a chance to find a luxury maintenance shop to see if they could have them repaired, after all, she hadn't worn them out yet.

Then she went to the porch to check again carefully, and put all her and Lin Yuqing's shoes into the cabinet, leaving only Papa Lin's leather shoes and Xiaojie's few pairs of sneakers outside.

Soon Mama Yang cooked the meal, and began the happiest part of the daily meal.

In the Dragon Kingdom, food is the most important thing for the people, and Fang Lin gradually understood this sentence.

Now Fang Lin is looking forward to eating every time, because the quality of his meals has also improved, unlike before, he either ordered takeaway or ordered noodles to fool himself.

This caused him to be bored and troubled every time he came to the meal when he stayed at home. He didn't know what to eat at all, and he felt that everything he ate was the same, and it didn't taste very good anyway.

And Liu Jing began to learn how to feed carefully. Yang Ma took the bag of dog food and poured it into the princess's small bowl while explaining to Liu Jing.

"The clerk told me that it's best to feed it four times a day, and it's about this amount each time. Remember to feed this amount first, and then adjust it slowly according to the situation."

"I seem to be a little casual about feeding Kaka, but you see that every time he eats a bunch of long and fast farts, it's okay. It should be because of his innate quality. You'd better feed the princess as the clerk said."

"Well, I understand."

"By the way, she also said to ensure that there is water in the princess's water bowl every day. When I am here, let the princess use Kaka's automatic water dispenser first. I will place an order for the same model later. Then you can take it upstairs and use it."

"You can also judge whether she has eaten too much based on the softness and hardness of the stool."

Speaking of this, Mama Yang was a little eager to try, and Fang Lin said: "Kaka, don't poop secretly tomorrow morning, let me see your poop, do you hear me?"


Fang Lin didn't understand, what's so good about this kind of thing?

Is it because Yang Ma is a science student, and after knowing a theory, she wants to practice it?
No matter, it is too troublesome to control the intestinal tract, Fang Lin has to keep distracted to suppress it, otherwise the food will be digested and absorbed quickly if he is not paying attention.

Anyway, there must be a princess running tomorrow morning, and then the attention will be on her, and I will run directly.

"And the princess is four months old, and she is about to start growing her skeleton crazily. She eats more and needs more exercise. Take her to exercise more, which is good for growth and development. Let's take her for a run tomorrow morning."

"That's about all there is to do. Come to dinner."

Mama Yang put the Princess's small rice bowl on the ground, and the Princess immediately jumped on it to eat the hungry tiger, which seemed like Fang Lin was eating.

Then when they arrived at Kaka, Yang's mother didn't hesitate any more, she just poured a pyramid into Fang Lin's bowl, put away the bag of dog food, and went to the kitchen to get Fang Lin extra meals.

When Mama Yang came over with a frying pan, Fang Lin had already flattened the pyramid. Mama Yang smoothly put the steak that had been frying for a while in the bowl, along with three broccoli petals.

This is tacit understanding.

At first, Mama Yang would wait for Kaka to finish eating, or put the extra food in a bowl before pouring out the dog food.

Now she has perfectly timed the time to bring meat from the kitchen, and Fang Lin just came out with a pan for "Xiao Shan".

"You can't get tired of eating steak every day, let's take some time to change it for you."

Yang Ma looked at Kaka who was gobbling it up and smiled.

At the same time, Liu Jing asked: "Do you need to add something else to the princess?"

Yang Ma thought for a while and said: "You can add some vegetables to dinner, and observe the rest for a week. At least you have to understand her food intake before making a decision."


Regardless of the conversation between Mama Yang and Liu Jing, the Princess looked down at Fang Lin's bowl, which was twice as big as her head, and was shocked by the food that was as big as a mountain.

Then I found out that Fang Lin had almost finished eating all these at an astonishing speed, a feeling of admiration suddenly rose in my heart, and I admired Fang Lin even more.

How big and big you eat is competitiveness in nature!

This makes the princess feel very safe.

The princess came to Fang Lin's side, stuck out her tongue and praised him, "You really can eat."


Fang Lin raised his head from the bowl, and looked suspiciously at the princess beside him, wondering if she was connoting himself.

But looking at the sincere eyes of the princess, it is estimated that she does not have the IQ of yin and yang for the time being.

After all, such things as yin and yang strange qi still require considerable wisdom.

Fang Lin licked his mouth in response to her thank you, and then continued to eat hard.

Soon Fang Lin and the princess finished their meals. The princess felt a little thirsty, but looked around the rice bowl, but didn't find his previous water bowl.

So she started to run to the dining table and call around Liu Jing, pawing and pulling her constantly.


"what happened?"

Liu Jing looked at the princess at her feet and didn't know what it meant, Fang Lin hurried to the side and turned around for her with the two taels of the princess's neck in his mouth.

Then let her follow him to the balcony.

Liu Jing watched the picture of Kaka handsomely picking up the princess in his mouth, turning her around, and calling her to follow her, and suddenly felt like a domineering president.

She regretfully slapped her thigh hard, and with a burst of elastic fluctuations, she said to Yang's mother annoyed: "It's broken, I didn't capture that picture just now!"



(The list of bug-catching activities is in the writer's words)

 Thanks to this user for being protected from disclosure, and book friend 2021052211304688 for rewarding 500 starting coins!
  Thanks to the cat dreaming of fish for the 5000 starting point coins, and thanks to zungfu for the reward of Wanshang Ruozhu! ! !
  Thanks to the boss, the boss is generous, and the boss is in good health! ! !

  I just forgot to mention that there is another update. I usually say a few words at the end. If I don’t say anything, there must be something later.

  The list of rewards for last week's Bug Catching Event is published here.

  Book friends 20200602130554089, 2019031519, 2018022323, 2018042323 10 starting points
  Poison Fruit 10 Points Starting Coin
  A Thousand Miles and a Half Drunk 0 10 Points Starting Coin
  Moe, which has always been called moe, is a 10-point starting currency
  Shadow Tooth Tooth 10 Points Starting Coin
  Book friends 2019021218 20 starting point coins
  Pretender's Mask 30 starting point coins
  The above book friends please join the group and chat with me in private, this week's activities will continue.

(End of this chapter)

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