Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 273 Conception of Coexistence of Multiple Special Abilities

Chapter 273 Conception of Coexistence of Multiple Special Abilities
After staying in Feiyun City for two days, Xiaozhi took Sonia and Alice on the boat to Lichong City.

Lichong City is an industrialized city located in the southwest of Hezhong. It can also be reached from Fanba City to the south, but Feiyun City has a direct ferry to Lichong City, which is also relatively fast.

This is also the second destination in Xiaozhi's plan.

"If it weren't for making movies and tundra bear ice cream, Lichong City would be useless."

Looking at the city where the dark smog filled the sky, Alice said listlessly.

Lichong City is far behind Feiyun City. It is a heavy industrial city and an international commercial city.

Just the level of grandeur is a few grades away.

Coupled with the perennial industrial pollution, the air quality and water quality of Lichong City are really worrying.

"Most of the people living around are poison elves."

"They can use their own attribute advantages to absorb these pollutants and improve their strength."

After reading this, Sonia couldn't help sighing: "These days, even elves can't survive without any skills."

Alice raised her eyebrows: "You know a lot! Trainee doctor."

Sonia scratched her hair embarrassingly with her mobile phone: "I searched it on the Internet, but I actually don't know."

Alice: "..."

How on earth did you pass the exam!Can't pass the world geography!

"Hey!" Sonia stuck out her tongue cutely.

Then she found that there was one person missing from their communication, and she asked curiously, "Speaking of which, where is Sapiens?"

"He..." Alice rested her chin on one hand, and said slowly, "Probably he is practicing."


"Practice Bird, Mr. Lian Wu said that the cultivation of Bird is a persistent thing, and you can't stop for a day."

Is that ability really necessary to cultivate?

Sonia thought of Bird's very obscene perspective ability, and complained in her heart.

Is it possible to see through the underwear if you improve your ability next time?
No matter how you think about it, it is a very wretched skill.

What Sonia doesn't know is that Xiaozhi's current ability can see the essence through the appearance.

He could even see every part of a human body if he wanted to.

Bird, more complicated than she thought.

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the boat, had a wind fairy sitting on top of his head.

Next to him is a round, two little feet upturned, Latias, who eats potato chips.

Xiaozhi is practicing his ability to control the waveguide.

While cultivating, he also wants to test his other elves, whether they have talents that can be expanded towards waveguide.

Humans are the same as elves.

Some humans can develop waveguides, and so can elves.

It's a pity that Wind Fairy doesn't have the talent in waveguide.

No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't sense the waveguide power in the wind fairy's body.


The wind goblin jumped off Xiaozhi's head in despair.

"Let me just say it! The little elf wants to learn waveguide, but it's too difficult, I can't even learn it, how can the wind fairy learn it."

Ladias shook his head mockingly.

So the angry wind goblin snatched the remaining potato chips from it.

"I'll knock! Your grandma drips little cotton and dares to steal things from my old lady."

Latias once again gave up the dignity of the so-called legendary elf, and wrestled with the wind goblin on the ground.

Xiao Zhi fell into deep thought, he had only heard that a man was a teenager until he died.

Could it be that Latias is also a man in essence.

He stroked his chin and asked, "Latias, can you also practice waveguide?"

"(⊙o⊙) what?"

Latias wiped the ashes from her face, and let go of the wind fairy who was being held down by her.

Turning his head to look at Xiaozhi in surprise, it seems that he didn't expect him to ask such a strange question.

"Super power and waveguide should be able to coexist."

There is no data research to show that after learning superpowers, you can't continue to learn waveguide, or you can't learn superpowers after learning waveguide.

"Of course they can't coexist, fool!"

Latias explained: "The elves of the super power system use superpowers, and the elves of the fighting system learn from waveguide. How can it be possible to coexist?"

"However, there are also elves who are not of the super power type who can learn superpowers, and there are elves who are not of the fighting type who can learn waveguide, not to mention that there are elves with dual attributes of super power and fighting types in this world."

Xiaozhi expressed his point of view.

Although super power and fighting are two opposite attributes in people's eyes, no book explicitly states that they are mutually exclusive attributes.

After all, there are elves with dual attributes of fighting and super power like Elle Duo and Chaomeng x.

So he couldn't agree with Ladias' statement.

This time, Ladias had nothing to say.

What Xiaozhi said seems to have... a little truth?
Because Latias has never tried it herself, whether she can learn waveguide.

"Would you like to try, maybe you can become the first elf in this world who has two special powers of waveguide and super power."

Xiaozhi bewitched.

Latias saw through his thoughts in an instant, and curled his mouth: "No."

"It's enough for me to have superpowers, Bird, it's a burden to me."

"You say that, but it's actually because you're lazy and don't want to practice!"

Xiaozhi hugged the wind goblin, and smiled sarcastically.

At the same time, the wind goblin made a face to Latias.

Stimulate the law.

This set of elves against children's temper, one try one will be sure.

"Hehe, do you think I'll be fooled?"

Latias' expression suddenly became cold and serious.

"Do you really think that the way I usually show in front of you is my real face?"

"too naive!"

"I'll add a box of spicy sticks, Weilong's!"

Latias: "..."

"It's been hidden for so long, but I didn't expect you to see it."

"Yes, that's right, I am a peerless genius who is unique in a million."

"A mere waveguide is nothing to worry about."

When you say this, can you not shake the two taels of fat on your belly.

Tucao returns to Tucao.

After all, he tricked Latias into the taboo road of no return.

How did Latias become stronger?

This is one of the questions Xiaozhi has been thinking about for so many days.

She is different from Reshiram and Lightning Bird.

Reshiram and Lightning Bird have great plasticity when they are in Xiaozhi's hands.

That is to say, the room for improvement is broad and clear.

And Latias, from the moment she and Xiaozhi, it has reached the pinnacle of Latias race.

Whether it's the moves or the proficiency in the use of superpowers, they are not weak.

At this stage, Latias' plasticity is almost zero.

That is to say, what fighting strength she had when she was with Xiaozhi at the beginning may still be the same fighting strength a few years later.

There is something irrational in science.

For an elf, no matter who it is, there is room for improvement.

The alpaca has a slate, the green caterpillar mega evolves, Cang Xiang wants to pick up the sword of decay...

According to this reasoning, the only way for Ladias to improve may be mega evolution.

But Xiaozhi himself doesn't have a keystone, let alone Latias's mega stone.

Ever since, he began to study the possibility of Ladias' other aspects of improvement.

For example, learn a variety of special abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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